Reborn on Top of Football

v7 Chapter 199: I've been here (9)

"In fact, every World Cup year, the major leagues of that year will be affected, especially the most developed European leagues. At the end of the league, it is also a critical period for the competition for various honors, of course, it is also a critical period for relegation, because of the World Cup. The main players are worried about injury and their performance has shrunk, which has affected the excitement of the game. This has always been extremely disgusting to the club and has a lot of opinions." Yang Chen slowly recounted: "For example, in the English league, Ferguson has been with the national team coach many times. A conflict occurred. In the past few years, the main players participated in the honorary event and were injured, but the club had to bear the cost, such as the salary during the recovery period, the medical expenses for the treatment of the injury, etc. The two sides quarreled for a long time before a compromise was reached. Therefore, the four-year term may be It's the limit of the current commercial competition's endurance."

"Is that what you mean by not seeing any decisive force to change it?"

"Yes, changing such a big thing will not be a temporary proposition of someone, or even the conclusion of a FIFA meeting." Yang Chen said decisively: "The World Cup is the highest level of attention. but too many may squeeze commercial events and weaken the foundation of football, so at present it can only be called for, but actually to coordinate. Maybe this kind of appeal will change for a long time, but I am afraid that It is in the distant future. So please cherish today's game as much as possible, and enjoy every minute of the performance of the peak Chinese team."

"Okay, let's see, the game is over. The Chinese team defeated the second opponent of the group, Algeria, with a score of 4-0. We saw that the Chinese players were interacting with the fans in the stands. In fact, the whole During the game, we could hear the patriotic songs in the stands and did not stop for a while. At present, the Chinese team and the Belgian team have won both games and have joined the group, and the Russian team and the Algeria team were unfortunately eliminated. The next game will be played by China The team competes with the Belgian team for the first place in the group. Yang Chen and I will go to Sao Paulo with the Chinese team to reveal the final ranking of the group. Next, let’s take a look at the interview after the game.”

Of course the host and the guests did not know, but it is conceivable that at this moment, the land of China is in the early morning of carnival.

Although it is already bright at 5:30 this summer, it is still not good to celebrate, and of course it is not good to drink in the morning. But there are still many fans gathered in the temporary bar to celebrate, and many fans are school students, who gathered in the amphitheater in the early morning to celebrate. Of course, the games held in South America have brought a lot of difficulties to watching the live broadcast, but this cannot stop the enthusiasm of the fans, especially the games that can be won, and more people like to watch them.

In Wang Ai's hometown of Liaoyang, Guangyou Temple Square, a group of middle-aged people in their thirties were eating peanuts and drinking beer on a small table, but they were all staring at the big screen with smiles on their faces and were caught by Lin Long. The witty Wang Ai. The square at six in the morning was not empty, and there were many office workers who were not usually seen, just like the few people at this small table.

The sound is not clear, and the video is not clear, only the intense, strong and warm emotions are accurately projected from the cameras thousands of miles away to this peaceful small town, which is proud of him, proud of him, and takes him as the biggest propaganda place for business cards.

The interview was over, Wang Ai waved at the screen with a wanton smile, and the wine bottles of several middle-aged people had bottomed out, and one of them, tall and strong, shook his head in annoyance: "At this point, it's too early to go to work. "It's too late to go home, what should I do?"

The Mediterranean Sea opposite him stood up with a smile: "Just tell the leader that you think the recent work is very important, even if you sacrifice the rest time."

The bottle next to him picked up the shoulder bag: "It should be said that because of work, I stayed up all night, and suddenly I had an inspiration and I was afraid that I would forget it, so I went to work without breakfast."

The flowered shirt opposite the bottom of the bottle smiled and said, "Did you forget to drink if you didn't eat breakfast?"

The bottle base smiled and said, "You can only be inspired by drinking."

Then he said to Zhuo Laban, who had been silent, "Boss, you are very comfortable. You can go to your business whenever you want."

Zhuolaban shook his head: "As a leader, what I want to tell you is that it's very likely that your leader also went to bed early and got up early to watch the game, so you probably can't hide it. Who made our little classmate really awesome? What? Look at you."

Saying that, Zhuolaban stretched out his hand and swept across the square: "These tens of thousands of people basically don't come to the morning exercise, they all come for our little classmates, listen to the sound of the guns over the Jinyin Temple, this is the The city management will also release it, this is a celebration of the whole world, at least we are like this in Liaoyang."

Mediterranean raised the bottle of wine: "That is, can our leader be forgiven for drinking this morning?"

The flower shirt also held up the wine bottle: "It's the voice of the people."

Gao Youzhuang also held up the wine bottle: "Actually, we have benefited a lot over the years because of his classmate status, at least that's how I found my daughter-in-law."

The bottom of the bottle also raised the wine bottle: "Drink this glass, we will meet again next time."

Zhuo Laban was the last to hold up: "For our old classmate, let me say one more thing, he is really awesome. We didn't even notice it when we beat him to death. If we knew earlier, we would have messed with him. Ma Dong's **** just showed his face. Come on, **** it, do it!"

This small gathering of classmates Wang Ai dissipated silently on the streets of Liaoyang, just like the people in the corners of the city. For more than ten years, in this city and many more cities, people have become accustomed to his existence, the rhythm of life watching him play, liking him, admiring him, following him, discussing him, and occasionally cursing him, But he will always take the initiative to defend him in the face of outsiders. The name "Wang Ai" has long been embedded in Chinese society, and it has become the core of the topic of not falling, not dying, and not darkening for more than ten years.

Although there were official help to cover it up and even delete it in the early years, most fans now know that Wang Ai has a wealthy family, and that "North" and "Transcendence" are inseparably related to him. Later, officials saw that it was really out of control, especially Wang Ai's hometown was always so showy to the outside world.

When it comes to the concept of a high-quality idol, people will immediately think of his smiling face. Over the years, celebrities have always had accidents, such as drug addicts, whoring prostitutes, and flirting with foreigners, but these things are insulated from him, and no one will even smear him in this regard. A few years ago, he publicly stated in an interview that he accepts 200 yuan a year. The multiple drug tests freaked people out.

There are 30 million fans who must watch every game in China, 100 million who have watched half of them, and more dare not count, just like a fact that no one dares to say but understands: the field of sports and entertainment after the new century has not yet passed. It was the era of Wang Ai.
