Reborn on Top of Football

v7 Chapter 204: Seeds of China (4)

Wang Ai denies Silian, obviously pretending to be confused, and saying insignificant words in a serious manner. This style of speaking has even become a joke on the domestic Internet. Netizens love it and call it Wang Ai's diplomatic language art.

The reporters who were treated like this must have been very resistant at first, but then they enjoyed it when they found out that there was traffic: In fact, talking nonsense is also a skill, and talking nonsense with open eyes is an answer, at least a kind of "I don't want to talk." "Attitude.

Wang Ai doesn't care, the four official media will not ask such boring questions, and even if they ask, they can be revised.

The personal relationship between Wang Ai and Qu Bo was quickly spread by reporters, and it became known throughout the country within a day. Even CCTV reported the incident as an anecdote in the news in Brazil that afternoon and early morning in China.

Netizens used their wisdom to speculate. In the end, most people thought that Qu Bo should have been accepted as a godson by Wang Ai's mother, and they frantically left messages under Wang Ai and Qu Bo's social accounts to ask questions. Qu Bo used to pretend to be dead, and his Weibo was not updated once a year. Wang Ai always spoke, but he only posted photos of the game, so the wind of gossip eventually spread to Qu Bo's daughter-in-law.

After asking for Qu Bo's opinion, especially after expressing to him that the matter had already caused a sensation on the Internet, Qu Bo agreed, so he clarified: "I have heard him call New Year's greetings, and they all call him auntie. Sometimes, good friendship may not be necessary. In order to get married, the ancients said that distant relatives are inferior to close neighbors, and everyone said that friends are closer than relatives.”

This speech has won a lot of praise, whether it is far or near, it is very appropriate to say.

During this lively process, some professors, directors, reporters, etc. came out to accuse the national team of giving and receiving privately. It is suspected that it is precisely because of this reason that Qu Bo has entered the national team many times. However, such apparently mentally retarded remarks were quickly overwhelmed by the army of fans, and one of the professors was even sprayed out of the net.

People like Zhao Xuri know what the real relationship between Wang Ai and Qu Bo is like. The two of them have never been brothers, even if the brothers guess that Ai Xiaoqing might really be tempted to accept Qu Bo as his son, but this Thoughts are just thoughts.

Liu Bei received Liu Feng's ancient lessons, and it was no big problem for the common people, but for Wang Ai's family, it was something that had to be guarded against. The big family must talk about standards. They are not pretentious or unconventional, but they care about too many people and use standards to protect themselves.

After such a twist, Lao Tang's appearance was a great success. The reporters were almost suffocated by following Lao Gao for eight years, and I don't know if he did it on purpose. After the change of coaches, his speech became even more torturous. He used to be able to say two words in three seconds, but now he can speak directly. A word in five seconds. After chatting for two hours, he couldn't get together a college entrance examination composition, and he was always tired.

It can be considered that he has caught up with a talkative person, and the good days of reporters are still to come.

This gossip also strongly dispelled the fans' rising expectations. Even Vidi, who went to Brazil, felt the heat wave in the country, so he reminded Tang Guidance to gossip before hosting the press conference. I just didn't expect the effect to be so good, probably because Wang Ai's real gossip is too little, and Qu Bo is usually too low-key.

Amidst the joy, the preparations for the third group match of the national team were completed, and the time came to the match day. A large number of Chinese diplomats in Brazil, representatives of overseas Chinese, and representatives of Chinese-funded enterprises rushed to the Sao Paulo Stadium to cheer for the boys in their hometowns.

On the afternoon of June 26, local time, the bus of the Chinese national team passed through the lively downtown of Sao Paulo to the outside of the stadium. At about the same time, the Belgian team's bus also arrived. The penultimate group match of the World Cup in Brazil has attracted great attention from all walks of life. Since the last match is an honorary battle between the two eliminated teams, almost no one cares. The battle for the current champion and last year's Confederations Cup champion is known as the final staged ahead of schedule.

Many old Chinese fans saw the foreign news describe this, and they were suddenly shocked and burst into tears.

Once upon a time, this unofficial honor was something that even South Korea and Japan could not win, and it was exclusive to five or six teams. Finally, finally, the five-star red flag has been raised in the center of the spotlight on this stage, which has attracted the attention of the whole world.

Therefore, when they looked at Gao Jiajun again, there were more things that were unclear, unclear, and clearly felt but could not be accurately described. Similar things have appeared in the Chinese women's volleyball team.

At 4:20 in the afternoon, the two sides entered the field and changed jerseys and shoes in the locker room to prepare to go out to warm up. Lao Gao had to combine the information obtained today and finally make some fine-tuning of the tactics. Dong Fangzhuo was a little uncomfortable when he was on the bench today, so he took the time to go to the toilet. After a while, he came back and pushed the door, and found that everyone was ready.

Lao Gao glanced at him: "Okay, everyone is here, let's have a meeting."

In private, Lao Gao can speak smoothly, especially when he is cursing.

However, Lao Gao's words made Dong Fangzhuo, who had just sat down, bewildered. He stared at each teammate with blank brows, his fingers were still in his hands, and then pointed to the bathroom the moment Lao Gao was about to speak: "Everyone Yes, who's in that toilet?"

Everyone looked at each other, there were quite a few of the 23 team members, the three team doctors were all there, Wei Di was invisible, Lao Gao and Tang Yizheng, Fan Zhiyi, Su Maozhen, Li Xiaopeng, Chen Yang, Ma Dong, Li Tie There were a lot of people waiting at the door, and Guo Bingyan just went out with two deputy leaders. so……

The atmosphere gradually became spiritual.

"Damn it!" Wang Ai slapped his thigh: "Dare to come on us as a demon, we will soak it in urine one by one. Brothers, come with me, catch a ghost and dedicate it to national research!"

Lao Gao pushed open the toilet door first, and behind him was a group of curious strong men, um, kicking a dead sheep. Eventually a small, screaming, female biped was caught from the toilet cubicle.

"Wow, Wang, I'm here to find you. I passed out of hunger after waiting for six hours."

A girl with wheat-colored skin that was obviously mixed from South America, ignoring the strange gazes of others, ran up to Wang Ai and said a string of words in Portuguese. She should be under 16 years old. Wang Ai immediately felt that the eyes of his teammates were full of contempt and condemnation, and hurriedly waved his hands: "I don't know either, you heard from her that she is a Brazilian fan, and she likes me, but she has no money to see me, so she deliberately went to see me in the morning. Hiding in."

Zhao Xuri swayed his shoulders to Wang Ai's face and went to the ground to spit out: "Bah! Why not me?"