Reborn on Top of Football

v8 Chapter 123: A Thousand Miles Fated to Meet (3)

Lao Bai only told Wang Ai that it was around March 7th, but didn't say what time it would be, so Wang Ai didn't rush to ask. When Wang Ai was thumping in the backyard swimming pool, he didn't know that Lao Bai's plane would arrive in Madrid in a few hours. Although it was nothing serious today, it was all to make him feel good, so he couldn't think of Lao Bai. up.

After three o'clock, the women went into the water, and Wang Ailai refused to leave on the beach chair. The women chased him away twice. Anyway, no one was going to swim naked.

Wang Ai didn't want to see any female guard's bikini, but he enjoyed this lively leisure. In fact, the female guards don't talk about being rough, but they are not beautiful either. This is an unspoken rule in the selection of female guards. Whether it is Li Lin's initiative or a hint from an ex-wife or wife, in short, they are not only restless. No, beautiful ones will be silently killed.

Influenced by Wang Ai's current wealth and status, it is not ruled out that he will be tricked by beauty. Leaving aside the high-level ones, I don’t know how many people in the celebrity circle envy Wang Ai’s endorsement of a large number of international brands, and the methods in this circle are dirty, despicable, and have everything you expect!

Even if the opponent does not take the initiative to play the trick, the restless or beautiful often cannot withstand the temptation, and will even take the initiative to "surrender to the enemy". Therefore, the female guards of Wang Ai's family can only be considered handsome at best, and their education level is still relatively low. They came to Wang Ai's side and started adult education or correspondence education under Wang Ai's supervision. However, due to martial arts training, there is a bit of heroism and murderousness, and it seems to have a different charm.

This arrangement is an important reason why there are so many women around Wang Ai, but the family has always been harmonious. Otherwise, if he catches up with an ambitious one, even if he fails to climb into Wang Ai's bed, he may be making trouble every day.

Playing mobile games one after another, the sun was gradually setting towards the west, Wang Ai put away the hot mobile phone, stood up and stretched his waist lazily: "Make something delicious tonight, tonight..."

"One more day off!" Shi Wenjun blocked Wang Ai's mouth without waiting for Wang Ai to finish speaking: "You only rest for one day when you are sick, so don't be shy."

Wang Ai is as good as good. He has already felt the rationality of the woman's arrangement this day, so he sat down on the beach chair, pulled off his coat, put it on, and picked up his phone: "Then I will continue to play, waiting for you to surprise me."

"Good boy." Shi Wenjun walked over and patted Wang Ai's head.

"Good boy." Huang Xin walked over and touched Wang Ai's head, but was grabbed by Wang Ai and forced to kiss her cheek before letting go.

Assorted soup, stewed chicken, stir-fried vegetables, boiled prawns, candied sweet potatoes, steamed mutton, white rice, Wang Ai smelled the smell and came to the dining table: "Here, I have six dishes for one person, isn't it too extravagant? I usually have three or two dishes of."

"I'm sick!" The little beauty gave Wang Ai a blank look.

Wang Ai said hey and sat down to enjoy it with peace of mind. Huang Xin snapped a photo for Wang Ai to see: "Send a news?"

"What are you talking about?" Wang Ai spat out a chicken bone.

"Everyday, by the way, let me tell you that I have caught a cold these two days, so that everyone can understand the reason why you don't fight or train, and by the way admire your dedication to serve the country regardless of fatigue?" Huang Xin said a lot.

Wang Ai frowned: "Poor calculation!"

Huang Xin kicked Wang Ai under the table, and used Wang Ai's account to post a message: "It seems like you don't count."

It was another very pleasant meal, Wang Ai was sitting in the living room chatting with everyone, Huang Xin came over and gave him the phone: "Guess what everyone commented on?"

"Wish me a long and boundless life?" Wang Ai took the phone and opened his eyes wide-eyed jokingly: "Why, do you say that my food is simple? My six dishes are simple? Is it simple?"

Wang Ai looked at the crowd, and the guards said in a hurry: "Before I came, I thought that you would have to eat tens of thousands of dollars for a meal, but after I came, I realized that there is nothing but being particular. Bar?"

Zhao Dan, who was involuntarily stared at by everyone, had no choice but to get out of the invisible state: "Home-cooked food is stable in nature, and it is a good thing for people who need to stabilize their physical condition. Everyone is a mortal body. At most, the settings are more accurate. Not much. In fact, it’s not as free as ordinary people eat.”

"That's right." Wang Ai nodded: "After all, how long has it been since I ate fried eggs? Didn't I eat butter?"

"What are you posting?" Huang Xin snatched Wang Ai's phone, and saw a new message: "Tomorrow, I'm going to eat and sleep in the open, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth! I'm going to cultivate immortality!"

Huang Xin deleted it quickly, how could there be time? There are hundreds of reporters staring at Wang Ai's social account every day, and someone has already forwarded the screenshot. Looking at the angry Huang Xin, Wang Aile slapped his thigh: "Just kidding, it's okay if you don't delete it, but some people think it's true after you delete it."

"An account followed by tens of millions of people, can you stop messing around?" Huang Xin reprimanded.

"Okay, okay, ahaha." Wang Ai continued to be heartless.

Huang Xin looked at Shi Wenjun helplessly: "Did we both change his password? He looks like this not just for fun, but just to tease us, so he has to keep making trouble."

Shi Wenjun nodded directly: "It should be like this!"

After finishing speaking, Wenjun picked up his phone and got up to go out. After a while, he came back and found that Wang Ai was playing computer on the third floor, so he came to sit next to him: "I called Qinglian just now, and I said that the little girl should come quickly." Well, we can't control your husband anymore, guess what she said?"

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Wang Ai smiled and reached out to take Shi Wenjun's mobile phone: "Ah, did you really call? What did she say?"

"She said..." Shi Wenjun elongated his voice: "You will not die!"

In Wang Ai's daze, the two women laughed unscrupulously. Wang Ai pressed redial anxiously with a pale face, but as soon as the connection was made, Xu Qinglian's clear voice said: "There is something wrong now, don't call him." Don't worry, I will suppress the beauty when he passes by, don't worry!"

The two women continued to laugh, and Wang Ai gritted his teeth: "I'll wait for you!"

The other side was frightened for a moment, and after a while he giggled and said, "Don't be compared to the electric ones."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ai hung up the phone without waiting for Wang Ai to fight back. Wang Ai looked at the phone but did not redial. He knew Xu Qinglian's temper, so he would not answer it. What's more, Wang Ai wasn't really angry. I don't know how many times this kind of colored jokes were made. When Wang Ai put him ashamed, he didn't get angry.

At this time, Wang Ai's phone rang, and it was Lao Bai's. After answering, Lao Bai said that he would arrive in Madrid tonight, but he didn't plan to go home directly. He wanted to find a hotel to stay overnight and then stay in Madrid. Visit again one day.

Knowing that Lao Bai brought Xiao Meng's sister with him, Wang Ai readily agreed.

"You don't think I've forgotten, do you?" Before going to bed, Wang Ai attacked the two ex-wives in surprise: "It's not that I didn't report, it's not time yet, watch the trick!"