Reborn on Top of Football

v8 Chapter 201: looking for excitement (1)

Angrily, he slammed the door out of Lao Gao's house and got into the car. Wang Ai rushed to Xu Qinglian and said, "Help me remember, I won't come next time!"

Xu Qinglian laughed: "You're still angry when you get promoted."

"Who cares?" Wang Ai rolled his eyes to the sky: "I am a guest of FIFA, IAAF, and Lawrence Society. When I go, they have to receive me by their top leaders. I want to go abroad through official channels, at least at the ministerial level. Is this a non-governmental organization at the deputy department level at best? Is it not good for me to eat, drink and fish all day after I retire? Is it not good for me, a Chinese football champion and a person like Taishan Beidou, to eat the filial piety of disciples and grandchildren all day long? What am I doing? Want to go out and be tired and scolded?"

After talking a long list, Xu Qinglian was still smiling, and Wang Ai finally calmed down: "I know that there is no good wine in wine, and there is no good banquet in banquets! Hmph!"

The angry Wang Ai was pulled away, Cheng Wei turned his head and looked at Lao Gao who had a screwdriver in one hand and a screw in the other: "Is it fake?"

"Really." Lao Gao squatted down and turned the screw on the hinge: "I heard that he said before that he plans to retire to do some research. He said that China does not have world famous guns, and he plans to make one. Anyway, he has money."

"World famous gun?" Cheng Wei said blankly: "What is this, what is this? No, I mean, is he really angry?"

"That's for sure, with such a black button on the head for no reason, no one will be angry."

"what is it now?"

"It's okay." Lao Gao got up and moved the door a few times, closed it and turned around: "Angry is just emotionally unacceptable for a while, but it doesn't mean that you can't accept it intellectually. Because he knows where the problems of Chinese football are, and wants to To change, we are in agreement. It’s just that he habitually left it to the leader and me to deal with it before, and didn’t want to do it himself, but now that he’s in his position, it’s up to him to do it.”

As he said that, Lao Gao put his arms around Cheng Wei's shoulders and walked back: "I kept blocking for him during the meeting, but in the end I couldn't. Sun Wen asked me directly, who can sit for others? The academy needs to produce results, but he has the highest academic qualifications in the football circle. If he is not allowed to enter the academy, someone will gossip. Who can control him if he is allowed to enter the academy? I thought, but yes. So, time is fate, As the times dictate, just like me, the chairman of the Football Association, I can’t do it if I don’t want to.”

Back in the room, Cheng Wei was still very worried: "You should persuade me again, after all, it's time for employment."

Lao Gao lit a cigarette and raised his legs: "Don't persuade him, he has to figure it out by himself."

"Why are you so stubborn? You started to offend people before you took office, and you are the closest person."

Lao Gao knocked off the cigarette ash, looked at his wife and said flatly, "I did this to offend people. If he doesn't want to offend people like this, how can he accompany me into the mountains of swords and flames?"

Cheng Wei's expression changed, he opened his mouth, and finally fell silent.

On the contrary, Lao Gao smiled: "Okay, daughter-in-law, haven't you been here all these years? The head coach also offended a lot of people, especially during my second term. Really counting, now is much better than then Yes, I was the one leading a group of children at that time, and now I have a lot more people at my disposal."

Only then did Cheng Wei feel more relieved, and turned to say, "The top 12 will start in a few days, so there won't be any problems, right?"

Lao Gao shook his head: "I don't care about the specific situation. It's unreasonable for the last champion to not make it to the finals without much change in the main lineup, and Lao Tang also has a plan in his heart."

On the other side, Wang Ai, who came home, told the story in front of the women, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. This future is different from what everyone imagined. Wang Ai thought about retiring and doing some inventions. What Huang Xin thought about was a family and harmony. What Jun thinks is to study poems and songs together, what Xu Qinglian thinks is to eat, drink and have fun together, Kangsi is the simplest, what thinks is to be in a daze without thinking about anything.

It would be fine if the college was just a scientific research institution. After all, the family has a large-scale comprehensive scientific research institution that is counted in the whole country. Since Wang Ai can even take over the superiors of his superiors, it is not difficult to manage a small football research and development institution. But the problem is that it is also responsible for approval. After listening to Lao Gao, whoever wants to be a coach in the country will be approved by Wang Ai, and whoever wants to start a club will be approved by Wang Ai. The power is great, but this power is hot.

It is not Wang Ai's character not to strictly control the scale and release water. Strictly control the scale is waiting to offend others.

Everyone discussed until the end Xu Qinglian made a final decision: "Let's talk about it later!"

Wang Ai nodded and put down the peach pit fiercely: "I will play for another ten years, until he retires, this matter will be unresolved."

Putting this head-scratching thing aside, Leoni told everyone about Real Madrid. The new season started long ago. The first game of the 1617 season started on the day Wang Ai left Rio. Real Madrid beat Real Sociedad 3-0 in an away game. With Wang Ai busy these days, the second game of the league is about to be played, even in the middle of the night today, Wang Ai will definitely not be able to catch up.

Then there is the international competition day. The first two games of the top 12 matches of the Chinese team will be against Thailand in Changchun, and then they will go to Baghdad to play against Yin Lak. After these two games are over, the third round of La Liga will start, and Wang Ai can just catch up.

Speaking of this, everyone is a little worried about Wang Ai's game state. He hasn't touched the ball for two whole months, so don't lose the super giant by then. Wang Ai shook his head after listening to everyone's worries: "I haven't played or trained for two months. In fact, they are the same. The big deal is that I can adapt to the team for ten days and a half after returning to the team. Besides, these two months Except for the one week in Rio, when I was in Shenyang, I had to practice the ball for at least half an hour every day, and the feeling of the ball was still there."

Leonie nodded and continued: "In August, Real Madrid played three Super Cup games. On the 10th, they won Sevilla 3:2 to win the UEFA Super Cup. On the 15th and 18th, they played against Barcelona. The score was lost, and the Western Super Cup was not won."

With that said, Leonie took out a document and handed it to Wang Ai: "This is the game statistics I want from Real Madrid."

Wang Ai took it over and took a rough look, and got a general understanding of the status of his teammates. Leoni took another document to Wang Ai: "This is the schedule for the new season, La Liga, Copa del Rey, Champions League, Club World Cup, top 12, these are basically the games you will play in the next 9 months. Then next summer there is the Confederations Cup and, yes, the 16th World Championships."

Wang Ai immediately spread out on the chair when he heard the sound, the little beauty and Kang Si laughed together, Huang Xin couldn't help laughing: "Why don't you go and take a good rest?"

Wang Ai said weakly: "Lion, how many days can I rest next summer?"