Reborn on Top of Football

v8 Chapter 227: Super Giant Shining King's Palace (7)

Wang Ai's answer is still so short and powerful and... eclectic.

The leaders laughed secretly in their hearts, but they also sighed with emotion. Professionals have such personalities, but they are also their precious characteristics. If they are all honed in the officialdom and lose their edges and corners, it will be difficult to make breakthroughs in work.

"I think what you just said is very good. The dean belongs to the organization, the country, not you. The establishment of any position is that the organization sees the needs of the work, and then selects suitable people to take charge You have to keep in mind that all work is for the sake of the country and the people, and every decision you make in the post of dean will have a big or small, long or short impact on the development of Chinese football and even Chinese sports. Chinese Football Academy It is the first specialized scientific research institution set up among all sports events in China, and you are its first leader. To lead such an important sub-departmental unit at the age of less than 30 years old, the organization has also made great determination Yes. I hope you have a fair heart, a clean heart, and an unselfish face."

Wang Ai sat up straight: "Personally, I have many choices after I retire, such as Pele and Maradona who show up on important occasions, and it's easy to enjoy the pursuit of work. You can also do business, engage in Charity, doing academic work, or simply returning to the family. I am excited that the organization decided to let me take charge of the college work, because I hope to do some useful and substantive work.”

What Wang Ai said turned a corner, but everyone understood the meaning. Simply put, it is: I could have gone home and be my young master. I have nothing to use power for personal gain. Some substantive work.

The answer is still not standard, but very hard.

As soon as Wang Ai's answer came out, everyone had expectations for the future Chinese Football Academy. It must be a very rigid place, and it is the most determined and reasonable unit in the Chinese football system. But this was originally the reason why the organization agreed with the Football Association to recommend Wang Ai as the first dean.

No one in the whole country can corrupt him.

The conversation lasted until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the last part was the disciplinary requirements for Wang Ai, which made Wang Ai break out in cold sweat. Fortunately, the leader didn't say anything too deep, just beat it, and the organization talk passed. After the meeting ended, Yan Shiduo left Wang Ai for a while longer.

"There are still two things. First, the director may want to talk to you recently, mainly to ask you some technical questions. When you were practicing track and field, that was when you participated in the National Games for the first time. Did you go to Shenfei? , Been to Dalian Maritime Academy? Did you use other people’s technical equipment? The director is very concerned about this aspect, and plans to use high-tech to make solid progress in more projects. In addition, the selection of athletes, especially the competition, Chinese football first The leaders are also very interested in setting standards at all levels in one step.”

Wang Ai suddenly said: "This is a good thing."

Yan Shiduo hummed: "Our chief is an engineer, and we have thought about it for a long time. After hearing about your case, I thought of talking to you, but I don't have time for these two days. Maybe you can find time after you finish playing in Wuhan. The other thing is that you will officially take office in a few months, but you are still playing in Real Madrid, have you figured out how to lead the work?"

"I have some ideas, but it depends on who the team members are. If you are speculative, save some time, if you are not familiar with it, you will spend a little effort. But whether you are familiar with it or not, I will not let go of the final decision-making power, especially the personnel and financial rights. In short, I must grasp the administrative aspect. On the contrary, I may let go of the scientific research side, anyway, they may only produce results once every three and a half years, and I have time to review them."

"Aren't you afraid of dragging down your work? After all, you are far away from home, and there is still a time difference."

"Don't be afraid, I will often hold office video conferences to communicate and understand various situations. Although the vice president is definitely responsible for the daily work, I will require all documents to be faxed to me on the day they are issued. I have a veto power .If the vice president does not cooperate with my work and obey my leadership, I will suggest a replacement to my superior. Whoever dares to disrespect me, I will definitely disrespect him.”

Yan Shiduo felt funny looking at Wang Ai's domineering look, and thought it should be so: "Then what do you think about the qualification review?"

Wang Ai hehe said: "This is the benefit of my telecommuting, and I am going to delay. If there are any audits, such as the qualifications of coaches, let the vice presidents take charge first, which is almost enough. But the league qualification , Sponsor contract, I am prepared to delay it as long as I can."

"Why?" Yan Shiduo asked curiously.

"Because Chinese football, especially the league, now needs to step on the brakes." Wang Ai said seriously: "Hurricane has been advancing for too long, and I need to be steady. I would rather let them say that I am a vegetarian and have low office efficiency. It is not easy. Approval, so as not to create opportunities for people. I think that as long as I don't move, moths can't find opportunities."

Yan Shiduo thought for a long time: "The essence of your thinking is stability, and you are not going to make drastic changes?"

"Ah... yes!" Wang Ai nodded again and again: "That's what I mean. I will continue to do what I did in the past. Even if it is not the best, I will not move easily. I will launch it when the time is ripe and the idea is mature."

"Well, well, this is all your specific work in the future, so I won't say more." Yan Shiduo looked at Wang Ai with satisfaction: "You boy, you have also taken up a leadership position in a blink of an eye. Remember when you went to the water center to tease other little girls."

Wang Ai laughed aloud: "To tell you the truth, the leader, I just thought his project was fun at that time. We played football in the summer and sweated all over. How nice is he? Soaking in the water every day, I really don't have the thoughts of a young Mu Ai." , Really. You see, although I haven't had much contact with them these years, no one has said that I have a crooked mind. "

"Is that because you took your wife home early?" Yan Shiduo laughed twice, pointed at Wang Ai and shook his head, unable to say anything. Fortunately, nothing happened in these years. No matter how it was done, it was finally done.

It was already dark after coming out of the Sports Bureau, the leader didn't leave a meal, and Wang Ai didn't say please. At this time, it was sensitive, and everyone had to avoid it, so Wang Ai slipped back to his home in the DC area.

As soon as he entered the door and saw Shi Wenjun coming out of the kitchen with garbage, Wang Ai immediately opened his hands and rushed over, shouting "Aiya". The little beauty was startled, when she thought about running, how could she run? People come in 9 seconds 48.

"What are you doing?"

"I haven't seen you in months! Come on, Xiang."