Reborn on Top of Football

v8 Chapter 378: Hidden Dragon (8)

There have always been three forces in the Light of Asia and Europe: one is the entrepreneurial team with the "Three Flowers Gathering at the Top" as the core. They have been from Milan to the present and are the core force leading the development and growth of the company; the other is represented by Wang Ai The family business, from the investment and coordination at the beginning of the business, to the allocation of Northern Supermarket to improve the industrial chain, is the largest background and only investor of the company; one is represented by representatives from relevant departments such as commerce, diplomacy, and customs , they gave special policies to enterprises during critical periods, and relied on enterprises to achieve certain purposes in the future.

The entrepreneurial team’s goal is to develop Asia-Europe Light into a domestic e-commerce giant that can compete with Alibaba,, and subsequent Pinduoduo, and rely on the unique advantage of cross-border e-commerce to maintain its existence, develop in depth, and even become a leader; background team The demand is to turn it into a terminal enterprise in addition to light industry, agriculture, finance, culture and sports, and form a complete industrial chain of manufacturing and sales; the government team’s demand is to maintain and strengthen this special lever to guide and achieve certain goals , making it a special tool for China-foreign relations.

Naturally, there are conflicts and struggles between the three parties.

On the one hand, the entrepreneurial team resists the background team and strives to preserve the integrity of the entrepreneurial team and the independence of its development strategy. On the other hand, it resists the government team to prevent some people with strong background from taking advantage of the chicken to lay eggs or even stealing profits. The relationship between the entrepreneurial team and the background team is because Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian’s husband-wife relationship is relatively harmonious. Wang Ai has not been involved in business operations for many years and only retains regular reviews of auditing, discipline, and finance. The relationship between the entrepreneurial team and the government team is also relatively good. It relies on Liu Dingxiang's flexible skills, Zhao Dan's connections, and of course Xu Qinglian's increasingly stable "mentor" status in the economic theory community. It has successfully achieved compliance. At the same time as the government orders, it distinguishes and resists the black hands of certain powerful people.

It is precisely because of the existence of these joints that Wang Aicai is cautious about building and standardizing the management system of Asia-Europe Light. Family businesses have been under tremendous pressure not to be listed or to disperse their equity, with economists in the economic field being the vanguard, actively or passively acting as thugs for those who are trying to embezzle the interests of Wang Ai's family business.

The three members of Wang Ai's family built firewalls from three dimensions: within the system, the business community, and the private sector. It was not until the world became clearer in recent years that the pressure was not so great. But there are always thieves, especially Asia-Europe Light, a special company with government power, which has become the focus of the thieves' strategy.

The entrepreneurial team's approach is to favor some powerful individuals, including transferring benefits to their stores, etc., but retaining the integrity of equity, management rights, and independence. In this regard, both the background team and the government team turn a blind eye, which is understandable as long as it does not affect the overall situation.

But the background team and the government team also have their own bottom line. The bottom line of the background team is that the company cannot become an independent kingdom. The independence of the entrepreneurial team can only be limited to maintaining the healthy development of the company according to the established route, and cannot extend to rejecting the influence of family businesses. This is because for the new thing of e-commerce, the family business culture from light industry, agriculture and sideline, culture and sports, and finance does not have the ability to guide and must rely on the professionalism and acumen of the entrepreneurial team. The bottom line for the government team is that no matter how the company develops and who manages it, since it has benefited from the government, it must work for the government. It is absolutely unacceptable to delay this matter.

The first CIIE will be held next year, and the Light of Asia and Europe is an important sector. In any case, this matter must not be messed up, otherwise not only the government representatives stationed in the company will be unable to bear it, but the companies themselves will not be able to bear it.

It is precisely because of so many complicated factors that Xu Qinglian was so cautious this time when she went to the Light of Asia and Europe to rectify the regulations.

"Okay, I believe you. If you can't do it, I'll have to do it." Wang Ai teased.

Xu Qinglian curled her lips: "You sound like you are the most powerful one. Next year will be 18 years, right? You won't have any memories in the future, right? What else are you capable of?"

Wang Ai blinked: "Can't I lie to you? Can't I come back in 2050?"

Xu Qinglian was startled, stood up and kicked Wang Ai twice angrily: "Are you a matryoshka doll, layer after layer? I don't believe it!"

Wang Ai stopped bragging after being kicked twice: "Okay, I didn't lie. You can all see that. I have analyzed so many future situations in the past and never mentioned anything after 2018. There is no need for me to even mention it to you." You're hiding it, right? What are you doing hiding it? You already have a wife and children, what else do you want to do?"

Xu Qinglian snorted and sat down again: "Eat quickly, I can wash the dishes after eating."

In the quiet courtyard, Wang Ai rested for another whole day and only set out in the evening. Xu Qinglian took out the coat he had changed out in the morning and put it in his bag to take back to his usual home. This place was usually only used for vacations. Yes, my parents' home in Dongcheng and my own home in Haidian are where I usually live. The clothes and items I usually use are also there. If the clothes are washed here, I don't know when I can get them back.

You have to worry if you can't find it.

"Are you feeling better?" Ai Xiaoqing looked at Xiao Suo's son with concern.

"It's good to begin." Wang Ai smiled cheerfully.

"Can you eat the dumplings? The steamed radish beef filling and cabbage shrimp filling specially made for you?"

"It's edible, but there's very little oil, right?"

"Just use a little bit. Cabbage doesn't absorb oil. Eat more radishes."

Wang Ai agreed with "hehe". Seeing that his father didn't say anything and just stared at him, he sat down and found nothing to say: "I'm going to Madrid this time. Huang Xin, Leonie and Kangsi are coming with me. Wenjun After taking care of the house and taking care of the children, Qinglian went to Asia-Europe Light to make some system adjustments."

Wang Bin nodded and said "Yes": "Just make arrangements."

After pondering for a while, Wang Bin said "eat" after the food was ready and the grandchildren were ready. Everyone moved their chopsticks. After a while, Wang Bin raised his head and looked at his son: "If the body cannot recover for a while, then... Okay, just attend more events arranged by the embassy. You have done well in the past two years, but you have attended too few events. It is rare for Chinese people in Spain to have a world-renowned Chinese celebrity like you here. You are the backbone."

Wang Ai paused with his chopsticks: "Dad, I understand. In the next year, I will deepen my connections with the local Chinese and overseas Chinese. After the past two years, I have established a foothold in Madrid and can do more to help my compatriots." "

Wang Bin nodded: "When people pass by, they leave their names, and when geese pass by, they leave their voices. Your career is limited, and the time you can provide help to the Chinese and overseas Chinese in a city and a country is even more limited. Go out and see the people. Take a look, listen, and think about it. This is the same idea as your current recovery plan. If you can go up, you must also be able to go down."