Reborn on Top of Football

v8 Chapter 390: This is Super Giant (10)

"Then..." Ma Fanshu spat out one word, and suddenly thought that it was Martin's turn, but couldn't help it, so he looked at Martin: "Want me to ask a question in advance?"

Martin made a "please" gesture in a graceful manner. Ma Fanshu smiled hurriedly and looked at Wang Ai: "If what you said is completely realized, then the Chinese team will be able to continue... Well, it won't be such a big deal. Ups and downs?”

Wang Ai smiled: "There will still be ups and downs, maybe this big, but the key is not here. Our purpose is to enrich the talent echelon, that is, if one national team fails, we can immediately pull out another one." Even the national team that is better than it is like the dream team of the NBA. At the same time, more importantly, and of course it is inevitable, in this process, we will create a rich Chinese cultural heritage, social heritage, and customary heritage, which is how the Chinese play It is the easiest and most comfortable football to play. For example, where do the current football rules come from? To put it bluntly, they come from the Europeans. They explored football and established leagues, youth training, football associations, and football federations. Everything is Focusing on the physical fitness and cultural customs of Europeans, what has China contributed to football? Unfortunately, so far, it has only contributed to our national team. And our national team is actually '75% "European football teams" are products whose raw materials are provided by China and then undergo preliminary and deep processing in Europe. What we hope is that the Chinese teams in the future will be of Chinese origin. Only Chinese football with Chinese characteristics can gain a long-term foothold in world football. , can make the football world more colorful."

Ma Fanshu took a deep breath and nodded: "I understand, Dean Wang."

The September sun shines generously on the lawn. The three groups of reporters at the round table and Wang Ai have exchanged drinks twice. The big-bellied little flower has already run over and fallen asleep at Wang Ai's feet, acting coquettishly.

Martin looked at the dense notebook with satisfaction. It was no wonder that he had waited for Wang Ai for almost half a year to get this exclusive interview. Not only had the previous interview outline been almost unchanged, but Wang Ai also gave positive answers to many sharp questions today.

Martin reminded him: "How do you achieve cross-border success? Why can't others do what you can do?"

"Any job is in conflict with life. If there is more work, there will be less life. My crossover is taking up time in life, and I will continue to take up part of it when football originally takes up part of it."

"Is this the reason why your wife and children are not around?" Martin boldly asked.

Wang Ai looked at him and smiled: "Part of the reason is that first of all, I think the cultural differences between China and Europe are relatively large, and it is difficult for children to master the characteristics of both cultures at the same time, so I tend to keep the children in If he gets an education at home, it won’t be too late to learn about Europe when he grows up.”

Martin opened his mouth and glanced at the Xinhua News Agency reporter next to him. The Xinhua News Agency reporter immediately asked, "Won't this leave any regrets?"

"Of course." Wang Ai said decisively: "But you have to make a choice. For my wife and children, there is really only one husband and father, but for fans and track and field fans across the country, there is only one Wang Ai. It just so happens. , Chinese culture emphasizes collective interests over individual interests."

"Your peak period is very long, does it have something to do with this?"

"When I reached the age of 30, which is the age when I am about to retire in the traditional sense, I discovered that body and energy are not problems at this age. On the one hand, it is the accumulation of injuries, on the other hand, the decline in interest, and on the other hand It's a family problem. Generally, by the age of 30, children have reached the age where they are annoying. Eating, playing, going to school, getting sick, everything has to involve your energy and physical strength. This is far from being carefree in your early 20s. That's the state. And your time and energy are always limited. If there is more in this area, there will inevitably be less in football."

Ma Fanshu seamlessly responded: "Are you an irresponsible father?"

Wang Ai smiled: "I am definitely not as responsible as my father who is with me all year round, but I will video chat with the children every two or three days after lunch. In China, it is just before going to bed at night. I will answer their questions and give them some advice. guide."

"They?" Martin's eyes lit up and he asked regardless of the order: "Did I hear the plural?"

The three groups of reporters were all eagerly waiting for Wang Ai to feed them like little flowers. Wang Ai looked at them with a smile and nodded: "Yes, there are several of them. The older ones are going to school."

"Going to school?" Xinhua News Agency reporter frowned: "But you and Teacher Xu got married in 2013, right? You are..."

Wang Ai seemed to be being questioned repeatedly and did not check for a while. He took a few breaths, picked up the tea cup and drank half a cup while the reporters waited quietly. After putting it down, he slowly said: "Many people say that I have a fairy tale love. In fact, it's more complicated than that. Every time a person increases his popularity, he has to go through a period of self-reconstruction. If the child of a public figure, for example, a child of a celebrity, has the guidance of a star internally and the cultivation of a star externally, he will be more confident. It is easy to accept. But if you are from an ordinary family, it is difficult. For example, I used to be unknown, but now I am like this. I used to go wherever I wanted, but now I have no freedom except my home. I have been using it for more than ten years. It takes time to adapt, but Qinglian, she doesn’t have that much time, so she almost completed my more than ten years of experience in one day. No one knew me before, and then..."

Wang Ai spread his hands and continued after seeing that everyone understood: "So on the day we were scheduled to receive the certificate, she was extremely stressed and needed time to adapt to at least adapt to this change in her heart. Unfortunately, I didn't understand at the time, so we separated. , so I had other feelings."

"Then what's next for you?"

Wang Ai pursed her lips: "Relationships are also a process of mutual selection and mutual adaptation. After the new relationship failed, her heart calmed down, so we got back together."

"Can you tell me about the child?" Martin asked.

"No, I'm sorry, don't ask me about my age, gender, name, where I am, anything about it, I won't answer."

"Just now you said that children of celebrities can easily grow into public figures and rely on the guidance of celebrities?" Ma Fanshu asked.

"But sports are the food of youth. I have enough time, don't I?"

"Okay, let's ask the last question about children." Xinhua News Agency reporter also joined in: "Do you hope that your children will also play football in the future? As a former youth minister, you will train your children to become the next super giant. Will it satisfy the fans’ wishes?”

"I'm more traditional in this regard." Wang Ai smiled: "Just like Zhu Zhou, I won't stipulate their future careers, but I will ask them to work hard no matter what they choose. It doesn't matter whether they are stars or not. But he must be a person who is useful to society.”