Reborn on Top of Football

v8 Chapter 426: Across the World (6)

"Wang, after you scored two goals, you seemed to be out of shape. Is it because of an accidental injury?"

After the game, Wang Ai was stopped by a group of reporters when he walked to the locker room. A reporter from British Sky TV was carrying a camera. Wang Ai recognized at a glance that he was from the same company as the unlucky reporter just now, so he kindly stopped and listened to the question. Then he said "uh" and nodded calmly: "Yes, my condition has indeed fluctuated quite a bit."

"An expert commented that if you move further away, the lethality of football will be further increased. Do you think he is right?"

"I haven't studied this carefully."

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"What do you mean?"

"Shoot through the net?"

"How is that possible? I don't know about this kind of thing to others, and it's only this time for me."

"But the force you used was obviously too much, wasn't it? So close?"

"I have no memory of shooting through the net. The spectators and reporters behind the goal are theoretically absolutely safe. And as you can see this time, although the football crossed the net, the net also played a huge decelerating effect, so It’s still safe, and there’s no problem with the power I’m using.”

"Would you be responsible if he got hurt?"

Hearing this question, the Real Madrid team leader, who had been smiling next to Wang Ai, immediately waved his hand: "There are professional institutions and professional insurance in this area. There is no need and should not let innocent players be responsible. This is an accident. Let me emphasize, this It was an accident, if there is nothing wrong..."

"Yes, yes!" A female reporter jumped: "Wang, shooting through the net is a miracle after all. Can you explain how you did it?"

"I don't know either. I have no experience in this area. In fact, this can only be regarded as a fun talk and has no real meaning. We professional players train very hard every day and it is impossible to invest energy in such meaningless things." Wang Ai glanced at the team leader and then explained: "There are videos of the game. You can go back and watch carefully. Before the shot, I competed with Karim for the top, and then it was Luka's cross. It was very difficult for me to give it to Karim. , but Karim fell, and the position was very advantageous. It took a lot of effort for me to break free from the opponent's pinch. At this time, I felt as excited as I had finished a marathon and finally saw the finish line. . At that time, my body and mind were on fire, so I naturally followed the feeling and shot."

"So this power..." Wang Ai grinned: "I didn't want to control it. No one could have imagined that this kind of thing would happen. There were very few similar things in the past that didn't hurt people, so I couldn't control it on purpose. The power, besides, I couldn't control it at the time. Tottenham's defender was very powerful and fast. It took me all my strength to break free and then the shot followed. I didn't have the time or opportunity to suppress my power. "

The team leader waved his hand and pushed Wang Ai to leave the interview area. As Wang Ai disappeared from the camera, the sports channel also switched back to the live broadcast room. Guest Bai Guanghai was overjoyed: "Don't look at him now. He is a little confused now. He will be able to brag in the future. The net is different from the ordinary old and brittle nets." Same, that's Wembley Stadium, that's the Champions League, the nets are all new. And from the moment it broke, you can see that the net has tried its best to block his ball, but it just didn't stop it. That net and the Chinese Super League's The net is different, hexagonal, ribbon-shaped, and very strong. So, this thing is purely because he is too powerful."

He Wei also laughed for a while: "Will his future shooting be affected?"

"No." Lao Bai shook his head: "He must have been affected in the game just now, and he didn't have time to adjust. When he was strong, he was afraid of hurting others, but when he was weak, he was not a threat, so he did hesitate after that ball. But it’s good to calm down after the game. He has a strong psychological adjustment ability, otherwise he wouldn’t have such a long and stable performance. This is a test of a person’s psychological quality.”

In the locker room, his teammates joked about Wang Ai. Wang Ai had nothing to say to keep him entertained. Cristiano Ronaldo came out of the bathroom and walked up to Wang Ai and pointed at the game ball in Wang Ai's arms: "Give it to me?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "No, I want to give it to my family, and you have to sign for me."

"Okay." Ronaldo ran to his locker and took out a signature pen: "Sign this?"

"Karim? Luka" Wang Ai called Benzema and Modric after Ronaldo signed: "Sign for me."

Benzema put his hands on his hips: "Why?"

Modric also smiled and waited for the answer.

"Before I shot the ball, the ball passed through the three of you feet. If that reporter asks me to pay for it, the four of us will have to pay it together." Wang Ai looked at the two of them seriously.

Benzema nodded affectionately: "Good brother!"

After saying that, he took the ball and turned around to find Ramos. Ramos put his hands on his hips: "What does it have to do with me?"

"You're the captain!"

When Zidane came in, he saw the whole team dancing wildly around Wang Ai and taking a photo with the signed football. He simply ran over and even sat on the ground to take a photo with everyone.

When flying on Real Madrid's special plane the next day, the TV in front of Wang Ai was still playing the scene of shooting through the net yesterday. Wang Ai knew that the heat on this matter would not go away for a while, but he made up his mind. I will no longer accept interviews because I have nothing to say. What I wanted to say was all said live yesterday and millions of fans saw it.

After landing, sure enough, the red cell phone held by Marissa kept ringing, and even the black cell phone reminded twice that someone was sending text messages. After Wang Ai saw it, he scolded all the sarcasm from his teammates and buddies.

However, if Adidas wants to hype a new sneaker for this purpose, Wang Ai will have to deal with it personally.

It is said that the name of this new sneaker is called "Net Breaker", and it focuses on a powerful, heavy toe and hard toe! I don’t know if there is a newcomer to Adidas’ aging sales team, but they are so imaginative! Other sponsors were also ready to move. Among them, the logo and picture that asked Wang Ai to authorize the shot through the net were relatively traditional. The copy sent by ICBC actually included the idea of ​​"shooting to the moon". Wang Ai quickly responded I sent a text message: "Aren't you afraid of being reminiscent of the famous cartoon about debts reaching the moon?"

"You are really an all-rounder." Wang Ai was still busy when she saw her at the door of the house. Xu Qinglian imitated the tone of the little beauty, which made Leonie, who had spent half the night wondering whether she was really not suitable for the cute style, roll her eyes. .

"No way." Wang Ai put down his phone: "You get more than 100 million people a year, but you can't use snacks? At least you have to show your sincerity, right? I am also a hard-working worker."