Reborn on Top of Football

v8 Chapter 82: Every moment is brand new (2)

The 2015 FIFA Ballon d'Or Awards Ceremony is coming. Although Wang Ai won the super giant war again in this natural year, he lost the Champions League. Wang Ai was not given any chance.

And Wang Ai and Wang Ai's sponsors didn't fight for it, so it was quite calm. On the contrary, Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi competed in a mess. Although Ronaldo was defeated, he struggled fiercely. Wang Ai saw this very clearly. Ronaldo and Real Madrid did not compete last year but this year, which means Even if you lose last year, you can accumulate advantages for this year.

So far, Ronaldo won the Golden Globe once, Messi twice, but Wang Ai won five times, which is enough for him to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. If he does not actively provoke others, neither of the two parties will actively provoke him, no matter Whether it's Jorge who is not worrying or "Erma and Katia" who is even more worried, they don't mean to trouble Wang Ai.

This time I went to Switzerland, Wang Ai was a guest in every sense, and Wang Ai’s sponsors only need to choose other focuses to promote. After all, Wang Ai is also the most accomplished star among active players, with countless classics Sponsors can take fans to relive and sell a lot by the way.

After the interview with Zhang Bin, the family continued to discuss recent events.

"Is there any arrangement for the club?" Xiaomei went to pour tea for Huang Xin, who was a little more sober now.

"I haven't heard of it." Wang Ai shook his head and said: "But there must be arrangements. I guess it has been arranged since the summer? After all, the structure of the three of us is still very stable. It has been the pre-Golden Globe Awards for so many years. Three. After I come, the top three Real Madrid will occupy the two, so there is no reason why I should not make a special arrangement."

"It's just that it's not the two of you who won the award, tsk, two people are selected, two are accompanying guests, and watch Messi reach the top." Xiaomei came back with a tea tray and said.

"Ha, then in the past two years, Real Madrid and Barcelona have seen Bayern's me and Manchester City's me reach the top, and they should also be unhappy."

"It's a pity that the coach was temporarily changed. Zidane should not be unfamiliar with receiving the award, and he should not be familiar with leading the team to receive the award."

"Maybe the coaching change was delayed until this time on purpose. Think about it, more than 20 days before and after, how did you catch up with the change two days before the Golden Globe Awards ceremony?" Wang Ai shrugged and picked up a cup of tea. .

"It's really possible." Huang Xin was stunned and nodded after hearing the sound: "After all, the players and Benitez have a bad relationship, and you are the only one who didn't say anything, but you can't be satisfied if you always substitute, so I really let him Lead the team, if you and Ronaldo say something publicly, Real Madrid will not be able to step down."

The three discussed until late at night and finally sorted out all aspects of going to Switzerland before resting. The next day Wang Ai was notified by the club. This time the chairman and the head coach both went to ask Wang Ai how he wanted to go. If you don't mind, you can take the Real Madrid business jet with the chairman and coach. If you have other arrangements, you can also meet in Zurich.

When Wang Ai answered the phone, he instinctively wanted to ask Ronaldo how to get there, but he took it back when he was about to say it, because how Ronaldo went had nothing to do with him. There were no temporary arrangements, so I agreed immediately.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Wang Ai went online, and found a new announcement from the official website: "On the morning of January 11, Florentino, Zidane and Wang Ai will take a business jet to Zurich to participate in the FIFA awards ceremony. ceremony."

Didn't mention Ronaldo, is this the Portuguese going to take his own private jet?

She really has character!

On the morning of the 11th, Wang Ai arrived at Madrid Airport by car, successfully boarded the business jet, and sat down with Mr. Chairman and Mr. Coach to chat.

"Have you participated ten times in a row?" Mr. Chairman asked suddenly.

"Well, since 2006, I have received invitations every year." Wang Ai said cheerfully.

Florentino looked at Wang Ai with a slightly complicated gaze, and shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, it's not you this year."

"I've done it five times, that's enough." Wang Ai was still smiling: "Our coach has only done it twice."

Zidane rubbed his head: "Fortunately, I am not from the same era as you, otherwise it would be hard to say whether I can get it twice, you guys... are too cruel, almost perfect creatures to receive prizes, we were at that time No, everyone has too many ideas, too many personalities."

"It is precisely because of your shortcomings that we see opportunities for improvement and perfection. The world always moves forward."

"Yes, today's football world, especially the era in which the three of you are competing to rise, has really pushed professional football to a higher level." Zidane put his hands on the table and looked at Wang Ai: "Fortunately, I You can also come and see for yourself as a coach.”

Florentino watched with great interest as the conversation between big-name coaches, big-name ex-stars and the most successful players alive. If Moratti regards big-name football stars as the most promising sons, in fact Florentino does not simply treat them as commodities, but also has a heartfelt appreciation, but it is usually not worth the attributes of commodities, or a Thinking of being able to turn it into money, he would forget about it.

But like Wang Ai, a star who has already negotiated the money aspect and contributed revenue steadily and is not annoying, his other side will show up and become relatively simple appreciation.

"Have you three occupied the three-man list for how many years?" Florentino asked suddenly.

"Well, I remember it started in 2009." Wang Ai replied.

"Do you think this situation where the three of you have monopolized for years will reduce the influence of the awards? Is it a good thing for the development of football?" Florentino asked after thinking.

Zidane didn't speak, and looked at Wang Ai with great interest. Wang Ai thought for a while and said: "I think as long as it is fair, or if everyone thinks there is no problem, it is a good thing. The status obtained by strength will definitely win respect. , Continuation will bring more respect. A legend that can stand the test will do more good than harm to the expansion of football. Because its background is competition, and the three of us who have been selected for consecutive years have also experienced strict competition, that is It is convincing, but it just so happens that the strength of the three of us is far superior to others, so it is always us, which does not mean that there is a shady scene."

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Florentino smiled happily: "When a reporter asks a question, you can answer it like this."

"Of course." Wang Ai also smiled: "This is my true thought."

After arriving in Zurich, Wang Ai met Ronaldo at the hotel arranged by FIFA. His room was next door. He also met Ronaldo's family for the first time, but unfortunately he did not see his children. The two chatted briefly, and after introducing their families to each other, the staff of FIFA came with a smile on their faces.

When the two had no opinions, the whole afternoon's activities began.