Reborn Only to Love You Again

Chapter 15: Light rain

On the morning of the operation, Wang Dahu started to sit up and be restless compared to him, but Li Qingran seemed more calm.

At nine o'clock, Li Qingran was pushed into the operating room on time. Wang Dahu sat on the plastic chair in the corridor and looked at the tightly closed operating room door.

Time passed by bit by bit, and Wang Dahu's heart tightened.

Although the doctor said that this operation is not life-threatening, the success or failure of the operation is related to whether Li Qingran will be disabled in the future. How can Wang Dahu not worry about it?

Wang Shoumin also sat aside. He glanced at the grandson who was clenching his fists and patted him comfortably.

It wasn't until more than four hours later that the light that marked the end of the operation went off.

Wang Dahu rushed down to the doctor who pushed out the door, and kept asking how was it?

"Rest assured! The operation was very successful and will not leave any sequelae on the body."

Wang Dahu could not help but howled.

Li Qingran was given an anesthesia needle. When he woke up, it was already around evening.

"Legs ..." The first thing he woke up was to raise his hand to touch his left leg.

"Being here !!!" Wang Dahu said with a smile: "The doctor said that the operation was very successful. In a few days, your leg will be like before, how to jump and how to jump."

Li Qingran listened, and the little white face showed a happy smile.

Wang Dahu shaved his little nose when he saw this: "Relax now!"

Li Qingran nodded shyly.

While he was sleeping, Wang Dahu ordered meals in a restaurant outside the hospital, called Pandi Sanxian, Pan Braised Pork Ribs, and two large plates of dumplings. He also specifically asked the restaurant chef to cook a pot of big bone soup for Li Qingran.

Don't say it! The chef's craftsmanship is really good, the bone soup in the pot is fresh and fragrant, and it smells drooling.

The little girl in the bed next to her had all swallowed heavily.

Wang Dahu couldn't help but laughed at her two words. Whoever thought that this girl named Xiao Yu was a revenge and then ignored Wang Dahu, only entangled Li Qingran, watching the two people talking and laughing. With one bite of Ran Ran and one bite of Sister Yu, Wang Dahu silently bit his own sleeve, tears in his face. However, Wang Dahu's delicate "jealousy" only lasted until the tenth day. After ten days, Gu Xiaoyu moved to other wards and she was diagnosed with "bone cancer".

Wang Dahu still remembers clearly, Ms. Xiaoyu, the aunt who looked cheerful and kind, and her eyes were desperate for a moment and the irresistible howling came from the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Fate has always been such a cruel thing.

After Gu Xiaoyu moved out, Li Qingran was obviously silent a lot. Wang Dahu knew that he was unhappy, so he always thought of the method to make him happy, but with little effect.

No way, Wang Dahu had to borrow a wheelchair from the "Angel Sister" door and pushed Li Qingran to see the little girl every day.

Gu Xiaoyu looked extremely weak, so he was lying on the bed like that, a few days ago, he looked like he was dancing to the claws of Wang Dahu, which made people feel sour.

Li Qingran was sitting by her bed reading for her. She read "Snow White". Gu Xiaoyu liked this story the most. Even after listening to it dozens of times, she didn't feel tired at all. "......... The prince and princess live happily ever after"

Gu Xiaoyu raised his head and said with a weak voice, "Xiao Yu felt that his brother was like a prince."

"Hee hey ... little girl, do you mean that you are a princess?" Wang Dahu teased with a hippy smile.

"Ranran is a prince, Xiaoyu is a princess, and Big Tiger is the bad queen!" Gu Xiaoyujin said dissatisfied with a small nose.

"Oh! Little girl is very brave! Wang Dahu held up his orchid finger and asked sharply," Magic mirror! Magic mirror! Tell me who is the prettiest woman in the world? suspect? ? ? The most beautiful one is not me! It's Princess Rain ......... Wow, ah ......... I don't agree, I'm going to catch Princess Rain ... I want to eat her! "

"Hee, hee hee, ha ha ..." Gu Xiaoyu looked at Wang Dahu with only two hands to grab himself, and was amused and laughed, but her heart was weak, and she could not help violently smiling. Breathing, the rainy mother who was beside the bed quickly put the child on an oxygen mask.

"Sorry, aunt me ..."

"Don't blame you!" A little grateful expression appeared on Xiaoyu's mother's uncle's face: "This child hasn't been so happy for a few days. If you can come and see her talk to her, Auntie is grateful!"

"Xiaoyu will get better!" Li Qingran touched the little girl's head and said softly, "It will!"

However, life is so impermanent, life is so fragile.

One night four days later, the six-year-old girl named Gu Xiaoyu left the world forever.

That day, it was raining in the sky, Li Lili, together with the scream of exhausting mother's scream, listening to it was so painful.

When Wang Dahu and Li Qingran went, the ward was already full of people, and the two were waiting outside. After a while, Gu Xiaoyu's body was pushed out, and it was covered with a white cloth, only from the vague outline. See the little girl's former shape. The car was pushed very fast, and it almost slipped from the bottom of the eyelids of the two people almost instantly. Wang Dahu scolded his mother with his head severely. The two tears in his eyes did not hold back.

Li Qingran also cried, just crying in a wheelchair, he was crying so hard, crying so sad.

A small face was full of tears.

This was the second time that Wang Dahu had seen him cry like this after his rebirth, the first time Kong Xiumei had abandoned him, and this time it was because of a sudden death of a small life.

When humans are very sad, the only reaction they can make is crying, because only then can they release the sadness that is suppressed in their hearts.

Wang Dahu hugged Li Qingran's trembling body tightly from behind, neither of them spoke again.

Due to Gu Xiaoyu's death, Li Qingran didn't take it easy for many days, always drowsing and wondering what he was thinking.

Afraid of his depression, Wang Dahu always pushed him to walk in the garden below the hospital, so that he could relax.

November is the season when chrysanthemums bloom.

Clusters of golden yellow chrysanthemums stubbornly exuded branches from the flowerbed, showing the world their beautiful beauty.

Wang Dahu spoke to Li Qingran while pushing the wheelchair.

Talking, talking, a person suddenly came over in the distance, and called two of them.

Wang Dahu looked intently, and the visitor was Gu Xiaoyu's mother.

"Auntie!" They both cried at the same time.

Xiaoyu's mother smiled at the two, and Wang Dahu observed her carefully, seeing that although her eyebrows were still bitter, her mental state seemed to be relieved. It was no longer a despair, and went with her daughter. Look like.

"I'm here to look for you this time." Mother Xiaoyu took this picture book out of the pocket on her body: "This is a painting by Xiaoyu. I should leave it to you as a memorial!"

Li Qingran reached out to pick it up and screamed softly, "Auntie!"

After touching the sad thing, Xiaoyu's mother's eyes began to shed tears again, and she touched with nothing, the three said something for a while, and Xiaoyu's mother left.

Li Qingran opened the album, and the colorful crayons on it were full of paper and pages. It can be seen that Xiao Yu painted Li Qingran and herself.

The little girl in the princess skirt and the little boy in the prince costume, holding hands, there was rain in the sky, and it looked like a wedding was going on.

Wang Dahu murmured secretly: The girl really "conspired" against his family.

A total of seven pages of paintings were finished in a few clicks. Wang Dahu only saw a large, ill-faced "sick cat" in the corner of the last page, and the big king character was marked on his forehead. Strongly recognize that this "tiger" may refer to himself.

"Ranran brother, bad tiger brother, thank you !!"

These words are written in red crayon, crooked, and most of them also use pinyin.

Wang Dahu sniffed and suddenly felt how the wind was getting stronger! The blower's eyes hurt.

"Big tiger!" Li Qingran screamed suddenly.


Li Qingran closed the album in his hand and said firmly, "I will be a doctor in the future!"


"We must heal many children like Xiaoyu, and they will never let the sick to take their lives like this."

"Of course it's really amazing!" Wang Dahu touched his little head and said with a smile: "Big tiger brother believes you can do it and you will become the best doctor in the world".

The little golden wild chrysanthemums swayed their bodies with the breeze, maybe their lives are very short, but no one can deny that at this moment, at this moment, it tried to bloom. So even if it dies and fails one day, the faint chrysanthemum fragrance will always float in people's hearts.

A month later, Li Qingran was discharged from the hospital.

Long Yiming sent a car over and returned them to Xingye Village.

Looking at the big sign of "The First Affiliated Hospital of H City" getting farther and farther out the window, Wang Dahu and Li Qingran held hands and looked at each other and smiled.

After a day of driving, they didn't enter the house until night.

The old lady had made a table for meals and was waiting for the two children. Not only that, Da Hu ’s father, mom, and Wang Xiao Hu ’s little thing were all coming together.

A lively "Wind Feast" is about to begin.