Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 117: Shy antipruritics

Updated: 2013-08-20

"As the saying goes, experience really knows," He Danggui said with a grateful smile. "How could I have invented this kind of itch that was hailed as" passable "by Mr. Wu, if it wasn't for the four sisters' training? What about the law? Ah, Jiugu look at Tang Yan, "He Danggui pointed at Tang Yan who suddenly looked like a gecko, with his feet and head on the wall, and explained," My set of four paragraphs It is to imitate the movements of four kinds of insects. In addition to crickets, bees and butterflies, there are spiders being demonstrated by crickets. In the imitation, they are close to natural life, and then they spread the itching of the whole body into the infinite natural space. To achieve the ultimate goal of driving itching. "

... isn't it a toad, but a tadpole? Jiugu apologized and said in anxiety, "Are they going to jump like this for two or three days? How can her sister eat up her body!"

He Danggui said proudly: "Don't worry, my four-dumb brocade is three-moving and one-quiet. As long as they are tired of jumping and flying, they only need to crawl slowly on the wall like a spider, which is equivalent to rest. At this time, the old lady and Doctor Wu also each found a wall and started to climb. He Angelica shook his head and pointed out loudly, "Old ancestor, your posture is not standard, you should stick your foot against the wall, and your forehead must also come. Live on the wall! Father Wu, you must stay close when you are crawling, there must be no gaps! "

Doctor Wu turned his head and heard a bitter face, and hummed and asked, "Miss Three, wow, sneeze! The old man has a joint pain problem. This wall is too cold. I went to climb the brocade screen. Is it okay? Ah, sneeze! "

He Danggui groaned for a while, Fang Yan said, "Although I haven't climbed the screen, everything has been improved through improvement, and it is applicable to all the people. Daddy, you can try to climb the screen." Fall, the old lady and Tang Yan who also think the wall is too cold also want to run to climb the screen, but the doctor Wu who is closest to the screen has already occupied one side, and the screen area is too small for two people to climb at the same time ... … The old woman and Tang Yan glanced at each other, and then Tang Yue went back to climb the wall and gave the other screen to the old lady.

He Danggui explained to Jiu Gu carefully: "In fact, when I was climbing, I would also add some upward movements, but all three of them are old, so they can only crawl horizontally. Of course, the effect of itching is also It will be a discount. By the way, Jiugu, have you found a way to stop the snoring? I think the old ancestors were snoring and couldn't stand it! "

Jiugu nodded and said, "Miss Three, you burn the stove first, I'll go and divide them up!" Then I went forward and asked everyone to take a **** medicine ball and told them to include Without swallowing.

While climbing the screen, the old lady was crying with tears and asked, "Nine aunts, what is this meatball made of, bitter and spicy, fishy and smelly! It's really bad!"

Jiugu hesitated, and replied politely: "Sister, you still ... I don't know well, I have tried to pick it up as clean as possible."

As Tang crawled the wall, he shouted, "Old lady, the old slave said you can't continue to indulge Miss Four. You just don't listen to the old slave. Now you have the pain of the skin! With her indifferent, there are more regrets waiting for you in the future! You see, who else in our family can cure the little magic star of Miss Four! Ah!

The old lady banged her head on the screen and hated, "This is a good daughter taught by the second daughter-in-law! Now it seems that if she is not sent into the water business concept for training, it will really make her overturned!"

He Danggui turned the stove a few times, Jiugu went over and stewed a clay pot on the stove, took the lid of the clay pot, turned his head and said to the old lady, "This is what I prepared to relieve yawning After the boiled sour grass soup is boiled on the stove, the smell spreads into the air, and it can relieve the temporary distress. Miss Three and I are not poisoned, so it is not appropriate to smell too much of this sour taste, otherwise you will be very excited at night and difficult to sleep. The two of us are waiting at the door of the auricle. Sister, you need to call us again. "

After the old lady answered, Jiugu pulled He Danggui out of the atrium, put down a soft curtain to block the smell of sour grass, and then turned to find two small benches, two wet cloths and one with He Danggui. The two sat next to the curtain one by one, covering their mouths and noses with wet cloths.

The old lady's voice came from the curtain: "Sister Yi, what is the environment and food of the water business concept, what is the practice of the aunt there? The old man remembers that you said that there was a private drug banned there and caught by the government. Sinner gone? "

He Danggui pressed his Yingxiang cave with a damp cloth and replied swiftly: "What is the environment, the mountains and water are beautiful there, the mountains and flowers are luxuriant in the morning, the tired birds return home in the evening, and the air is cool and spleen. An earthly source of self-cultivation. What about meals? Naturally, it ’s not comparable to home, but eating a little pure, the mind will not be confused, when reading and writing is very energetic, not to mention I live there for half a month In the middle, there was no complaint about the food elsewhere (because I never ate the food elsewhere), and said that the aunt ’s cultivation was ... ”

Suddenly, there was a sound of "Fangdang" falling on the floor, and then Tang Yun's voice: "Miss Three, you don't need to come in! It's the old lady who overwhelmed the screen, but Doctor Wu has avoided it in time and no one was injured. "And then again the old lady's voice:" Sister Yi, continue to say yours, I listen. "

He Danggui scratched his head and said, "When it comes to the practice of monks, I am a ten-year-old girl who has not been deeply involved in the world and is also ignorant. How dare you judge the depths of Taishi and Taishan's well-known Taoist practices? However, I heard that the people near Tu'er Town almost everyone knows that there is a (exclusive usury) too good teacher and teacher in the water business view, ah, really a well-known big man! As for the refining five stones The scattered Taichen Master, I heard that I have been detained to Beijing, and now the entire Taoist temple has been rectified by the government. It is the cleanest thing to think about. But the ancestor, you really have to send the four sisters immediately Going to the water business concept? Anyway, let us two get together with our eldest sister and their elder sisters to share their recent experience. In fact, we are all very curious about the collection of the four sisters ... "

"No! What are you gathering for! Are you planning to party? Sneeze!" The old woman exclaimed, "You are not allowed to talk to her until she gets better! Huh, sister Yi, you don't have to plead for her, I just want to send her away immediately. Wouldn't you bring back all of them at home! Jiugu, you should call Pan Jingyang and Guanghang! "Jiugu jumped from the small bench and went away.

Oh? Luo Fu's four major nursing homes? He Danggui raised her eyebrows and moved the teacher so that if Sun Mei Niang was informed of the incident, she would be shocked again. After Jiu Gu had gone far, she persuaded: "Old ancestors, anyway, wait until the four sisters' itch is cured before sending it away. In case she is tickling on the road, she will not delay her trip, let people see it? Doesn't damage the reputation ... "

"Can't wait!" The old lady interrupted her severely. "I have my own opinion on this matter, and there is no need to reconsiderate it! Also, sister Yi, you have to be strict in your mouth, and you must not leak half a word to the outside, especially With your second sister and second aunt! "

He Danggui couldn't help exclaiming: "Old ancestor, would you like to send away your four sisters without knowing to meet with your second aunt? Doesn't that sound right?"

The old lady sneezed twice, first complaining that the taste in the mouth was too strange and unpalatable, complaining that the sour taste in the air was too pungent, and finally complaining that the four sections of Jin were too tired, and Tang Yu softened to soothe Only to calm her down. Then the old lady's voice came through the soft curtain again: "Lao Wu, you are not an outsider anyway, I will arrange this in your presence, you, Yijieer, Jiugu, Pan Jingyang and Guanghang, It was an insider who knew that sister-in-law, except me and Hong Jiang, would be sent to Taoist Temple. The three of them would tell me later. The two of you would swear to me, and you should not disclose this secret to anyone. "

"Secret?" He Danggui's surprised voice passed through the curtain. "The four younger sister is alive, and the second aunt is not in a hurry to lift Luo's entire body. How could it be a secret?"

The old lady said in a deep voice: "Red **** told me a proper solution yesterday. I had no idea to send my sister-in-law away. I did not expect that her inferiority could not be changed to such a degree. Red **** said very Yes, this time you have to take care of her, and act secretly. You ca n’t let the two of them know. Otherwise, they distressed their daughter and ran to Taoist Temple for two days. If the sister-in-law yelled that the day was clear, and they were so suffocated in the shouting view, they would rush to pick it up, and our good intentions would be useless! I used to be in Sanqing in the past. I have lived there for a while, so I know that Taoist Temple is the most honourable place for human beings, such a misguided child! "

He Danggui yawned silently, then said, "It's so boring that the masters of the water business concept are very enthusiastic, and certainly will not make the guests staying with them boring. But old Ancestor, let ’s elaborate on you and the method you proposed. We have a good caliber, and then we wo n’t be able to help in front of the second aunt. You know me, I ’m not good at lying. . "

The old lady insisted: "Then you promise first not to leak this out! Old Wu, you swear first!"

Doctor Wu's voice was so bad that I was not practicing which one of the four sections, and he said loudly, "Huh, my husband promised that I would not tell others about Miss Si ’s meditation on the Tao. Huh, otherwise my husband would catch the poisonous powder again. Pazi! A sneeze! "

He Danggui's timid voice also said intermittently: "Then I also swear ... Well, if you tell the story of the four sisters, let me ... go back to the West Crossing Hospital that had been rat-burned and burned down. Go live! "

"Yeah, old lady!" Tang Yan's voice sounded. "Miss Three's apartment was burned down. We haven't arranged a new one for her yet!"

The old lady was bored for a while, and suddenly said, "Let her go to her sister's Taoyuan, and wait for her to change and come back later, and then let her mother choose another courtyard for her."

This time, He Danggui was really taken aback: "Taoyuyuan? That courtyard, which contains thirty acres of perennial peach blossom forest, is the most poetic residence in Luodong Province. Where can I turn to live? Besides, how dare I take over the courtyard of my four younger sisters? Let the second aunt know that she wouldn't let me ... "Now that her voice became weak, she became silent, and the old lady in the ear room waited. One can almost see Miss San's timid and cautious attitude.

"Sister Yi, you are not afraid. Although your second aunt is straightforward, her heart is the same for you and her sister. You don't have to worry about it, this is one of them." The voice of the old lady's consolation came over "Secondly, I heard that the person from Taoyuanyuan who was caught by Red Ginger said that in addition to Diaoshan medicine and dumb medicine, Jiyinger also collected other various poisons in Taoyuanyuan, and some even Buried deep in the ground, hum, this time I must destroy all those medicines! A sneeze! But, on the bright side, I went to search for those things that are inferior, and our family is very mixed, which is inevitable to you My sister's goodwill, therefore, sister Yi, you are wronged and moved to Taoyuan Courtyard to live, I can also give you the opportunity to renovate the courtyard and decorate the house, let people pick up those poisons ... your second aunt If I come to find trouble, I will scold her, will you? "

Oh, it turned out to be like this, He Danggui couldn't help smiling, she said that there was no good thing in the world. This is the best Taoyuan in Luofu. Sun Meiniang took a lot of thought to help her daughter. Why is the old lady willing to take away her granddaughter's yard and give it to herself for nothing? However, for the peach blossom forest that can be used for martial arts in the back of Taoyuanyuan, it is not bad to say goodbye to Sun Meiniang in advance ... so He Danggui whispered: "Everything is arranged by the ancestors, I dare not obey. "

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall. Jiugu led Pan Jingyang and Guanghang to come in. Jiugu approached the curtain and said, "Sister, Pan guards them, and they have something to report to you." At this time, He Danggui took his small bench aside and gave them a way.

"Ah, sneeze! What's going on?" The old lady had some cups of snakes and snakes, and she heard the words "something happened", and her heart jumped.

Pan Jingyang smiled at the curtain and said, "Don't be surprised, it's the two masters Peng from the Luo Palace in Beijing. The second lady just sent them to a room in Nanyuan to rest, but this time they came to Yang to Cheng Cheng. I definitely want to live here for a long time. The second lady wants to ask you which yard is suitable for you, but you do n’t dare to listen to the bamboo courtyard to disturb you for retreat. She heard that we were going to come here, so I asked you to bring me Ask. "2k novel reading network