Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 12: Antarctic celestial gift

Updated: 2013-06-25

Zhenzhu smiled: "Don't be afraid, the guests have heard about your adventure, so I asked you to ask casually in the past and come out with a few gossips." Then, carefully drew Ho Danggui's haircut, and led her to the west. go with.

After entering the West Chamber, I heard Tai Shan's high voice whispering remorse: "I have sinned, I must turn my back on the poor, and discipline my disciples, and have opened the door to the guest, really ..."

Then a low voice interrupted her: "A misunderstanding, the teacher doesn't have to worry."

It turned out that since Jin Yiwei checked in to Taoist Temple yesterday, Taishan has sent a dozen Dao aunts to serve their daily meals. Most of these people are children of the aristocracy in Beijing, and they have always been used to being served. They didn't feel anything wrong at first, and accepted it.

Who knows, those aunts all went to the goal of "flying on a branch to turn into a phoenix", so there wasn't one who was at ease. It was not thoughtful, but thoughtful. After eating a meal, this gang of vegetables, the one who persuaded to drink, did not forget to promote himself in the mouth, and one even sang a small song, and heard several Jin Yiwei's scalp tingling.

However, Duan Xiaolou, Lu Jiangbei, Liao Zhiyuan, and others are very well-maintained, especially the natural flower messengers of Duan Xiaolou, who think that girls are delicate characters, and they shouldn't talk to them seriously. Therefore, although a few people were uncomfortable yesterday, they barely ate a meal accompanied by a dozen aunts.

At lunch the next day, the aunts arrived as scheduled, and Gao Ju's faces immediately turned black. After eating a few meals, everyone felt more and more awkward in their hearts, just because the enthusiasm of these aunts continued to increase, and some even posted the whole person up. Gao Jue couldn't hold it for a while, and the accumulation of anger broke out for two days. Suddenly a wide three-finger wide back knife was drawn from his waist, and he inserted it in the middle of the dining table with a whisper. Scared away all the aunts.

In addition to Duan Xiaolou's reprimand for Gao Ju's behavior, several other people's eyes could not hide their smiles. After scaring away the aunt, everyone calmly finished their lunch.

Master Geng rinsed his mouth and sighed: "Crispy deep-fried catfish, anchovy wings ... It seems that our identity, some people here already know something, this is not good, I originally lived here to hide whereabouts."

Lu Jiangbei also frowned his sword eyebrows: "Yes, there is no such good dish in a small temple, even for the guests, there are plenty of chicken and fish. But they prepared the best table, I'm afraid It is because they know that we are officials, so they dare not neglect. "

Jiang Yan glanced at Duan Xiaolou and said, "Duan Duan, you told the two little aunts yesterday that we were on official business. Did they leak out?"

Duan Xiaolou raised an eyebrow: "But you also said last night that your baggage was touched, and a piece of hair in the official dish fell out."

Mr. Geng shook his head: "Now it's no longer important who speaks. It's important to know how many people know who we are now and keep them shut."

As he was saying, too good came from the outside, and people came before they even said, "Yeah! Negligence, forgiveness!"

After some confession, Lu Jiangbei opened the door and asked the mountain, how could Taishan know their identity. Too good to hide, he said that the apprentices accidentally saw their official dishes. Although the apprentices didn't know much about literacy, they probably knew that everyone was an official.

So Lord Geng pretended to be angry, saying that they came to this remote Taoist temple because they didn't want people to know their whereabouts. People who knew their identity must keep secrets, or they would be jailed for "obstructing official duties." Scared too kindly nodded, and promised that the only person who knew the matter here was Shinji, and they wouldn't speak out. Too kind of heart even secretly decided, after going back, first locked up Shinji.

Lu Jiangbei inquired about Taishan again. The two aunts they met yesterday when they went up the mountain said that one of them had a good looks and words, but Taishan couldn't remember his disciples. Duan Xiaolou mentioned it again, and wanted to pay homage to Miss He who was resurrected, so she was too kind to call someone to call He Danggui and Zhenzhu.

Zhenzhu was waiting outside the hospital. He Danggui wore a green cotton skirt with a simple cloud on her head. After entering the house, she gave her a blessing at the door: "Guests bless you."

The few people sitting in the hall looked at each other. The little aunt who met yesterday turned out to be Miss He? Lu Jiangbei laughed first: "Haha, that's it! Miss He, that's it. I don't want others to know the identity of the officials. Duan Qi yesterday unintentionally told you, and I ask you and yesterday another Don't tell the little girl. "

He Danggui bowed his head and answered "yes". Too kind of heart, but he is very uncomfortable. How can the officials and grandfathers talk to a little girl and talk to their own masters, but they use "under prison" to make a fuss?

Duan Xiaolou stood up, took his cup of untouched tea, put it in the last seat, and said diligently: "It turns out that you are not aunt, but a lady of the family. It was a rude thing to stop asking questions yesterday. I heard you were very sick The more he stood, he was too tired to panic, and came over to sit. "Liao Zhiyuan smiled strangely, and immediately took Duan Xiaolou's eye knife.

He Danggui sat down, and Duan Xiaolou asked her if her sprained feet were better, how could she feel unwell, what medicine she was taking, and when her family would pick her up.

Too kind of heart hung up immediately, fearing that his harsh treatment was revealed, and listening to the tone of the official grandfather seemed to be very caring about this little girl? Alas, I should have treated her better if I knew it. Moreover, they just met on the mountain road yesterday, but they once lied to these officials to say that Miss He had just taken medicine and fell asleep. I wonder if they would pursue this "crime of deception".

He Danggui's face was not frightened. Although he was warmed by the handsome little boy Duan Xiaolou, he didn't see anything ecstatic, flattered, or grateful, but he just glanced down one by one. Answering, the answer is more satisfactory than Tai Shan imagined, so Tai Shan secretly relieved.

Liao Zhiyuan laughed: "I heard that Miss He went to Xianfu for two days before returning to us. Is there anything new on the way?"

He Danggui stopped for a while, then hesitated, "I didn't remember everything, but I remember ... I met an old man with a kind eyebrow and good looks, and he got some adventures ... But the little girl woke up and thought about it, thinking that she was about Having a strange dream is not an adventure. "

"Oh ?!" several people asked in unison, "What an adventure?"

When He Danggui looked at others so concerned, he could not help but stunned and said: "This memory is not real ... It seems like ... I got a pill from the old man, and after eating it, I felt a sudden strength in my body. Later, it was Open your eyes and see yourself lying in the hall. "

Lu Jiangbei's forefinger clasped the table, exclaiming: "An adventure, it really is an adventure! Miss He is really rare at this time, you say, Master Geng?"

Master Geng? He Danggui looked at the blue robe man who was slightly nodding. When he met on the mountain yesterday, she roughly saw that the nine Jinyiwei masters were headed by him.

At this time, the blue robe man sat diagonally with her, so she looked up and gave a slight glance. I saw that this man was in his forty years, with a lean figure, a cold look, a flat cheekbones, no facial features, a slightly sunken eye socket, a deep and unpredictable look, and an indescribable natural fearfulness .

He Danggui was impassioned in her face, but she was stunned in her heart. When she thought that the previous life was running secretly by Zhu Quan, there were not a small number of officials that she had seen, and she could not pick out a few people with such aura. And her gut tells her that the deterrent feeling is not so much domineering as it is domineering.

Master Geng ... Could it be him! Geng Bingxiu!

Geng Bingxiu is the brother of the founding general and Geng Bingwen of Changxing Hou. He is the fourth-ranked Jin Yiwei and directs the funeral.

It is reported that he is calm and calm in all matters, and is respectful and ordinary, just like ordinary people. Once he catches the enemy's painful feet, when he gets angry, Geng Bingxiu will instantly become Hell Shura. The coldness of his heart and the cruelty of his methods have reached the point of being dreadful. Even Zhu Quan, who has been hiding his talents and hiding his hidden secrets, is quite afraid of him. In the next ten years, there will be more than a thousand enemies kneeling for mercy under his wraith whip.

Now it is Hong Wu years, this Geng Bingxiu should be newly appointed to take office, it is just a little-known role, the fierce name of "the first cool official" has not heard of the Quartet. Looking at the thought, He Danggui's palm slightly sweated. Why did these people come to Yangzhou? Why are you still living in Taoist Temple?

Geng Bingxiu suddenly asked her, "What is the character of the old man in your dreams? Have you ever said anything?"

He Danggui frowned, made an effort to remember, and then slowly said: "The old man was far away from me, only vaguely remembering that he held a peach stick in his hand ... By the way, his brain was more ordinary than usual It ’s much more convex! He seemed to have said that I had n’t lived out of my life before. I met him as a fate and gave me a pill of life. I thanked him ... well, he said again Originally, it was not a special good Dan, but it was made by a little **** left over from the laojun's alchemy. Whether it works or not depends on my own creation. After that, I have a pill of orange in my hand. . "

Everyone present could hear God, and even the eyes that were too kind to look at He Danggui did not have the disdainful attitude before. For a long time, Duan Xiaolou Fang laughed and said, "Fortunately, fortunately! Miss He has eaten the elixir, and she has been resurrected from death. It should be no problem to live one hundred and eighty years old!"

He Danggui's eyes flickered, and he shook his head in a hurry to argue: "How can this happen! Let's not say, the old man has never said that he is a god, not to mention that it is the whole thing, and it's just a little girl's A dream. "

Lu Jiangbei stared at her face with scorching eyes, and sighed: "The girl is so good, you should meet the life star of the Penglai Three Immortals-the Antarctic Wonder! But how many people have you actually met? And Miss He, you can be given medicine by the immortal, which is really gratifying! "

He Danggui looked down timidly and stopped talking. But my heart whispered secretly, hey, that's all you said, I didn't say anything. Everyone, you sighed a few words, Geng Bingxiu said that they still have some things to do, so Tai Shan and He Danggui stand up and say goodbye.

After leaving the hospital, Zhenzhu was still waiting by the wall. She looked at He Danggui too kindly, and smiled kindly. "Miss He, I have a few words to explain to Zhenzhu. You go back and rest. I will let people later. Grab a few medicines for you to adjust your body. "He Danggui left after thanking him.

As soon as He Danggui walked away, Taishan quickly grasped Zhenzhu's hand and mumbled, then Zhenzhu nodded slightly and left quickly.

Zhenzhu went straight to the outskirts of the North Campus, and saw a few women sitting inside, while she was cooking, she put her head together and said something like "sinister evil" or "broom star". Zhenzhu stood at the door and knocked on the door of the open wooden house. The women looked up to see Zhenzhu and smiled and stood up to greet.

Zhenzhu pretended not to hear the call from their talents, and congratulated: "Congratulations, congratulations! As you know, you have a great event in Luofu?"

Monk Zhang Ji of Li Jiuguang's family was scratching his head and wondered, "Master Zhenzhu, what do you say is happy in Luofu?"

Zhenzhu learned the description of He Danggui just now, and added a few words of analysis from the guests. She learned it word by word, and finally said, "Originally, my master was afraid of Miss He's weakness, so I left you here. There is a care. Now it seems that Miss He is healthy and healthy, her face is red and rosy, really a blessing! While it's still early today, why don't you set off quickly and report this to the old ladies and ladies, Make them happy? "

The women became more and more surprised when they listened. After listening, they started to look at each other. Liu Gui's first sighed: "I never expected that the most blessed of Luo Fu's ladies was her! The younger one was given the medicine by the gods, which really envied others."

The eyes of Gao Dashan's family were all red: "Oh, Amitabha, I am also a person who has worshipped the Buddha all my life. Whenever I can meet an immortal bodhisattva, he will send me some elixir of holy water and ask for a long life The other women sent by the Luo family to send their spirits echoed in unison, saying that they used to burn incense and worship Buddha Yunyun.

Zhenzhu smiled lightly and said, "There are gods in your head, your kindness and piety, the gods in the sky will see clearly, and there may be no return in the future. But now, let ’s report it. It was Ms. He's family that made them all happy. "Then, she took out a piece of broken silver from the sleeve and put it in Liu Gui's hands, saying," A little money, right is your way. " Please don't dislike it. "

The Huang Han family couldn't be more happy in their hearts. The horns looked at the size. They were afraid that there would be more than four or two. Even if they ran ten cars back and forth, they could not run out. Their second grandmother is usually nothing more than a hoist and a hoist, but it's strange how an aunt in this view shot so magnificently? Having said that, this matter is not reasonable. Their mother-in-law and Zhenzhu have nothing to do with each other. Who asked for money and could not get it on her head?

A few women next to her also thought the same, and she was suddenly embarrassed. Let's take the money. They were originally sent by the employer to pay for the funeral. Now the funeral is over. What is the reason for turning back the money of a monk? But don't accept it, and want in my heart ... these days, they are all indignant about the self-paid travel expenses, so everyone is silent.

Zhenzhu seemed to see their thoughts, and laughed: "Everyone, but it's okay to collect it. This money was originally given to you by the road for tea, but I was afraid that everyone would not accept her one child's money, so I wouldn't let me say it. . And, speaking of it, she is also your master. You should run this leg, and it should be a hard work. "

Several women burst into laughter. You said me and you praised Miss He back and forth, and then received the money in peace, and set off down the hill.


When He Danggui returned to the West Chamber, he saw the door of the room was hidden, pushed in, and found that Zhen Jing was not in the house, and half a bowl of brown sugar rice soup remained in the porcelain bowl on the table.

Leaning against the head of the bed, He Danggui closed his eyes. Last night, although she drove the veins with embroidery needles and channeled the heat of her heart, her foundation was still very weak. As the saying goes, illness is like a shred. Unless there are a few good medicines to eat, it will be brought up so slowly, and my body will be tortured for another ten days.

He Danggui's hand touched the soup pot, and it was still very hot, so he poured out another bowl of rice soup and thought about it while drinking—money. What she lacked most now was money. Except for the piece of "rich and longevity lock" that can't be moved in his arms, he is really a piece of paper now. But a penny stumped the hero Han. She needed money to treat the disease, to take medicine, and money to take away the quiet, and also a capital for business. Where did the money come from?

She drank the soup and thought for a while, and gradually had a plan or two in her heart, which could not help but smile slightly.

Suddenly, I ran into the door hurriedly and saw He Danggui came back, and immediately pulled the corner of his mouth to reveal an ugly smile, saying incoherently: "I'm back, no stuffing, what's the matter? You have to sleep Afternoon? This bowl of rice soup is so delicious, haha! "

When He Danggui saw her foreword, raised her eyebrows in confusion, and looked at her in confusion. She could not help but throw the soup bowl and grabbed her, and pulled out her hands hidden under the wide sleeves. Hit? "2k novel reading network