Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 13: Tianji Zi Qi Xuanyu

Updated: 2013-06-26

I really waved my hands quietly, although I didn't care about my tone, but I cried a little bit in my voice: "Hey, we are aunts, rough and thick, it ’s common to be beaten! Do n’t worry, I do n’t hurt . "Doesn't hurt? He Danggui slowly lifted her sleeves, and saw the long blood marks on her back, wrists and forearms.

He Danggui knows that in the atrium of the Taoist Temple, there is a quiet bamboo forest. The wind blows leaves and the poetry is infinite. However, some Taoist aunts in Dao Guan like to fold those bamboo sticks, and then use a knife to cut them into cymbals, which are specially used for pumping.

The crickets stained with salt water were pumped dozens of times, painful and spicy, and there was no drop of blood, all of which were slender blood stains. People who have been pumped do not need to dress up the wound, nor does it affect their work. The little angelica of the previous life would have to be eaten with salted bamboo slugs twice a day almost every day. This sharp and stinging taste was almost a memory that penetrated into her bone marrow.

"It's too dusty, it's too dusty." He Danggui took a real hand and said with certainty.

Zhenjing couldn't help crying, and twitched without squeaking.

He Danggui's eyes seemed to hide two glittering silver needles, and his mouth only asked: "Tell me, why did she hit you because of me?"

Zhenjing shook her head and whispered, "No, it's none of your business. It was I who said accidentally the night before that she had deer antler cream ... wow, she turned it over again today to make her heart Take me there, if I have to explain why I knew she had deer antler cream. I didn't dare tell her, I heard Master once ... oh, otherwise, even if she let me go, let me turn back Master knows, the punishment will only get worse ... "

He Danggui sighed and took her to the side of the bed, took out the embroidery needles under the pillow, and said, "Come, close your eyes, don't open your eyes. Be good, right away, it won't hurt at all. "

Really staring at the needle in He Danggui's hand, she cried even more, shouting: "It hurts! It hurts! I don't get a needle, it hurts!"

Angelica frowning: "Shut up, and then pierce your dumb holes to make you dumb." Zhenjing was stunned and closed his mouth immediately. He Danggui asked her to close her eyes, so she squeezed her eyes tightly, narrowed her neck, and looked like she was about to go right away.

The glittering needle tip quickly spins, flips, and leaps in the fingertips of He Danggui.

A sneer sneered in the eyes of He Danggui, too dusty, good, good, good! I haven't spared any time to think about how to pack you, but you rushed up to death in a panic, you can see that it is really Lao Shouxing who drinks arsenic, and his fate is long.

To her who has experienced a life and death, Tai Chen is not even qualified to be a stumbling block. At most, it is a grain of sand in the shoes ... and the big men who live in the West Chamber with power and life and death. It's just used for sanding her shoes ... Well, why not, let's do a trick called "Beyond the Mountain".


The bustling Yangzhou, Bafang water veins, and Shifang businessmen are all gathered here.

The affluent Yangzhou City passes through two waterways in the city, and there are four land roads that run from east to west, north and south, and divide Yangzhou City into forty-eight squares. The Wu family in the south, the Luo family in the north, the Guan family in the east, and the Sun family in the west are also known as the "Four Big Clan of Yangzhou".

In the early morning, a drizzle floated from the sky, not far from Hongpei Avenue, in a gorgeous mansion with red walls and gold tiles. A group of women hurried across the large courtyard and walked quickly to a corner gate in the front yard. go with.

There was a well-dressed young woman coming out of the corner gate. After meeting these people, she looked very surprised: "Liu Dazhen, why are you back? This is not the day when I was born!"

Liu Gui's face was a joy, and asked, "Girl Ji, I just met you. I ask you, where is the old lady now?"

Ji Ji frowned: "The old lady was so sad that she didn't eat anything yesterday, and she just persuaded her a little bit. She had no more appetite when she had the idea of ​​honey mutton. She now crooked in the ear room and listened to her grandma telling jokes. Then again, how can you come back from the Taoist temple? Don't go to the old lady to talk about ordinary things, and everything else, everything related to Miss Three can never be mentioned. "

Liu Guijia smiled: "You can lead me there, and after talking to the old lady, she can eat three bowls of rice!"

Ji Girl looked puzzled: "What good can you bring back from that place?" Liu Gui's face had a mysterious smile, and the other women who sent back the spirits were just pouting and laughing.

Several women were not enthusiastic about the errand at first, but they did nothing to please them. Because the second wife does not like her niece He Danggui, it is no secret in the whole house. Two, when a funeral of He Danggui was done, a total of one hundred and eighty-two pieces of silver passed through them, even if Mrs. Second was very savvy in the accounts, secretly taking away the money from the incense candle Pass.

However, when the woman returned to Luofu last night, she heard that the eighth master of the second wife's family had been stunned the day before, and the second wife had to cry after crying. She ran to the old woman to take a leave and hurriedly returned to her family. Today, in Luo's family, the eldest wife has no access to economic accounts, and the third wife is pregnant again. Therefore, the old lady is still a director.

The old lady always took good care of her aunt and mother. If she knew that Miss Three not only hadn't died, but also had a strange encounter, she wouldn't be happy immediately. Who doesn't rush to do things that can get a face in front of the old lady? In addition, they also received the money of Miss Three, and they were short-handed, so they had to say a few good words when they were communicating.

The girl Ji led them outside the door and went back to the old lady herself before turning around and calling them in again. After several people entered the house, they saw the old lady crooked on the couch, her expression fainted, her eyes half-opened and half-opened, and no one looked. There are three little girls sitting on the bottom of the foot to lame the old lady, and the old lady and the grandmother sitting on the side of Jinyu are scanning them together with eyes.

The Huang Han family stepped forward and said with a smile: "Old lady, happy event, big happy event! Our Luo family has encountered a great happy event!"

A word brought everyone's attention to her face, so she talked about Miss Three's sudden resurrection. He also said that in Taoist temple, a group of VIPs from Beijing lived. When they visited Miss Three, they heard about the dream of "old man giving medicine". According to their analysis, the old man was Shouxing Weng's Antarctic God, and the elixir he gave to Miss Three turned out to be the medicine residue in Taishang Laojun's furnace. Alas, a little bit of dregs at the gods of others is already a rare resurrection treasure in our world-after Miss Three eats it, she is full of redness, and the clouds are covered, her health is much healthier than before!

The old lady slipped up from the couch in excitement and kept asking: "Don't you coax me? Isn't Yiyiren? Why not bring her back?"

The Liu Gui family stepped forward and said, "Although Miss Three took the elixir, after all, she had lost her breath for two days, so she couldn't help the bumps on the road, and now she rests in Taoist temple. Miss 3 misses the old lady and the ladies so much that I hope to see you soon. Would you like to arrange a horse and a sedan chair now to pick up Miss Three? "

The old lady nodded, and just about to go on, the silent lady next door Zhao said suddenly: "Slowly, this thing is very evil, you must not take it too fast!"

The old woman frowned and looked at her: "Madam, what are you talking about? If you offend the gods and gods in the sky, what a hell!"

Zhao Shijin said: "The daughter-in-law is by no means open-mouthed. My mother-in-law has heard people say 'Dream goes the other way'. It is not necessarily a good thing that Yijie dreamed of a wonderful thing. Last year, the second lady did n’t ask for it. Mr. Feng Shui came to see his house, and Mr. Feng Shui pointed to the west and said, "Peach blossoms flood the water, killing Kui Mirius, which is not good for the elders in the family", and sister Yi lives in the West Crossing Hospital. Now she is dead. Resurrection, life is so hard, isn't it exactly what Mr. Feng Shui said? "

The old lady's expression moved, but she just scolded, "How can you say that to you as an aunt!"

The grandma and grandmother Dong commented, and took the opportunity to add: "Old ancestors, we also hope that sister Yi is good, after all, she is the only bone blood of our aunt, but this thing is weird. Old ancestors don't know that from the day before yesterday, we Brother Zhu began to have a low fever, and he ate less than usual; the day before yesterday, the second master's eighth master died again; not sooner than later, there was news of Tao ’s death and resurrection from Taoist side. How? A few things happened so coincidentally? Sun Min had a guess in his heart, I don't know if I should talk about it or not ... "While talking, the expression on his face was very distressed.

The old lady's face was tense: "What's the matter, don't hurry up, there are no outsiders here!"

Dong's period Ai Ai said, "... She wasn't possessed by any monster ... Come back and ask for all of us, right? So the younger in the family can't stand it first, before she goes home, The sickness was ill, the old ancestors still remember ... When our brother Weigeer had a full moon, he had a low fever for three days, eating, drinking, and crying. All doctors were helpless. Seeing Feng Rui's family I was very knowledgeable and said that it was scaring the ghosts and monsters. At first Sun Yun didn't believe it. Later, there was no other way. Watching Wei Geer suffer, my mother-in-law's heart is like being stabbed by a knife, so please After a few monks did it, Weigeer was really good. Now, our Zhugeer's symptoms are exactly the same as Weigeer's original! "

Zhao's mouth was covered, his face panicked, "Old ancestors, you always hurt the two great grandchildren the most, you have to decide for them! Once we let the monster enter the door, all of us will be dead!"

The old woman frowned, her face cloudy.

The Zhao family seemed to suddenly remember something, and an unbearable expression appeared on the fat face, saying, "In fact, we are also afraid of our own imagination and innocently wronged Yi sister. But at present, Qi Xuanyu lives in the Nanyuan guest room. On weekdays, Who can invite him here, why not take this opportunity to let him figure it out? "

The old lady always believed in ghosts and gods. She had previously heard that Miss Three had been saved by the gods, and she couldn't help it. Who knows, the few words sung together by Daer 媳 and Dasun 媳 smashed the joy in their hearts, and listening to their reasons and reasons, the old lady gradually believed in three or four points. Then, the old woman nodded and said, "Yeah, I also want to see what kind of character the late Qi family is, which can be so valued by our old lady." Turning around and instructing the Ji girl standing below, "Go to Nanyuan , Invite Mr. Qi. "

The grandmother rejoiced in her heart and said to several people in Liu Gui's family, "Don't stop here, just go and have a cup of tea and rest." The women retreated.

Dong hesitated, and said, "I have to go back and see Brother Zhu, so I won't sit any more." The old woman nodded and promised, so Dong's style stood up and her skirt went out. All of a sudden, the old lady and the three little waitresses were waiting in the room.

Qi Xuanyu is the only son of the Great Master Qi Jing. Since his childhood, he has been the true biography of the Master. He is a talented person with a thorough understanding of the sky. I heard that Qi Xuanyu was less than 24 years old, with a face like a crown jade, and described as handsome. For some reason, he and the eighty-one-year-old grandfather of the Luo family became friends. So this time in Yangzhou, he did not live in the official residence prepared for him, but lived directly in Luo's house.

Although Dong is a married woman, she is a young daughter-in-law after all, and the guest is a beautiful son, so she is inconvenient to visit. The old lady and the old lady thought of this, so they let her go.

After a tea break, Ji girl led a young man in. The comer approached and yelled, "I don't know what the old lady asked me to do?" The old lady looked at Zhao with a look of Nahan in her heart. The legendary Qintian Supervisor looks so ...

The comer was a beautiful teenager, wearing a green silk shirt, a small cap, and a grass tail in his mouth.

The old lady laughed: "Master Qi and our old lady have a conversation with my grandma. Even my old body is shorter than yours, I dare not use the word" command ", but there is something to ask for right now." A piece of paper said, "I heard that Master Qi can see people face to face, and divination and divination have always been extremely accurate. I also heard that rich merchants carried a few boxes of gold and silver to invite you, but Master Qi dismissed them and said The sentence 'Although good Buddhism is not indiscriminate Buddhism.' Now, there is something wrong with our Luo family, the old man is helpless, so I have to rely on the old lady's friendship with you, please take a share of the birth date on the paper. "

Qi Xuanyu's phoenix eyes circulated, and he smiled sternly: "The old lady is serious. I live in your house for half a month for nothing, and it's so difficult to take a character." Then he took the character and took a look, then Si Ji said, "In the year of Guihai, Ji Weiyue, Ding Hairi ... Suixi, Xingsubi, and the five elements belong to the" house soil "... It should be a noble character, I wonder what the old lady wants to ask?"

The old lady sighed and said, "The old granddaughter died unexpectedly ten days ago. It was inconvenient for her family to mourn her, and she was sent to the water business view outside the city. But today she sent a spiritual wife to report that the granddaughter was alive again. She herself I still vaguely remember that I woke up after taking the medicine given by an old god. At the same time, another child in the family got sick and hasn't seen it so far. The old man is afraid of some weirdness, so I want to show you ... in the granddaughter's birth date ... can she be enchanted? "

Qi Xuanyu could not help but said: "Fairy? The old lady's words are bad, long and bright, if there are really monsters, you can't get into the Zhu Hong high gate of your house. Since this young lady once lived in the house, she is true. People, there is nothing to do with the demon. As for a child in your government, I do n’t know what kind of relationship the child has with the lady? Is it a sister or a brother? "

The old lady shook her head: "Brother Zhu is the son of Yi's big cousin. In theory, it should be her cousin."

"Miss's parents and brothers, are they still healthy now?"

"Her mother is in good health, she is all in one."

Qi Xuanyu's Phoenix Eyes were slightly oblique, Zhu Zhu raised his lips with a cynical smile, and said, "Never say that you have to die hard to kill your dear," but also your elders such as your father and mother. Can go to nephew. Now that the lady's mother is safe and sound, how can she go around and go to neglect a distant nephew, haha, I wonder who came up with this absurd idea? "

Zhao's face suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and his mouth was blamed: "It was brought up by the brothers of the bamboo brothers. Originally, the women's women had little knowledge. Besides, the bamboo brothers were her heart and soul, and it was inevitable that they would think more. . "

Qi Xuanyu but smiled. The old lady asked again, "Can you see anything from the eight characters? What is the fate of my sister Yi? Are there any major disasters in the future?"

"Well, Taoyuan is only in the mirror lake, and Qingbo is ten miles red," Qi Xuanyu looked at the paper in his hand again, and laughed. "If the old lady wants to ask the young lady's marriage, she doesn't have to worry about it. The husband is the dragon among people, and they are a good match. "2k novel reading network