Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 131: Mother-in-law

Updated: 2013-08-27

At this time, He Danggui paid the third "He Dang a total cut of the western window candle" to Meng Xuan, and Meng Xuan also took the fine product. The confused expression in his eyes flickered after the water vapor.

Although Meng Yue thought that this girl was different before, she didn't figure out what the difference was. Now when she thinks back, Meng Yue realized that the girl raised her hands and feet everywhere with her natural noble manners, and walked slowly while walking, There was no trace of fluttering in the skirt; when talking, she could relax and relax from the eyes to the expressions, just like the official figures, with a bit of "diplomatic" taste. If it wasn't born that way, it was developed the day after tomorrow through specialized and rigorous training, but who is the ordinary family woman who would train this, except for the princess in the royal family?

The Meng family is a mansion, and the doorstep is not low. The three younger sisters in the family also invited the teachers to teach them. From the age of a few years, they began to inculcate their manners of smiling and showing bare feet. Norms, but none of them can integrate these rituals into the words and deeds of daily life. After all, who is not laughing and running happily towards his family?

He heard just now that Mrs. Luo called her "Angelica", and Miss Guan San also called her "Miss He". Then, what kind of respect is this girl named "He Danggui" in? Can't you live in a ridiculous environment for many years before you can develop such aristocratic rituals that integrate into the bones and blood?

"Sister Yi," the old lady drank up a cup of tea, as if she had forgotten the situation in front of her, and the words began to come home. "Your mother-in-law has studied under Song Shuwen, who is known as 'Little Lu Yu'." I got a good tea art, but I can see that she ca n’t even get two points from you. Did you learn how to make tea with your mother? How can you be so much better than her? "

He Danggui smiled, "How dare I compare it with my mother. Tea tasting is nothing more than a state of mind. The old ancestors are calm at this moment. Drinking tea is naturally full of fragrance and long aftertaste." He picked up the tea tin and poured it out. The fourth "but when Bashan night rains" self-drinks, while muttering in your heart, the ancestor you do not know, the mother's tea art master is "Little Lu Yu" Song Shuwen, and my last life tea art master is Song Shuwen him Dad "sai Lu Yu".

At this time, no one in the hall noticed, and a masked man lurked outside the transom above the hall.

The four teas came down. Except for Geng Bingxiu's cup, the other three cups have been tasted. The clear tea fragrance overflowed the room. At this time, the voice came from afar outside the hall. Voice: "Segment Duan, you are back! Do you understand? Why did officers and men from outside the government come?"

Then was Duan Xiaolou's voice: "Go ahead and talk, everyone is anxious."

Then there was the exclamation of Guan Yan: "Yeah! Brother Xiaolou, your hand was injured and you bleed a lot of blood! What happened, did you do anything with the officers and men? I'll bandage you!"

Everyone in the temple could hear God with a side of their ears, saying that time and time later, the masked man suddenly held the old lady in one hand and Miss San in one hand, and fled quickly from the side door. When everyone in the hall shouted in exclamation, Tang Yu shouted "Old lady, Miss Three"; Luo Baiying was glad that the wicked man left, and ordered the girl next to him to find the four guards; Luo Baiqiong only broke the bone. Suddenly his legs healed without medicine, he got up sensitively, turned his head and ran to the side hall. Whoooooooooooo, where is not dangerous and where is the safest? By the way, let's hide it in the palace room of the side hall, there is no one there!

Meng Xuan watched as the two living beings were taken away beside him, annoyed and regretted, while he was surprised to find that his legs were too weak to stand up! What the **** does this happen? Is it a drug? Impossible, with your own skills, you can't get yourself caught in this world's medicine!

When Duan Xiaolou heard the noise in the hall, he flew in like an off-string arrow and asked loudly, "What happened?" At the same time, he searched in the hall with his eyes, but the hall was chaotic like a vegetable market, even if Someone answered his question and could only hear some fragmented sentences "Miss Three ... have tea ...".

Duan Xiaolou was shocked and continued to glance through the hall with a gaze while asking, "Where?" Then another person pointed to the side door of the hall, so Duan Xiaolou exerted his light work to the extreme, and the hurricane generally passed He reached the top of the crowd and scraped it from the side door.

In the hall, the people on the side asked the person who spoke just now in surprise: "What did you say to Duan Shizi, why did he suddenly have the same gunfire?" The expression on the face of the person who just spoke was even more surprised: "Ha? I just got up After a while, she said, "The old lady asked Miss Three to make tea for her, but half of the tea was eaten, and they would not eat it." It was too late to say that they did not eat tea because they were "grabbed by a bad person." "Why did Duan Shizi run before he heard?" The third person sighed, "It's a good old man!"

Outside the main hall, Duan Xiaolou flew in the middle of the night and looked for it. I just heard that Sister He committed suicide, but I forgot to ask Sister He whether he cast a lake, jumped the well, or hanged himself on the southeast branch. How can he find such a dark piece? Damn, I didn't expect to have a blink of an eye. My sister He even wanted to kill herself!

He did not recognize her because he had entrusted Master Geng to be a matchmaker. If people were to know that they had known each other for a few days in the Taoist Temple of the Barren Mountains, then he would be hired by the son of Bofu and asked to marry her. The girl is the wife, and she will surely produce all kinds of unpleasant rumors, which will hurt her goodwill ... how divine will it be! This time he worked hard and grabbed the errand to catch Bai Bobai in Yangzhou in order to meet her! He heard that Guan family and Luo family were world friends, and went to Guan Bai to have Guan Bai bring himself to Luo Fu for a banquet, but he did not expect, because he did not recognize her, she committed suicide!

Sister He, do you know how much I miss you in Beijing? I can't wait for the "half-year appointment" you said. When I wake up every day, all I think about is you. When you drink, your face is in the glass. When you read a book in the middle of the night, you hold a cup of tea. Looking at me laughing and closing my eyes, I saw that you were sitting on someone else ’s big red flower sedan ... When dreaming, you smiled and waved at me and said, "Duan Gongzi, you are not mine Beloved, I wish you a good match soon! "

In my dream, I was so sweaty and anxious that I couldn't speak. After waking up, I found out that the dagger with your baby elephant had a red mark on my chest, so I stared at the only A small statue like a copper coin, thinking about you who is far away in Yangzhou ... He sister, why do you commit suicide, why don't you wait for me? Sister He you are waiting, I will come to you right away, we will never be apart again!


On the other side, Du Xiaoxiao's sister He is still alive, and is negotiating with the masked man with a smile: "Heroes, my grandmother weighs hundreds of pounds, and her legs and feet are not convenient. You have to carry such a mountain, how much effort! Although she has a distinguished status, but the black lights outside are wild and wild, who knows whether she is Luo Taijun or Luo Fu's Luo Xiang? I think you might as well throw her here, we can go faster!

Geng Bingxiu kept her mouth shut, her eyes locked on the little girl who smiled like a flower, and now she is being robbed. As long as she gently flicks her finger, she is dead. Why isn't she afraid? What other cards can she support? Is she bargaining with herself here?

"Look, my grandma is sleeping like a dead pig." He Danggui pointed at the old lady on the ground, and the old lady who had never flown by a "free ride" was frightened as soon as she flew. He Angelica shook her head and sighed, "I heard that the dead pig is the heaviest thing in the world, and it weighs more than Taishan when carried, and I listen to you. Your breath is disordered, as if you have suffered internal injuries. Why carry such a thing? Running around? "

Geng Bingxiu stared: "What! You know I have suffered internal injuries, how do you know? Could you also martial arts?"

He Danggui's pair of little hands smashed into ten white jade knots on the sarong, half-dropped his head, and said quietly, "Uncle Hero, do you look like I can martial arts? Uncle, do you really Just kidding, do n’t talk about this nonsense, let ’s run quickly, and the chaser should be chased after a while, they are all first-class and first-hand masters! ”Then she pulled Geng Bingxiu's arm and dragged him hard Running to the dark garden, Geng Bingxiu reluctantly glanced at the old lady sleeping on the ground, finally determined to leave her, and eloped with her granddaughter.

He Danggui took a look at the mask man and finally decided to leave the old lady, secretly happy in his heart. When the following Duan Xiaolou and Pan Jingyang picked up her, the old lady was officially rescued! It ’s much easier to change the hostages now. Although the mask man ’s martial arts is very powerful, he only found that he had suffered serious internal and external injuries after he approached him. After that, his two thighs started bleeding outwards. It's really strange. The first person who practiced martial arts was to start the market, let alone a master like him. Who can hurt his thigh like this? Could it be ... the one fighting with him was a dwarf?

"Dead girl, what are you looking at?" Geng Bingxiu threatened her while running, threatening, "You'd better show me the way and go to the secret exit of Luofu, if you dare to play a bit Fancy, our family first dug your eyes! "As soon as Geng Bingxiu saw her thoughtful pair of eyes, she thought that she was doing something bad for her.

"What do you do when you dig your eyes?" He Danggui tightly pulled the masked man's arm and said indifferently as he ran, "If you dig your eyes, no one will show you the way, if you pull your tongue, no one will answer your question, um ... … It ’s better to cut your ears, you can hear the sound anyway, do you have a knife or dagger? Prepare first! ”

No one has ever dared to despise his torture method in this way. Geng Bingxiu was furious immediately and ran as he said, "Hum! There are a hundred ways in our family that can make you want to die, not death, even if you have some courage and insight. , I have never seen our family ’s real means, please quickly ask our family for mercy, otherwise our family will give you a 'Cuijin Bianban full-layer road' to taste! "

"Cuijin's plaque is full of layers? Now?" He Danggui asked as he ran, "This wooden board with rusty nails is used, but I'm watching Uncle you don't have such a thing on your body?" Waiting for the other party In response, He Danggui laughed again and again, "'Cuijin Bianban full-layer road' is the favorite trick of the government torture. Uncle Mo Fei, are you in the government? Disrespect and disrespect!"

When Geng Bingxiu was surprised, he almost tripped on his feet. A pair of little hands kindly supported him, and asked with concern: "Uncle, are you okay, is it not a good way to wear a mask? I'll pick it for you Come on! "

Get yourself a mask? Geng Bingxiu shouted sharply, "Huh! Our family doesn't need your help. I will pick it when I want to pick it, but once our family takes off the mask, your dead time will come!"

"Yeah, I'm so scared!" He Danggui's little hand patted his chest and said, "But why don't you go away, uncle? You have been letting me drag you away, you are really heavy, uncle, than that plow The ploughshare on the ground will sink a little more. I ca n’t help the little girl. Sorry, I let go! "

Geng Bingxiu lay on the ground with a "thump", only to feel that his whole body was weak and weak, and he even had no strength to sit up. He can't help screaming in panic: "What have you done to me?"

"Shh-" He Danggui said with a slender finger on his lips, softly and dangerously, "uncle, please be quiet, what if you call the chaser?" 2k novel reading network