Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 14: Too dusty bit the bait

Updated: 2013-06-27

Zhao's grievances were unfair, and he asked impassively: "What about the family house and the elders of relatives?"

Qi Xuanyu threw away the grass tail of the dog's tail in his mouth, and found three bronze coins from his sleeve. His face was slightly more serious. After a slight pause, he threw the copper coins on the table, repeating this several times. The old lady and Zhao were holding their breaths and waiting.

After tossing the last coin, Qi Xuanyu's expression suddenly became solemn, and he slowly asked, "The old lady just said, the lady remembered that she had taken the elixir before waking up?" The old lady nodded nervously. Qi Xuanyu frowned and said, "Forgive me, the government has a portrait of the lady, can you take a look at it?"

"Portrait?" The old lady just wanted to call someone, and then remembered later, only a few brothers and sisters in the family, only sister Yi did not let the artist paint a portrait. Zhao's face also showed a difficult look, but the little girl next to Licorice smiled: "The old lady is too forgotten, Miss Three is very handy and often cuts flowers and birds as gifts, as if she has cut her own small statue. , We have it here. "

The old lady was busy: "Hurry up, get it!" Licorice said again, "Yes, but look for a while." The old lady urged her to hurry up, and let the other girl carry tea fruit Dim sum, three people waiting while eating.

After the third cup of tea was drunk, licorice came in from the outside and gave Qi Xuanyu an inch of paper-cut. When Qi Xuanyu picked up the things, his eyes stopped on Licorice's face, his lips were smiling, and a "girl with labor" was said in his mouth, which immediately caused Licorice to flush with a heartbeat.

The old lady and Zhao couldn't help but glance at each other again ... A grandfather of the five ranks, I heard that it was still the celebrity around the emperor, how did it feel embarrassing, not a bit straight?

Qi Xuanyu put the figurine in his palm for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he nodded again and again: "It seems that I am not wrong. The lady's life is very expensive, expensive! If I expected it well, this life Ge should be one of the noble talents of the tenth century, and now there is an immortal gift from Xianjun, which also fulfills this point, but ... "

"It's nothing?" The old lady asked in unison with Zhao.

Qi Xuanyu didn't continue to say that he caressed his chin with his back, sometimes nodding his head and shaking his head, and finally put the figurine into his arms, smiling: "This little figurine is so addictive, the younger sister's favorite thing is delicate It ’s better to use it as a trigram and give it to the younger sister. ”He stood up from his seat and said with a bitter face,“ The young man ’s stomach hurts, maybe it ’s something bad. You sit and eat slowly. Xiaosheng is going to the East Toilet. "After that, I saw him on tiptoe and flew away in the air.

The Zhao family wondered: "... The five generations of the Qi family have a single pass. Wouldn't Qi Guoshi be the only son of him? Where did a younger sister come from?" The old lady and Zhao family sat silently for a while. Zhao rushed to the door and shouted, "Pomegranate, go and have a look. Is Mr. Qi coming back to the toilet?"

A half-head was pierced into the door, and a teenage girl answered, "Mrs. Slave, you saw that, Mr. Qi jumped over a dozen large locust trees, and flew out of the wall in a blink of an eye. I don't know where he went to the east toilet? "The old lady and Zhao were speechless again, and the little girl put out her tongue and pulled her head out of the door.

After a while, Zhao said: "Old ancestors, things are now obvious. Qi Xuanyu must have calculated something badly, and calculated something bad, and was finally scared away!"

The old lady lay back on the soft couch, closed her eyes and said, "This thing makes me think again, you go back first."


At noon, the sun was fine, and Zhenzhu brought thick paper and paste, and the two of them started to confuse doors and windows. At the beginning, He Danggui also helped to paste a few times, but after a while I found out that Zhenzhu was so quiet that those were smooth and beautiful. Only the two windows that I had pasted were crumpled, like new clothes. Two patches.

Zhen Jingle was overwhelmed: "Look at you, there's a big wrinkle here, and the wind blows off in two days. I thought you couldn't do it. It turns out that when you have clumsiness, disillusionment!" He Danggui rolled his eyes. Ms. Ben will also plant fields, plant seedlings, and block roads, will you?

Zhenzhu laughed: "My sister doesn't know. Our Taoist temple is too far away from the town, and it is difficult to invite a craftsman. Even if the price is high, people may not be willing to climb to the top of the mountain. Blacksmith, we also have to make occasional guest appearances, and we are all used to it. My sister ’s hand is clever, and no experience is not good. You ca n’t get in here. The sun is so warm today, it ’s better to go in front of you Right. "

He Danggui also acknowledged his shortcomings, and smiled and said, "The front hall is chanting the scriptures now. I'll listen, and you take your time."

Zhenjing grabbed the cheek gangster: "Well, how did she know that it was time to chant the chanting?"

Zhenzhu stirred the paste and gave her a white look: "You asked me who I asked." Then she looked at the back of the hand that was really quiet, and there were some faint red marks on it. Zhenzhu couldn't help but admire, "I didn't expect my sister. It takes more than a month for such a superb medical skill to achieve this. What is the cure? "

Really quietly shook her hand and smiled, showing off: "Xiao Yi said that this is called" Acupuncture Points of Acupuncture ", which is a type of acupuncture. It has the most immediate effect on external injuries. It is slower to cure her own cold. A single needle will hurt people, but I didn't expect that Liangsi didn't hurt at all! "

Zhenzhu frowned: "It's just that she has such ability at a young age, and it will inevitably make people who are interested in you, really quiet, you must remember, do not publicize her."

"I know, you two added up and said a total of seventeen times! I will now remember my dreams! If someone asks me how the injury will be all right, I will say Xiaoyi gave me a bottle of home Good medicine! "

Under the warm sun, He Danggui slowly rushed into the Qingxin Hall and heard the "humming" chanting sound from the hall next door. So she sat in a corner and listened to the large, empty abstract sentences in the scripture, waiting patiently.

After noon every day, Taichen must pass by the Qingxin Temple, because a large bag of dried meat is hidden behind the statue of Sanqing.

Every day after class, Tai Chen must pass through the backyard, because a pot of Shaoxing old wine was hidden in the courtyard wall. But the night before, that pot of wine had been taken away by Zhenjing. Even without wine, meat must be eaten, and greed is the biggest problem.

Although she wanted to use Jin Yiwei's hands to clean up the dust, she is now only a ten-year-old girl, and it is unwise to have any contact with Jin Yiwei.

However, she met Taichen Shizi "inadvertently" here, and said a few words to say hello, who would notice? He Danggui smiled a little. Since Jin Yiwei can't go to Taichen, he can only go back to Taichen to find them. It would be even more wonderful if Taichen could cause some kind of "misunderstanding".

As long as she pretends to be a naive and ignorant child, even if Taichen encounters some unfortunate things later, even Taichen herself will not doubt a ignorant child, and can only sigh that she will be wrong, bad luck Invest in yourself, find your way ...

Afternoon sunlight hits the girl in the corner of the temple through the window lattice, making her look white and white, beautiful, like a porcelain doll.

At this moment, the girl was bowing her head halfway, as if thinking about something intently, which made her unbearable to break her peace. Although she only wears a green cloth skirt and a lacquered wood jacket on her head, it is better to wear a decent dress with a little money, but men and women, regardless of monks, just look at that corner. , You can no longer look away.

Duan Xiaolou, a beautiful Huai Shui beauty, laments in her heart.

Zhenjun's daughter, how unfair God is, she just gave her such good looks, and she was too embarrassed in her heart.

Duan Xiaolou and Taichen walked into Qingxin Hall one after the other, while watching He Danggui in the corner for a while, then went back to God. Tai Chen laughed in surprise: "Yeah, infinite princes, why is the donor Duan free to come here to turn? Are you still used to living in Taoism?"

Duan Xiaolou said for a moment: "More hospitality, good." Tai Chen wanted to talk a few more words, but Duan Xiaolou has stepped forward and reached the side of He Danggui, laughing while smiling: " Looking at the girl's expression, it almost makes you think that you want to become a fairy and go away. I don't know what Miss He is thinking. Can you tell me?

He Danggui glanced at the dust behind him and smiled with a peep in his eyes: "It's just a short stay here. Unlike a busy man like a son, a little woman has a lot of spare time."

Duan Xiaolou took out two exquisitely-painted snow porcelain vials from his cuff, and handed them to He Danggui, softly said: "Yesterday I patronized and listened to your speech, but I forgot this. You have to take good care of yourself when you get sick. However, the mountain is remote, and Lang Zhonghe can't find any good herbs. These two bottles are made by the pharmacist of Yingtianfu. I do n’t need them, so you can keep them. ”

Yakushido? He Danggui frowned, raised his hand and took the two porcelain bottles one by one. Then he re-plugged the corks and handed them back to Duan Xiaolou. He said, "Nothing can't be done. I can't afford such valuable things. . "

Duan Xiaolou didn't think she could see the value of the medicine at a glance. She thought she was just unwilling to accept things from strange men, so she smiled and said, "There is no other meaning below, just a small gift. Two bottles of medicine are also worth it. No more money or two, the girl please rest assured. "

He Danggui stared straight at the two porcelain bottles, sneering in her heart. She not only knew the ingredients of the pills in the bottle, but was also very familiar with the pharmacy. In all fairness, these two bottles of medicine are very beneficial to her body, even if only one pill can survive ten days and a half months of rest. But He Danggui continued to open his side firmly, and closed his eyes gently, "Thank you Meiyi, keep it for yourself, I don't deserve this."

Duan Xiaolou froze, listening to He Danggui's tone suddenly changed, thinking that he had taken the gift to offend the other party, secretly annoyed.

He has always dealt with Xiaojiabiyu's women, and giving things to women is also a common practice. Under normal circumstances, the woman who received something quit, then moved her face with tears in her eyes, and closed the thing with tears in her eyes. Never a woman would get angry with this. He suddenly realized in his heart that it was impossible to give something free to every lady? Is there any special meaning to giving something? Duan Xiaolou shouted injustice, but he had no special meaning!

Tai Chen came up from the side and laughed at Duan Xiaolou: "Yeah, little girls love to be coquettish, and the donor should not be in the heart. The poor way is to control the medicine house, and give it to me later The lady grabbed a few good medicines to eat and eat, why did the lady go to get angry and let her talk to the donor Duan in the future. "

When Duan Xiaolou was about to speak, there was a chuckle at the entrance of the hall. The three turned their heads at the same time, and saw that Liao Zhiyuan was wearing a blue jersey, leaning against the door frame, staring at He Danggui's face with ease, saying: "Duan Shao, everyone went out together, and you suddenly said you saw A beautiful bird flew over to be caught and raised. So we guys stood in the box and waited for you with big eyes and small eyes. Until the legs and stomach stood sour, I still couldn't see you back, the boss asked me to come I'm looking for you. Dare to ask Duan, where did your bird go? Why are you stuck here? "

There was no change in the expression of He Danggui, but Duan Xiaolou blushed and said, "Lynx, you will choke if you don't speak. I passed by the hall and saw Miss He in there. Come in and say hello."

Liao Zhiyuan ignored him, tilted his head and looked at He Danggui with a smile, and said enthusiastically, "I'm not afraid that the girl will laugh at me. Although our younger section is not a big one, we have never been able to talk to a wife, and everyone is a dead mind. Make the girl happy. If he does something silly, the girl just thinks of him as a stupid cow. "

He Danggui just nodded his head slightly.

Liao Zhiyuan and Duan Xiaolou saw that she had no clever words when they first met, thinking that she still annoyed their frivolous words in her heart, and because Taichen was not in the presence, it was not good to say more, and they left together. Before leaving, Duan Xiaolou looked back at the silhouette bathed in sunlight under the window, and stepped unhurriedly out of the threshold. Until now, he couldn't understand why He Danggui suddenly said he changed his face.

Too dusty looked aside, the man in the heart said that he must have watched this little girl, so he would come to offer his diligence. Strange to say, these noble guests have been running out of Daoguan four or five times a day since they lived in. Seeing their hurried posture, they are nothing like literati writers travelling in mountains. Moreover, the Taoist temples here are poor and mountainous, and I haven't seen a few running here all year round. What exactly are these VIPs? What is the purpose of their stay here? 2k novel reading network