Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 148: Deep affection

Updated: 2013-09-06

How dare that man!

He Danggui bit his cold teeth, how dare he paint himself into the dance hall of his palace! Zhiyuan next door is the Zhiyuan, which is the well that drowned her and her daughter!

"Ten years of life and death, I don't think about it, I'm unforgettable. I have a lonely grave for thousands of miles, and there is nowhere to be desolate. Even if the meeting should be ignorant, dusty and frosty." Reading the inscription on the painting, He Danggui laughed wildly, Are the matching inscriptions the last Zhu Chu's nostalgia for He Zhe who died tragically? How could Zhu Quan, a teenager who knew nothing about those things, write a su Dongpo on her portrait in memory of her dead wife? What an ironic inscription, how she deserves it, even if she is a past life, she is not his wife!

"Miss Three," Tang said, looking at some gloomy Ho Angelica for a moment, recounting, "Last night, the two of them went very hurriedly, and Master Feng was too late to say goodbye to Jiu Gu. Jiu Gu could not help but be sad. Then, I went to the bamboo courtyard to inquire about the specific situation, but I heard someone say that these two guests have been sleeping in the same room for nearly ten days. Jiu Gu found a baggage when he walked into their room and thought it was wind. The master left it to himself and opened it to see. Who knows, the painting in it is you, and the payment is 'Ning Yuan'; a letter says that I want to give Yu Pei to you. Look, this is the envelope. Li Sheng's Jade Pei ... "Tang Yan put a piece of green dragon jade in front of He Danggui," the old lady looked at it several times, and she was suspicious that it was ... the royal thing. "

She looked intently, hey, isn't this the jade of Princess Xie? Vaguely I heard Gu Yan enviously mentioned that it was the gift when Zhu Quan hired and married Xie Qiaofeng. At the palace, it was Xie Qiaofeng's exclusive display. Has Zhu Quan blinded lard? The big man who never leaks water, never grants the right to Zhu Zhuquan, has rewarded his enemy with a jade pendant that can reveal his identity?

"Miss Three, take a good look, but this is the thing of the son of Ning?" Before Tang Yu handed Yu Pei to He Danggui, he asked again, "Be careful, this very expensive one should be held with both hands. . "

He Danggui refused to answer and shook his head: "I only met him once, that is, the one who stabbed you for itching powder and let me take off as a guest. I only spoke two words with Master Feng, and the two of them left. I did n’t know anything about the guest named Ning and his people. Since this jade pen is so powerful, I still do n’t let my hands touch it. I often shake my hands after getting up in the morning. ”

"You guys ... haven't you been in private? Really, Ning Gong hasn't said anything to you ... showing love?" Tang Yan still looked suspiciously at the look of Angelica. Although she looked as usual, she always felt that she His eyes were not the same as usual, and the cold ice made people panic. Tang Yan pointed at the painting on the table, and asked, "Why did he draw you into the painting? Look, this look, this look, this smile is simply wonderful! Mrs. 2 often invited a famous artist to Miss 2 Their portraits, but no artist can draw to such a degree, if he has no affection for you, why is this pen full of deep affection and every word telling deep thoughts? "

He Danggui bent over with a smile, and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes with a parchment, and said, "Originally, I am also a writer who has exported chapters. If I go to the imperial examinations, I can also get a second place ... I ca n’t read, so I do n’t know what is being told, but I seem to have heard from Master Feng saying that the guest named Ning has a dying sister who looks like me. Maybe he painted his sister. . "

"Sister ?!" Tang Yan glanced at Jiu Gu, and Jiu Gu nodded for a moment, thinking: "This is very likely, this is to mourn the dead, the son of Ruining really intends to Miss San, and should not choose This word sent her, if it was said that she saw a young lady who looked similar to the dead girl, her sad paintings, inscriptions, and gifts were justified. "

Tang Zheng nodded convincingly, but another general distress appeared, "This jade looks very simple and not like ordinary people's things. How can we deal with it? Ms. San, what do you think?"

"I don't know," He Danggui said concisely.

Tang Yan and Jiu Gu were silent for a while. Jiu said that Tang Yi said: "Whether it is showing love to Miss Three or using Miss Three as a stand-in for the dead girl, this piece of jade is given to her. Since the old lady Bian was also unsure of the idea. According to my opinion, she will be temporarily kept by Miss Three. When Yang Brother or Ning Gong comes to the door in the future, ask the reason and decide whether to retire or stay.

Tang Zheng hesitated to return the jade box to the box of He Danggui solemnly and instructed: "Be sure to put it away, don't break it for a little bit, let alone lose it. So, I will go to the warehouse in a while Pick a hundred pounds of pig-iron copper lock box, specially for you to collect this jade pendant, Ms. San, you must collect it! "After stinging with a commanding tone, I found that Ms. San's puppet seemed to be unable to grasp the brocade box. I thought that she just said, "I often shake my hands after waking up in the morning." She was so frightened that Tang Zheng shook her back and stuffed it under the pillow of the embroidered bed in the back room. Then she explained a few words carefully before she and Jiu Gu Step by step and go back.

As soon as they walked on their front feet, Cicada jumped into the door with their hind feet, and took an apple from under the apron. They snapped and asked, "Miss, what do you want to eat earlier? Tang Yan gave us a lot of delicious clothes, I just piled up a table and a place in the kitchen's storage room just to eat! There are more than the ones I gave you last time. I do n’t recognize many things, such as a little red fruit, a mumbled one After asking Toon Bud, I realized that it was the lychee that Yang Guifei loved to eat! She told me that despite using Bingbing, the fruit could not help but eat as soon as possible. I'll peel it for you, right? "

"I do n’t like to eat that. You eat it separately, and suddenly you feel sleepy again. I want to lie down and lay it down. You can pick two smart ones from the twelve rough maids in the courtyard. Help you manage the small kitchen; Tang Yan will send someone to the iron box and leave them at the door. Do n’t knock on my door. If Liulitang sends someone to let me take the bamboo brother over, you will let mint Doujian they took it for a while, and it was brought back in the dark; no matter who came again, they said that I had a bad stomach and couldn't see anyone. Okay, just like that, you go. "

With a half-push and half-sent out, she pulled out the cicada out of the door, carefully plugged the latch, and found another iron nail to reinforce it once again. It was confirmed, and she heard the cicada bite the apple and mumbled "eat Did the sweet noodles eat a bad stomach? "He walked away and escaped to the back room with a sigh of relief. He lowered the curtains, ran back to the bed, and put down the bed account.

She overestimated herself.

I thought it was better after a night of buffering.

Is it because you drink too much osmanthus? Her stomach was so cold that she shrank into a ball and made a ghost in her belly.

She hugged her belly abruptly into the quilt. No, she couldn't see anyone anymore. Let her be alone.

I thought that something good had come down early in the morning, and thought that Tang Yan brought things and various compensation measures to pay for his work, in recognition of his filial granddaughter. It turned out that they were suspicious, and a royal child with a royal thing liked her. It turned out that her layers of plots and performances were not as good as his paintings. Yeah, he has always stood taller than her, and such a gap is not enough to look up.

She thought she loved him in the previous life, and woke up in this life that she thought she hated him. Now that he really appeared, she realized that this feeling was fear. He learned all kinds of good skills and deep thoughts from him. The Dong family Luo Baiji of the Douluo family and others seemed to be adults playing with children. Now the thoughtful grandpa appeared, and she could n’t help but have a This kind of inferiority complex can never be surpassed. Hearing that he had left Luofu, she did not speak up, but her heart was full of fortunateness, and she no longer had to confront such a terrible character. But why did he leave his poison to himself, would he come to him again in the future?

Did she spend a quiet day in Taoyuanyuan? Suddenly, one day, like the last generation, he would send a matchmaker like a tongue and tongue, and take her in the name of King Ning?

Does she still have to see Zhou Jinglan and Xie Qiaofeng, and return to the death scene of her and her daughter to relive the old dreams?

Why let her meet him again? Remorse, remorse! If she knew that he was him, she would hide herself well from him, let him not be curious, keep him from wondering, and not become his prey ... what, she is now his prey She has seen too much of his temperament and methods. As long as he is remembered by him, no matter for ten or twenty years, he must try to get it, and if he is ashes, he will get it ... until she died in the previous life At that time, his eyes had not left the dragon chair, and he was still planning to join hands with the old emperor who scammed to deal with the new emperor ...

"Well, why are you still asleep? I'm too lazy to do it." There was another sound that sounded outside the quilt. "Get up and tell you something."

Her body was cold and her eyes lit up, and her protective cover suddenly disappeared. This will be found by that person! That person's martial arts is so high, maybe he will suddenly appear in front of her bed like a little master, catch her away and lock her up, so that she can't survive or die!

"What's the matter, are you sick, shivering like this during the day?" The forehead was covered with warm and cold fingers. "Yeah, you have a fever! Is it uncomfortable? Is it a doctor?" Breathing on her cheek, "still crying? I didn't see you cry like that yesterday. I thought you were a female king. I was sick and would secretly avoid crying." Her soft body was Caught it up and was sitting cross-legged with one hand, and then the voice sounded again, "I will work hard to help people heal and heal. I will heal you for a cure. In exchange, you won't treat me I will tell this to others. "

Two warm palms cling to her back heart, undulatingly pinching the tactics, her back gradually became hot. Hot, hot. The feeling of hot passed from the back heart to the chest, to the limbs, The cold was dispersed.

But what about the cure? She has been stared at by a demon. She will die sooner or later. How could she fight the most gloomy, terrible, cold and ruthless devil in the world? Would she want to meet her, and survive under the devil's hands? ? Oops, he said last time that he knew that Chan Chan was his weakness. As long as he inquired a little bit, he would know that he still had a mother-in-law. If he didn't listen to him, would he catch them both? How about coercing themselves with their lives?

"Girl, converge on your mind and keep Dantian. Your mind is too distracted. As soon as I enter, I will be dispelled by you."


When he was young, the two warm palms were evacuated, the soft body was put back on the bed, and the quilt was wrapped back into his body. The sound of feet falling to the ground, the sound of walking away, the sound of the cabinet opening, the sound of gurgling, the sound of walking closer.

She felt a sudden sink in her body and then became warm.

"It turned out that you have so many pillows and quilts hidden in your cabinet. Why not take them out? See how good it is. The beds are full of quilts and pillows. It seems more popular. When I entered your house just now, I thought there was no one in the room. It was okay when I left in the morning, why did n’t I see you at two hours and it turned out like last night? No, it was worse than last night, as if the whole body said 'let me disappear "I shouldn't have come to this world '!" His tone was ridiculed with three points, seven points of joy, "Who bullied you, little pepper? Why not give up the energy that dealt with me last night? he?"

He felt a pillow and threw it at that voice.

"Fortunately, you got it. You throw it too far, and it almost soiled the floor."

"... Isn't it noon? I'm not saying I'll come again at night." The moment Zhang opened her mouth, she realized that her body still had vocal function.

"Sorry, I can't come tonight," said a little bit more, the sound of pulling a stool and the sound of melon seeds sounded, "I don't stay long, my dad is waiting for me at the main hall. gone."

He's leaving, too fast, is it really a passenger? I thought that this different boy was a light of redemption, and he could follow her farther. Is this the end of the road?

The sound of the melon seeds lasted for half a cup of tea. "Wow, your melon seeds are very special. They are different from each kind of melon seeds platter I ate at Yuxuanfang in Jingcheng. The fragrant water you gave me in the morning is also delicious. I wanted to eat it at night. Come to you for supper, "Pap, Pap, Papap, and spit," but I went to your old lady in the morning and revealed to her that I was interested in studying at Chengyuan. She just invited me to Luofu. After playing for a while, I didn't mention anything about letting me live in your house. I hinted that she didn't hear it two or three times. In this way, my plan to stay in your house was completely lost. "

Don't keep him? It's weird. It's not like the character of the old lady. At first, the old lady likes to be lively and likes how many juniors in the family. Secondly, she always has an unusual enthusiasm for the young and promising noble son. Why don't you leave Meng Yue to live in Luofu?

This time, the clever Meng Yue and He Danggui did not guess the old lady's mind. It was not that she did not want to stagnate or retain the noble guests, but that the old lady simply did not associate the "noble guests who haven't met in ten years with Luo" with "Luo's "Residents" draw an equal sign. She didn't even think about it, and did not understand the verbal implications that Meng Yue wanted to borrow from Luofu. She just blindly invited him to come to Luofu in the future.

"Later, my dad came to me. I mentioned to him that I wanted to study at Chengyi. He was very much in favor of it. He also took me to choose a house near the academy and pick a few bookboys and descendants, so I ’m leaving your Luofu house today, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to come to you at night until my dad leaves Yangzhou. Only 10% of your true energy is taken by me, and the other 90% is still in your body. Hidden dangers, girl, these days when I do n’t come to you, you must not be stale, unconscious, depressed, and crying outside, so you will be very dangerous. So, all kinds of sadness and sorrows will be stunned first Let ’s have it when I come to collect power next time. "

"... Okay." She never heard such a persuasive word, and fell into her ears at this moment, unexpectedly beautiful.

The sound of "Papa" melon seeds was mixed with gentle laughter. Although she hid in the warm darkness created by the thick cotton quilt, the bright eyes of the teenager and the gentle smile seemed to be right in front of her: "Then ... Let ’s do this first. My dad is talking to your whole family outside. It is estimated that he should be impatient after a while and show his true colors. It will not end well by then. I will come to you with his name in the future. A guest at home. Did you lend me a papa? My one wiped your nosebleed last night. "

"You go look in the drawer."

"Can't find it? There are only a few pairs of socks. Your socks look very new. Have you worn them before?"

"do not know."

"... It looks very new. Forget about lending me one, thank you!"

"... What are you doing?"

"Of course I want to take away the seeds. Depending on how sick you are, I'm definitely not in the mood to eat seeds. It won't taste good when you let it go. I'm kind to help you handle it. You don't need to be grateful."


"Leave, there will be a period!"

As soon as the window opened and closed, this young man who was as clever as she was with a layer of mystery came and left, and unconsciously took away her hidden illness. Because he said that the disordered heart would hurt her and lose her restraint. He said that all sadness and sadness should be released when the next time I see him.

Then there will be a period, Master.


"Get up and get up!" Chanyi dragged her up. "Miss today, are you going to school on the first day, are you going to be late? After two or three consecutive days of sleep, are you still too sleepy?"

Why Angelica looked at the sky outside in wonder: "Why is it still dark, how many days is it now?"

"Three or four more. I just played it once, and I didn't bother to count it," Chan put on her clothes neatly, and continued to complain. "In the past, you did n’t stack the quilt. Now, It ’s better. You sleep and pull on the four-bed quilt. Do n’t you know that it will take me a long time to stack your quilt every day? ”

What Angelica stared at: "Three more ?! You called me to go to school in the middle of the night?" No wonder she felt that she had just been dragged up shortly after she had just climbed into bed!

Chanyi didn't think there was anything wrong with this, Ms. Ding Ding said, "I heard that the people you go to school will have a lunch outside at noon. Miss you pick your mouth like this, neither eat nor eat, so I will give you I prepared a loving rice bag. You can have that rice bag at noon. There are several dishes in it, simmered pork head meat, four-colored chicken filling with small flower rolls, fat chicken legs! Your classmates saw it for sure, let them Let's go with your eyes, you must eat all of them and not give them away, I made the love rice bag that I made only one night! "

He Danggui just wanted to say something, and was dragged away by Huaihua and pressed to the dressing table.

Huaihua laughed: "Tang Yan came here last night, and Tete told him that it does n’t matter if you do n’t read or do n’t attend classes, but you must dress well to go to school. I heard that all the girls who go to school first Heaven school must spend all its efforts to dress up, because the women's college has a very big beauty contest-rest assured, slaves will make every effort to help the lady win the championship, becoming the 'first golden branch' of this school year! " 2k novel reading network