Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 149: The first golden branch

Updated: 2013-09-07

Chengyi College is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with water on one side and beautiful scenery on the other. The buildings are full of ingenious design everywhere. Many rooms are not like classrooms, they are like treasure treasures in business. It is said that Chengzhen was first built in the late Southern Song Dynasty. In addition to the officials of the Yangzhou Supervision and Construction Department, there were also two study monks from Dongzhao. It took only five years to build a new scale. Later, the world was in chaos, and most of the colleges were built. It was abandoned, and it was only gradually completed and put into use until the current dynasty.

The men's school covers a large area, and there is also a racetrack and a practice shooting range. The women's school was originally the teacher's house and tea house. Since the last dean Hou Yi put forward the concept of a "women's school", he has been in the men's school. A high wall was erected on one side to separate a women's school, and the six female students who were dressed as men in the men's school at the time became the first students of the women's school.

However, today's female students have long lost the hard-working spirit of Dean Hou, who opened the women's school with the hard-working spirit of those female predecessors who had to "learn to die". They used the school as a theater on South Avenue. On two laps, the sun went up and down, and went to the stage every three to five, catching some brow that made people blush. Such girls belong to the lost lambs that made the gentlemen shake their heads. Today, half of the girls in the academy belong to this type of students, and ten of them are not studying with a "test-free entry" Speculative Molecules.

Of course, there are also many young ladies who have been quite talented in their boudoirs since childhood, such as Miss Guan Guan of Guanfu and Miss Guan Guan of Four. Although the family is famous, it is also a matter of getting a special recruit quota, but they just throw that special application registration form aside and enter the examination room generously with the first-class households To take the exam, learn from the real talents.

Another example is Ms. Ling Sanyi, who walked into the examination room without a word, and left the papers after the exams. After the papers were approved by the gentlemen and the high scores were passed, the name of Ling Shi's niece was not found when the director of Bai Yuan was on the list. Also listed. The noble ladies who belong to this category, as well as Wu Fuqian Jin Wu Yuying, Tai Fu Niu Tong's daughter Niu Wenbao, Yangzhou Prefect's Han Han's daughter Han Xinxin, Han Qiqi, etc. all have done some hard work in piano, calligraphy, calligraphy and poetry. Little girl.

When these ladies arrived in the academy, they chatted together in a place. Several women in various skirts and looks picked a pavilion next to the water, and judged their failures in the academy's landscape garden. The sedan chair at the entrance to the academy's gate, if there is a character they all recognize, can't help but criticize it.

However, while they were watching the scenery, there were also people who came and went to see them as scenery. They have more or less in mind and enjoy it.

This is a public area outside the men's and women's homes. Usually only the sons and daughters will sit here and shake their heads to study and watch the "scenery." Those hostile ladies always get out of the sedan and cover the half with Ropa or fan. Behind his face, the lotus step socks, straight to the women's hospital without squinting, leaving the boys with a beautiful back.

However, today is an exception. One male student and one female student must attend the opening ceremony together in this public area. The second one has a son named Sun Yanbin, who is a new student. The Dean Bai invited him to attend the opening ceremony for Cheng Yi. Students look at the respect. Therefore, the ladies waited in pairs outside the women's hospital.

Except for the Qushui Liulian blind date, this school opening ceremony is only held once a year, so the ladies can't help but dress up on this important occasion where they live with all the wealthy sons. They will treasure the night pearl, grandma's pigeon bloodstone, ancestral Blood corals, gold and silver jewelry heads and faces in dowry are all inlaid on the head, face, clothes and embroidered shoes.

At a glance, the beauty of Zheng Dou Yan is amazing, and the beauty of youth and beauty is remarkable, but some old gentlemen who have taught in the academy for ten or twenty years can't help shaking their heads and sighing that the world is so old. At the time when they were young, the ladies of Qianjin were beautiful with elegance.

This opening ceremony is the "beautiful contest" in the mouth of Tang Yu, and the selection of the so-called "first golden branch" and "first son" are actually the results of unofficial small-scale discussions-while the dean and gentlemen are in Taiwan During the speech, the boys quietly commented on the lady on the right, and voted after judging a few outstanding people. Of course, this is just an underground activity for some people. For example, Luo Bai, the father of several children, has lost his evaluation. The younger sister's interest, and Peng Shi, a representative of the "Cold" who has higher eyes than eyes, just sniffed at these things to the point that they couldn't sniff any more.

On the contrary, the ladies who are usually ashamed to answer, almost everyone will vote for him in his mind. If it is the turn of the lady to say, the lady chooses to abstain, there will always be one or two "fake clear", "She will pretend "A low hum like" sounded, so even a lady who is introverted and can no longer be introverted, with a shame on her face that is more rosy and intoxicating than a burgundy cloth, will bite her lower lip and whisper a name. If this scene falls in the eyes of the brothers and sisters on the left, I feel so good that I want to shake off the folding fan with Mobao and wave a few cool winds to relieve it.

Although the selection results do not represent the opinions of everyone, the popularity of the young lady who won the title of "First Golden Branch" and "First Son" will be heard throughout Chengyuan College, and even the dean and dean will hear about it. The lady who won the title of "First Golden Branch" is basically suitable to find a Ruyi Langjun in Chengyi, because there must be at least ten secretly contemplating her son among the hundreds of male students in the large college. And among these ten, there are likely to be three or four secretly sending love letters to her son. If she is willing to reply to the previous letter, then both parties will be connected.

He admired her, she liked him, and in a world of peace and courtyard, two young and noble, innocent hearts slowly approached, a love that gradually became fiery with the goal of raising a relative and using letters to communicate is here A moment was born.

Right now the opening ceremony has not yet started, and the boys and girls have not yet arrived, so everyone is quietly discussing three or five hot spots who are expected to be nominated for the "First Golden Branch" and "First Son" this year. Of course, family history is first. Although the family history of those who can study in Chengming is not bad, but they can also be divided into three or six grades. Even if they are nominated, they want to be selected. Impossible, because most people will leave a precious ticket to the true nobility.

The second is the appearance of the instrument. This is the only criterion for the same family. However, there is a certain gap in each person's aesthetics, which leads to controversy every year. There are also many beautiful young girls who have seriously protested the results of the selection. The "first golden branch" had a one-on-one contest ... In short, all kinds of fun came together, and many teachers on the stage couldn't help sighing. It was so young.

"Sister, who were the" first golden branch "and the" first son "of last year?"

Among the young ladies who were admitted on the basis of their true skills, only the uncle was an old student who had read for two years. The other young ladies are entering the gate of the academy for the first time in their lives, like chicks who just came out of their shells. Curiously turning the black eyes to look at this beautiful and prosperous world. The atmosphere of this legendary mixed gender college is really good. After entering the college, it seems that life is about to take off from here ...

Guan Xuan smiled: "The first golden branch was Yongping's uncle Xie Qiaofeng. She stopped reading this year. I heard that her family was telling her about her family and she was going to marry this year. The first son was still from Luodong House. Before Master Luo Bai, he has been reelected as the first son of three sessions. Although he has been married, he is always present every time he is nominated. When we vote, we all have thin faces, even if we are in love. The candidate was also embarrassed to say his name, and he simply voted for Brother Luo. Of course, Brother Luo looks handsome and beats a woman. His first son is also worthy of the name. "

Wen Xin, the eldest daughter of the prefecture, Han Xinxin, eyes brightened and asked, "Where is it, where is he?"

Guan Yan shook his head: "I haven't seen it, maybe it hasn't arrived yet. He has to wait for his sister to go to school today. It is estimated that it will take a while to delay. Sister Joan has always been very picky about clothes. I am really convinced of her."

Among the several women in the gazebo, only the one who was not dressed up to reflect the sun, and even the wonderful art of borrowing money from acquaintances to buy clothes, did his best to dress up with the least amount of silver to give the most solemn effect. Guan Yu believes that there is a poetry and self-confidence in his belly, and the appreciation of the opposite **** attracted by several pieces of jewelry is neither pure nor long-lasting. She usually likes to wear simple and comfortable men's robes. Today, when she wears women's clothes, she is also a refreshing cardigan skirt with dark pattern. It is indeed beautiful in the eyes of others.

Wu Yuying, the fourth lady of Wufu, covered her mouth with a smile. "What about being picky? You can change your clothes, but you can't change your nose." It alludes to Luo Baiqiong's nose being too big, a failure in her looks.

You ca n’t even see where your nose is. Niu Wenbao, the young daughter of Tai Fu Niutong, muttered in the bottom of her heart, then gently poked at the Ling Miao art around her, and whispered in surprise: “That ’s not Peng Fu ’s two A young master? "

Ling Miaoyi also wondered: "Peng Shi! Peng Jian! The two of them also read Cheng Cheng?" Like Chang Nuo, Peng Shi Peng Jian is also a familiar face that Ling Miaoyi often met at the banquets in Beijing, especially Peng Jianhui I was particularly impressed with her having had a number of quarrels and mutual integration incidents with her.

"They also live in Luodong Province now," Guan said of what he knew. "I heard that the older people wanted to make a relationship and come to a relationship to deepen the relationship."

Moreover, she overheard Luo Fuqiong's argument that Luo Baiqiong was indifferent to Peng Shi at first glance, and she also carefully designed a trick to save the water, so that the girl would try to attract Peng Shi to seduce him to rescue him. She went to the water and pretended to be in a coma to let Peng Shi hug her all the way, but at present it seems that she has not yet won the favor of the other party. Frankly speaking, Peng Shi is indeed a personal talent. He has grown up like an adult at a young age, and quite a bit of his father's style. Leaving aside his family, Luo Baiqiong is indeed not worthy of him. From another perspective, Luo Baiqiong Such a deep-bodied girl also cannot hang Peng Shi's appetite. To see if the two could be connected, she had to wait and see, anyway, she was not optimistic about them.

Ling Miaoyi snorted: "Two freaks, whoever marries them is unlucky ... Hey, that's Meng Yue, the youngest general in Meng's house! His family lives next to the Yinghui Academy in Beijing, and he actually came to Yangzhou to read Cheng Ye? Strange, what happened to Cheng Ye this year, all the dragons in the deep water are here, Dao Sheng, General Meng Xiao, the second general of the Peng family, plus ... Mr. Duan is really talented. "Although Guan Xiaolou has always been called an elder brother, but this is a college, female students are not good enough to speak to males in public, so she called" Mr. Duan ".

"What about you?" Ms. Wu Si said with a slight sneer. "Why did you come to read Cheng Cheng? I heard that you are playing in the capital, but the whole capital does not know your name." Names can make trouble, lie, and hurt others.

Ling Miaoyi was about to say a few words, and Miss Niu took a photo of them, exclaiming: "Look! The real celebrity is here-it's Liao Qinger from Liao House!"

Ling Miaoyi and several others looked together, and their mouths swallowed like eggs: "Crazy girl Liao Qinger!"

The girl had a good-looking face and snow-colored skin, but was very different from the slender beauty in the south, with a round face and a round figure. The round face lifted slightly, looking at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, walking as fast as the wind, his arms swinging back and forth alternately, which was quite different from the ritual small steps of ladies. She seemed to feel that many acquaintances in Beijing were looking at herself, so she even held her head up, leaving a white double chin for them to admire.

Guan Yan and Guan Zhan glanced at the eye-catching big garland on Liao Qing'er's head, and looked at each other again, secretly decided that the young girl was their cousin, and now she kept her mouth shut when she lived in Guan government-there is such a crude relative It's too shameful.

"Who is that person?" Han Xinxin, the eldest daughter of the prefecture, Han Xinxin patted Guan Yan, and asked nervously, "The one who is looking at us, the one who is smiling!"

Guan Yan glanced over his head and replied, "Oh, he is in front of Luo Bai, the young master of Luofu, next to Miss Luo Baiqiong. They have been regulars in my family for two years, and you went to Beizhili to learn tea art. Years, so I haven't even met them ... "Speaking of which, she suddenly stopped, huh? Look at Han Xinxin's shameful, cowardly, and unhappy look, can you still fall in love with Na Luo at first sight? Huh! Then she was really blind, Luo Dashao is a well-known bale and romantic!

"Hey, who is the one who bows his head and walks behind them? The face is rubbed like a monkey's ass." Miss Wu Si asked.

"What's her surname?" Guan Zheng glanced briefly and replied briefly.

"What's the last name? Which one? Who's her father?" Miss Niu asked curiously. "Everyone looks ordinary in dress and looks like she's not going to participate in the selection of the" first golden branch ", but why is her face so red? "

Guan Ye's face showed a slightly disgusting expression, shaking his head without saying more, which further stimulated everyone's curiosity. Ling Miaoyi first glanced casually over there, and then Xingyan opened her eyes, exclaiming: "This girl ... I have seen it!"

Miss Niu asked, "Where is it? Beijing?" Ling Miaoyi shook her head doubtfully, and lowered her head for a moment and thought.

In a few moments, Chengxi's male and female students in the new school year have arrived one after another. Male students are seated one by one on the left side of the temporary platform, while the number of female students is far less than that of male students. Long thin rows.

Because there are no strict formation rules, the Boudoirs have always been used to it, so they all sit according to the closeness of their relationship. For example, Miss Guan Guan, Ling Miaoyi, and other friends who have a lot of friends, sit in a row with five or six people, and then there are some timid special admissions students, Luo Baiqiong, and her cousins ​​Sun Ru and Sun Yan, three or four people sit in a row, later--

"There's too much space there, and sit up for two!" Zheng Lian, the lady in the women's hospital, suddenly screamed in front of the team, "sit up for two more!"

He Danggui was sullen with hair, and looked up, and found that the hand of the lady was right beside her. She looked back and forth to find out that she was the only one in the whole team. According to the "gang" division of seats, she is indeed a helpless and no faction, but did not expect to stand out so soon.

Because of her reluctance to go to this school, and since the day of the Long Pei incident, her spirit has been slumped, and she ca n’t be interested in anything, even Dong ’s crying She had to hang three or four or five, and she had never watched once. The shadow that the terrible man brought to her continued from some vague and tragic moments in her dreams to the vivid memories that awakened when she woke up. Now she has forcibly intervened in the way of real pictures and jade pendants. The peaceful new life made her hate and fear, and it was impossible to imagine.

"You guys!" Mr. Zheng pointed to the row with the most of them, commanded, "Go back two!" A few of Guan Yan looked at each other, but none of them moved. Mr. Zheng impatiently ordered, "No matter who you are, sit over the two and sit next to her!"

This shout was too loud, from the teacher on the stage to the male and female students off the stage, and the noisy garden was quietly strange for a moment. There was a whispered chat without a sentence, which was also the product of extremely boring. At this moment, what was unusual was immediately attracting the attention of a large number of people.

Mr. Zheng was anxious: "Why is there no one to move? No one wants to sit next to her?" He pointed at He Danggui's head. 2k novel reading network