Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 170: Women's torture

Updated: 2013-09-20

The leisure son of the wealthy family, don't worry about time, don't worry about money, women don't need to worry, what will they worry about? First of all, they have an infinite amount of time to worry about, infinite women, but not unlimited energy and healthy body; second, they worry about, when the above problems occur, see a doctor in the familiar Langzhong or pharmacy, even if the other person's mouth Strictly speaking, it is inevitable to lose face in front of acquaintances. A man can't lose face without losing face, otherwise how can he show his strength in front of a woman?

The Quanji Hall opened by the couple of Xue Lao Shenyi and the couple saved this face. At first I went to Quanjitang because it was recommended by a friend or two. In addition, the place was not well-known and famous, and I saw a doctor at a strange doctor. It was relatively less embarrassing. Moreover, that Xue Shenyi is not only good at medicine, but also understands their impatient and reserved and contradictory mood. The process of seeing a doctor, from the diagnosis of hanging wires to the questions raised, did not make them feel embarrassed, so they gradually became embarrassed. Like this Quanjitang. After receiving the wonderful effects of the three-pronged approach of soup medicine, moxibustion and steam bath, they became regular guests of Quanjitang.

Later, Quanjitang launched a number of aphrodisiac pills called tonics. The effect can only be described as "praise". Although Xue Shenyi is very old now, he is almost no longer consulted. It is harder to find than the doctor of Sanqingtang. At present, there is only one Haixiao Shenyi in Quanjitang, but only because he has the best supply of aphrodisiac pills in Yangzhou City. Quanjitang's business is still one step ahead. It has become a well-deserved number one in the field of aphrodisiac pills, and its semicolon has also opened to the fourth.

He Danggui and Liao Qing'er did not expect that the situation would gradually develop like this. The original Quanji Hall, which originally meant "benefiting the world," now has the same reputation as Ren Shutang, and most of the money made by the noble officials, The whole family benefited from taking the medicine alone, so no one in Yangzhou, large or small, mentioned Quanjitang—not the shop that sells aphrodisiac medicine? It completely ignored the three-year uninterrupted charitable act of donating medicine to the poor.

In short, because of the reputation of Quanjitang, Liao Qinger has not been able to reveal his identity as the boss behind the scenes.

And Liao Qinger's elder brother Liao Zhiyuan learned that through a special channel, the so easy-going and enlightened person usually did not know whether he had changed sexuality after the wedding, and strongly opposed to Liao Qinger's selling medicine and opening the Qinglou. Qinglou also opened three rooms in one breath. There are "Men's Youth Building" (the lady stops), "Men's Youth House" (the son stops), and "Shuang Qinglou" (the children stop). Liao Zhiyuan disguised as a hawker and stirred up two occasions. He was run away by Liao Qinger with a few jars of wine, and Liao Zhiyuan, who was swollen and swollen, returned to Beijing angrily, and said that he would find Liao Qinger as soon as possible to find an in-law's house and throw it away.

In fact, when this pair of brothers and sisters were arguing, He Danggui happened to be present, so he couldn't help but persuade two sentences, but Liao Zhiyuan's attitude towards her was not very good, and she didn't have the kind of friendly smile when she was in Taoism. She guessed that it might be because of Duan Xiaolou's relationship, and Guan Yu was still Liao Zhiyuan's cousin. I heard that she had been married at Liao's house, but somehow she never married to Duan's house.

Therefore, she asked him about the recent situation of Duan Xiaolou. Is Duan well off recently?

Duan? Liao Zhiyuan sneered, instead of answering her question, he pulled out a long sword at the waist-although he was cut off by Gao Ju's knife, it was still a sword.

Sure enough, He Danggui didn't read it wrong. It really was a razor-sharp blade, because Liao Zhiyuan cut his hair by himself and blew it to her one by one, and started to tell in detail about how he had recently given several prisoners. After the punishment, how to peel the scalp, how to peel the nails, how to cut the fingers makes the most painful, how to remove the bones is the most pleasing sound, and also talked about several ancient torture devices dedicated to women. Weeped and talked about the kind of torture that an ingratitude person would suffer in **** after his death.

Before He Danggui could answer, Liao Qinger jumped up and grabbed his handsome face, adding countless startling bloodstains on the basis of his nose and swollen face. Angrily Liao Zhiyuan ran to the yard with a sword to chop firewood, chopped hundreds of pounds, and left angrily before leaving, saying that after the New Year, he would distribute Liao Qinger Xu to the most fierce and cruel people in Jinyiwei, let them catch each other Go shameless.

He Danggui was worried for Liao Qinger, but Liao Qinger comforted her, saying that she had lost one person vigorously in an important public place in Beijing three years ago, and she is still a celebrity in Beijing, so no son dared to marry herself home of. Besides, she originally planned to find three to four relatives. If her brother chose her well, she would allocate a place to that person.

He Danggui thinks that "Jin Yiwei's most fierce and cruel people" can never be "not bad", so he always advised Qing'er to return to Beijing as soon as he took a vacation, and reconciled with her brother first. People, in the future, will not bother to leave the family, but it will also harm Qingyu. He Danggui knows that Qing'er has a wave-shaped skeleton on his face, and that he wants to find multiple relatives. In fact, Qing'er is the woman who most yearns for "one generation, one couple". He Danggui went to the night where Qinger went to sleep together. Qinger told herself the love stories of many men and women in her world. In those stories, no matter how those people are entangled, in the end, a pair of men and women will always be there. Together with Amami ending.

After Liao Qinger didn't care about the holiday and returned home, He Danggui said to Ai Aidi to ask her to help him explore the current situation of Duan Xiaolou. This Liao Zhiyuan hated her so far and made her worry about the situation of Duan Xiaolou. It has been two years since she and Duan Xiaolou broke up friendly. She really hopes that Duan Xiaolou can skip this unpleasant experience and find a partner that really suits him.

Liao Qinger tilted her with her eyes and asked, sample, are you sorry? In fact, you have been thinking about Duan Xiaolou? In fact, you have changed from touching to true love for him, right? In fact, are you jealous of Guan Yu? In fact, you broke up with Duan Xiaolou because he always wore shoes and socks made by Guan Yan, right? To put it plainly, you are sore.

He Danggui stumbled for the first time. After hearing Qinger's argument for the first time, he couldn't digest the content of these questions for a while. Was he jealous? When Guan Rong and Duan Xiaolou rode a ride together, galloping like electricity at Chengming Racecourse, talking and laughing.

Liao Qinger suddenly stretched out a pair of chubby hands, holding the face of He Danggui, and apologized to her solemnly. Sorry, I blame the love stories I told for poisoning your pure heart and making you a love unconsciously. The perfectionist is thinking to be like the person in the story, to let that man be single-minded about you and never change his heart. Alas, it seems that it is impossible for Duan Xiaolou to do this. I don't know if you can meet someone who is so good, so considerate, and loves you so much.

He Danggui smiled, yeah, Duan Gongren is so nice, I hope he has completely forgotten me.

Liao Qing'er said with a deep sigh, but then again, even the grand love Duan Xiaolou could not do "a lifetime, a couple", making me despair of the men in your world, everyone is too masculine , I have imagined the woman's mind too broad, I feel that it should be the love between wife and children, occasionally jealous is lovely, jealous all the time is very annoying. The first time I saw Duan Xiaolou, I ran into a scene where he confessed to you. I was so touched that I jumped into the real life thinking about the story in the book. This time Xiaolou loves you really is miserable, but he also has a hateful place. Every time you are touched, moved, and want to be nice to him, when you pour out your heart, he is detained by the sinister The fox walked away, and it hurts you to follow him. Duan Xiaolou is like a dumb boy. He also shows you the little pottery doll he pinched with Guan Yan, alas, a silly hat.

He Danggui said with an eyelid, I guess he wasn't stupid at all, I guess at that time, he already estimated that his mother might have been close, so I tried those things to test my bottom line and see if I could agree with Fu Low and small, living under the gate. After trying several times, I couldn't understand my mind, and then he would do all the foolish things afterwards.

Liao Qinger pouted his lips, but he didn't expect him to look honest and affectionate, but he was always counting you on the back, but you were also counting him. You clearly knew what he had done, and you pretended not to know. As he continues to accumulate crimes, he will be sentenced to death at the last moment. I see that he has lost half his life without you. You love him so unforgivingly and admire him. In fact, in my opinion, it ’s a good deal for him. His family is the richest man in Beijing. I heard that Duanfu used the night pearl as a light bulb. If you marry her, you can invite me to visit and then we will join forces. Guan Yan, boarded the championship.

He Danggui smiled a little, Qinger. Although I have experienced more than you, I have no idea about the relationship between men and women, because no one has taught me these things since I was a child. It's rusted. In the previous life, I only knew how to do it, and I failed. So when I woke up, although I thought, it would be best to avoid the sorrow of the previous life when I remarry in this life-I can never lift my head in front of a wife The other party has the right to ask you to kneel her all the time, always uneasy in front of all wives and concubines. When I am good with that person, my heart is even more disturbed. As if those happiness are stolen by me, each person steals a point of his attention from all the other women in his hands, and all of them are turned into mine. Fancy. But at the time of Taoism, I didn't dare to say categorically, one generation, one pair, thank you for waking me up.

Liao Qinger couldn't help but feel ashamed. In fact, this was what Nalan Marshal said. I couldn't reach that height. When I was a kid, I was a "reverse harem." Let me talk about "Zhu Old Man's Old Seventeen" who loves him. Fortunately, not only shouldn't you be a group of women who should be fighting each other, you should hate him together, because he doesn't take you as a person.

He Danggui nodded, thinking back to back, the scene at the last minute that was pushed by the crowd also confirmed my thoughts. When I was smashed with blood, when I fell that high position, I started to realize that There are a pair of very resentful eyes embedded in that seat, which have been embedded for many years. I have been watching and watching, watching me slowly climb up, watching that I want a child, but I ca n’t bear the cold because of my constitution, watching I coerced Bai Bibai to conceive a pair of dragons and phoenixes with the blood curse, and watched me really lose the child in the light of the blood, as Bo Bibai warned, and watched my half-life position in the dunk camp. People. I guess it must be those bitter eyes that killed my daughter, they blame me for stealing their husband, so now I have a clear idea, no matter what kind of man he marries, he can't provoke others Woman, don't take those grudge eyes home, I want the love of a couple for a lifetime.

Liao Qinger cried, okay! work together! I also want to find such a dedicated husband, but I found it from the time I wore it, and now I see an uncle Mei is this kind of infatuation, but he already has children. What if we find the end and find the same person?

He Angelica smiles, who do you like to tell me in advance, I will let you.

Liao Qinger wiped her tears, Xiaoyi, you are so nice, I'll let you, anyway, you won't take over after you let me. Your design made Gao absolutely hate you, but he was not fooled. I guess he was still thinking about you, but it was so careful and terrible that I remembered him. I saw him draw your portrait in the back room and cut it with scissors. A pair of eyes were put into my arms, and a picture was thrown into a brazier and burned. Damn scared me. After that, I missed him so much. The ancients were too deep! When I saw Gao Ju these times, he had a girl catching him fast and she was very sweet. It is estimated that the two are in love. Well, the nose is a bit sour. Xiaoyi, in the future, you go out and put on sunglasses. I think Gao Ju's psychopath is abnormal. Will he suddenly come to dig your eyes because of love and hate?

He Danggui said indifferently, don't worry, I have asked him about the obscure attitude of the master. He has never liked me, but just missed a childhood playmate through my eyes. The blue bun that you have become a "love token" is actually the relic of that person. Just because my eyes were like that man, he insisted on giving me a sister-in-law, but I saw that the texture of the sister-in-law was so unusual that I couldn't guess the value, so I insisted to pay him back and he offered to I asked for a portrait, and asked me to help him for two more. This **** was temporarily deposited with me.

Liao Qinger is surprised, like a person? real or fake? I looked at him, and he looked at you vigorously. It was clearly the love of Chiguo, but this peach blossom would never be able to love you! He uses a pair of scissors to hinge away your eyes. It's so abnormal, he will abuse you to death after marriage! By the way, what can he do for you?

Oh, He Danggui laughed, he told me to tell you, next time I lie at the door of the secret room and peek at him, please pay attention to the mechanism under your feet. Last time you stepped on a switch to close the stone door, locked him in the stone room. It took a lot of effort to escape from birth.

Liao Qinger was surprised and frightened, too dangerous. After being spied on such a TV show on TV, she had to kill her and clean it with corpse powder! He must be thinking of your affection, so he did not kill me.

What are you talking about? He Danggui disagrees. The tall face is disgusting. Was n’t it because he was rude? He really didn't mean anything to me. I'm pretty sure he was missing someone through me. You think he stared straight at me. In fact, his eyes are erratic, and the attention is not on my face. On top of that, his blue mule engraved a woman's name with a small head. It can be seen that it was really something someone had worn. The tall man didn't have to lie to me. He wouldn't help me if he hurt me. . By the way, what is corpse powder? It sounds terrific, I have never heard of it.

Liao Qinger scratched his chin and said, "I guess it is high-concentration hydrochloric acid, a magical powder that has become alive." In fact, at that time, I was ridiculed. It ’s strange to say that I have n’t been ridiculed for all these years. On the second day that I saw through the insidious heart, there were two high-skilled people who came to rude me And he shouted "Indecent! Indecent!" In fact, he held my shoulders politely, without touching or touching, even without looking straight at whether I was a woman, and then suddenly the pervert was suddenly Jump down and save me, how could there be such a coincidence in the world.

He Danggui fluttered a smile, so to speak, he was probably touched by your heart, turning a hundred steelmaking into a round finger, in turn, he will be good to you.

Thanks, Liao Qinger waved his hands in an insensitive manner. I did n’t know that he had a wife before he was fooled by him. Now that I know I ’m not going to do it. And everyone in the daily life must be male, not even eunuchs!

Why should you be inductive? Do you discriminate against eunuchs? Did n’t you still have tears of sympathy for the **** and the girl in the blue building last time?

Liao Qinger waved again. I lived in Guan ’s house with psychological shadows and all kinds of horrors. Fortunately, I did n’t promise my aunt to marry Guan Mo. Otherwise, I would fight with a little eunuch, a twelve-year-old eunuch, and three women. None of his feminine belly is black, forget it, let ’s not mention him, let ’s high-five, to find a husband who only supports monogamous, than to see who we find the best man in the first place, bet on the one Bitch, I bet my little black book!

Why Angelica smiled, Gao Jue's bitch? do you want it? Where can I keep it if you want.

Liao Qinger laughed, this is a colorful head, it is boring to send it!

So the two clawed their pledges—that happened more than a month ago. At the moment, Meng Yue is still dissatisfied with He Danggui doing business in private: "No matter whether the money you make is coming or going incorrectly, you ca n’t Going to the blue house again, we can no longer cure the incurable symptoms of men. Let them be sick to find other doctors. This is my insistence. I hope you can respect me. After all, we will be husband and wife in the future. I will raise you. Give everything you want. "

He Danggui raised his eyebrows: "Seven sons, in fact, I also have a principle that I must adhere to, can you also include reference?" 2k novel reading network