Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 172: Not dead

Updated: 2013-09-21

He Danggui heard the horror: "Catch the corpse door? Bai Yibai! I'll save him!" He said, while performing the light work learned from Feng Yang's cheats, he flew out.

Meng Xun smiled, grabbed her collar and pulled her back, something funny: "I am playing with you, do you really believe it? There are no dead people who can walk in the world. I have never seen that legend for years Hurried door, people can't move when they die. "

He Danggui regained his collar, and said angrily, "You can only fight if you run fart, and Yingnian passed away early in your life, right? Hey, let go of my collar and listen to you, I'm really uneasy. I have to go to the opposite side to see him. Why is there not even a trace of movement there? Bai Anbai touches it quietly, always talking to the people inside? "

"Reassured!" Meng Yue comforted her. "Bo Baibai can't die. It's only been 30 years since Hongwu was here. He was still alive when I died in the early years of Jianwen. Maybe he was lying in the grass watching Qian Jiazhuang save money. Peony's body, what a pity the woman, I could save her, but cut her hand a step later, she died of poison, look, she didn't become a walking dead like you said Don't you know Mencius said "Believe", you believe that deceptive book. "

At this moment, after suffering painfully, Qian Mudan finally stopped convulsing before she was cut off. Her father Qian struck forward and tried her nose before crying. The academy quickly got a coffin and asked Qian's servants to wrap Qian Mudan's body into a puppet. Mr. Bao and Mr. Zheng first bite their ears secretly, not knowing what they were discussing, then the two looked around for someone.

After listening to Meng Zheng's relief, He Danggui still felt a little uneasy and shook his head to deny: "But in the last life, Bo Xibai did not come to Chengyi to teach, nor did this happen. You loose my sleeve, I want to go See what happened! "Since explaining to Meng Yue that she didn't like him, but after using him, he touched" his possessions "by hand, but pulled her dress instead. The wrinkled fabric invented by Qing'er made him flattened.

Meng Yue asked in confusion: "What are you talking about? Your ears are not good and you can't hear clearly. Can you say it again?"

He Danggui did not respond, and continued to say, "I said that you didn't recognize Bai Bibai at this time in your last life, but you knew him in this life, and squatted here with him to peep at everyone. These have never happened ... "He Danggui's heart brightened, and he reacted-he is someone who has no previous life! She quickly remedied and said, "I mean Bai Bobai he didn't recognize you in his life, eh," it seems that there is still something wrong, He Danggui waved his hand and said, "In short, I just worry about him and go and see there. "

At this time, the cries of the nightingale came from not far away, and Meng Yue listened for a moment, and immediately returned to the cuckoo's scream. After a while, not only did Yi Tong, who had left the crowd, come to the bamboo forest, but also Yi Yi, dressed in a night clothes, jumped down the bamboo.

Yitong apologized, "Sorry son, the woman is dead, I am calling late."

Meng Yue shook his head: "I also have a responsibility. This is something weird. I don't know anyone who used that kind of poison to kill a weak girl. Yi Yun, how is my brother now?"

Yi Yan answered with a bitter smile: "Girl Xiao heard about this and ran to the county council to save people, threw a mist bomb, and after a while he slept the three boys who were sleeping loudly. That Kong County Order He was very anxious after hearing that he said that if the third son was rescued by his friend, he was afraid that some kidnappers would kidnap him, and their county prince would also be charged with an inadequate protection. .If this Kongxian decree is not good enough, he will go to the master to plead guilty, son, what should we do now? "

Meng Mingmei: "Su Xin is really too ridiculous. He actually ran to jail and left. We will meet Kong Wei."

Yi Tongyi said in unison that Meng Xun took three steps and suddenly turned around and looked at what Danggui, whispered softly: "I have written down your affairs. I will hire three media and six to go to Luofu to propose marriage before leaving Yangzhou. , Wait for you to avoid the limelight letter to inform me, I will find another reason to retreat, can I do this? "

Although He Danggui felt a little tempted, but still looked forward and backward, and felt there was something wrong, so he said, "Thank you for your righteousness, but let me think about other ways, and I will ask you for help when it doesn't work." Xi Bai thought about the countermeasures.

Meng Wei tilted his head and looked at Angelica: "Who is that man, and how can you be so jealous of him based on your ability?"

"I'm not afraid of him, I just don't want to deal with him. It's hard to say a word," He Danggui said, looking down. "When you have time, I'll tell you, you can go and do it later."

Meng Yue looked at her and walked away again. He Danggui looked at the crowd in the distance and wanted to find Qinger. She asked her to return to Beijing tomorrow to look at the situation of Duan Xiaolou, but she did not find her. Figure. Strangely, I haven't seen Qinger from now on. She should be the one who likes to make fun of it most. When the money was saved, Peony was in an urgent situation and she wasn't left with her. Every time you meet, you come and go.

I did not expect that Duan Xiaolou had retired from Guan Yan. She always thought that Duan Xiaolou was affectionate for Guan Yu. Besides, Duan Xiaolou always put himself in the position of all women. Guan Yu was 21 years old and was remarried. When we talk about marriage later, we will go forward with a shadow. He had such a hard heart.

Duan Xiaolou is bereft of his father and son now. Is it because of the words he persuaded him to return to Beijing?

"I'm sorry, Duan Xiaolou, I don't like you at all, so your 'best love' is worthless to me. Before you said that you would make me a wife, I barely dealt with you a few times. You know who you are like me, you do n’t have many opportunities to be a true wife. Since this is a rumor, let ’s get along well, and the sale will not be good. Master Duan, go back to Beijing. Your business in Yangzhou is not over. Yet."

When he was stimulated, he went to get her the "right wife"? In fact, she just wanted to keep him away from her, disgusted her, and forgot her. He was so passionate in love that he was about to melt her ice armor.

How will she repay the debt owed by Duan Xiaolou? Layer by layer, it should be hundreds of laps now, she owed a debt. He is not short of money and fame, what is he missing? In the next few years, there will be chaos in the world. Yan Wang Zhu Xi and Hui Emperor Zhu Yunzhang are in trouble. Duan Xiaolou must not know how to stand in the right place at the right time. He can be a scribe clerk to help him.

There is also Lu Jiangbei. Let him beware of Geng Bingxiu. Two years after Huidi ’s ascension was the most maddening day for Geng Bingxiu. He also wanted to frame Lu Jiangbei and Duan Xiaolou because of an old case ... I hope this compensation will allow Go guilty a little.

She was really bad-hearted. From the beginning, she ignored Duan Xiaolou and made him feel uninterested to walk away. Then he must be very happy now. But she took his clothes and medicine, and agreed with him on gambling, so that he felt hopeful before coming to Yangzhou to find her. She reluctantly agreed to consider his marriage proposal, dragging him coldly and hotly, making him have to play tricks on her. He was originally the one who hated conspiracy and deception.

What did he like about her? She told him that she became yellow and ugly when she was sick. He just felt bad for her and didn't mind it. She thought he liked his appearance, and he could wake up without his appearance—all he was obsessed with was a reflection in the water. He didn't have everything he wanted. He was a vain vanity, selfish. A woman with a deep mind and no merit is the most ugly scene in his life. He should be far away from it.

By all accounts, she was really an ungrateful person. Duan Xiaolou helped her send a letter to her mother, and later saved her mother's life on the way back to Luo's house, but she broke his heart from beginning to end. No wonder Liao Zhiyuan was so angry Want to use those tortures to greet her, is there anyone in this world who is more conscientious than her?

"Yeah! The corpse is scammed! The peony of Qian Mudan is smashed!" The hundreds of people on the site messed up into a pot of porridge, rushing around, and some ran to the bamboo forest.

Why did Angelica take shape and lie in the low bushes, running along the embankment of the river, why did Bai Bobai lose track after going to the other side? What Meng Yue said was the harbinger gate, she had never heard of it, but the harbinger gate should sound like a Jianghu school, and went to this Chengyuan Academy to do something.

While thinking about it, I ran forward with a low body, accidentally stepped on a soft thing, and when I looked carefully, I found that it was a cypress with a grass ring and a whole body of grass. He had a crooked mouth, seven holes lying on the ground bleeding, and one arm was missing from his body.

Why Angelica couldn't help crying, stretched out his arms and hugged him, patted his blood-stained face: "Qianjun! Old liar! How are you? I will heal your injuries, you hold on, I will heal you ! "

Bai Bibai's eyes moved slowly from her squint to her face, and she said hardly, "I have spent my whole life traveling around the world and being worshipped is not my life ... I owe a hundred at Taibai Restaurant Two wine money, owed 352 gambling debts at Taibao Gambling House, and watched Po Dao burn your bath water and never peeked at your shower, so you pay it back for me ... Burn more paper carts and paper houses. That's it. Tomorrow you will help me pay the money. "After that, Bo Xibai returned to a squinting state.

He Danggui wiped her tears and nodded and promised, "Okay, I'll help you pay back ... What's your secret recipe for staying in the face? I'll help you to pass on to future generations."

Bai Baobai said weakly: "I'm sorry, this is the top secret of the big door, and it's difficult to reveal ... girl, you are so beautiful that you are ugly, and you dare to go out. What do you want to be beautiful? Beware of anger, some people complain Come and ruin your face. "

He Dangguiyi said sternly: "Dao Sheng, I'm thinking for you. I don't want to let your wonderful medicine disappear in the world. As a developer, don't you want to let your brainchild pass on? Besides, there is no hundred days of red flowers and no thousand days of good people. Is it wrong for me, as a weak woman who can only live on her face, to protect my face from dying? Have you ever scratched your head to worship the teacher? Seriously, are you honest with your teacher? My life is sad, do n’t you have sympathy? ”

Bai Yebai vomited blood, and her eyes slanted to look at He Danggui's face again. She said more and more, and said less: "Dead girl, I've already done this. You still want to take advantage of the fire, who has no sympathy?"

He Danggui sighed and asked, "What are your last wishes? I'll do it for you once. You can just tell me where to find that kind of ginseng reed."

After hearing the thoughts, Bo Xibai asked sharply, "Well, girl, please kiss me first. My self-cultivation was meant to be a long life, and I haven't been close to a woman for decades. I didn't expect to die today. Therefore, I am really unwilling to give you a kiss, and I will send you the ginseng reed in stock-kiss me. "

He Danggui hesitated for a moment, then beaked her cherry red mouth slowly and approached, and went towards the blood-stained lips of Bo Xibai. Bai Yebai glanced in surprise, hesitantly raised his hand to cover his mouth, then earned the embrace of He Danggui, untied the belt and liberated the entire arm that was hidden.

Bai Yibai said unpleasantly, "You are really close for personal ginseng, don't forget that I am also a man, and there are some times when the beauty can't hold her, and I won't hide next time you do it again."

He Danggui chuckled with a smile: "Well, I just eat it and you will hide. If you do n’t hide, you won't be a cypress. Why do you lie here and pretend to be dead? It hurt me at first glance that you were really dead. Two tears shed, how can you compensate me? It was clear that you would not let me kiss, not that I refused to kiss, so you have to give me your ginseng reed, or you tell me where to get ginseng reed also."

Bai Bobai shook his head resolutely: "I ca n’t give it to you when I get there. You have already discovered the poor. You are a bottomless pit. There are planned medicines to get rid of the poor. Research privately on bathing medicines. The formula of the liquid is too outrageous, you said! When did you get rid of the powder from the poor road! You told me this, and I will tell you the thing you want to know most now-how? How about meeting Duan Xiaolou? "

He Danggui frowned: "How do you know that I want to see Duan Gongzi?" She opened her eyes phoenically, "You overheard my conversation with Meng Yue! You have no style at all."

Bai Yebaiyi laughed and said, "Hoohoo! I think you were more cautious when I was here, and the topic was not groundbreaking, so I pretended to leave, and overheared in the grass here, and later heard that you were an old man. An Wei was worried. The old man changed his makeup when he was touched, and earned you two drops of guilty tears for Duan. Hey! You just said that you would pay me back my liquor account and gambling debts. You have to be confident. "

He Danggui thought back to his previous conversation with Meng Yue, and his heart suddenly jumped, suddenly holding Bai Bobai's collar, and asking, "Have you heard anything that you shouldn't listen to, such as what is' older 'or what'? 'Early death' or something? "

Bai Yebai looked at her with a naive face and asked, "What old life, I don't know what you're talking about, do you pay me back for me?"

He Danggui stared at him fiercely: "Don't you hear that? No, I'm not assured. I'll say stupidly with a needle first, then you will say it." He said a small plum blossom needle was piercing his eyebrow and pierced him. A drop of blood came out of the mask.

Bai Yebai covered her forehead with tears: "Why do you still have a needle, wasn't it confiscated by Meng Xiao, did this needle pierce Qian Qian's face just now? It's the most poisonous woman's heart, the most poisonous girl!"

"Of course, it ’s punctured. This needle is full of her poison. Alas, you can see her condition." He Danggui pointed to the field over there, crooked neck, dull eyes, stiff body, and everywhere. Walking around and scaring the beautiful young girl Qian Mudan threatened, "Only in this world I can save your life, and you only have half a column of time to answer my question. After this time, you will invade your brain and become a fool. Question one, do you have any way to contact Duan Xiaolou? Question two, how much did you overhear during our conversation? Question three, what is your formula for staying in the face and where can each medicine be found? "

Bai Yebai studied He Danggui's expression, and suddenly raised his hand and dug his nostril and said, "I don't believe you have such ruthlessness, and then you just shed tears. Don't worry, your confidential conversation is really poor. The river here slammed, and Mao couldn't hear it. Poor Dao only heard that you asked Duan Duo a question and asked him. You also discussed the problem of having a child. I did n’t hear much. If you do n’t believe me, you can listen to the bamboo forest over there. Can you hear the people there? ”Bai Bobai pointed to a group of people who were scared into the bamboo forest by Qian Mudan.

He Danggui listened to his ear, and it turned out that only some fragmented words were passed into his ears, and no coherent information was obtained. So I trusted Bai's words. Meng Yue's ear strength is so good that even hundreds of feet away and the sound of panting can be distinguished, he can naturally hear the sound of others' breathing recently. Besides, with the memories of the previous life, I woke up in my body many years ago. Unless such a thing has been experienced for the last time, no one will believe it.

Bai Baobai carefully looked at what Angelica was, and argued, "Women, I am right, I just want to lie here and see how far you have progressed, so that Meng Meng is so confident I gave you a copy of the "Meng Family Penalty Ceremony" as your engagement gift, but I didn't see any good news until the end. Alas, this Meng boy is really a big man, giving us all men a long face, Duan Xiaozi's rude request to you At least I think about it, and then I discuss with you kindly and bargain a bit; but Meng Xiaoren rejects you with an open mouth. The meaning of others is very clear. He likes you for nothing, and your request is simply unrealistic. This time It ’s time to wake up, girl, even if you are a fairy, there is no way you can marry your noble son. The fairy in the sky has gone to earth, and you are looking for the filial son Dong Yong instead of the magnificent son! Hey, there is nothing on your needle. Poisoned? "

He Danggui snorted: "Of course it's poisonous. I'm not poisoning you."

"Poisonous! Ah, then you'll give me two pills of the kind you gave her last time!" Bai Bobai shook her arm and begged, "Good Master, save me! I do n’t want to be like Qian Mudan. She ’s not dead or a corpse, she ’s so scared, she ’s scared, her liver is frozen, she ca n’t remember the day when Duan Zi came to Yangzhou to attend the Wulin Convention. ”2k novel reading network