Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 247: Wife of the next life

Chapter 253 Chapter 247

Half a year later, with the help of Bai Baobai, He Danggui went both internally and externally, becoming Zhu Jiquan's favorite girl and assistant at one stroke, and working with Bai Baobai as the "shadow" of the master of Wu Yingge, and accidentally discovered The secret of Bai Yebai's age is to ask him to help himself in the face, and in those flowing days, you and I will fight with you and fight with wisdom, and will never tire of it.

Suddenly one day, Bo Yibai said, girl, please give me a surname; she sneered at it, and this guy was joking again;

Suddenly one day, Bo Xibai said, girl, the last thing I regret in my life is the thing I did when I first met you; she thought he regretted saving herself and hit him with a punch. It's too late to regret it, and Miss Ben doesn't want to die at all now; she once tentatively asked the identity of the strange man in the dream, but when he mentioned it, he faced a cold iron, even if her nerves were as big as her Feeling his unhappiness, he guessed that his friendship with the man had deteriorated and he didn't want to mention him;

Suddenly one day, Bai Bobai said, girl, let's elope together after we finish this mission. Although you are A Quan's love, he will not fall out with me for you, just as I am sorry for him I will try to compensate him. He has a few hundred women, and he is not short of you, but I ca n’t live without you; she touched his forehead, and you drunk high, this is the scene His lines are still pretty good; he cursed against the wall, I am a lunatic, I am a fool, I am the biggest fool in the world, what am I doing alive, I want to live again, I want to start living a decade ago; She was panicked, uncle, you can't think of anything, are you short of money?

Suddenly one day, Bo Xibai said, girl, I have n’t finished the marriage divination that year. In fact, the two of us also have husbands and wives. They are in the afterlife. Let ’s love each other together; she nodded, okay, big brother. , The younger sister came later; he clamored fiercely, what the laborer said was true, and the laborer really learned it. Do you not believe me? Do n’t you believe in the marriage disc? She sneered, where would a broken plate speak, when you used It ’s the ventriloquism. Hang the plate with colorless silk thread beforehand, and then pull the thread in your hand. The room is so dark that you ca n’t help but play. These tricks are not new. You are out of date. , Girl, I ’m not old, I ’m strong and live a long life, definitely live longer than you, you believe me this time, this time I really did not lie to you; she comforted him, knowing that you have a long life, do n’t get angry, get angry and hurt your liver, Liver injury or death

Suddenly one day, Bo Yibai said, girl, you're pregnant again, right, then I can't help you stay in the face, that soup bath is forbidden by pregnant women, don't come to my house to find me again, I want to go far away; She hurriedly asked, "Where is the powder? Do pregnant women ban it?" He said slowly, that one is available, girl, you love Ah Quan, right, you are nervous about your children, right? The glory, pouting and smiling, originally thought that there would be no children when it was almost thirty. Who knew that when there was no desire, now there is no need, but suddenly there is, Master Bai you help me calculate, I Can this baby be produced smoothly? Bo Yibai nodded and shook her head, and finally said, I can see you holding a child for a full moon banquet, but I can't see you at the first birthday party; she asked nervously what that means Bai Bobai, don't scare me; Bai Bobai shook his head, I do n’t know what that means. Maybe I have been drinking too much recently, which has affected my eyes. She cared, my brother, you should drink less, be careful. Aged joint pain.


After she gave birth to her daughter a few months later, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, only because her husband ’s grace had suddenly diminished, and she had not rested in her room for more than a month, and her husband had recently fallen in love with a sixteen-year-old Jiangnan girl. Sister-in-law from Yamei.

He Danggui thought that his appearance was declining. When he took the picture, the person in the mirror was young and beautiful, but his eyes became old and strange. So, she began to remember Bai Bibai's bath in Yan Tang and ran to his house to find where there had been empty buildings, and the large luxurious house was full of dilapidated dust. She repeatedly contacted him through Wu Yingge's special channel and asked him to send him some maintenance medicines. After waiting for a long time, he only received a thin letter, and he opened the envelope repeatedly, and there was only a piece of white paper and a piece of air-drying. Mulberry leaves.

She studied the white paper with no fruit. No prescription was found. When she saw that Bai Baobai was so angry that she only sent her a real piece of white paper. She was so angry that she ran to his house and smashed. . For a moment, she felt that someone was peeking through the door slit, and her bright eyes were as familiar as her eyes she saw in the mirror. It wasn't who Bai Bobai was, but when she kicked the door open, The door was empty and nobody was there.

Three months later, she was framed by Zhou Fei and the Luo family, and Zhu Quan ordered to be placed in a dark cold water cell. Her throat was dumbed by hot coals. Her daughter was bitten by a viper snake released by Sun and Luo Baiqiong. Fingers with frostbite soaked in the well water on the stone wall. He was dead. But she didn't want to die, so **** grievances, if she was buried in the water prison and sealed in the ground, then she has no intention to reincarnate and continue the next life. Life is like this, how can life be happy and death be afraid?

She is not afraid of death, because death is liberation; but she is afraid of death, because death is the end, the end of revenge, the end of revenge. She can't die, she wants revenge!

She suddenly thought of Bo Xibai, she suddenly remembered that many years ago, when she participated in the first assassination of the commanding sword lightsaber shadow, she hid behind Bo Yibai in amazement and said that if she kills like this, she will kill in the end. My head is up, I don't want to die, I just found the joy of living.

Then Bo Yibo comforted and said, girl, don't be afraid, as long as I am with you, you will never die, you can live as long as I live.

She was still very scared, shaking her head and saying that the sword and arrow had no eyes. If I was suddenly shot dead by a cold arrow, would you be okay?

Bai Yebai's voice became rare and tender. He said, you still don't know my ability, no matter what, I always have a way to prevent you from dying, and if I die I can save you because you are my next life. Wife, do you want me to be a bachelor with two lives?

She was amused and laughed. You don't make any sense. How can I be your next wife if I don't die?

He pulled up her sleeve and walked into the arrow array. He did not say formally, come on, girl, let's go in love, and we will give birth together as a sweetheart.

In the water prison, she remembered these past events, so she looked forward to saving her, taking her out of the palace, curing her throat, frostbite, and joint pain, and then planning revenge for her. However, after suffering for several months in the ice water, she did not see the ghost of Bo Xibai. She was worried about whether his news was blocked. So far, she did not know if something had happened to her. On the other hand, she thought pessimistically. Zhu Quan's relationship is closer. Although he is a friend with him, his friends are separated from each other. In order to help his good student Zhu Quan to keep the secret, he will never come to save himself.

In the end, Bo Yibai did not show up until she exhaled her last breath and closed her desperate and angry eyes. At the last moment, there were a lot of people she hated, including Bai Bobai. So when she met at the beginning of this life, she treated him as a half-enemy, holding his eternal secret recipe, and in the later dealings, she was dispelled by his gagging laughter and re-animated him. As a friend of the dead in the previous life, get close without precaution.

In her recording garden, she heard something that shocked her--

Qi Xuanyu said the same as telling a story. The reason why forbidden surgery is called forbidden surgery is because what the forbidden surgery can do is all that the gods can do but mortals ca n’t. There is a price to pay. The shard of soul engulfed in the thorn star is probably the price they paid for it. If Dao Sheng was willing to pay the price of his soul, he could do such a thing.

He Danggui thought anxiously about the past life and all of Bobobai. The more he thought about it, he might really like her. Would he be surprised by the news of her death after her death? "The price of the soul flying away" used her third enchantment to bring her back to life, back to eighteen years ago?

He Danggui had a bunch of cotton in his chest and wanted to go back to his recording garden to eavesdrop on more news, but didn't want to deal with Zhu Quan and others. Only after they overheard Zhu Quan's detection, they must have taken precautions. How to do? Did she really owe her life? Is she really married to him in this life? Will he be his wife to pay the debts? But she only regarded him as a friend without sex, and in this life he obviously did not love her.

"Dang, Dang", two muffled noises suddenly sounded beside the bed. He Danggui looked up and saw that Meng Yue also took off his boots and crawled over to the bed. She was startled, "What are you going to do?"

Meng Wei crawled over and lay down with a sullen head, politely demanding: "The pillow divides me half, thank you."

"Why?" He Danggui flinched back, frowning, "Meng Yue, I made it clear to you last time, everyone was a child then, so it doesn't matter to lie together, now ..."

"Xiao Yi," Meng Yue interrupted her gently and looked at her gently, "Even if something unpleasant happened between you and me, but we are still friends, right? So please don't hide from me, I am this The only person in the world who won't hurt you, don't be afraid, I just want to help you. "As she approached while she was in a bun, she pulled away half of her pillow and lay face down.

Although Meng Xuan showed her goodness "regardless of her previous suspicions," He Danggui did not adapt well to the handsome face with men's tough lines. She didn't open her face and said, "Even if I take you as a friend like Bai Baobai, but you and I are different, we shouldn't get along like this. Meng Yue, get out of bed, we're not the same as a kid."

Meng Wei found her left hand and held it from the quilt. She smiled and said, "It's not the same as when I was a kid. When I was a kid, I would divide half of your quilt. Now I just lie outside the quilt to pass on the power for you."

He Danggui returned to his own hands and declined: "I will not use that success force. When you leave Yangzhou, come back to me. Do n’t you go to any martial arts convention? You won't hatch an egg when you put it in your air. "

Meng Yue clasped her left hand tightly, and went to search the other hand in the quilt, and gently explained to her: "I'm not going to pay you back, but I want to show you a fun trick to ensure you Like, hurry up, give me your hand! "

He Danggui handed the letter to his right hand suspiciously, muttering in his mouth: "I'm not a kid. I have long lost interest in those fun tricks, and I have nothing to do waiting for me."

Meng Yue didn't mind her attitude. She wrapped her Yuxue's slippery hands with a pair of big hands, and closed her eyes for a long moment. He closed her eyes and asked, "How do you feel? Do you feel rushing?" Quanxue has a hot and crispy feeling? "The muzzle was induced, as if coaxing a child.

Why Angelica didn't know what the mystery of his **** was doing, couldn't help but pout under the veil: "Brother, are you wrong? You are holding my hand, not my foot, what is my Yongquan point Will it be hot? Even if you lose my anger, you can't reach that far by ironing all my eight classic veins. "A layer of dryness gradually began to grow in her heart, and she began to regret it, just now She was excited to break the branch, otherwise she would continue to eavesdrop on the secret conversation between Zhu Quan and the Qi brothers. There must be the information she wanted most in the conversation between the three, about the spine star, about Bai Bobai, and about Zhu Quan. The explanations of those abnormal behaviors were all she desperately wanted to know.

In this impetuous mood, she gradually felt that the Yongquan point at the bottom of her feet became hot, as if soaked in a boiling hot spring. She couldn't help exclaiming: "What did you do? My feet are so hot It's hard to be numb! "

After waiting for Meng Xun to answer, Qi Xuanyu's voice suddenly sounded in the ear of He Danggui: "Master, have you found someone overheard, don't you have to call our people and search it carefully?" 2k novel Reading Network