Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 250: Third Phoenix Flower Blossom

Chapter 256 Chapter 250

Hearing Meng Xuan was right there and pulled her and Zhu Quan together, why Danggui unexpectedly didn't want to explain, some misunderstandings can be explained in a few words, and some feelings are beyond the reach of words She once regarded Meng Xuan as the kind who didn't need too many words and could have a tacit understanding with only one eye. With the same smell, the same look, the same temperature.

Now that she has become a little colder, he has become a little hotter, and the same temperature no longer exists, so He Danggui simply rejected his kindness: "It's troublesome for you, I've brought in a new foreign aid, you You do n’t have to mention that false marriage, thank you. ”

"New foreign aid?" Meng Yanyan said, "You mean, you called another man for a false marriage proposal, and even prepared to marry that person? Why? Why not me?"

He Danggui heard his bad tone and didn't plan to talk to him. He just said, "You have a courtyard in the suburbs, right, I went past your outing in the past, remembering that there was a block on your door. There are no plaques. In a few days, I will order a plaque that says 'Baifu' and send it to your home. If you are willing to hang that plaque for two or three years, I will be grateful to you. "

Meng Yue's gaze was about to penetrate the layer of veil on his face, and he asked again: "Why not me? Can't I even put up a fake marriage candidate? Baifu? Is it Bai Bobai? Is it? "

He Danggui looked at him strangely and asked, "What weird question are you asking? Fake marriage is not marriage. Since you are not married, why should you choose a good one? I think it's more convenient for Bai Bobai to use him." Meng Yan's slightly trembling lips, He Danggui said, this guy is digging his horns again. Do men have such a common problem, after the confession, the woman will not be allowed to refuse, and her pride is caused by it. She broke away from his embrace with a tube, and after two struggles, she stopped.

Meng Yue closed her eyes and opened them again, her eyes were normal, and she concluded, "I will keep staring at you until you marry a man who truly feels sorry for you, and you dare to disappoint yourself, I will not Ignore, you don't give me this chance, otherwise I will never let go again. "Then he removed her arm, and even her big hand holding her little hand to transfer power was withdrawn. He slipped off the bed and put on his boots. Say, "I feel your pulse as if I haven't eaten for a long time. I'll get you something to eat. Listen slowly."

After He Danggui discovered the withdrawal, the voices of the three people in his recording garden continued to flow, wondering: "Why don't you keep holding hands, don't you say it earlier, alas, the heat flow that you removed is completely gone. Now. "

Meng Yue went out, explaining in his mouth, "It is said that this technique can last one hour at a time when I start it. I have done a little less than half an hour. After starting it, I do n’t have to hold hands. Only then will I warm your hands. As for the body, the heat flow is not the ghost I smashed. The one comes with the technique. "When Bo Xibo taught him, the professor was called by himself while he was shocked, causing countless sergeants to run away. They went outside their books to hear the screams of Bai Bibai, and the next day they heard the news that "General Meng Xiao is so masculine".

He Danggui thought about it and said, "Meng Yue, I have your kindness in my heart, and I have heard what you said. But I do n’t want to eat now. If you really want to help me, just borrow your house to let me hang Just put a plaque, apart from that I have nothing to ask you for help for the time being, you and Ying Ying can leave Luofu at any time. "

Meng Lao stepped down and continued to go out, saying, "It's time for you to eat, and I will go back as soon as I go."

He Danggui sighed silently, silently pondering Zhu Quan's intentions, hearing in his ears Qi Xuanyu asking: "Master Wang, since you are thinking of He Danggui, why didn't you take her into the palace early? A woman who is similar is like me too There is a difference. Why is Wang Ye asking for distance? It is easy for you to get that little girl, isn't it? "

This is also a question that He Danggui is quite concerned about. Of course, she does not believe in Zhou Chuan's so-called "Zhu Quan's affectionate opinion." If Zhu Quan really respected her, how could she feel that her boudoir wanted something wrong, if it was not Qing Erhe They came in time, and the fruits were disastrous. At that time, she was locked in the strange dream that met Lu Jiangbei. The dream was very different from the ordinary dream, but it was similar to the fantasy dream created by the previous life Bai Bobai, so she had to doubt that the strange dream was simply Zhu Quan. He has learned a lot of ghosts, and he has the ability to make such ghost charms.

Zhu Quan was silent for a moment and did not answer the question: "Xuan Yu, you said she was the reincarnation of Ten Emperor Sisters. There is no hard evidence at all. It is all your guesses out of thin air to honor your memory of Ten Emperor Sisters, right? ? "

Qi Xuanyu slowly said: "I haven't turned to Wang Ye three years ago, so when investigating the history of He Danggui, I can only find the Long Night Pavilion of Jin Yiwei. At that time, Liao Zhiyuan and others of Jin Yiwei sent some informants to He Fu to investigate He Danggui. Life history, but they just surfaced, and checked to see why she was the daughter of the two sister-in-laws and daughter-in-law, why they were nieces, and why they were abandoned by the father's family. But I went deeper and I found He Danggui When he was born, something strange happened in Hefu. On that dark rainy night, all the lanterns and candles in the government suddenly jumped out of the fire, and some lamps did not even have a drop of oil, and they were brighter than before. The most bizarre Yes, all the flowers and plants in Hefu suddenly bloomed together, making the whole Hefu fragrance fragrance. It was June 15th, and the flowering was not a strange thing. The most strange thing was that whether it was peony paeonia or jasmine, it hit After the buds bloom, they are all big phoenix flowers. "

Zhu Quan's voice was tense: "How did you know about this? I did n’t check her less than you did, didn't my intelligence network compare to your own investigation?"

Qi Xuanyu replied: "I made up a lurk in Hefu, and worked as a family member for more than half a month. I finally got the chance to approach Mrs. He alone, and used her dreamy method to confess directly from her mouth. She is the grandmother of Angelica. Isn't her word more credible than anyone's guess? "

Zhu Quan said neatly: "So, she is really ... the ten emperor, really the reincarnation of the ten emperor, she is actually the reincarnation of the ten emperor ..."

Although He Danggui heard about such a strange thing that happened when she was born, she felt inexplicable, but what does this have to do with her being the tenth princess reincarnation? At this time, the well-behaved Qi Chuan opened his mouth and helped He Danggui ask her doubts.

Qi Xuanyu replied: "I heard that when the ten princesses were born, there were phoenix flowers in the courtyard, and the aroma of Zhilan was everywhere. When she was killed by the wicked, her bedroom suddenly burst into flames and burned. Bai Liang's dazzling flame was blown up by several people in turn. The most surprising thing was that the candle burned for a few days and nights did not shorten. After hearing that, the person who killed her was frightened by illness. From After that, just light the oil lamp and no longer need candles. These are all secrets of the harem. Once, a few little maids came to me and asked me to recommend a pillow. I agreed to them when I was bored, and then I heard their gossip in a half dream. I just learned about it. "

I don't know how to feel in Danggui's mind. Could her past life be the ten princesses of Zhu Yuanzhang?

If she remembers well, Zhu Yuanzhang has sixteen daughters. Except for the thirteen princesses who died when they were born, they only accounted for one rank and did not get the title. The remaining fifteen princesses, the long princess Linan and the second princess Ningguo, The third princess Chongning, the fourth princess Anqing, and the fifth princess Runing, the 16th princess Baoqing who was born until this year, everyone has a title. The 16th princess's mother is just a lowly Zhang Mei, and the princess is also deeply loved by Zhu Yuanzhang . Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely vicious to his woman, but was good to his daughter. However, only one ten princess lived a full eleven years, and throughout his life, he covered the coffin and went to the mausoleum.

She may be the reincarnation of such a sad princess. Is it her pleasure or unfortunate, even the parents of the third and third generations are so shallow ... who is the biological mother of that ten princess? Is she still alive today?

Qi Xuanyu continued: "The scene when He Danggui was born scared everyone in Hofu. Hefu, the master of Hefu, walked in the dark rainy night with a lantern, without an umbrella. He read all the flowers in the courtyards of the house and said silently in his mouth. When someone did n’t understand, he fell down and lost his mind. Since then, Master He ’s health has deteriorated, and he often lingers on the bed, and Mrs. He keeps this account in He Danggui ’s mother and daughter. On the head, especially did not like He Danggui ’s mother. Mrs. He took the eight characters of the ladies from the wealthy households in Beijing. . "

"Oh?" Qi Chuan asked with a smile, "Since Qingyi's parents are so good, why did they leave and why did they abandon Qingyi?"

All these things were unheard of in the two lifetimes of He Danggui. All her knowledge of the He family was eavesdropped on the home of the old lady Tang Yan, and the old lady came from her mother and a few housemates. I was inquired there, and in their long talk about family members who scolded He's family, there was never a word about the incident that happened when she was born. Although in this life, with her efforts, her relationship with her mother has been close, the mother has never revealed this to herself.

He Danggui silently listened to Qi Xuanyu's statement: "Danggui, Danggui is a medicine name, but He Danggui is not named for it. I heard Mrs. He said that at the full moon banquet hosted by He Danggui, He Jingxian Actually invited the King of Yan to the scene. During the meeting, King of Yan took the poem of Li Shangyin. The king asked that the return period had not expired. Bashan night rain rose in the autumn pond. Babies have the name 'He Danggui'. "

Qi Chuan smiled: "I still like to call her sister Qingyi!"

"He Jingxian first removed a thumb-sized piece of beautiful jade from the baby girl's neck, dedicated it to the King of Yan, and said that it was held by his daughter when he was born and brought out of the womb." He Danggui frowned, jade? Qi Xuanyu said unhurriedly, "According to Mrs. He, before the full moon banquet, she didn't know such a thing, but she looked at the jade from afar, but she saw that it was clear and moist. Light green, very beautiful. The king of Yan could not help putting it away at a glance, and was willing to pay a lot of money to buy the piece of jade, saying that the daughter of Princess Lin'an, the princess, was at least one year old, and this thing was right for her to wear. Lord Wang likes to take it, this is also the blessing of the little girl. As soon as the remarks came to an end, He Danggui in the weeping immediately burst into tears. Her mother and grandmother couldn't coax it, making the scene very awkward. "

Qi Chuan interjected: "Once again, the strange news of the jade in the womb is sometimes mentioned. It is said to be one with that baby. The jade contains the life of the baby, how can it be given away freely, He Jingxian, the dead old man? ! "

Qi Xuanyu dumped out many of the old things he found that even He Danggui himself did not know: "At this time, He Danggui's mother and the Persian master craftsman made a longevity lock delivered in advance, and He Danggui's mother Dressed her in a hurry, and then sang a little song. Everyone saw that the golden lock turned and danced. Soon, Angelica stopped crying and giggled. There were a few more The lady got the golden lock and wanted to pay for it. He Jingxian nodded again and agreed. This time, He Danggui's mother resolutely disagreed. He Jingxian remained calm at that time. After the banquet was over, he changed hands and gave He Danggui's mother slapped him. Since then, the relationship between He Danggui's parents has deteriorated. "

He Danggui listened silently, but suddenly there was a heavy gasp and slang in her ears. She didn't respond for a moment. When she responded, the normal voice before Luo Bai suddenly sounded over his recording garden: "Who are you Ah! Qi Xuanyu, it's you! What are you running into my yard! Who is he! "2k novel reading network