Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 251: Fall in love with a heartache

Chapter 257 Chapter 251

After a muffled sound, Zhu Quan's voice sounded: "Is it okay to throw him here? After he wakes up, he will remember that we have been to his yard. He won't talk about it everywhere?"

Qi Xuanyu groaned: "Ogawa can control Luo Bai's speech, deeds and thinking ability to a certain extent. Ogawa can control his mouth and go. Lord, let's sit in the main hall of the outer courtyard. For hospitality, do you want to disclose your identity? "

Zhu Quan paused and said, "My eldest sister has three daughters. The second daughter, Xiancao, is about the same age as Yiyi. Did King Wang give Yiyi's jade to Xiancao?" He Danggui said to "Yiyi" This title frowned for a while, and what Zhu Zhuquan was screaming about.

"Why?" Qi Xuanyu wondered, "Would you like to help her to recover her jade? What name are you going to ask for? Or midnight to steal it from Princess Lin'an Mansion?" I wonder if Zhu Quan nodded or faced him What was revealed, anyway, Qi Xuanyu's voice suddenly rose eight degrees, "Master Wang, you are crazy, you and the second princess Ningguo's family haven't figured out yet, you still want to go to Lin'an Princess House as a thief? Not to mention, that It ’s just an excuse for King Yan to ask for jade. Maybe he just looked at the jade as a strange treasure, so he was obscured, and he might not really give it to the master of Xiancao County as a year-old gift. "You are the best, Prince Wang, aren't you the clearest?"

There was silence for a while, and He Danggui wondered whether they had left his recording garden. He Danggui said, I do n’t know whether Meng Xun ’s “eavesdropping” is listening to people or places. He can only listen to his recordings. Voice, or can they follow Zhu Quan's voice to "mobile tapping"? Why did Meng Yue go looking for food before she came back? It's really anxious. She hasn't heard enough.

He Danggui got up from the bed, tidying his clothes, thinking about whether to squat outside his recording garden, and then spied the news.

Suddenly, Qi Xuanyu spoke again: "The emperor handed over the extended stems and beards of the chapel on the rivers and lakes-'Long Ye Pavilion' to the King of Yan to take care of him. It shows how the king Yan Yan will please the emperor. As far as I know, The long night pavilion that the emperor initially intended was the grandson of the emperor. After all, this direct authority of the emperor's power is only the most secure for the successor to the throne. We all know that the ideal successor in the mind of the emperor is the emperor's grandson Zhu Yunzhang. However, King Yan had some methods to rob the power of the Long Night Pavilion, as well as the related Jinyiwei and Dongxi Factory, so in my opinion, our most difficult opponent is not Zhu Yunzhang's young phoenix, but Zhu Xi's. Lao Feng. Wang Ye, the emperor's health is getting worse and worse recently. Shouldn't you take care of yourself and shrink the power of Wu Yingge to Beijing? "

"Small and small elephants!" Zhu Quan, who hadn't interrupted himself, suddenly shouted, "Xuan Yu, do you have a small elephant, right? You must carry it with you, miss it to the ten emperor, right! "

Qi Xuanyu's voice was astonished and panting, as if held by his collar and unable to breathe, and shouted, "Master, let me loose, what's the matter with you!" Then, after a few big breaths, there was another burst. The snoring of the fabric, Qi Xuanyu said, "Well, I just happened to be with you. This can't be sent to you. You should pay me back after reading, otherwise I won't listen to your orders to open a witch doctor's hall."

He Danggui was different from Qi Xuanyu's attitude towards Zhu Quan, as if he did not notice the subordinates' respect to Shang Feng, but Qi Xuanyu mentioned the ten princesses and made the most obvious when she satirized Zhu Yuanzhang. It seems that Qi Xuanyu is different from Zhou Wan, and he is not simply loyal to Zhu Quan.

In the silence, Zhu Quan's heavy gasp changed from heavy to light, and Qi Xuanyu's doubtful voice sounded: "What the **** is wrong with you, you say," As long as the portrait of Angelica is not often seen, there will be a kind of pain in the chest. " Is it true? Is n’t it because of her beauty that Fei Qing wo n’t marry? But what a strange disease! ”

Zhu Quan's repressed voice sounded: "This is a problem that I suffered three years ago. At the beginning, I was not used to it. I still tried to cure this kind of chest pain. To be precise, it should be called heartache. Later, I found that How painful each time the disease is, how comfortable the body is after the disease, and even the internal force flow is smooth. Gradually, I am used to this pain, and I also enjoy this tight and sweet feeling, Moreover, my internal force can reach today's Jiuzhong Sky, and I have to thank He Danggui for one thing. "

His voice gradually turned from repression to calmness, and the name of He Danggui became the full name again, and it took two minutes to distinguish between Fang Cai and Fang Cai.

When He Danggui thoughtfully, Meng Yue also stood at the door with a food box and wondered, "What the **** is Ning Wang, Xiaoyi, do you know why he feels heartache? Why does he Become like this, isn't he already with you? "Isn't the heartache exclusive to losers like him.

He Danggui shook his head and didn't speak. He crossed the sentence "She is my woman" that Ning Yuan said to the mask assassin three years ago, and crossed the picture of "two lives and deaths in ten years" left by him. As well as the poems and puppets in the cave, my heart is also blank.

Meng Yue put a few dishes of steamed buns in the food box on the table, took out a soup cup from the bottom of the food box, poured out a small bowl, and greeted He Danggui, "Let's try this sour belly soup, anything else The dishes are all found in the kitchen. This belly soup is made by myself. It is delicious and appetizing. It is refreshing and not greasy. It is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. I make it for my grandmother every holiday home. "

He Danggui shook his head and didn't speak. He originally thought that Zhu Quan had a bit of pity for her, so Pigu's hunger strike made him a little worse, so that he could not bear it. He could relax the persecution against her and let Zhou Guan take it with him. His gift was gone, and she managed to make a gap for Bobo to come to propose to the old lady. But now it sounds that when Zhu Quan mentioned her, she had a bit of teeth, not as good as the former Ning Yuan, but also without the slightest passing away and the affectionate style described by Bo Yibai. Could it be said that not only did she hate Zhu Quan so much, she also regarded her as an enemy?

Meng Yue came up and took away the veil of He Danggui, and took her to the table for dinner, but the veil revealed that he was shocked, not because of her beauty, but by the ice and snow. The bloodless cheek lips were frightened, and blurted out: "It turns out that you keep rubbing that yellow powder because your face is too ugly, Xiaoyi, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Xuanyu said in a puzzled voice. "Return the statuette to me. I'll take a look at it for you."

Zhu Quan's voice was also puzzled: "You are so nervous what this little elephant is doing, isn't it just a small piece of torn paper?" Without a response, he sneered, "Sister Ten Emperor has been dead for more than ten years, she is already a Useless person, Xuan Yu, you collect her reincarnation figurine. It is three years after it is collected. This is not a good sign. You are not so stupid in my impression. Like. "After tearing, I presumably shattered the small statue.

Qi Xuanyu sang loudly, and then the sound of "咻" and "咻" sounded from his recording garden, and then the "Peng" and "Peng" sounds were delivered vigorously, and then ... there was nothing left.

He Danggui listened anxiously with his ears raised for a long while, but there was no sound at all! She busy asked Meng Yue: "What's going on? Why was it suddenly broken! Nothing!"

Meng Yue said innocently: "Broken is broken, this eavesdropping has such defects. Come, drink soup!"

He Danggui paused and said, "Hurry up! Start another tapping, I haven't heard enough!"

Meng Yue pointed to the table full of food and said, "You eat half of it and I will start it again. Anyway, they will fight for half a day. Try my belly soup. If you like, I will make it every day. You send it. "

He Danggui sat down with anxiety, took a sip and took a sip, and it really turned back to sweet, but there was no salty taste. She guessed that Meng Xuan had forgotten to put salt, but did not want to brush his good intentions, and praised against it: "It's so delicious. It's the best soup I've ever had. Would you start eavesdropping on its recording garden?"

Meng Yue also sat down and gave her cloth dishes, and explained with a smile, "When we just touched the pulse for you, I found that you have yin deficiency and fire, stomach fire and heart fire are both strong, yin is water, yin deficiency is water dry, so the anger is Spoiled. At this time, no matter what you think or do, you are particularly unmotivated. You can get half the result with half the effort, but salt is flat to normal people, but hot to people with heartburn. It ’s easy to add fuel to the fire, so I did n’t put salt in the soup. This time you will drink it. When you are sick, I will make salted soup. How about it, Dr. He, what is my pulse, please correct me! "

The gentle and rational voice gradually stabilized He Danggui's mind, drank two soups, and smiled, "Can heal without self-medication, no matter how clever a doctor is, just because the body is sick, even the one who touches Mai's hands are all sick, and you can't feel sick when you catch your own pulse. Although Qi Gongzi's veins are loose, but this time you can see my disease. This belly soup is also the right medicine, thank you. You Can I start the eavesdropping soon? I'm in a hurry. The words they say are very important to me. "

Meng Yue waited for her to drink a small bowl of soup before telling her: "Sorry, this eavesdropping has restrictions on its use. It can only be used once a month. The quota has been used up today."

"What?" He Danggui tuned, "I'll go back to its recording garden and listen!"

Meng Yue comforted her: "Don't worry, you chew slowly and eat half a column of incense, I will take you over to listen to it, and I will use internal strength to help you, we can just listen to them 30 feet away. They can't detect it. Xiaoyi, are you really a princess reincarnation? What are you going to do with ...

He Danggui ate and swallowed at the fastest speed, murmuring, "What can you do? You also hear how perverted he is. He is a big man who can't be provoke. I am his prey now. I can What to say is right. "

"Metamorphosis?" Meng Min raised an eyebrow. "What does metamorphosis mean?"

The metamorphosis is Qinger's special language, but Qinger hangs around his mouth all the year round, so now not only is Angelica, many people in Luofu use this word, such as--

"Yeah, you dying, you can't touch you there so urgently, at least go into the yard and talk!"

"Afraid of anything, let alone the inside of Su Meiyuan. Even this area is not approached. Haven't you heard that there was a maid hanging over there yesterday morning, licorice beside the old lady." 2k Read novel