Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 282: Let her feel at ease

[Chapter 7 Volume 7]

Chapter 288 Chapter 282

Zhu Quan looked up, and the person who came was Bai Yibai, and he immediately showed his joy, shouting: "Xiao Xun, it's great that you are here, save He Xun, come and save her!"

Bo Xibai is a real Bo Xibai without any mask. Now he is over 50 years old and still looks like a teenager. He looks at least 10 years younger than Zhu Quan, 33 years old. He scowled and said, "I wrapped her in snow and went out to find medicine, but you threw her into the hot water. Do you want to kill her?"

He Danggui was astounded by the two words that Zhu Quanfang just shouted-"Xiaoyu"! Bai Yibai is Zhu Quan's uncle! Zhu Quan's mother-in-law, Yang Fei, was the lord of the Yuan Dynasty. Bai Bobai was Yang Fei's brother. Bai Bobai was also a Mongolian, or a Mongolian nobleman! He Danggui thought with a stunned expression. No wonder Bai Baobai hated Zhu Yuanzhang so much and resolutely refused to enter the DPRK as an official.

Zhu Quan stunned for a moment, then pulled naked He Yan out of the water, and pushed him back to bed. Bai Yebai also took a moment to turn around and asked, "Isn't I let you treat her well, how could it be like this?"

Zhu Quan picked up the sheets and wiped them off. He wiped the sheets to the ground, wrapped her in the quilt again, and replied, "Someone designed to harm her. It became like this when I didn't notice it. Don't say more, Xiaoyu, I know you must have a way to save her, you must have a way, right? "

Bai Yebai turned his head slightly, and saw He Ying wrapped up the quilt. Fang turned around and muttered, "I originally thought of a solution, but now I don't know if there is a solution."

He Danggui frowned and saw Zhu Quan's hand digging into the quilt. He was righteous and angry. What was the dead wolf doing? !!

The deadly wolf Zhu Quan turned his head to look at Bai Baobai, pursing his lips and saying, "Her body temperature is getting lower and lower, she ... is she about to die! She has no pulse!"

Bai Baobai pushed him away, sat next to the bed, lifted the quilt, and lowered it. He also learned to poke his hand into the quilt like a dead wolf and touched it for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Her venom has recurred. This must be very painful, she no longer has the strength to hurt, but the most terrible thing is that she can continue to live--as long as she does not hurt enough for a prescribed period of time, even if her heart and pulse are broken, she can't breathe through the water in her nose and nose, Still can't die. "

Zhu Quan hissed and asked, "What should I do? Where did she get rid of it? Isn't it only in the south? Isn't the water in the water cell dirty?"

He Danggui feels that Zhu Quan's problem is an idiot. He is a thing raised by people, and of course it may be brought by the rivers. Is n’t it only in the south? What a silly hat. Is the water in the water cell dirty? Of course it's not clean, Zhu Quan. Your daughter is still in prison. Can't you pick her out easily?

Bai Bobai thought for a moment, and asked, "The women in your house are southerners? Are there any seedlings in western Hunan or Yunnan?"

Zhu Quanzhang said, "I don't know." There was impatience on his face, and he pushed Bai Baobai's shoulders. "Don't pull it, please be serious, take out all your skills to save her, I ... this woman is my favorite, and I can't live without her. "

"Favorite?" Bo Xi said hummingly. "You all do this to your favorite women, so what do you do to women you don't like? One answer at a time can only be unlocked by the person who downloaded it." I ’m not an expert in poisoning poison. I had a way to suppress the poisoning attack, but you can throw her into the hot water to wake her up physically, so I can do it early. What can I do? Now. "

Zhu Quan stunned again, pushed Bai Baibai aside, sitting on the bed shaking He Yan, growling: "Wake me up! Damn, you are mine! Even if you want to die, you still need to see me No! "This woman is the most patient person he has ever met. Any pain and poison can endure it. As long as she is awakened, she will be able to force those poisons out with her willpower!

Bai Baobai hurriedly stopped him and said, "You will speed up the toxin operation and shake her to death! And she has been frozen for three months, her body is cold and brittle, and it will break when you touch it, you will break her! "

Zhu Quan stopped his hand, looked back at Bo Xibai, and asked, "Can't you rescue her? What about your spells?" Suddenly he stared again, "Qi Xuanyu! Where is Qi Xuanyu!"

"No one can save her. Qi Xuanyu has now gone to Dongliao, and will not be able to return in three or four months ..." Bai Jibai shook her head and sighed. "Now it is useless to find a god. Ah Quan, her only child is dead Then, she has a painful venom in her body, but she has no idea of ​​life, so let her die quietly, she just needs to be quiet now ... "

"Child?" Zhu Quan finally remembered his daughter's uncle who was in the jail, but said a few words in a mouthful, "The child is born again, you can save Yi Yi."

Bo Yibai drummed his eyes, pointed to the bed covered with a quilt, there was almost no trace of bulging on the quilt, and shouted, "Do you think she can still have a child like this? The old man has already fingered it, she hit There is only one woman, now dead and upset. Just now, the old man gave up again, and she was about to take a breath in half an hour! "

Zhu Quan stared at Bai Bobai for a moment, as if he did not understand people, and continued to ask: "The child will be born again, Xiaoyou, you can save and rescue Yiyi."

Bo Yibai spread his hand and said, "There is nothing I can do, so-let's do it first. I rushed over from the field, my boots came out of the hole, and I hitchhiked the other person. I was too sleepy ... I'm going to sleep Come and collect her corpse in half an hour, you do n’t know whoa, this corpse invaded by poison must be handled by a professional, otherwise there is a danger of spreading the disease, it is really impossible to tell how dangerous it is. You see her So for the poor part, don't torture her any more and let her breathe safely. Hey, what a pitiful girl ... "Then he waved his hands and turned away from the room.

He Danggui took a sigh of relief. It turned out that Bodibo didn't like her. It didn't hurt her to see her die. She didn't mean to save her at all costs. It turned out that she was passionate. She thought Bobibo would be emotional ... but this is the best. The last thing she wants to see is that Bo Baibo's decades-long destruction on her. In fact, she saw a scene of black hands behind the scenes. Even if she was not born again, she went to normal abortion, or Can not cast a child, into a ray of smoke between heaven and earth, there is nothing to bind. Life is a grass and a fall, but it's just like this when you come over, suffering, the eternal theme, happiness is short-lived.

Zhu Quan stared blankly at Bo Xibai's back, and then turned to look at He Yan who was stunned by hair. She is going to die!

Frightened Zhu Quan, he was stiff and glared at the pale, weak woman in front of him. Until this moment, he suddenly realized that he could not bear the fact that she was about to die.

How could this happen suddenly, didn't he treat her as a dead man as early as three months ago? Although he used to admire and depend on this woman very much, but more powerful assistants were everywhere, and women who were more beautiful and fresher than her were all around the palace, and he had long since died of her. But why was he suddenly out of breath when he saw her die in front of him?

No, she can't die, she owes him a lot, she has to wake up to pay the debt.

Zhu Quan yelled at the door again: "Brown Sugar Ginger Soup! Bring Brown Sugar Ginger Soup!" She used to drink that thing to warm herself up. As long as she wakes up warmly, she must have a way to treat herself, she never Do not look at the doctor, because she is the best doctor in the world! Why did his heart shrink into a ball, and what did she do to him? !!

The brown sugar **** soup was sent in for the first time. This time, without Zhu Quan's help, the comer spontaneously trot away. Zhu Quan grabbed the spoon, sipped half a spoonful of crimson hot soup, and did not blow it. He opened his closed mouth with his fingers brutally and poured the spoonful of hot soup into it. Apparently, he didn't want to "save" Awake He, but he wanted to "hot" Awake He.

He Danggui laughed aloud, and in this way of feeding, she was afraid that He could not survive even half an hour, and she could not drink it. Sure enough, the next moment, the faint stunned man shivered, and coughed the hot soup twice.

Zhu Quan froze for a moment, as if he did not expect such a thing to happen in the world. The original coma still coughed, as if he had encountered such a situation for the first time. He took a deep breath and scooped a spoonful of hot soup. This time he was a bit smarter and blew it twice for He Zuo.

Body trembling. A severe cough. The soup was spit out as it was, with something suspected of bloodshot.

Both her body and her will are on the verge of collapse, coupled with the terrible pain of Xiaoyao, even if the poison does not occur, the painful pain of those two or three days ago can take her life. He Danggui breathed a little sigh of relief, and let her go like this. She finally knew that she had just been reborn "by chance", and did not owe him anything in the previous life, nor did she owe his favor. You can face the cypresses of this life calmly.

"No!" A thunderous voice scared He Danggui.

Zhu Quan suddenly lifted He Yan from the bed again, brown eyes, staring at her face, suspecting that she was pretending to stun him, he shook her shoulders violently, and roared: "You wake me up Didn't you say you like me? The king ordered you to wake up, and if you don't wake up, I will kill everyone in the Luo family with a sword! "

Go, go, what Angelica said, don't be soft-hearted, although let go and kill. All the little people in the Luo family had an unknown dark ledger that pulled them all to the jail. One out of a hundred people was wronged; let those people report the number, and the singular number was pulled and beheaded, ten people. There is also an injustice.

"He Ye! I forgive you, you wake up and thank me!" Zhu Quan took a bite of hot soup and fed her by holding He Ji's jaw, while taking the time to talk nonsense, "You must be very grateful Me, let ’s get up and thank you. You wake up now, and the king has another reward. It will not be impossible to seal you as a queen in the future. Then you can banish your family members. You must be very happy. Wake up soon! ”At this moment, Zhu Quan, like a beast that has lost his mind, has been expelled by unknown fear and anxiety.

The answer of He Yan was that the soup with half a mouthful of blood mixed with half a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and the quilt was dyed with a red quilt.

Fire-like hawk-eyes glanced over her once-gray and fragile hair. She refused to open his eyes to see him once. She and her skin had a lustrous lip. She was as thin as herself without touching it. Broken arm, she's dying! No, maybe she is dead now. This incredibly thin little woman has already become a lifeless porcelain doll, an icy corpse that can no longer open her eyes and smile at him. No, even if she opened her eyes, she wouldn't smile at him anymore. He killed her child and he killed her again. She will never treat him well again!

She was lying there quietly, like a cowardly begonia flower that had been destroyed by a storm. There were no beautiful and transparent petals left, and her roots were broken. She was about to be blown away by the wind!

Zhu Quan sat in front of the bed and looked at the little woman in front of her, as if her heart was burning. He buried his face in his palm, like a beast that had fallen into a trap, and roared painfully.

why? Why can't she be like she used to, no matter what kind of injury she suffered, what kind of strange poison she can cure herself, and then proudly announce that with my medical skills, this little injury can't hurt me, not at all It hurts, just two days! Why, she couldn't treat him with the same heart as before, as long as he whispered, she immediately woke up from her sleep, and asked, Lord, why haven't you slept so late? Are you unhappy?

He felt that the most unpleasant thing now was that he did not want him, she was going to reincarnate, she was going to another world to be good to others, she had abandoned him, and he lost her forever! Why is this? He has been good to her in the past, but has only deteriorated recently. She can't skip this paragraph, make him be good to her again, be good to him again, and start again with him?

He felt that she should not die so easily, and felt that she had only a little bit of resentment in her heart to ignore his call, so he slightly poked her sunken cheek and put it on her ear with good voice, this time He finally apologized to her: "Yiyi, this time I didn't find out. I was blinded for a while, so that you were wronged and hurt our children. As long as you are not angry with me, you are willing to follow me When I start again, I will double my greetings. I'll give you whatever you want, okay? It used to be you who listened to me, but let's change it in the future. I listen to you, okay? "

No, He Danggui replied to the unconscious He Yan. You have long lost her, and you still have no face to ask to start again.

Zhu Quan felt that his people seemed to move a bit, he was slightly pleased, and then continued softly: "Do n’t just remember to hate my relentlessness this time, think about our good times, let ’s read books together, Watch the moon, you make moon cakes yourself, feed me moon cakes, and you give me ... "After a pause, he stopped talking and began to count his goodness to her," Yiyi, you asked me I have never refused. Xie Qiaofeng Zhou Jinglan asked me to do business. It was not easy to find ten times. You said that I should respond to it once. If you look at it more, I will keep it secretly. I will find a name for you in two days I still……"

His voice stopped abruptly, because He Yan suddenly opened his eyes, wide and wide.

He Danggui's eyes outside the wall also opened round and large immediately. How could that be? He Yan awoke? How could she not have this memory at all? He Yan ... Is this He Yan? 2k novel reading network