Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 283: Why drink with a smile

[Chapter 7 Volume 7]

Chapter 289 Chapter 283 Why Have A Drink With A Smile

He Yan's eyes turned a kind of golden brown, looking more like an alien than Zhu Quan's brown eyes. I saw her eyes turn around and saw Zhu Quan by the bed. The petal-like lips of Ewha moved, compared to two mouth shapes. Of course, she could not speak for a long time.

Zhu Quan froze for a while, but he suddenly remembered that he had given an order three months ago to burn He Yan's throat with hot charcoal. Without her clear voice, she could no longer comfort him when he was frustrated, and she must hate him so much, can they go back in time? Zhu Quan gave a painful sob, half-fluttered on the bedside, and touched her lips with her fingertips, promising: "I know many good doctors. This is a minor injury. It will be fine in two days. You, please be considerate. I'm fine. Which man isn't angry when he hears such a thing? I've shown mercy to you. "

He Yan still repeated those two mouth shapes, repeated two or three times in a row, He Danggui suddenly read that the mouth shape was talking about a name, Sun Mei Niang. But although Zhu Quan knew his lips a little, he couldn't read the name. He didn't know who Sun Meiniang was. In short, Zhu Quan's intelligence has deteriorated to the level of a young child. He grabbed a pin cushion in a needle and dustpan aside, and found He Yan's hand from the quilt and shoved it to her, commanding: "Cure yourself! The king knows you have this ability. "

The pale hand hung weakly and couldn't hold the round pin cushion. He Zhe repeated the name of "Sun Mei Niang" at the end. As soon as the eye chakras were solidified, they kept solidifying. He Danggui breathed a sigh of relief. Was it a return to the light and finally parted from pain, so that's good, this is the best.

Zhu Quan apparently didn't think so. He jumped like thunder, his eyes full of anger, and he cursed her angrily: "Life is yours, you are happy when you are saved, and no one cares if you do n’t save, do n’t think I ’m good Rarely, my favorite person is Qianbao, she is much better than you! I will go to her as soon as you die! "

He Danggui knew that Qian Bao was the new darling he had unearthed after He Yan, and they were all Jiangnan women. They were also equal in reiki and talent. The difference was that He Yan had already gone through her life, and the beauty of Qian Bao Life is just beginning.

He Wei shriveled into a dead flower on the ground, angering Zhu Quan. He straddled the bed, grabbed her thin shoulder, shook it vigorously, and exclaimed, "Are you retaliating against me? It's no use, don't think I'm so rare, I don't care about you, I don't care about you at all "I won't be sad!" The palm of his hand didn't respond, he tightened Zhu Quan's chest in pain, and shook her harder, "You look at me! Don't you like to see me the most! You don't peep at me every day when you sleep You! Now I show you, look at me! "

The sound of the tremor struck the dust on the beams of the room, echoed indoors, and spread out of the room, echoing in the palace. From afternoon to dusk, from day to night, it echoed uninterruptedly, the voice gradually hoarse, like a desperate beast, repeating a monotonous syllable sternly and long, it was unbearable to hear.

He appeared in the window, and he hesitated for a moment, then turned to leave. Zhou Jinglan's resentful eyes also appeared on the window, and only flickered and disappeared.

Finally, a young girl in yellow with water-like eyes and petal-like red lips came into the room, walked to the bed, and said bravely, "Master, let her go, and let yourself go, too. I have n’t eaten for a while, and the slave family ca n’t see it anymore. You ca n’t go on like this anymore. Besides, He Ye is deserved of the crime. She is sorry for the grandfather, and the grandfather is not half sorry for her. Qian Bao, a new darling of China, was a clever woman, and when He Yan was wronged, how many women in the house ran to the theater, and she was not among them.

"Damn, wake up!" Zhu Quan turned a deaf ear to Qianbao's counseling, and husky yelled, "You awake and let me handle it, don't you hate me? I leave it to you!" He Danggui said, counting you A little self-aware.

Qian Bao took another step closer, squinting Qian Dai Liu Mei, and whispered: "Let her go, man, you and me, you are too tired, you should sleep. Let her go."

"Ah-" Zhu Quan looked up at Qianbao with a grimace and stared at her with tears in his eyes. He pressed He Zuo, who was as thin as paper, into his arms and called in despair, "Where is she going, where is she? Can't go too, she's the king's thing! Ah— "

He Danggui simply wondered if this man was Zhu Quan. If he really couldn't bear it, how could he soak his love in the ice water? Qing'er said that Zhu Quan was "Sadako's doctor's father", she didn't understand what it meant, and Qinger explained that it meant the sinner of eternity. Zhu Quan, you have killed He Yan, the hatred has settled, and there is no room to make up for it, because you did too much at that time.

Zhu Quan trembled all over his body, as if also aware of the irreversibility of the matter. Only half a day later, the charming Ning King in the morning was replaced with a decadent man with a green beard. He shook his frame over and over again. He Yan, repeated over and over again without nutrition and threatening words: "Do you dare to give up like this? Do you dare to leave me like this? I want to kill everyone in the Guangluo family, not even your mother. It ’s time to lay a coffin for you! Why angelica, do you dare to leave me like this? You said you would die with me on the same day and the same day. You do n’t count, you dare to deceive the king, the king will never let you go! ”

He Danggui shook his lips outside the wall. When a man is unreasonable, he is ten times more unreasonable than a woman. He killed her and blame her for failing to keep his promise. Zhu Quan, the promise you violated is already ten hands. After all, you, a betrayal villain, have any qualifications to say others.

Although He Zhi in the wall was a puppet who lost his life, he also left a sarcastic arc on his lips, and seemed to laugh at the ridiculous man.

The ridiculous Zhu Quan sent a wailing, hot tears, slipped down the deep fifth house, wet his face, soaked her hair, he numbly embraced the unconscious He Yan, roared at her, shouted, intimidated, Curses, orders, accusations, apologies, pleadings, complaints, "Don't you say I can be forgiven for anything? Don't you say I can see you as soon as I look back? Don't you say your life is mine? You ... You like me so much, can't you give me another chance? "

His tears were dripping on her chest, where there was no beat, he buried his face in her hair and issued a vague low sign. After losing her, he suddenly realized that he could not leave her and continue his seizure. The road, without her on that road, felt nothing attractive. It was just that he began to understand that he was too late to wake up and she left in a hurry.

When she likes him, he doesn't like her. When she loves him, he loves her. When she finally left him, he fell in love with her.

Is she walking too fast, or is he unable to keep up with her footsteps? Or does one love too early and one too late?

What He Yan said many years ago echoed to his ears, "If I don't love you, I won't miss you, I won't be jealous of the woman around you, I won't lose confidence and fighting spirit, and I won't suffer. If I could not love you, that would be great. "It turns out that this painful feeling of losing confidence and fighting spirit is the feeling of loving someone?

Love begins with hope and ends with despair. Dead heart is that there is no longer any hope she once had for him ... if he could not love her, that would be great.

Love, it turned out to be drinking with a smile.

At the bedside, Qianbao suddenly whispered, and the white fiber pointed at He Yan's chest, but she couldn't speak. He Danggui outside the wall also looked at the amazing scene in surprise. It turned out that He Yan, whose chest was wet with tears, suddenly changed.

Her dry chest suddenly bulged, full, showing a radiant luster, as if two cherry blossoms had fallen on the top of Xueling. This change was quickly conveyed to her whole body, her face became younger and younger than Qian Bao beside her, her slim waist was like a flowering branch like wind, and her skin was like a pile of snow.

She became the most beautiful look at the age of seventeen or eighteen, and beauty became a painting, except that her nose was still cold. He Danggui said secretly in his heart, is this the terrible power of Xiaoyao? The price is so painful, the soul is flying, and the return is that the withered petals will fly back to the branches and bloom in the old days? People are dead, what good is the body to be beautiful?

Zhu Quan was shocked by the changes in the man in his arms, and Nana whispered: "She turned out to be a fairy in the sky ... she went back to the sky ... is this the last gift she left me ..." He savored it The sweet taste of Shuangxue Ling raised his head a moment later, his eyes were already stained with desire and pleasure. He raised his hand, the silver hooks hanging on the curtains broke, and the layers of green curtains slipped and closed, covering the scenery on the bed. He smiled dryly: "You left this gift to me, you abandoned me, went back to heaven to be a god, and you, a heartless woman ... see how I taught you ... I beg for mercy ... "

Looking at the twins twining on the bed, Qianbao understood Zhu Quan's intentions and exclaimed, "She is dead, you can't do this! She is an unclean woman!"

Zhu Quan raised his head and yelled, "Go! Go away for me! Go! Go!"

Qian Bao shed two lines of crystalline tears, kicked the golden jade embroidered shoes, hurriedly ran out of the room, sobbed tightly in her mouth, and did not forget to cover the door.

Zhu Quan Yangtian issued a long series of crazy laughter, shouting: "Look how good I am to you, I will be good with you from now on. We will be together for a hundred years, never leave, Yiyi, are you satisfied? I don't do anything, don't do anything, just hug you to sleep, you're satisfied! This is what you want! "He covered her ** xueji, reviewing the familiar dance steps between the two.

He Danggui outside the wall took out the fir box in his arms, and slammed the slightly shaking tent on the wall, trying to smash all the madness, the smashed and crazy Zhu Quan. He wants to go crazy, to vent, to find other women, he goes to other women! Get away! Get away!

The fir box was knocked apart two or three times, and a dark double-ring jade fell out of it, with a strand of black hair entwined there, which was clearly the hair cut by Meng Yue before with a sword. In addition, there are two or three letters sealed densely in thick oil-paper envelopes. She picked up Yu Pei, crying and remembering that she had Meng Yue. Three years later, Meng Yue may have been killed by her. She is going to try to protect the current Meng Yue and protect him in peace and life until three years later. In this way, will those things three years later be blown away by wind like smoke and dust, revealing clear skies?

She sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall, and Zhu Quan's ambiguous bed whisper whispered into her ear, "Yi Yi, do you like this? Have you missed it? We haven't been together for more than a year, you must It ’s hard to bear, do n’t worry, all the kings will compensate you ... ”

Tears wet Mo Yu, she asked silently, Meng Yue, what should I do? Zhu Quan is crazy, he is a lunatic.

For a few moments, heavy breathing and groaning came from behind, intermittently, and there were still two short laughs, until a "swish", someone kicked open the half-hiding door, Hula opened the tent curtain, Bai Bobai was angry. The voice sounded: "What are you doing, boy, are you crazy ?!"

He Danggui turned back with tears in his eyes, but saw Zhu Quan slipping out of the quilt in a white gown, his cheeks were pink, and he staggered off the bed like a drunk. After walking to the screen, he murmured: "I Happy to Yiyi, Xiaoxi, what are you doing here? She is my wife, she is so devastated to me that she will never die ... She was afraid that I would be lonely in the future, so she made a fairy and left her * * Relieve me ... what am I doing? Of course, I am doing what the husband and wife would do rightly ... "

Bai Yebai Tie face was black, opened the quilt and glanced at it. He took the quilt and wrapped it tightly, and left the quilt.

After changing the screen, Zhu Quan, who had changed clothes, rushed out, grabbed the quilt, and screamed angrily, "Why do you grab my escape? Tomorrow I say you are ambiguous. I don't believe it, it turns out to be true! You let her go!"

Bai Yebai sneered and hated: "I just hate not taking her away early, I hate myself so much, I can never forgive myself!"

"She's my own. You want a woman to go outside to pick it. This is mine." Zhu Quan stopped the waist to **** the tube, like a child snatching candy. "You give it back, this is what she left for me before returning to heaven "As long as he saves her gift and treats it gently, sooner or later, one day, she will come back to him again, her heart is softer than water, and forgive him for two or three days.

Bai Bobai could not fight Zhu Quan, but he did not let go. He screamed: "She should have been mine for a long time. When I met her, you didn't know her yet. I just hate not having Take her away. She doesn't belong to this place at all. You don't deserve her! "

Zhu Quan slaps on Bai Baobai's shoulders, retakes the quilt, and coldly said, "I don't ask you anything, I don't kill you, you don't come to destroy our lives. You like Yi Rong so much, You go to Wuxiang Pavilion to play King Ning. I will be a happy deity with Yiyi. I will never go out of this room. If she does not come back to me, I will go to heaven to find her. "He said from the corner of his lips. Blood was dripping, but she still said unknowingly, "She spoke just now. She said that she was waiting for me in the sky. She said that she only liked me, and did not like you."

Bai Baobai spit two blood spits, and his left shoulder suffered a severe pain. When he touched his right hand, he felt that the scapula had shattered. He cried angrily, "Hell! You hurt me, I can't gather her soul for her! Three Within hours, her spirit flew away! The ancient and modern ones among her are rare, and even the soul is swallowed up! "2k novel reading network