Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 284: Love is deep

[Chapter 7 Volume 7]

Chapter 290 Chapter 284

Zhu Quan stared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, you must be trying to **** her, so you lied to me with such words! There has always been no truth in your mouth, and you can't believe the ghosts!"

He tightened the quilt in his arms and raised his eyes at the same time, as if he wanted to see if there was a soul that was about to dissipate, and then he sent out a violent cough, spurting blood while coughing, and inadvertently sprayed blood on the person in his arms. His forehead was flushed with red. He hurriedly took the sleeves to wipe, but the reddish and the reddish, and finally scratched a little bit of skin.

Zhu Quan exclaimed distressed: "Broken!" He hurried to Bai Yibai, begging, "Xiao You have many ways, you help me get it right, I will give you the throne for you to play, you see, this is broken It ’s a little! ”Every time he said a word, he splattered a little blood, and some of the blood fell on He Zhe ’s cheek, but he did n’t dare to wipe it any more, only hanging He Zou with a waterfall-like black hair Raised his head to show Bai Bobai.

Bai Yebai opened her eyelids and looked at her. At this time, her eyes had become black again, a kind of dead black. Bai Bobai sighed and put his uninjured right hand probe into the quilt to check the situation. He coughed up blood and asked Zhu Quan: "How did you cough up blood from just now, did you get injured?"

Zhu Quanhun replied indifferently: "I don't know, maybe it was injured by Gao Junjun-can you repair this skin? Do you know how to save her for a long time, Xiaoyu?"

At this time, Zhu Quan's cheeks became more and more red, and almost turned into a bright pink. When Bo Qibai looked at him, he could not help but wonder, wondering what was on his face. Zhu Quan impatiently blows the wind with his hand, then closes the quilt into his arms, turns and walks to the bed, and says in his mouth: "Go outside and think slowly, I and Yiyi are not happy enough, I hear She's calling me again, and you think of a way to help her again. One day she came down from the sky, and when she saw that her body was broken, she would be mad at me again. "

Bai Baobai followed two steps, touching the pain of his left shoulder. He knelt down on the ground with air-conditioning, then suddenly looked up and shouted, "Aquan, look at your pericardium! Look at your pericardium ! "

Zhu Quan muttered his mouth unpleasantly, put the quilt back on the bed, lay down on the quilt, and said, "Yiyi said, Xiaoyi, if you don't leave, you will be thrown into the water cell and locked up! I I do n’t mind in front of you, but Yiyi is very shy. ”He said, using a pink cheek to mark the pale face exposed in the quilt, and stretched out his tongue to lick a drop of blood on her face. Ah, it should be wiped with water, it won't break with water ... "

Bai Ye was so angry that he yelled, "You are also in trouble! It is love, there is no solution! Look at your pericardium!"

Zhu Quan glanced down impatiently, a gold thread growing from his mouth, winding his left arm along the meridian of the pericardium, and slowly climbing towards the left palm and fingertips. He asked in surprise: "What is this?"

Bai Yibai shook her head and sighed, saying, "I haven't been able to find out what was in the girl, but I can only see that it is very strong and powerful. In the end, all three souls and seven souls will be swallowed up, so that she will not even reborn. I saw her uncle before, I was angry and hated at you, I couldn't help myself, lied that she was going to die immediately, and wanted to take her body to gather her soul, and after she was rescued ... took her away to go flying. When I saw you being so sad, I wanted to give you more time when you were soft and let you be alone. Unexpectedly, you had **** with her ... Ah Quan, you fell in love and died soon. "

Zhu Quanzhang pulled his eyelids and pressed his jaw against the top of He Zuo's head. A blood line slowly flowed into the black hair and disappeared. He said lazily: "This is Yiyi's change of heart, you want to pick me up to heaven, then you can go, Xiaoyou, you don't need to heal her, we are going to be a pair of happy gods in the sky."

Bai Baobai was annoyed, "You are sober and awake! You must now be swayed by the poison of fire, and even your normal thinking power is gone! You first seal the meridians, Yun Gong suppresses the spread of toxins, maybe I can still Think of a way to save you! You are sober! "

Zhu Quan said slowly: "I think I'm the most awake now, I can't be awake anymore, I and Yi don't like you, you're preventing us from sleeping, you get out, get out!"

Bai Baobai struggled to crawl to the bed and said coldly: "Even if I don't save you, I can't help saving her. You are in love, at best, you just reincarnate after death, but she wants the spirit to fly away, even reincarnated No. I promised to protect her from her death. Even if she died, I would save her. I must save her. "

Zhu Quan frowned at Bai Bobai and asked, "What are you talking about? Didn't you lie to us?"

Bai Ye Bai Ye pointed out, Shen said: "There are still two hours, and in two more hours, she will melt away. When you burn the paper in front of her tablet, she will not be able to ignite the fire. .This time I absolutely did not lie, although I do n’t know what cricket among her, but I heard that the Hmong people have a saying of “raising crickets with crickets”. , I guess, the person who raises the uncle must feed the uncle to another kind of uncle. The uncle has been so poisonous that even you can't stand it, and you have the idea that you have a light heart, you can imagine. How poisonous that other cricket is! "

After listening, Zhu Quan frowned, refuting: "I am not swayed by love, scum is not a worm, why am I at the mercy of a worm. I just suddenly sober, Yi Yi is the best person in the world to me, I'm going to find her. When she is happy, she will treat me like she used to. Xiaoyu, you rescue Yiyi and send us to be a couple of immortals, okay? I know you can do it. "

Bai Bobai coughed up another blood, glaring at him and said, "You have been burned out of love, you can't take it seriously, quickly close the meridians, go to the door to blow the cool breeze, I want to save her!"

Zhu Quan obediently got out of bed like a child, took two steps and turned back and said, "You can't peek at her. Don't touch her."

Bai Yibai Xue just sat across the quilt like Zhu Quan, and found a piece of clear yellow rune paper from his sleeve, and slammed it on He Zhe's forehead. He uttered a word in his mouth, and then lifted the quilt. He handed another piece of rune paper to Zhu Quan and said: "Then you can paste it, paste it on her navel, and meditate in your heart, you must be quick and accurate!"

So Bo Yibai turned his back, Zhu Quan sullenly lifted the quilt, stuck the paper, and covered the quilt. Bo Libo poured a smoking substance into He Li's mouth. After a while, the thing burned a little red flame. Bo Libo stared at Zhu Quan and asked, "What's going on? Why isn't it a blue flame? "

Zhu Quan yawned, cuddled on the quilt, and replied indifferently, "How do I know."

Bo Xibai continued to stare at him and asked, "Did you just read it!"

Zhu Quan closed his eyes and mumbled like a nightmare: "Who remembers that thing."

Bai Yebai wanted to ask more, but suddenly there was a bright light outside the house, accompanied by a "bang" rolling billows and smoke and dust, the house seemed to shake around the corners like a giant earthquake, and it shook everything in the room. Pendant. All the candles, lamps and lanterns in front of the corridor and inside and outside the house, whether they are light oil or not, burned brightly white. The pots of withered chrysanthemums in the house were instantly revived, and the green leaves gave a chilling thriller. At the next moment, all the buds were blown out, and all the blooms were big phoenix flowers.

He Danggui outside the wall was also staggered. She saw that a bottle of dried plums in the corner of the room had no roots, but also showed a few flower buds, staggered on the plum branches, and it was about to spit out. Flowers. What is this weird situation? Is it a strange scene called by Bai Bobai?

Bai Yebai was also surprised, staring at a large house that suddenly appeared outside the window, and asked, "What are those things?"

Zhu Quan took the quilt and replied vaguely: "How do I know."

Why Angelica was staring into an unbelievable circle. That house ... Is it the house in the listening bamboo courtyard in Luofu, Yangzhou? Just looking at it like that, most of the houses are already crumbling and crumbling. How can things that are thousands of miles away reach the palace? That's a whole house! It can never be done by manpower!

Bai Ye Bai Ye made a calculation and immediately lowered his face and said to Zhu Quan, "My matrix formation outside the palace was destroyed. I do n’t know if someone intentionally broke it, and he did n’t let me save any girl. It ’s still God ’s will. Unintentionally touched the joints. Now the matrix method runs wild, and there is no possibility of reversal. I do n’t know where this house will take us, but if there is a chance to save He, we will always try it. It's my promise to her-you let go and I'll take her into those houses! "

Zhu Quanshi grabbed the quilt and refused to give up, and hummed coldly: "This is clearly a play you did, and you want to scare me to surrender Yiyi, so take her to ease. You do n’t want to cheat me, you do n’t want to Zheyiyi, she is mine. "As he said this, his eyes shed two lines of blood and tears, and the blood became deeper and deeper, and finally turned into dark thick blood, looking very scary.

Bai Yibai slammed the bedpost, exclaiming: "It's late! Your love is out, I asked you to seal the meridians, why don't you listen! There could have been rescued!"

Zhu Quan's hand stretched forward and scratched forward, asking in doubt: "Yiyi, have you covered my eyes? Why it suddenly turned black."

Bo Yibai shed a tear and asked, "What more do you want to tell?"

Zhu Quan silently said, "If you don't want to be King Ning, go to Chang Nuo. I have 30,000 dead men. Once I die, Zhu Xi will not let them go and let King Ning continue to live in the palace."

Bai Baobai shook his head again and again and sighed: "In the beginning, if you listened to me, you would give up those unrealistic things early, and you would miss the mountains and rivers. It would be better to pity the people in front of you. It ’s a pity that only reveals your true disposition. It's too late to say anything now ... "

Zhu Quan yelled irritably: "What kind of feelings are not affectionate, my relationship with Yiyi has always been so good, are you jealous, Bai Bobai!"

Bai Yibai was also anxious: "Hurry up and let go of her. She doesn't belong here anymore. The matrix method will go back again and again. Maybe there is still a chance to save her. I will write a suicide note for you. You Waiting for someone to rescue me, I'll take her to that house ... "

The voice was interrupted, only because the quilt in Zhu Quanhuai flew straight out into the remnant wall of the black hole outside the house. This happened in an instant. The entire quilt was like an off-string arrow, and disappeared in that unknown existence in a blink of an eye. .

Bai Yebai grabbed it out of nowhere, dragged his wounds, and sprayed a blood mist. According to his injured left shoulder, he stepped out of the house step by step, leaving the sentence "I'm sorry I can't write a suicide note for you, please write a note for me by the way, and said that the Great Gate must never be lost, all the relics in Yangzhou On the outskirts of the city, let the seven sons of the Meng family go to find it. "He said something in his mouth and approached the weird house.

Blind Zhu Quan fumbled twice on the bed, and said angrily: "Bo Baibo, you lied to me again! You stole my Yiyi, you return me to Yiyi, no one can take her away!"

Zhu Quan flew out, waved Bai Bibai aside, continued to fly forward and rushed straight into the broken wall. The sizzling sound of Bai Yaobai's "essential thought" sounded at the same time as the sound of the explosion of the sky, and the whole house rose up, and disappeared into the dark darkness in an instant, I wonder if it flew into the endless starry sky, Still fell into the black cliffs far below the ground.

In the midst of the surrounding air, flesh and blood turned into thousands of dots, I do not know who belonged to the two who disappeared, or whether they belonged to them.

"Slap!" Something landed at the foot of Bai Bobai.

He picked up the piece of broken transparent green jade and recognized it as the ring buckle on Zhu Quanshu's crown.

He Danggui stared at the tragic scene on the wall, and then opened his eyes blankly-those "soul fragments" wrapped in blue thorn stars, and those caves that made this world Zhu Quan "evil His broken memory turned out to be Zhu Quan from the last life!

It turned out that the sacrifices that traveled through time and space were not Bai Jibai, but Zhu Quan, who was in love! 2k novel reading network