Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 358: Emperor is not in a hurry

[Chapter 9 Volume 9]

364 Chapter 358 The Emperor Is Not Anxious

He Danggui guessed that Qi Xuanyu saw that the skin color of her pinky finger was different, so she asked. In fact, since meeting them, she had deliberately avoided this and hid her right hand under the sleeve to prevent them from seeing it. Because her was Jin Yiwei ’s poison, it was inconvenient to show them, so that they knew that she was involved with Jin Yiwei ’s people. Now that she was found, she had to say, “It ’s like this, I ’m going to walk outside the city, no Shen was bitten by a poisonous snake, and now the acupuncture point is sealed with a needle. It is no problem. Then, please take care of yourself, I will go to the city for treatment. "

For a moment, Chang Nuo groaned and asked Qi Xuanyu: "Is her poison hurt? Also, she contracted the epidemic some time ago. Can it be cured?"

He Danggui replied for a while. She didn't know how the doctor Qi Xuanyu looked at the disease, but he wouldn't spit out the answer she didn't like to hear? She hung her heart and heard Qi Xuanyu's voice in her ear saying: "It should be no big deal, Miss He is full of heaven, Yintang is clear, not like a short-lived life with a thin face. Feng Yang, we really should go, and soon follow He Miss said treasure it. "

Therefore, after the two sides friendlyly said "Treasure", He Danggui was inexplicably added a gauntlet sand and a warm cotton coat halfway. After hearing about Zhu Quan's attitude from Chang Nuo, she was relieved and watched Chang Nuo and Qi Xuanyu lead a dozen riders in black clothes to leave the horse. She felt relieved for a while, and did not even notice it. A horseman has been staring at her deadly, and the judgment's eyes will almost penetrate her, penetrate ...

After they walked away, He Danggui thought something inappropriate, that is, Chang Nuo had a good relationship with Bo Xibo, and it seemed that he had learned a lot from him. How much did Chang Nuo know about the "Stone Barrier Eyes"? ? That array is not seamless. As long as she knows her degree, it is not difficult to crack the array. And she boasted Haikou to others like Lu Jiangbei, saying that the guarantee is foolproof, because she was too insignificant in the eyes of those people, and they would not take her opinions at all without talking about packing. In fact, her ticket was too full. In fact, the chance of winning was less than 70%. Alas, I did not expect that Jin Yiwei was so hateful. Everyone rushed to kill them. I can only count on them asking for more. Blessed.

Therefore, He Danggui turned his horse and continued to walk forward. After a while, he reached the gate of the city and walked a few streets after entering the city. At this time it was dark and the rain was getting more urgent. She first returned the dwarf brown horse, and asked one of Qinger's acetoprene maids, and went to Luo's house to help her take a leave yesterday, but there was nothing wrong with it. That girl-in-law replied that everything went well. She was about to leave and returned to Luo's house, but she saw a man staggering out of the building and headed to the east toilet.

He Danggui recognized who he was all of a sudden, and his eyes flashed. She usually has n’t seen him this way, but now the time is tight, she is very concerned about the end of Binghuadian Inn. If Jin Yiwei is dead, then her antidote is not there, and in that way, she was killed indirectly. Their.

"Three sons, three sons!" He Danggui shouted at the old man dressed up Meng Ying, "The three sons wait a while, stay at one step!"

Upon hearing this, Meng Ying stopped and looked back. He had just seen He Danggui's face in the last two days, so he recognized her by looking at it, and asked in doubt: "Miss He, how come you come to such a place?" This is not where your girl's house should come. "

He Danggui thought, your seven brothers were injured by a poisonous sword, and you ran into the mansion to buy and drunk. Is that right? The children of the Meng family are really more romantic than others.

While defamating her belly, she took the green porcelain square box out of the lining, poured out three pills from it, filled it with a small medicine bottle, and handed it to the other party, "I'm in a hurry, please San Gongzi to dispel your drink. Listen carefully to every word I say-yesterday your seventh son Meng Xuan ran to my Taoyuan courtyard. There was a sword wound on his right arm that could not heal. I found the wound to be poisonous. He was poisoned by Jin Yiwei's cold ice. The medicine in this bottle is the antidote for cold poison. It is extremely precious. Please take care of it, please take it to my boudoir in Taoyuanyuan and feed it. Take this medicine for seven sons, this medicine is slightly toxic, one pill at a time, once a day. It's urgent, three sons, please set off quickly. "

After listening silently, Meng Ying closed the medicine bottle, and Wen Tun asked: "Since you found the antidote, and your uncle is also resting in your room, why don't you feed him yourself? You Say you're in a hurry? Where is this girl's family going to run on this dark rainy night? "

"I, uh, I'm going to play with one of my friends named Liao, and I will live there for a few days," He Danggui compiled this reason. Seeing that Meng Ying was still lazy and lazy, he wondered if he was The hangover didn't wake up and was anxious. "The third son, you just don't care about your business, but now your brothers and sisters are worried about your life. You are holding a medicine that can save his life. Please show me." Can you be more reliable? Help me take a closer look at Meng Yue for two days, will you? "

"Oh?" Meng Ying found the point in her words. "Help you take care of your uncle, shouldn't you take care of it? Look at your anxious look, as if your wife is worried about her husband. Are you with him? ? "

He Danggui did not expect Meng Ying to speak so disrespectfully, and he was displeased, and replied, "Whatever you think, I have already explained what happened, and then there is, it is a secret that Meng Yue was healing in my yard. Hope you also Go secretly to deliver medicine, don't alarm other people, the little girl is grateful. "Think about it and add," Meng Yue asked me, said that I have been with Qinger recently, so that he can rest assured, Don't look for me or remember me. "

After listening to Meng Ying, the "old" face smirked and shook his head and said, "How could he not remember you? Miss He, you said that he had been poisoned by Jin Yiwei's cold ice, although I have not seen Duan Shao's use of it. I do n’t know how powerful the poison is, but as far as I know, Jin Yiwei ’s poison is also one of their weapons. Many of them are carefully formulated by the master manufacturers of the countries in the east. Safekeeping is extremely strict. Now that my uncle is poisoned, his subordinates have not been able to get the antidote, but a little woman found the medicine and contacted your relationship with Duan Shao. How did this medicine come? It is conceivable. And you also said that you haven't been home recently, but you have lost the antidote. How can you let him eat the antidote, and how can you rest peacefully? "

He Danggui listened to his analysis reasonably, and Emei raised his embarrassment. He said, "But I do have something. Since the third son, you understand the reason, please ask for it on your behalf, and you must let Meng Yue take care of the injury, otherwise I None of this is meaningful. "

Meng Ying asked: "You said that you leave and you really go to find a friend to play with? You bother to ask for an antidote, and I naturally thank you for my brother-in-law, but your rhetoric cannot really pass the mark. Based on my understanding of him When he heard it for half, he probably blew it up. If he wanted to crook, he felt that you had used your own chip as a bargaining agent for his antidote, and he might have chopped his arms and chopped his hands. "

He Danggui listened to Meng Ying's slow analysis, and raised an evil fire that the emperor was not in a hurry. He asked, "Do you have any idea, let's just say that Meng Yue was poisoned for two days and one night. You Isn't this dear brother anxious? "

"This medicine ..." Meng Ying shook the medicine bottle in her hand and stared at He Danggui's eyes. "Can't say it was you who found it, otherwise he would never take this medicine unless he saw you. So I can only Tell him that the antidote was taken by his subordinates from Jin Yiwei after all the hard work. And you, because you don't want to be in the same room with the man, go to a friend to hide for two days, and wait for him to leave before returning home— Can you accept such a rhetoric, Miss Ho? "

He Danggui breathed a sigh of relief, and said without opening his head, "I thought you were going to publish a controversy. It turned out to be like this, what's the matter? It wasn't a battle to kill the enemy, nor was it going to the emperor for a reward, let me not In order for Meng Xun to thank me, I went to find the antidote. It doesn't matter where the antidote comes from. As long as you can let Meng Xuan eat it, I will thank you in turn ... Yes, your method is excellent. Yes, it ’s much better than my rhetoric. The third son is really capable. ”It turned out that Meng Ying just felt that the antidote was not right, and worried that Meng Zheng would not take it. He wanted to find an antidote from the“ serious ”way. People came to replace her "merit". This really doesn't matter to her, anyway, she is not the first time to be replaced. A ready-made Meng Xun named Zi Xiao was replaced by her.

"Oh? Do you accept my offer?" Meng Ying didn't expect her to be so refreshed, confirming, "You don't say now, you won't say it again, only if you really go to find a place to avoid him for a few days, you are willing to Such a guarantee? "

"Guarantee, I don't know about this at all, so don't stubbornly, please go and save Meng Xuan," He Danggui directly pushed Meng Ying out of the door and took the rain cape on him. Dressed and tied him on tiptoe, red dates horse also led him, and finally urged him, "Meng Yue has not eaten hot food for a whole day, you go to my kitchen to find something to eat for him Mo shocked others, and when his injury was one or two minutes away, he was removed and healed. Don't let him wait for me there, and I don't know when I can go back. By the way, his chest is also slightly injured. , There are still scratches on his face, and there are wounds in the cabinet in the outhouse. You should take care of him and tell him that the wound must not be touched with water, and even the hot spring water cannot be ... "

Her right hand was caught by Meng Ying, and her words were cut off. He frowned and stared at her pinky little finger, seeing the dark air around it, and there was a slender black wound in the palm of her right hand. Meng Ying looked at the wound carefully and Shen Sheng asked: "You, have you been poisoned? What kind of poison is this? How is it poisoned?"

The angle of He Danggui ’s lips moved the arc, showing a bitter smile under his face that the other party could n’t see, ironically: “Three sons, you are clever when you say how clever you are, you are confused and confused, what kind of tiger wolf is Jin Yiwei, You and I know it well. They only worked hard yesterday and hurt soldiers and wounded Meng Yue, leaving him with a poisonous wound. How could it be possible for me to give me a whole box of antidote for nothing today? That kind of ingenuity is impossible to raise a knife and grab it. Alas, this is the price of cold poison and antidote. I got another poison, which is also very rare. The antidote is only in Jin Yiwei's hand. So I was anxious to go back and find my own life-saving medicine-now you can let go? Can you take this bottle of antidote and hurry to save your brother, son? "

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