Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 379: Must be undressed to heal

[Chapter 9 Volume 9]

Chapter 385 Chapter 379

He Danggui only felt that his whole body was burning like a fire, with a hot sensation, and a burning touch, as if he was going to have his clothes and skirts crispy and burnt, before he realized that he had to take off his clothes and heal himself. In the half dream and half awake before, her consciousness was only a small half, she could not help herself, and she had no strength to push the person in the dream away. At that time, she was lying on the bed in the ice pool, her legs and arms were cold; now, she is sleeping in the arms of a man, her whole body is bathed in the sun.

The palm of Lu Jiangbei ’s right hand was affixed to her dantian, and the index finger, **** and ring finger of her left hand were gently kneaded on her blood sea hole, apparently he was healing her, but the palms of his hands seemed to be strapped. With the wonderful and incomprehensible strange magic, a kind of tenderness, numbness, and ** taste spread and eroded her mind. At first, she bit her lip to resist the heat wave and stopped herself from screaming, but it was useless, broken and sad, and groaned. There was even a little in this ice cellar where only two people were alone. echo.

"Can you stand it? Is it difficult to endure it?" Lu Jiangbei's voice sounded above his head. "Or do you still lie back on the ice?" Asking this, her arms tightened her tighter, and the incense on his chest The smell pressed against the tip of her nose. Although she resisted in her heart, her hands not only pushed him away, but the whole person leaned involuntarily towards him, closer, closer ...

Lu Jiangbei looked at the pale and bloodless face of the person in his arms, but his peaches gave birth to the color of peach blossoms. Two more glances, his eyes could not help but a cluster of flames, the fingertips covering her skin trembling slightly, But people in Huaizhong asked, "When ... when can I stop ... how long will the treatment be finished ..."

"The longer, the better, the longer, the greater the benefit to you," Lu Jiangbei told her, "This finger is also known as 'Yangyang', and one finger is a Yang, and when you heal your injury, your right hand is five fingers out. There are three fingers in the left hand, and the thumb and little finger curled together. There are a total of eight fingers. Therefore, it is called "Eight Wild Fingers". This kind of exercises was initiated in the north of Wuxi Xiang in the late Tang Dynasty ... "

"Ah!" He Danggui interrupted him with a low cry, "It hurts! The left leg hurts!"

"Where does it hurt?" Lu Jiangbei looked at the lower leg in the midst of the skirt exposed under the skirt. "How does it hurt? General pain is not painful, but pain is unreasonable. There must be something wrong with your left leg. Where is the pain?" "

With tears in her head, she asked, "Woohoo, can there be no cure, is there any other cure?" His men have wrinkled the official clothes of the other side a large area.

For the first time, Lu Jiangbei saw her so childish. When she felt novelty, she intentionally teased her and smiled. "If you get sick, you have to be cured. If you ca n’t hold back the disease, you can't help it. If you can't hold it, you can make a bit of relief by calling two times. , I will never pass it to you. The reason why you wake up, I will immediately tell you about choosing a husband to marry, and for this reason, Du Yao was also a good match with you, and wrote a marriage book, Once you have a chance, but he has no internal strength and cannot heal you. Therefore, you should choose a husband-in-law as soon as possible so that he can heal you. "

Pick your husband, heal? An angel's unpleasant face emerged from He Danggui's mind, and he immediately retrieved some sages, raised his finger and wiped his tears, and asked, "What if he doesn't have a yang finger? Is your yang finger a secret?" Can you teach me? "

Lu Jiangbei froze a bit, and then froze again, Fang Zi sighed with a smile: "It turned out that Angelica you already have a sweetheart, and not Jinyiweizhong, that is, Duan Shao has no chance." This girl is really cute It ’s too tight, it ’s already like this and I ca n’t forget to steal the teacher, but even if he does n’t hide, this girl is not the material for practicing masculine fingering. Not Jinyiwei people, that is to say ...

He Danggui expected that Lu Jiangbei's fineness could not be concealed from him, so he confessed: "Yes, I have a husband-in-law candidate, and he also knows martial arts a little, but you probably don't understand one of your male fingers. You Could you teach me some of these fingerings and let me go back and teach him? "

Lu Jiangbei smiled unpredictably, shook his head, and said, "I can pass it to him although I can't pass it on to you. You don't have to worry about it. I will go to him to explain it in two days of leisure and let him learn more for you Heal your wounds and pity you. "

Why Angelica looked up at his mask in doubt, frowned, and asked, "Do you know who he is? But, but ..." Meng Zheng always faced Jin Yiwei with his mask on his face!

Lu Jiangbei nodded: "I'm quite familiar with him. The next time I see him, I will tell him that you are my newly recognized niece. You are so kind and tell him to treat you well, so ... Angelica, 'Centrifuge "Return to the medicine, you don't need to use it in the future. The effect of this medicine is too harsh, and a little carelessness will inevitably hurt his life. It will be too late when you regret it."

When He Danggui heard the middle half, when he heard the "eccentric return" that came out of nothing, Lu Jiangbei came out of Lu Jiangbei's mouth. Just now Lu Jiangbei said "Can you give me a bottom, are you interested in King Ning, and "Centrifuge"? "It was so unreasonable that she didn't even know what the centrifugal return was for. Thinking of this, she hummed and said, "Master, since you say that it hurts me, don't be vague anymore. Why do you think that I have a centrifugal return? Have you poisoned King Ning again? I do n’t even know what it is I don't know what to do, and I can tell you plainly that my sweetheart is not him, and the person to marry is not him. "

"Isn't he?" Lu Jiangbei bowed his head to look at the person in his arms, but Chunshui Liubo's eyes were firm and unforgettable. Seeing this, he couldn't help wondering: "Since you are not interested in King Ning, why do you want to feed him centrifugal return, it will cost him his life, or say that you admired him a bit when you gave him food, and later Fall in love with someone? "

When Angelica was speechless, Lu Jiangbei said that she was clever and clever, and that Elm's head was too maddening. Can she speak more clearly? She looked up at the glance he was looking for and said, "I have never done any of these things, I have never liked that person, and I have not poisoned him. He is expensive, and I am a little bit Dalit girl, poisoned him, that was going to lose her head. I want to live another two years! "

Lu Jiangbei shook his head and told her: "Centrifugation is not poisonous, but a kind of medicinal herbs that are warm tonic, sweet, Weiping, and non-toxic. When used as a medicine, not only does it not damage the viscera, but it also has general special benefits. It is nourishing yin and nourishing beauty. It is faster and deeper than Zihe, which is the placenta. It is a nourishing sacred product for women. "

tonic? He Danggui tilted her head, that's very good. She was extraordinarily weak in her life and it was normal to take tonics.

After studying the doubtful look of He Danggui, he slowly said: "However, one of the most famous effects of centrifugal return is" locking the heart ", which is a" lifetime binding "between lovers. Men eat alone After the centrifugal roots and stems are eaten with wine, and then the flowers and leaves are given to the women, then the women have '妾', and the men have 'husbands'. Then, the woman cannot live without it. A man can only marry him, and after marrying him, he will never have any other thoughts about other men, otherwise he will become weak and sleepy. "

He Danggui wondered and said with open eyes: "There are such amazing medicines in the world. I haven't read too many medical books, but I have never read such wonderful things. It may not be true. If there is such a thing, If medicine exists, wouldn't men and women in the world be able to change their minds forever and end from one? "

Lu Jiangbei laughed: "You are a clever girl, and you have a habit of taking things for granted and being more real. One, this is a legend, you ca n’t believe it. Even the existence of centrifugal medicine is a myth. Too few people have passed, and it is more rare than Tianshan Snow Lotus. Second, the efficacy of the medicine is not allowed, and how long can it last if I eat it. According to my speculation, that is also a matter that varies from person to person. , Should be the rare case, live off is the story of the man in the book about centrifugal return of the man, and the heroine, naturally is Angelica.

I ca n’t hear Lu Jiangbei ’s belly, He Danggui simply responded with an “Oh”, but my heart was thinking that she had n’t eaten any centrifugation in her life. And so he did a drug introduction to solve the poison of Qiqiqing?

Unconsciously, Lu Jiangbei's injured hand had stopped, letting her finally breathe a sigh of relief, no longer clenching her teeth secretly, trying to resist the strange feeling brought by that palm, huh ... if Meng Yue knew it was so good The person who can "rule" her method definitely wants to learn it. But how can you discuss the method of the one-yang finger? Begging for something from a savvy person like Lu Jiangbei has to be careful.

Last time she was going to take a whole box of cold poison antidote, and Lu Jiangbei knew that she did n’t have cold poison at all by touching her veins, but she gave her the medicine without asking anything. She only talked about it. For two, he gave her a large box of nearly twenty! He should be poisoned by Meng Yue alone, right? Huh ... I feel like something is wrong.

Damn, all blamed that she was too happy to get the antidote at that time, only care about stealing music, and thinking of leaving it to Meng Yue for later use, she pushed the boat smoothly and greedily accepted the whole box of pills. I didn't pay much attention at that time, but now I think again, when I felt that Lu Jiangbei gave her medicine, her eyes were very strange, as if she had realized something. Later, Liao Zhiyuan immediately felt the problem, and said in a word that she should not discuss so many "exclusive treatments but only cures" the cold antidote, and detain the antidote immediately.

This is too unreasonable. Even the rough-headed Liao Zhiyuan can think of this. Wouldn't Lu Jiangbei, who was so careful, know? Didn't he think about the whereabouts of the cold poison? Still, he had already guessed that she had secretly colluded with the "Thief", holding those antidote as fishing bait, and going to wipe out Meng Chen from the net? Can Lu Jiangbei think so far and precise? Huh ... the antidote should be the real antidote, right? It ’s okay for her to eat, it should not be poison, after Meng Wei eats, it should be all right now ... Will he find this place to find her?

He Danggui put his hand on his waist subconsciously and lifted his finger. The oblong green porcelain pill box was still placed in her waist, and it was well received. She frowned. Wasn't she ever stripped off? Why did she change her dress and the medicine box was still there? Who put it back? Lu Jiangbei didn't say that it was Duan Xiaolou who took off her clothes. Later Duan Xiaolou passed out and called a girl-in-law Liusui to change her clothes. Then ...

Lu Jiangbei also noticed her subtle movements and immediately laughed: "I put the medicine box back for you. I'm afraid it will be mixed with other medicines. It's not good for you, so I just let you go back. . "

The confusion in He Danggui's heart spread a little, but Lu Jiangbei's next words raised her heart to his throat, and he muttered to himself: "It seems that two or three pills are missing. Could it be that it fell under the tower, and then asked Gao Ju if he had lost it when he picked you up. "With that said, his eyes fell on her face, as if it were substantive, almost like two Brush strokes past. She didn't know if her face showed any nervousness, so she tried to be confused and listened to him with a smile and explained, "Although the ingredients of this medicine are not precious, they can not be easily scattered outside, especially in Yangzhou City. It wasn't calm for two days. There were people and horses in the city. In case someone would pick them up and see the famous halls inside, it would be troublesome. The poison of ice and qi is our ace killer. "

He Danggui nodded, but he didn't know what to say.

Lu Jiangbei stared at her again and smiled. The arc of her lips was extremely curved, but the two black eyes under the ice cave were a bit cool. I wonder if it was her illusion. At this moment, Lu Jiangbei was clearly smiling and not smiling. He said something that scared her again: "Danggui, you don't know. The boy who hurt us this time, I know him, like Kung Fu Juncheng, I can't hide if I want to hide-look at the world, this kind of There are no more than five young people. I recognize the other four, but I don't know him alone. "

He Danggui laughed and said aside: "Master, aren't you telling me about centrifugal return, why do you talk about these incomprehensible words again? I can't listen to things on rivers and lakes."

"Lazy listening?" Lu Jiangbei raised an eyebrow under the mask. The surprised expression was a bit fake, "Don't you like to listen to Luofu's‘ a certain Nie surname guard ’who told him to tell the story of Wu Lin ’s death.”

He Danggui had a stiff face and smiled even more stiffly: "Yeah, that's why I was lazy because I used to, uh, tired of listening."

"Oh, that's it ..." Lu Jiangbei said, "Then let's talk about the medicinal value of centrifugal return. You must love to listen to this. The" lock heart "of centrifugal return is two-way. Men can lock women. In the same way, a woman can also take a centrifugal return to lock up a man. Then, the man's body becomes '妾', but the woman's body has a 'husband', but in this way, Gang often inevitably is upside down, what are the consequences? That is, when a man with '妾' changes his heart, it will be dozens of times worse than that of a woman with '变'. The most powerful type will have to live and die together. "

"Same life and death? How is the same life and death method?" He Danggui expressed curiosity, wouldn't it be more powerful than affection.

Staring at her doubtful and knowledgeable face, Lu Jiangbei seduced and said, "Just like that night, King Ning treated you like you. As soon as you died, he immediately sensed it, and came to save you like saving his own life. But he didn't like you, so he left behind. "2k novel reading network