Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 467: Affection at the turn

Chapter 473 Chapter 467

"Speak and listen," Lu Jiangbei bowed his head. "There are no outsiders here, and it's a trivial case. Why not worry about it."

He Danggui said with a bowed head: "Listening to the meaning of this matter, I was skeptical that the old lady thistle committed suicide, planted my pearl sister, and freed up Madam Zhizhou's place for Miss Thistle. And Huaihua ate arsenic Bacheng is also killed by the old lady thistle. If it is intentional to kill, the purpose is the same as the old lady's suicide; if it is not a premeditated murder, it is afraid that Huaihua accidentally heard their dark room secret talk. It was destroyed. Another possibility is that Mrs. Thistle heard about Huaihua's suspicion of Luzhizhou, and invited her to plant Sister Pearl. Together, Huaihua refused to accept their poisonous hands. "

"Why do you think so?" Lu Jiangbei wondered, "Do you have evidence?"

"Cann't Jin Yiwei handle the case in a" hidden box "," He Danggui raised his eyebrows at him, "why do you ask me for evidence? Even if I knew one or two kinds of evidence, but I heard that there was a general who took charge of it for me. Don't say it. "

Lu Jiang nodded her head north and tied her brow and said, "Where did your girl hear these words, and arrange us like this? Is there anything wrong with us?"

He Danggui smiled frowningly: "But I asked, but I asked the wrong object. You should go to show the hard-bodied person like Zhantou. I was afraid to count Jin Yiwei's crimes in front of me, unless you Then use the forced confession method in the ice cellar last time to deal with me, otherwise I will not be able to say 'Jin Yi Wei Yu Rou Cun' Yunyun's words. But then again, if you have such an easy and convenient means, why not take it whenever you encounter a case? Once you use it, you don't have to go back to the old-fashioned method of knocking your toes and pushing your fingers, and the answer is more reliable. "

"It turns out that you still hate this," Lu Jiangbei said, "This incident was also a misunderstanding. Duan Shao's peculiar martial arts during that period was a bit of a madness. As for me, one really did not have this. Normal skill, except for Gao Jue, this skill is less. Second, this is a magical power that captures people ’s minds. It has a lot of hard work. How can he take this out with his Zhang San Li Si, I watched it coldly. "Using the standard" must at least be a marquis, general, Duan Shao and Xiao Qi Gongzi. The higher one is the Prince Prince, Ning Wang and so on. The ordinary mediocre people have no luck to experience that. "

He Danggui heard him say that Meng Yue was also in the ranks of their honour and pets, and was very upset in his heart. He sneered and asked, "I used it once more, I still have to give you silver?"

"Why do you know why? You have always been privileged among us." Lu Jiangbei narrowed his eyes and fiddled with the silver charcoal in his hand stove. "Even if the power of the day is unpredictable, let us meet God and kill God, meet Buddha and kill Buddha, We have red eyes and we have hit you all the way, we have to make a turn and go around. You are such a special existence. "

"Then I would like to thank you for your" turning feeling "," He Danggui also fiddled with the copper ring of the hand stove, and asked, "What is Master Duan now, have the side effects of the exercises subsided? He drank Mr. Meng's medicine soup and felt How much better? "

"It's already great, no need to hurt him anymore, he will get better and better in the future."

"That's great." He Danggui smiled in his eyes. "While I'm at ease, I wish him well, and you will always be so good. Everyone will be fine. Let me talk about it For this case, I would like to ask you to have a famous doctor go to Sanqingtang to find a good doctor. You will have an autopsy with you, and you will see if there are any problems in it. "

She was as transparent as Lu Jiangbei, and heard what she meant, and asked, "You mean, Mrs. Ji has an incurable disease, knowing that she will soon be in the world, so she walked in this way and made a good daughter for her daughter. Depend on for the rest of your life? Why do you think so, their mother and daughter may also be victims. "

He Danggui shouted, "I have heard a small news that there is a family in the north, a family of poems and heirs, but the ancestors and ancestors are a group of people with wolf blood flowing in their blood vessels. A wolf disease is spread among their people. At the time of the onset, the eyes were red, and people lost their senses. When they saw chickens and chickens, when they saw dogs and dogs, they killed people when they saw someone. They cut with a knife in their hands and went to bite without a knife. It was really terrifying. On the one hand, they are afraid of killing people and attracting hatred after their family members became ill. On the other hand, they also have the idea of ​​covering up their family ugliness. As soon as the family members get ill, they will be poisoned with drugs, so that people don't know that this kind of crazy disease is prevalent in their family. The family heritage is not an antique vase, but a pack of poison. "

Lu Jiangbei frowned: "Is there such a thing? I have never heard of it. Where did you hear the gossip? Are you talking about the Lu family? You are afraid of harming his family's name, so you don't want to make it public?"

He Danggui only shook his head and said, "This person doesn't smell it, it may be something that will happen in ancient times or in the future, and I don't need to dig into it, and I don't remember what the family name is, it may not be the name of Lu. It is also possible that the surname is Zhao and the family name is Zhao Qiansun Li. These are not important. People in Lufu may not even have a hobby of collecting arsenic. I just laugh when you hear it. Do n’t pass it on. I mean Yes, I have invited famous doctors and doctors to block Bai Buping to dissect the corpses in public. If there is any disease, redness, sarcoma, or other rarity, just pick a few famous elders from the crowd and shout in to open the eyes. It was also spread to everyone that Mrs. Thistle, because she was not going to live long, had the idea of ​​neglect and had nothing to do with others. "

Lu Jiangbei listened for a while, Xu Erxiao asked, "If there is no rarity, it is a healthy body, then what?"

"Find it carefully, just look for it," said He Danggui with a smile. "Isn't there still a famous doctor standing next to me, explaining it to those who are visiting, and highlighting the spleen, lungs, liver and gallbladder?" No one will question 'tumor' or 'evil'. Who has cut open the human body and seen it, and who dares to study the **** body indefinitely? Do such a large array Battle, who would lie to them? "

Lu Jiangbei asked silently for a moment: "Is this not a life of grass? What's the bottom line of your privacy and protection? I still look down on you."

He Angelica slaps on the stove, poke charcoal from the gap, and says, "As long as anyone who knows me knows, I have always taken care of myself, but oh, if you do n’t believe it, you can bet me with a silver coin. I Bet that old lady must have a big tumor in her body, otherwise no one would go to eat poison by herself. How good it is to live, no matter how hard a person is, it would be better to survive.

"How can you be sure that she took the arsenic on her own initiative and was not framed by poison."

She replied with a smile: "When the old lady ate the arsenic, there were now a few servants waiting around, and the arsenic was sweet, the texture was astringent, and there was a strong odor. The stomach ache immediately after eating it, but she ate suddenly The five-money amount of arsenic that can poison a cow. Take the mud as an analogy, would there be a normal and sober person, who would take the initiative to eat five-money weight of arsenic? The arsenic is even worse than the mud. The old lady not only ate it all at the time. When it was over, I immediately discovered that the person who had murdered her was Sister Pearl, and the doorway in it still made me more clear. "

"... The widow thistle must love her daughter very much." Lu Jiangbei expressed his emotions after a while, and turned out the screen to arrange what Angelica explained.

After he left, He Danggui said to himself: "I don't think it is love. Love will not support a person to kill someone. No matter Huaihua's life or her own life, it is a living life. Killing is all sinful business. Mostly out of jealousy, jealous that Sister Pearl has a good husband, she was pregnant with her first child, jealousy gradually turned into hate, and tortured by illness, people ’s hearts were also twisted. . "

When I was a child, Lu Jiangbei delivered his autopsy. He returned and still sat on the bench. He still asked, "How to deal with Huaihua's murder? It is better to let the confessional minions and slaves speak in front of everyone, and the old lady bought them to frame Qin. Shi, the death of Huaihua was also tied to Mrs. Ji? Or was her daughter convicted?

He Danggui thought about it and shook his head: "This is not good. Mrs. Ji is Lu Zhizhou's aunt. She committed suicide and framed her niece and daughter-in-law. All these can be regarded as family affairs. In addition, she was not an orthodox elder of the Lu family, but A married woman, so her actions will not harm the reputation of the Lu family and Lu Zhizhou. But if she or her daughter commits the crime of poisoning people, things will happen in Lu's house again in the future It is inevitable that people will chew their tongues and say some mixed accounts. At that time, the widows and mothers and daughters could not hear each other, but they asked the Pearl Sister and his wife to carry their infamy. They were honest people, and if Pearl Sister knew Huaihua The victim is related to himself. A sadness during pregnancy is bad for both mother and child. "

"Then what do you say?" Lu Jiangbei has repeatedly scratched his eyes at He Danggui. He couldn't help but want to return to the Long Night Pavilion and ask someone to explore her life. Is she really a commoner girl raised on the farm? Where did she learn these talents and opportunities?

He Angelica gently rubbed the hand stove and smiled, "The ready-made 'murderer' is in front of me, why should I look elsewhere? A horse goddess and a pearl husband's ex-husband, if you are more broad-minded and kill the bad guys, you will become even more ex-husband. Those sinful family members

, Also dealt with it. That is, without beheading, it is far from being sent to some bitter place in northern Xinjiang and Miao Xinjiang, let them labor reform, and reflect on the evils they have made in their first half of life. "

"Mr. Ma?" Lu Jiangbei did not know that Ms. Ma was too good at the old water business view, and she said, "Did she harm many people?"

He Danggui counts, there are many people who are too kind. Not counting all the injustices in this lawsuit, not counting the abuse of her cold and infertility in her previous life, only to listen to cicada and pearlin The great achievements of the kind that she talked about today are enough to cut her back three times. In the name of her family, she ransacked the money of her family and loan sharks. These are not big things. The most shameful thing is that she sells her apprentice to a brothel. Hearing Pearl said that Taishan was very guilty, and the apprentice changed the silver, and took the silver to her son Matai to do decent things in the gate.

He Danggui originally listened to it as an ordinary story, and felt that it was too good to have done such a thing once or twice, which happened to let Pearls know. Therefore, Yuan didn't care too much. Anyway, too good were expelled from the water business view, and the water business view was no longer. Whoever kept those old things in mind.

Later, about half a year ago, He Danggui met a beggar who came to chat with her on the street and said, "The old man said a few words and rewarded a couple of silver, a good lady with a good heart." He Danggui wondered who the woman was, Focus on distinguishing it, it turned out to be too good "Jun Er," the woman named Huai Dong who had stolen her golden lock, and because the secretly found out that the other party was pregnant, she was let go by her soft heart.

He Danggui rarely encountered an "old man", and he was idle that day, so he asked a tea house to order some tea snacks, and wanted to ask the child in Huaidong belly and the child's father. Huaidong was hungry for a few days, but after talking about her stuff, she didn't talk about her own affairs, but she said too many bad things. Just because she had a relationship with Taishan's son, Ma Tai, who was too kind to be her daughter-in-law, so she did not hide her from doing any evil or ugly things. In Ming Nian, among the disciples in Taoist Temple, the first is Zhenzhu; in fact, the one who is too kind and most believes is her winter.

Huai Dong described Taishan as "an old man with thousands of swords", saying that she often went down the mountain to buy a girl at the age of seven or eight, and brought it back to the mountain, raised it with Taoist money and sold it. The best-looking person created an affair between the girl and the pilgrim, gave the pilgrim some "good medicine", and raped the girl after his blood came up. He was too kind to blackmail the pilgrim for a high price and sell the apprentice to the other party妾 or slave. In this way, many girls who have been deceived into selling have become the punching bags of the host family. Those who have been killed, resold and sold to other households, and sold to brothels are not in the minority.

The apprentice who was a little bit more attractive looked for a mistake and planted it for her, poured a sip of medicine, and let the mother-in-law in the view pull it to the bottom of the mountain and sell it to a mansion or a human tooth. The one who couldn't handle it the most, threw it to the twenty-mile shop on the mountainside, and added "new goods" to the black kiln opened safely by her brother, Ma, who was a cook after shopping. Those who patronize there are either bachelor Zhuang Ding, or widowers who walk through the villas and other rough people, all with cruel hands and black hands, and girls can't live there for a month.

The most irritating reason is that the monk was too good to be a monk, because when he was young, he was exposed to her brother-in-law, and he couldn't stay in the local area before he moved to Yangzhou and became an aunt in Shangshui Shangguan. And her brother also settled down in the mountain and made a living, the main purpose is to go up the mountain from time to time to do those fun things with Taishan. Taishan's son, Ma Tai, came out like this, so he was born a monster that is neither male nor female. People are stupid, and His Majesty's work is half-cut! 2k novel reading network