Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 518: This situation can be waited for spring

[Chapter 12 Volume 12]

Chapter 524 Chapter 518

The wind and rain at night can not reduce Meng Xun's alertness. He stepped on the skateboard and led the way for a Tang Muyu behind him. He also opened countless feather arrows to **** Tang Muyu. . Since that day there was no news about Angelica Sinensis, and there was vague news every other day, saying that a group of girls walking eastward on the canal saw a lot of Yangzhou girls.

He didn't really hear what Angelica was in, but it was unclear whether it was intuitive or something. He immediately allowed Yitong to step on the line, intercept the ship's waterway in the middle, and go through the province along the way. Come from Hangzhou West Lake.

Because he was unfamiliar with the path, he was lost at night, and the people on the Clipper scattered around to find him. Meng Yue temporarily bought a "Flower Boat" Tang Muya from a mooring bay. The Flower Girl all disembarked, and wanted to approach a suspicious ship on the opposite side under the cover of camouflage. The arrows were out, so he opened his way in front.

The rain dampened his hair and shoulders. He was like a piece of beautiful jade, and a boat like a fairyland painting, walking through the dark night.

Suddenly, a voice was heard in his ear, coming from the waterway, "Wow ... Wow ..." Is it a surprise attack from the enemy? Can't shoot the arrow rain, just cast a killer below? Then, when the shadow in the water came into his eyes, he held his breath and took the boat silently, leaning against him, easily subduing the other party. As the palms of his fingers tightened and gripped, and the assassin's life was lost, a faint fragrance of clear fragrance pierced into his nose.

Assassin is a woman? Alas, this scent is ... the smell of Orchids of his sister Xiaoya who ran away with anger! He recognized it all at once, relieved his strength, and supported the body in his arms to slide down softly, only to feel a little thinner than in the impression. It was the fifth day of Yuehua Qing reduced to the first day, My heart hurts a little, this girl, no matter how thin it is, it becomes a picture on paper.

Meng Yue immediately turned away the murderousness of the whole body, set off a cold arrow coming up, closed her arms tightly, and flew into Tang Muyu's cabin. "Brush, brush", two candlelights jumped from the lampstand, Meng Yue inspected the condition of He Danggui, abrasion of arrow clusters on his shoulders, scratches on his calves, and he kept twitching. The cold and rainy night, the suffocated lake, almost killed her.

Three thousand blue silk wrapped her petite and soft body, and continued to bring her the chill. Although he tried to warm her with a hug, the wet method and wet clothes didn't help much. She fell trembling in his arms, explaining her whereabouts intermittently: "Qinger and I were sold by an enemy ... to a large barge ... I was bought again by a new buyer, and Qinger remained on the boat ... "She used belly language, her voice trembling so much that Meng Yue didn't hear her, she didn't say it by mouth.

"The new buyer?" Meng Yan eyes, "is the person in front of the ship who ordered the arrow? Who is he?"

"Close the ink."

Meng Yue gave a low curse, and fisted into his hand. The intention of killing found him again in a flash, and said, "I'll kill him."

He Danggui clenched his shirt and slyly analyzed: "They have a lot of people, and feather arrows dedicated to water warfare ... This is dangerous and strange. If it is just a lake tour ... what is he doing with his helper? I know you're great, but this rainy night altruism is not good for you, because he has a long-range attack weapon, you don't ... don't go, at least wait for Tianming ... then. "

She kept shaking her lips and said these words, her lips were already frosty, and finally she couldn't stare. A pair of eyes closed tightly, and her nose almost broke, and even her trembling energy was drained. Perhaps at this time, she should find someone to "borrow" some strength.

Meng Wei's eyebrows were tied in one place, and the internal force was continuously given to her, but gold and silver spilled into the river, and he didn't hear the half-wire reply. He was afraid that he would hurt her meridian, and he had to stop his hand and soak the cold person Rub it into her arms, trying to warm her into a thick blanket.

Thick blanket? By the way, his eyes were bright, he picked her up, and turned into the inner room. The inner room was the embroidery bed of the flower girls. He chose the bed that looked the most refreshing and neat, and took a new one from the cabinet. She changed the sheets before placing her on it. At this point she had completely lost consciousness, and if she was angry, she was no longer hesitant. You have to undress her for warmth, otherwise it won't get warmer.

This tangle rafter floats along the water, swaying up and down the lake from time to time. It has no direction and is not stable. It is more swaying than a carriage on a rugged mountain road. Originally, there were two grandfathers on the ship. When a feather arrow flew over, the grandfather wanted to row to escape, but Meng Hui let them row in the direction that the feather arrow flew. The grandfather dreaded death and dived to escape.

Therefore, the indoor lights are shaking, the bed is shaking, and people are shaking.

The big, hot palm fell on He Danggui's placket, tore all the buttons and straps twice, and threw it to the floor next to the bed. She quickly took off her wet socks and skirt, and then took off her coat and jacket. In a coma, she clenched her arms tightly and let go. He wanted to shake her hand, she was sore and sweaty, and still refused to let go. From her brief sleep, she uttered one or two slang words with only a mouth shape and no sound. Meng Yue identified her mouth, and she said: "You are not Meng Yue, only he can do this ..."

"..." He grabbed her wrist impatiently, and when he pulled it apart, he shed two more tears from the already dying man. He frowned, took her left hand as gently as possible, and found out that in addition to the burn scar a month ago, she had added a lot of new injuries, including bruises and abrasions. Twenty or thirty, this is still exposed outside the clothes. Who knows what the clothes look like?

He no longer hesitated at the moment, while calming and saying, "I'm Meng Yue, the one who will take care of your life." On the one hand, she removed her coat and silk underwear with a light and flexible method. The makeup and jade, wet long black hair, made her face whiter. At this moment in her eyes, she was pale and beautiful like a luxurious dream.

"Oh!" "Ding!"

Guan Mo over there still did not give up, he still directed his crossbowman to throw arrows down and down, although the two ships were far away, the steel-headed arrows fired by the mechanical crossbow could fly farther, from time to time, there were one or two The arrow was pinned to the roof of the cabin above them, adding two points of tension and crises to the magnificent candle shadow seen by Meng Yue at this moment.

The rain didn't stop for a moment, and the night breeze shook the paintings. It was a puzzling east wind.

He took a deep breath and meditated on the Sutra of the Diamond Sutra to eliminate the evil thoughts. She was already so weak. How could he take advantage of others again? Huh ... The Heart Sutra is the sacred purpose of the heart, the clear way of seeing ... The road must first be clear, the consciousness of the self, the teacher of the clear road, the evil of the road is far and near, and the conscious person knows it.

However, the last part of her body that covered her body was a sore belly and a pair of obscene pants, which were soaked and close to her body. If she doesn't take it off quickly, then the piece of clothing will not only be unable to withstand the cold, but also draw the heat from her body. God knows if she has any heat ... Therefore, he has no choice but to take off her last clothes and use the most. Quickly removed all his own clothes (His clothes were wet with rain ... well, that's right.)

Meng Yue pulled a clean pillow, hovered over her, and wiped her wet hair briefly. At the same time, her cold body revived in the center of the warm bed, and recovered together. There was also the medicine that shameless Guan Mo gave her, and she immediately followed the heat source to find the past and made a humming noise.

He held his fleshless man tightly in his arms, warming her cold body in the most direct way. His temperature was now her best medicine, and for him at the moment, there was nothing more important than saving her life. He had to save her life and tell her clearly that the reason why Duan Xiaolou and Liao Qinger asked for a divorce was written to them because he had made a secret decision in his heart, and after returning to his parents, he wanted to re- Marry her as his wife.

She was so soft and mellow that it fit perfectly into his arms. The skin that was softer and more delicate than the petals of the peony trembled gently in his arms. With every trembling, he lost his consciousness, and his heart-warming thoughts for more than ten years, now he forgot words intermittently. The little girl who was weakly craving his arms and absorbing his warmth with her body became the only reality between the water and the sky, and in the rain and arrows. Give it back to the monk from the heart sutra, he only needs to hold her and hold her forever.

He hindered the dream aunt who had been looking for her, her distinctive mystery, her different throbs in her heart, and she kept delaying her union with her. And he knew that she was also reluctant, and she also hoped to get back the former Meng Xun ... But at this moment, reason and rain fell into the bottom of the lake.

To him, she was like the sweetest accident, a snowdrop that was unintentionally picked up during the trip, suddenly disrupted his overall plan. After getting along a few times, she was different in how many women in the world, and he did not have the usual fear of a husband to the husband, but often annoyed him, but he was not angry with her at all. Just one more look at her, his heart found a place in this strange and familiar alien space, and regarded it as a place where he never wanted to leave again.

The storm tonight sent her into his arms, her soft and helpless, suddenly poking into his heart defense, making him irresistible.

She fell asleep in the cold water, woke up in a warm, dry bed, was expelled from the cold, and gradually warmed herself. Long eyelashes moved twice like butterfly wings, and then opened. In a strange dream she had just dreamed, Meng Yue kissed her, and then pulled her into her arms, her thin lips fell and kissed. The skin of her chest, the thin lips of the man, bit her clavicle, and she lifted her head under his kiss and groaned softly ...

But the next moment, she opened her eyes and realized that this was not a dream! Meng Yue is not wearing clothes, so is she? !! She opened her mouth, but couldn't make a noise.

Finding her awake, he moved up with a smile and hovered above her. Even if she was slow, she could feel the difference between the two keenly. Within the fighting room, his masculinity had the strongest sense of existence, and she could only fix her gaze on his strong neck, and did not dare to look down. The male body on her body clings to her intimately.

His radiant chest was like a cocoon, which prevented the coldness. In her arms, she could not feel the cold, but still trembled involuntarily, curled up instinctively, and covered the whiteness of his chest with both hands.

When she noticed her restraint and panic, the flame in his eyes burned even more. She was taken aback by God. When she closed her eyes, his thin lips sealed her, and her lips were painted with her tongue. Xing, while she was panting, she searched for the sweetness in her mouth, covering her hands for a long time. She widened her eyes because of his touch, her lips flapped slightly because of panting, and his tongue sprinted like possession, showing his intention.

"Qinger," he called her name, with a light sigh, and swiped her chest with her hair ends, "I won't let you go tonight." 2k novel reading network