Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 524: Zhou Jinglan is a dog name

[Chapter 12 Volume 12]

530 Chapter 524-Zhou Jinglan Is a Dog Name

The red note was chanted by He Danggui and Qing'er, and Zhou Fei was so angry when she heard it. She was about to discuss the theory with He Danggui, but Qinger suddenly flashed her innocent eyes and asked: "Who is Zhou Jinglan ? Is it a person's name or what kind of flowers and birds? "

He Danggui judged: "If it is not a woman named Zhou, it must be an orchid name."

Zhou Fei suddenly realized that when the Qingning county masters met each other yesterday, they did not know each other by name. They only knew that they were the Zhou family, and they knew only that the county family was the "Zhu family"! Although her girlfriend's name "Jinglan" is not a secret, it is only known to the upper levels of the palace, and the girls are not necessarily aware of it, and they are even less likely to know it as a stranger. That is to say, it is not them who wrote this note, but someone else wrote and posted it on the outside door.

Zhou Fei thought about a few people who might be suspected of committing crimes, and finally locked the suspect as Gu Yan. The more she thought about it, the more she could not help but hate it. Looking up at the two girls who both looked at her quietly, the princess Zhou Zhou ’s momentum of flying off the plane immediately flew to the country of Java, smirking and folding the note away, and echoed, "I guess it may be Plant orchids. "

Qing Er shook her head and said, "It may also be a pet name. Now people are idle and boring. They like to name birds and dogs. Zhou Jinglan, Zhou Jinglan, Bao Qiqi is the name of a dog."

The smile on Zhou Fei's face couldn't stop, and she barely said two more gossips before leaving. After covering the door, she shook her hand in the yard, pinching the note with a bitter hatred, and immediately went to Guzhen to settle the bill. Naturally, Gu Yan would not admit it. She was a quick mouth again, and a few words caught Zhou Fei again, and the two ended unhappy.

That night, Zhou Fei sent her confidant Xu Siniang to the courtyard again to ask, but Xu Siniang returned and took a map and said, "Hui Niangni, they are all gone clean. I heard it was noon. I was in the trash basket. I picked this up and wondered if it was what you wanted. "

Zhou Fei quickly took it over, and could only understand that this was a canal water map. Two places were marked on it, and the rest could not be understood, but she recognized that this map must be marked with Guan Mo's whereabouts. Now that the map is in hand, then ... the group of nasty people in the Qingning County Master are still very angry when they think of it. So she whispered, "Write a secret delivery to Wu Yingge in Taizhou, so that people can catch up with them and kill them. Needless to say that there is the county owner, let the killer chisel the ship and finish it."

Xu Siniang understands the concubine's intentions, because she thinks that the county leader looks too much like Wang Ye's sweetheart. Whether or not she is such a person is a great calamity. So he took the order and went down to finish the matter. When he returned, Zhou Fei had already packed everything, and she had to press the picture to find out, and go to Guan Mo's untrustworthy villain theory.

Because the dragon boat of the palace was used for trouble and brought a lot of outsiders, Zhou Fei hired another fishing boat, and set off quietly, hiding the people from Gu Yan.

On the other hand, He Danggui and Qinger packed up at noon on the same day, bought some local produce, and returned to their building by express boat. Although she didn't find Bai Yibai, it made Qing'er a bit frustrated, but remembering Zhou Jinglan's anger and intimidation, she couldn't help laughing again.

He Danggui understands Zhou Jinglan's character, and the evil and fierceness does not start today. They offend her again, and it is difficult to guarantee that Zhou Jinglan will not retaliate. It's impossible to come by tomorrow, she might come in the dark. Therefore, He Danggui drew a simple sketch, letting the nine convoys line up in a w-shape, followed behind their ships, and drove away. To be on the safe side, someone with a knife was called to tie the big knife to the stern, so that the knife was submerged in the water.

All the way around was safe and sound. In the afternoon, they stopped the boat to enjoy the scenery on the shore, ate some snacks, and He Danggui gave a shot to the cold armor.

In the evening, when the night was getting dark, they had made contact with the building ship with letter arrows, and they felt like arrows for a while. He Danggui hoped that when he went upstairs, he could see Meng Yue and Chan Yi waiting for her. He quietly walked for about an hour, and the following convoy suddenly called out, using secret words, and they could not understand He Danggui, but the boatman in charge could understand. A few of them only said, "Mrs. Mo is shocked, nothing happens, please take a rest in the cabin, don't come out", and then they all get busy, pull the sails and paddles, and double the speed more than twice.

Qinger whispered nervously: "What's going on? Suddenly the boat was rocked so fast, will it overturn?"

He Danggui softly reassured: "There are many emergencies on the water, and I can't say for sure, but there are veterans of this kind of boat here, they all said that we shouldn't let us take more care, why should we eat salted carrots and worry about it. Have a cup of tea. "

In this way, after a rush of incense, the building ship appeared in the field of vision. He Danggui smiled slightly, Qing'er was relieved, and he returned safely. The two ships signaled each other, and the big ship came out of the moving wooden ladder. They boarded the boat with their armrests and waited on the deck. The owner Li Ping was still there, even the posture and standing position were the same as yesterday. They saw exactly the same when they left.

After Li Ping said hello, He Danggui said he didn't dare to be fooled, and asked Meng Yue to return.

When she got a negative answer, she couldn't help but was worried and disappointed. At this moment, a captain on the back guard came up and reported, "Mrs. Terai, we suddenly accelerated halfway because of the brothers on the two boats behind us. Seeing that the stern is red and dyed a dozen feet of water, people on the boat can smell the blood. The sound of the water drum can be heard faintly. I don't know what kind of fish was offended. We don't want to After many troubles, I hurried back to the night. The tired lady was frightened, and she was really upset, please Madam Hai Han. "

After listening to this description, He Danggui couldn't help asking: "Are you sure that you are a school of fish? One, the **** smell of fish is very different from the blood of humans; the other is that the fish is downstream of the water, even if it is the same as the stern. When Dao Cong meets, as long as he swims further down, nothing will happen, because the fish scales are hard and not close to the knife. I mean, will the blood marks drawn by Dao Cong be human blood? "

The captain did not expect why Angelica was not frightened, and asked about the details. At the moment, he said truthfully, "When the brothers on the two boats returned to the villain, they said that there were suspected assassins underwater. It is difficult to guarantee that there are no second and third batches behind, so I hurried back at double speed, and finally came back in shock and danger. The villain was afraid that speaking truthfully would scare his wife. Since there were no casualties, he did n’t say It ’s okay to come out. The crime of deceit is not intentional, begging his wife, Haihan. ”

"Hai Han, Hai Han," Qinger resumed his lively nature as soon as the crisis was lifted, and laughed. "She is the best person. You escorted us safely back. We thank you for being too late. How can I blame you, Haha! "

He Danggui nodded and smiled: "Either people or fish, you don't have to talk to outsiders about this, so you don't have to worry about it. I'm disturbed to work, everyone, after Qiye returns, ask him to thank you."

After hearing this, everyone was sincere and terrified. Even the ship owner Li Ping said that "the villain was ashamed." Why did Danggui listen to him claiming to be a "little man"? He couldn't help wondering, wasn't he not a friend of the rivers and lakes who was on an equal footing with Meng Xunping? Hearing the structure of Qiyang Palace, the ship owner is the rudder master, the rudder master is the altar master, and the eight altar masters are the Qiyang demon master of Qiyang palace. Meng Wei's friends may be at a higher level.

On this trip, I could n’t sleep well outside. He Danggui just wanted to go back to the room to exchange a bucket of fragrant soup and take a good bath. I always felt that Meng Yue ’s finger prints were still printed on her waist, and those bruises on her chest were still Did not fade. After returning to the room, Mint was still waiting in the room. She knew that her master loved to be clean. Every time she went home, she had to clean up her body and mind.

The camphor bath barrel is very large, enough for three or four people to soak in it at the same time, and the barrel is burnt and steamed in a room of fragrant soup, and the petals are spread out. When exposed to the warm airflow, He Danggui sighed comfortably. On the river in the early spring, it was still cold, and only wore silk jackets and no cotton coats, and it was a bit tormenting one after another. Holding up a warm fragrant soup, the light feeling made her unable to breathe a sigh of relief.

When the undress was untied to half a moment, I opened it a little, and there were still marks on my chest and waist, so I asked Mint to wait outside and told her to come in again.

The faded shirt slipped into the hot spring, letting the warm soup bath relax the tight shoulders. The fragrant soup slipped across the skin, like a gentle touch, and she lazily leaned against the side of the tub, resting her head on a wooden barrel with a delicate fragrance. The heat, steam and the light, floral fragrance made her drowsy. She closed her eyes, her slender legs sliding in the water, and sighed with satisfaction.

After the heavy yarn not far away, someone took a panoramic view of this scene. He didn't speak, but just looked at it quietly, with a smile. Until it was estimated that her soup bath was going to cool down, he suddenly appeared behind her, reminding him: "It's cold, and you should have a headache later. If you want to wash, you must burn the heat underneath. Get up. "

The sound was faint. First, she let Mian Qian think she was dreaming. Immediately, she clearly felt that the hot man's breath was sprayed lightly on her face. It was a little hotter than the soup bath sliding over her body.

She opened her eyes in surprise, and saw a tall man in a night coat standing right behind the tub she was leaning on. He was as beautiful as a god, focused and gentle, looking down at the swaying float in the tub. Yourself. Who isn't Meng Yue?

His silhouette became more and more determined day by day. When he disappeared several times, he gradually grew from a teenager to a man who looked strong and reliable. Just looking up at him like this, her heart gave birth to infinite dependence and tenderness. A voice in her heart implied unconsciously that he was the most indestructible umbrella that could protect her from wind and rain. She doesn't have to say much, don't need to do much, just trust and rely on him.

This outstanding and upright big man is her husband. What else did she need to worry about, and what was more worthy of his attention than him. 2k novel reading network