Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 525: Fragrant Soup with Knot Candle Flowers

[Chapter 12 Volume 12]

Chapter 531 Chapter 525

"Where have you been these few days?" He Danggui's sleepiness slowly faded, his cheeks drunk with two peach blossoms, and his lips were delicate and dazzling, looking up at him and asking, "You, have you just killed someone?"

Meng Zheng gave a little stupidity, then nodded and said, "Yes, I killed a few people today, but I have removed my outer shirt next door, washed my hands and face several times before I came into your room." He was afraid Her own scent smoked her, and she took a few steps back before she laughed again. "Your nose is so good that you can smell the blood of my body. Why, I scared you?"

She shook her head and said, "It's not your smell, but your breath, and some killing breath that is too late to conquer."

After a moment of silence, Meng Xie bent her mouth and said, "It's been so hard to see me for a few days, so I prepared such a feast for me. I'm already very hungry, but I can't bear to say anything, I don't know where Quit. "

"You don't have to laugh when you don't want to laugh." He Danggui said carefully, "I'm not a woman who must laugh to coax."

Meng Zheng's face originally had only a strong three-point smile. After hearing this, he revived a five-point smile, like a sigh, a whisper, and a Zen machine. I thought she was her. I didn't expect she was you ... I found it so easily. I still don't believe my good luck. "

When he walked into the warm water vapor of this room with a chill, he still had the residual images of the blood and corpse bones in his brain, tilted his head, and looked away, but he saw his charming little wife like a piece The good white goat fat and white jade are gentle and touchable, just waiting for him to master ... the mood can only be described as "redemption".

The lovely girl who had a light sleep in a large silver hoop camphor barrel was his woman, his girl, his redeemer.

The moment he pushed in the door, she also opened a heart door for him, the small hands shaped by the ice and snow cherry petals, and pushed gently and firmly. Sunshine pushes into his world. Bright and warm, passing from one end to the other, illuminating the haze sky he had originally covered.

This is her salvation to him. She doesn't need to do anything for him. As long as she stays quietly in the safe haven behind him, let him know that she will wait for him when the next turn, and he will never fear again. The ups and downs of the world.

"What do you think of me this way?" He Danggui unconsciously picked up a waterfall of black hair, hugged it at the chest, sinking for two minutes, and covered his pink body with a milky white soup, The mouth advised, "You look very tired. You should rest and rest ... please wait a moment, me and I will use silver needles to help you calm down."

"I'm thinking of bathing. Why do we think of coming here, it turns out that this is called the wife of my husband Moruo." Meng Yue smiled and nodded, but her eyes moved closely, as if she could see through the water, and did not want to let go. Any details.

He Danggui's lazy dormant on his face, until now he has only run out of countless, feeling a little nervous, shivering slightly because of tension. There was nothing to hide under his gaze. No matter how he covered it, his gaze with a smile and magic power that could penetrate everything reminded her involuntarily, and he took her to indulge the details of the night he had sunk.

Meng Zheng turned his back gracefully, with a jade belt, a sweat towel, a long shirt, trousers, boots, two thin silk clothes, silk pants, and obscene pants ... a strong neck, wide shoulders, and the back of the mighty shore, with strength The narrow waist, tight buttocks, and strong thighs were exposed in front of her eyes, as graceful as the statue's outline, and compared with her, letting her sink in the water for two points again without shame. Up her upper lip.

"Is that enough? The lady is still satisfied?" Meng Weiren didn't turn back, but she seemed to have a pair of eyes behind her, and she believed that she was "peeping" at the fact.

She had no excuse, reddened her cheeks, and stubbornly replied: "I just heard people say that the general's merit is consistent with the scars on him. I heard that Xianggong has a great reputation for fighting, so I want to count you. There are only a few scars. I didn't expect that there were none of them, so the rumors are false. "

Meng Yue was pleased by the sweet and crisp "Xiangong", and the woman's first night's madness revived in her head, turned her lips around, and showed her the front of her **. There are scars on the front, a scar on the shoulder, two on the lower abdomen, two on the left thigh, and one on the right leg. These are the most obvious old scars. It is conceivable that the kind of deep wounds that were deep in the bones at the time of the injury. Such scars can only be possessed by real soldiers.

He is a real warrior who has experienced **** battles. Compared to his Baihan black iron armor and official plate tiger charm, these scars are more proud of the capital of men. She made such a judgment quietly.

With her peace without a gaze of lust, his subordinates thrived, and faithfully announced his thoughts at the moment. How seductive the man looks in front of her, but she is useless, leaning at the beginning, and twisting her eyes around her four-foot silk, embarrassed and said, "I've washed it, Sangong, please wait outside and let me clean up ..."


With his weapon, Meng Yan smiled smirk on his face, one leg, two legs, he stepped into the large bathtub, the water line suddenly rose, and a lot of fragrant soup floating with gorgeous petals spilled out. When the turmoil calmed down, Meng Zheng's eyes were already burning with fire, staring deeply at her, but she said innocently and innocently, "What do you stare at me? It is caused by you, it's none of my business. It has been obedient, but it says that it only listens to you alone. "

He Danggui could no longer listen to his serious explanation, insisting on escaping from the bath barrel, and no longer cared whether he would be seen, stepping on the bottom of the barrel, and holding it up. Seeing that he was about to flee successfully, even if Meng Yue refused to run away, he would never let his dinner go.

In a hungry wolf's fasting pose, he poked out his hands, grasped her slender shoulders, captured her from behind, and arrogantly pulled into her arms, her full body leaning against her jade back and snow hip, Leave a slight gap. She clasped her waist with one hand and covered her **** with one hand. Meng Yue laughed with triumph, and laughed happier than ever before when he won the battle, and gently poured his words into her. Ears: "Girl, do you miss me?"

His voice and turbid air announced the ****, she felt a hard object behind her tightly, uncomfortably moved two points to the left, the hard object was one and a half to the left; she hid to the right, hard Things rubbed her under water, like shadows following.

The rough fingertips, brushed the delicate **, her face was already crimson, and her chest was like a cymbal, jumping in the ears of the two of them. She could hardly breathe, and murmured, "Where have you been? Leave me here alone, and leave nothing for me. I'm washed, I, I'm hungry, and I'm going to dinner." "

A keen sixth sense clearly reminded her that there was a big difference between him and him. His masculinity has a strong sense of existence, and with just a hot breath, it can melt her ice and snow defense for so long. She is Bing, he is fighting her fire.

"Do you miss me?" He repeated the question persistently.

She nodded slightly, she thought of him several times.

A nod was enough, at least, he wasn't the only nerd to be boned by that acacia. He clasped her jaw and told her, "I killed Guan Mo and brought you a gift. Qinger, I miss you too, I can't force myself not to want you. So, if you want to eat, you have to feed Satisfy me. "Then, bowed her head and kissed the soft lips, drawing the shape of her lips with her tongue.

She opened her eyes wide, blinked lazily twice, kisses on her lips, and hotter and harder objects on her hips, leaving her only sleepy worm. She rushed out of the blossoms, but couldn't struggle anyway with his steely grip. His body is too strong, she is not his opponent at all, and under his attack, she can only be captured by hand.

The capped lips whispered, "Please wait, you, you take a shower ..." She tried to get a probation, at least, at least to let her know if he was as attached to her as she was to him. Now, or, half as deep as a spoonful of her obsession.

However, as he gradually deepened the kiss, the spark of ** silently attacked the two people in the tub. The hot thin lips sealed and rubbed, the domineering tongue tip allowed every tenderness in the mouth, entangled her clove, provoked her response, swallowed all her vague protests.


A candle flower burst out of a hi flower, a couple of men and women in the bath bucket still unknowingly tangled in the warm water.

There were thousands of miles of cold river outside the window, and in the warm bath of fragrant soup, she tossed in his arms, firmly grasped by his magic power, and could no longer escape.

This time he crossed over from the other side of the battle. There wasn't much tenderness to do the foreplay, and he wasn't even sure if she was ready for him-belonging to his scorching, touching her flower path from the back, slow and firm In. He slowly entered her, slitting the quiet scabbard like a fiery blade.

The pain was only instantaneous, followed by hotness and fullness, and she wept softly and was forced to accommodate all of him. Under his possession, she half-opened her eyes, and looked back at his eyes that could cover the stars and moons, and those eyes fixed her instantly, and saw every reaction of her without any omissions. . As if to want to remember each of her intoxicated expressions, deeply immersed in memory, immortal.

The water passing through his body, while stroking her skin at the same time, her entire body was hung by the side of the tub, weakly begging him for forgiveness.

He wanted to see her more beautiful expression, so he changed her posture and turned her around, so that she hugged his neck and gently wiped off the two drops of water or tears on her cheek, for his previous rudeness Repeatedly apologize, every bit of inch in the arms of the beautiful lady in her arms. I don't know since when she no longer refused. She wrapped her hands around his back neck, wrapped her legs around his waist, closed her eyes, and drowned someone holding the driftwood ...

For a long time, when she retreated from the tide of ecstasy and gasped softly in his arms, Meng Yue told her: "Qing'er, I have found the woman I want to find when I travel through time and space. Although Not quite sure, but there are also seven points on target. "

Found the woman he was looking for? Her mind was blank, she could only cling to him, feeling his strong and warm body to support her. What woman is it?

"She ..." Meng Hui kissed her sweaty hair, and told her lowly, "She is King Ji Ning, Gu Ye, and her girlfriend is 19 years old. She ... is I over there Kun The first woman in the space, I met her in a dream, when I could not help myself ... "

Why Angelica looked up weakly and surprised, and met Meng Xun's eyes, what was he talking about?

Meng Yue calmed her eyebrows with a crushed kiss, and said softly, "Good boy, listen to me, I don't want to hide any secrets in front of you, so I tell you all this-on that side, I am Dao Shengbai and Baibo got the calculation. He was drawn into a ridiculous dream, and was filled with aphrodisiac, saying "Detoxify a suffering girl". I was completely forced. At the time, I The whole person was completely out of his control, and rushed into the Yuzhu Tower all at once, doing those ridiculous things. "

He Danggui was stunned. Meng Yue was afraid she didn't believe it. She declared solemnly: "I was blinded by drugs, my eyes were faint, and I was entangled by the clouds of dreams. I remember her skinny and flat chest. She is still not half your benefit, really, Qinger, I want to be with you. "2k novel reading network