Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 543: Have a lot of love

[Chapter 12 Volume 12]

Chapter 549 Chapter 543

Meng Yue frowned, looked at the beautiful lady indifferently, and told her: "Fei Ye, Nei Zi was suffering from a serious illness, and I came to see the doctor." Her pink face turned red, he thought for a while, and told She, "Gu Niang, your husband Jun Ning is also in Luzhou. Now that you have cured the cold, you can go back to Daning with him and save me the trouble of arranging to take you home."

This beautiful lady is not someone else, but the ancient man of Ning Wang.

It ’s not long before she married King Ning. Although she was a noble girl in government, she got a seat after entering the government, but she did n’t look enough after entering the palace. Until now, she has n’t been able to enter that one. The discerning and moody Wang Ye's eyes have been scheduled for a long time. Ning Wang is not lucky to be her, and is still a virgin.

On that day, Gu Yan went to the mine with Zhou Fangfei and did two private affairs for Wang Ye. The next night when he met He Danggui, Zhou Fei drove the ship to a certain place on the river sneakily. Gu Ye thought that Zhou Fei was not good and wanted to catch her a little pigtail, so Gu Ye also arranged a ship Followed quietly in the back, to see what lover Zhou Fei will be. Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred in the middle of the road. A catastrophic whirlpool vortex swallowed the two ships in an instant. Gu Yi thought that his life would be the other. Who knows that he was rescued by a handsome man like the gods.

Gu Yi was deeply fascinated by just looking at him. She was impressed to see that he was not ordinary about himself and had a friendly attitude. Later, I heard that he is the seventh son of the Meng family (not yet married and has several members). At the moment, she made a serious plan for herself and took Meng Hui to save her in the whirlpool. After a while she talked about her waist. She cried to Meng Yue about her marriage to the palace for nearly a year, but she did not flatter her, and confessed shamefully that he was good to her, and she would never forget to be a ghost.

After hearing this, Meng Yue was very distressed because one was married, and the other was not his heart at all, but due to a "marriage of the world", he was not good enough to refuse.

His slimy attitude and unchanging care for her clothes, food, and daily life were all misinterpreted by Gu Yan. He was interested in her heart, but only because of the power of King Ning, he gave up her. So Gu Yixin made a plan and revealed to Meng Yue that a tobacco business that King Ning had recently been extremely fond of had Meng Yue interjected first and stopped before King Ning took control, and then held the business to say, please Ning The king cuts love, but the king Ning has no reason.

After hearing this, Meng Xun only said that he did not want to break up the marriage of others, and persuaded Gu Xun to say that sooner or later, Ning Wang would discover her benefits, and she would naturally have grace. On the other hand, he also arranged for the boat and carriage to be transported back to the northwest by Gu Xi. Gu Gu was in a hurry when he heard that he cried out, holding Meng Zheng over her waist, saying that he would die to keep innocence. .

Meng Yue rarely dealt with women and was unfamiliar with the process of "one cry, two troubles, three or three hangs", but believed that Gu Ye's words were true, so she suspended her sending home, and Gu Ye took the opportunity to pretend to be ill Stay on board and watch every opportunity that can seduce Meng Yue. On the night when Meng Xun returned that day, he had a lawsuit with He Danggui. He had always been gloomy. He always remembered He Danggui in his heart. In the eyes, all females except He Danggui were treated as female monkeys and female bugs. I can't see Gu Yan's elaborate dress and spring eyebrows.

For example, now Gu Gu ’s sentence, "Are you going to pick me up and return to the ship?" In exchange for Meng Zheng's "Fei Ye, Nei Zi has an acute illness, I'm looking for a doctor", and also said that King Ning was also in Luzhou. She was repatriated. Gu Yan's tears fell down at the time, covering her crying: "Send me back to the Ning Wang Mansion? The son is so cruel! If you are inferior to the **** willow that is not worthy of your talents, then find a nun right away I ’m going to be a monk! What other festivals do I have to sail with you for so many days? Ning Wangfu, I would rather die than go back.

Why was Meng Yue going to die because of Angelica's injury? She really didn't take into account her emotions and walked into the hospital without saying a word: "Which one is the best doctor here? Please go to the emergency department." A silver ingot On the counter, there were two Langs carrying medicine boxes to pick up the work immediately.

Gu Qiang couldn't hang on his face, crying loudly, and the crying sound spread far away. Zhu Quan and Qi Xuanyu, who had turned half a street, looked at each other, Zhu Quan slowed down and asked, "Who is the woman on the ground?" He thought to himself that the cry was to mourn for the woman.

Qi Xuan Yusong took a sigh of relief, and said, the dose of the "earthly Mengpo Tang" and a "virgin blood" antidote, this time finally worked. Zhu Quan did not know what Angelica was, and the trouble disappeared. So he replied with a smile: "That woman is Meng Xiaoqi's wife. Did n’t Wang Ye forget that the assassin was assassinating you and spread to her. Wang Ye is good. See you when you are hurt. She wo n’t do it. Alas, Hongyan is frightened. "He grinned.

Meng Xiaoqi? Zhu Quanji spent a moment, and suddenly realized: "Oh, it is him! I remembered what you said. Earlier in Luozhou, Yangzhou, I had met the boy! The strange way was familiar." He clenched. Two sword eyebrows, dug deep into the memory.

Qi Xuanyu also did not know the usefulness of Meng Po Tang. When he heard that Zhu Quan still remembered being a guest in Luozhou, Yangzhou, he didn't know how to answer. Zhu Quan remembers Luofu, but he doesn't remember what Angelica?

In the cries of Gu Yan's tears, Zhu Quan thought for a while, and said to himself, "Meng Yue is the leader of the younger generation of the Meng family. In recent years, he has gradually gained momentum. He It is very useful for us, just to take this opportunity to associate with him. Xuan Yu, go, rescue the woman on the ground! "Speaking of this, Zhu Quan walked back.

"Huh? Oh, okay." Qi Xuanyu responded resolutely, while recollecting the six words "the woman on the ground" in his heart, and once again affirmed that Zhu Quan finally got rid of the terrible feelings of three years.

The two ran for a while, but saw He Danggui sitting on the steps of the road softly, his head resting on Liao Qinger's shoulders, pale and faint. Duan Xiaolou next handed a water-supply skin bag, Liao Qinger waved his hand and declined, a serious one: "Ma Ma said, you can't eat anything unfamiliar uncle gave." And Duan Xiaolou helplessly said: "I am your brother's best friend Buddy, how can you be a stranger? "

Qinger shook her head with her cheeks help, and she didn't want water without answering. The moment Fang Cai Meng Xun and Qi Xuanyu walked away, the evil stream of madness in Duan Xiaolou's eyes was suddenly seen by her, and she felt that Duan Xiaolou had no good idea, and was listed as a refusal.

Zhu Quan and Qi Xuanyu looked at each other, wondering in their hearts. All three were sitting quietly. Who was the one who burst into tears? Looking in the direction of the woman's cry, looking over, there was a woman in a Chinese suit with a thousand layers of hoops at the entrance of the medical hall outside fifty feet, crying in the thunder and rain. Zhu Quan took his hand away and frowned at a glance. He stretched his face and asked, "Aren't you ... Gu Youfang? Standing on the street and crying, what kind of system?"

Gu Yan has been in moxibustion therapy in the inner hall of the medical museum. He did not know the **** case that just happened on the street. He did not expect that the world happened so coincidentally. When he met King Fu Junning on the street, he immediately saw him as a little mouse. The tiger cat stopped crying and shrank into a ball on the door frame.

Zhu Quan twisted his eyebrows and squeaked and asked, "Gu Youfang, what are you doing when you are not squatting in the palace and running to Luzhou? What are you crying like a vixen here? Really shame my king!"

This is the first time that Gu Di heard King Ning's call to her name. Before she knew, Wang Ye also knew her name! For nearly a year since he entered the palace, Wang Yetong has spoken to her three times, all of which are called "Gu Xi" on official business, just like "Zhang Taishi", "Li County Officer" and "Wangmen" in officialdom. Righteousness. "Aren't you ... Gu Youfang?" Hehehe, a chilling question, compared with Mengzi's boohan asking warmth, it is really a heaven and an underground.

When Gu Yan first entered the palace, he saw that Ning Wangjun was a fairy-tale figure, and he was very excited, and secretly thought about it. However, after spending some time in the palace, she gradually came up with the idea of ​​being “unforever able to survive”. One of Ning ’s palaces gathered together. Six out of ten people were more beautiful than her. Wang Zhuquan is the most ruthless person, born with a grass-roots heart, and no tender person can not change him. Therefore, the desperate ancient uncle has long lost his heart in the palace. As soon as he came out this time, he felt a sense of excitement, “Long in the fan cage, and returned to nature”, and met the handsome and passionate son Meng Hui. What a good marriage she destined for.

It happens that now the "ex-husband" and "post-husband" are all here, and they simply clarify once. As long as you are bold and thick, happiness is at your fingertips!

Making such a determination, Gu Yan wiped away the tears and sneered: "How could a cheap wife stay in the palace? Lord Wang is really forgetful, haha, ten days ago, you sent sister Zhou Fei to work in Taizhou, and she said that she ... because she was careful I have more than enough strength, so I sent me to go with her, and I can mention a few things in case of incidents. "Speaking of this, Gu Yan picked up a par and wiped the weasel's tears, saying sadly, "Unexpected circumstances, after finishing the work in Taizhou, the boat of the sister-in-law and sister Zhou encountered a severe storm. She and sister Zhou ... were taken into the water together with the boat, and half of the ship's body was not hit!"

"Zhou Fei is dead?" Zhu Quan narrowed his eyes and digested the news.

Gu Yan nodded and sighed: "Sister she is really a fragile person, poor little county king, she has no mother at her young age. In these few days, every time I think of my sister, whine, I will cry so much. "

However, it is said that in the recent days, the "Zhu Quan of the previous life", which dominated the body, had just been killed by Liao Zhiyuan's chest, and his soul was annihilated. Qi Xuanyu's precious medicine saved the disease and could not save his life. Although he saved Zhu Quan's body, he benefited from the "Zhu Quan of this life" who has been in a sealed state since he was robbed.

"Zhu Quan in this life" has been out of a tangled situation of two souls resisting each other since being possessed by a ghost three years ago, and has only recovered its saneness until today. The "Meng Po Tang" taken by Meng Xi took effect and made him completely forget about He Danggui. In addition to the loss of memory for half a month after being taken away, he has now become a free and complete person again. He also retains his usual acumen.

Hearing the news of Zhou Fei's death today, of course, the sadness does not belong to him. He ticked the abacus in his heart, calculating the gain and loss of Zhou Fei's death.

At this time, Meng Yue in the medical museum came out with two Langs out and saw Qi Xuanyu at a glance. He immediately rushed forward, holding the opponent's collar politely, and said ruthlessly: Non-gentleman, Daochang, you stand by and watch today. My wife and my enemies will be killed the other day. Otherwise, if you save her, then you are my benefactor—you are my benevolence and enmity. You should look at it! ”2k novel reading network