Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 545: A pair of little sisters flowers

[Chapter 12 Volume 12]

551 Chapter 545-A Pair of Little Sisters

He Danggui's blood coughing really scared Qing'er, and he screamed, "Xiao Yi vomiting blood, Xiao Yi ?! What other last words do you have? Why don't you change the signature of" love husband by hand "on your tombstone? Change to Luo Bai and Peng Jian? Xiaoyi, you are dead unjustly! "Meng Yue heard and saw it for the first time, so she could n’t care to save the suffering female Bodhisattva, the one in his own family still saved. But come, how do you care about other families?

"Qinger, where are you uncomfortable?" Meng Yue flashed over and asked anxiously, "how did you vomit blood?"

"Uncomfortable," Qinger replied for He Danggui, "she doesn't want to talk to you now."

"Why?" Meng Yue asked puzzledly. Looking at Qing Er's arms, the thin and fragile Angelica sinensis, the contrast was like a pair of sister flowers. The former was raised by a mother and the latter was abused by a late mother. Meng Xuan looked more and more sad, while Qi Xuanyu on the side told him kindly, "I'm afraid the cold frost hurt the lungs and died soon. The trail has done its best, countless Tianzun."

Meng Yue and Duan Xiaolou were shocked, and they reflected left and right to pull Angelica in Qinger's arms. He Angelica vomited two more blood. Meng Xuan's eyes filled with red, and she dared to call her name, but could not get a response. He Danggui feels that after a few mouthfuls of blood spit out, people feel much better. It is better to keep their eyes closed and raise their spirits. But when seeing Meng Xun's eyes and supporting Qi Xuanyu's commentary, it seems that He Danggui is dead.

Meng Yue roared, caught He Danggui's shoulders, and said in pain, "How can you just go like this? Where do you want to go?"

Qinger replied for He Danggui: "She gave birth to my hometown where there is a legal monogamous relationship."

He Danggui was stunned and fainted again, and immediately lost his mind. Meng Yue thought that she was finally dead this time. He impulsively grabbed the long knife that killed Zhu Quan on the ground, stabbed his neck, and blood splashed. Out.

This accident happened suddenly. Qi Xuanyu and Duan Xiaolou both held their arms, Qing'er yelling and covering his face. All three people saw He Danggui just took a breath and was very energetic, so they knew she had no life. Worrying, I didn't expect Meng Xuan to be so deceived and so casual, and said that he would hang himself!

Fortunately, there are two packs of medicines detained by He Danggui at hand, so Qi Xuanyu urgently used this last medicine to hang Meng Xuan. Qing'er really didn't expect that her narration was faster than the saucy knife, and she was frightened by such a big accident. Her brother killed Xiao Yi, and she killed Meng Yue again? Have their brothers and sisters become murderers?

After a short while, He Danggui took the lead in waking up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the neck and chest were covered with a red blood stained by Meng Tong, and he asked questions in a panic and weakly. It's hard to say. How did they tell her that the fool couldn't stand the excitement, and he didn't look at it for a while, and he went to the dizzying He Danggui. Who would have thought, and who would have expected, the big man's love for a woman is a rare thing, and Meng Yue also did such a succinct thing, lest she shouldn't fall in love with her. This knife went down, even Duan Xiaolou looked at him.

The three of them couldn't say anything. He Danggui also guessed the truth, and for a moment he lost his voice, staring blankly at the deep bloodstain in Meng Xi's neck. He is talented and has a bright future, and people are not stupid. Why is it that this is not the case that there is no woman except her. Didn't he say that he had just "liked" her? Just such a relationship, would have affected his life?

Fortunately, there are medicines. Fortunately, Meng Yue was so strong that he was not fatal enough to kill anyone. Qi Xuanyu, who was helpful, showed her magical power again. A few shots of medicinal powder went down, and the wound healed quickly. Meng Biao, who was spraying blood on his neck, recovered faster and more thoroughly than Zhu Quan, who was just in a blink of an eye. No scars were left. Small half.

In addition to the paleness after a lot of blood loss on the face, except for the unsaturated blood stained on the placket, which reminded how dangerous the situation was just now, Qinger thought he was watching a movie special effect. People die when they say they die, they talk about themselves, and when they live, they live up to expectations. What a Mencius.

Meng Yue fluttered her long eyelashes, and when she looked into the eyes, she saw the small white face of He Danggui, and his head was resting on her warm and delicate legs. Her dark eyes stared at him for a moment, so he was greedy for a moment, and drowned. Looking at his own pair of reflections in there, he smiled slowly and asked softly, "Is the nose still breathing, can the ghosts breathe, or have we two not yet made ghosts?"

Why Angelica's pale lips fluttered a few times before asking her question: "Why? Why do you do such a thing, everyone is happy when he is alive, he is happy when he is alive, and his own way when he is dead? Not clean. "

There was a blood clot in Meng Zheng's throat, and she smiled twice after choking: "You can't be happy when you die, so you dare to leave me in the future, and I will scare you like this. Also Yes, I wo n’t die easily. If one day I really die, I hope you ... also learn from me. Only then can two people stay apart. "

"... take a rest, let's go back to the boat," He Danggui said lazily. "I'm a little homesick. I wonder if anyone has watered my orchid."

Meng Yue made two strides, and sat up on the ground, changing from a lying position to a sitting position. He was more than a head tall. He squinted and stared at He Danggui's dodging eyes, and suddenly shot like electricity, holding her in his arms with one arm, her lips covered with hot lips, and sharing the sweetness in his mouth with her. She closed her eyes with trembling, bearing passively. She has tasted the blood many times, but this time it is different from the previous one. There is a kind of sweetness of citron, which comes from the blood of Mencius.

Duan Xiaolou frosted, and looked at the two with lingering lips in front of his eyes expressionlessly. When he was young, his lips rose a little sneer and passed away. Qinger saw the tip of his eyes and felt it was not a good stubble.

When she finally ran out of her fluids, Meng Yue let go of Angelica, and her ears said to her, "What I said just now is not a joke. If one day in the future, you will be alive before I die, then I will have to take you hard. Go ... I only feel relieved if I take you by my side, because no one can treat you better than me, you can only follow me and hear? No matter where I go, I don't want you to suffer. "

His words, like a lingering snake, burrowed into her ears and brains, making her tremble lightly and nodding involuntarily. So he laughed with relief.

But he said that in the medical hall on the other side of the street, Zhu Quan sneered at Gu Yan, and laughed so that Gu Yan's hair was upright, his body was cold, and he fell down on the ground crying, "I ’m afraid of you , I will never dare in the future, I beg the Lord for mercy. "

Zhu Quan didn't speak, and he never spoke a word of scolding her. He just stared at the prey with a tiger and a leopard, and then stared directly at the guru.

After a while, Gu Yan didn't know what he was thinking so intently, but shivered on the ground, begging for his life, and willing to ask for a monk. At the beginning, Zhu Quan didn't know what he was thinking. He just felt that there was a lot of empty space in his head. It seemed that he had been taken away. What was he taken away?

After a while, he wondered again. Why did he send Zhou Jinglan and Gu Youfang to Taizhou to inspect the mine, the "evil ghost" who had attached his body before? What could these two idiots do? Wu Yingge's talents haven't died, just to find one, isn't it ten times more capable than Zhou Jinglan. Moreover, before he was locked up by the "evil spirit", he had heard a news report that Zhou Jinglan partnered with a broker to resell a small firearm, while earning huge profits, and armed a certain army in the Northeast to increase the war tenfold. Firearm. He wanted to detain Zhou Jinglan at that time, and slowly tortured the details of the matter, but before he could do so, he was first detained by the "evil spirit", and then he remained groggy and unaware of personnel.

The strange thing is that "evil spirits" always live with him. Of course, you should also know about Zhou Jinglan. Then why did he let Zhou Jinglan go? Is there anything hidden behind this?

In such a daze, Zhu Quan looked back out of the window. It was the scene of Meng Xun and He Danggui lingering and kissing. He sneered and lifted up the old man who had turned his head on the ground and pointed her out from the window: "Youfang Fangxin paid you wrong this time. Look, people really mean nothing to you. It really is the woman he holds in his heart and eyes. "

Gu Yan sobbed and wept, looked up at Zhu Quan, and begged, "The king is forgiving, and the low-ranking is willing to shave his hair here, and eat a long vegetarian for life. Pray for the grandfather and grandmother to be safe. I'm young and I don't want to die! "

"Speaking of it, Fanger, you are not as beautiful as the woman's daughter-in-law," Zhu Quan leaned lazily against the window lattice, glanced at Qing'er, and automatically classified her appearance as second-class. He laughed, "You do n’t look in the mirror yourself, to see if the capital is not enough, you shave your head hot to seduce her husband, it ’s so mean ... you talk about yourself, you are stupid and faceless, you still live What ’s interesting? Why not be a ghost? "

Gu Yan shuddered like a sieve, and was shameless and shameless by him. He was really disillusioned. It can be ashes and despair, no matter how long this person's breath grows, he can't easily die. Gu Xun simply held the last ray of hope, leaned out of the window, and shouted sternly: "Seven sons save your life! Save me, I am willing to be a rough slave to wait for your life, you have saved my life It ’s kind to me. Do n’t care if I live or die now! What did you do to save me in the first place? Whoa— ”

Qing'er frowned, "What's wrong with that ancient lady, what is she going to do? In the presence of the king Ning, she said she didn't want to be the concubine of the grandfather, and to be your rough girl. This is pretty good. That chick's belly! "Meng Zheng also frowned, a little hesitant in her heart, whether to save her.

Just at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the sky, and a unexpected change happened unexpectedly.

The tragedy struck everyone's eyes in an instant, and the blood was extreme. 2k novel reading network