Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 560: After Chiro's heartbreak

[Chapter 13 Volume 13]

566 Chapter 560 Chapter 7

The peasant girl was relieved, and shattered hair along her ears, comforting the patient on the bed with bloodstains and ash in a quiet voice: "You rich people have so many medicines at home. Borneol pill comes to scratch your face, leaving no scars. So for the sake of taking care of you these days, don't tell me about it. "

Meng Wuwu whispered in his dream: "I will only listen to you in the future, don't leave me ..."

"Then you have to talk," the farmgirl pointed at his forehead and warned, "otherwise they knew I was poking your face and I would be taken away. Although I don't want to take care of you here, But there are beginnings and ends in being a man. I only stay here to see the face of Bo Xibai. "

A string of crystal water splashes hit the pillow along the bridge of the nose. Meng Hui breathed quickly and murmured, "Don't go, I'm not good, I'll change ...", her hands clasped her wrists tightly. Hao Bai's texture was marked with red marks, and she quickly followed Bai Bobai's instructions, soothing him and said, "Ki body is not going, Qi Lang is wide-hearted, and Kou body is guarding you." This word came to his ear, making He settled a lot and gradually fell asleep.

The farmer's long-sleeved woman was worried that he would be wrong again at night, and was as fragile as on a carriage, so she pulled the other bed's head, wrapped it on her feet, and slept wildly. When the sky was darker and brighter, she slipped off her feet to wake up. After washing, she wrapped up a few stacks of beads in the atrium and sold them at the village entrance. Then she bought some silk threads and then beat them.

I didn't know she didn't come back as soon as she went out. When everyone got up and performed their duties, breakfast was served, and she didn't show up again. One person was absent from the dinner table.

"What about that girl in blue? Why don't you see her come for dinner? I remember she was very good at it."

As soon as Meng Zheng awoke, his symptoms were relieved, and he didn't need to go to the doctor again. He finally swept away, and he had a good spirit, but his face was broken. At the dining table, he only paired with a pair of chopsticks with affection, and couldn't notice anything. Instead, Meng Ying found one person missing and asked out loud, but no one could answer.

Xiao Suxin's face was strange. Seeing Meng Yue's expression of indifference to the peasant girl, her face was even worse. After the whole meal, she just poked a bowl of white rice and stopped eating. Meng Xun's appetite is good, but she often smiles. Meng Ying felt the atmosphere was weird. His research brother had more meals than he ate. When the girls at the same table saw that the master and child were eating less, they were even more bird food. Five or six talents ate two fritters and a bowl of porridge.

There are only Meng Yue, Meng Ying, and Xiao Suxin left in the hall. Meng Yue laughed: "I think, there are several levels in the second brother's troop deployment. It takes time to get through, and it will be fast within half a month. . Now that we have arrived in Qingzhou, it is not good to delay time. It is better to go into town with me to see if there are any unexpected gains. "

Meng Ying nodded and didn't speak, but Xiao Suxin was worried and opposed: "No, now Qingzhou is the most chaotic city and there is a plague spreading. You do n’t take a soldier and go there, in case the rebels recognize it You are the generals who have come to counterinsurgency, and set traps to ambush. But how is this good? Your illness is just right, and how is it good? "

Meng Yue shook his head and said, "This time, the illness is completely okay. You don't need to worry about this. I already have a proper plan to quietly enter the city to detect and not alarm the rebels in the city. The less the better, I just talked to my brother. Sister Xiao, please take care less, but I am grateful to you. Instead, go to Zhang Luo's vegetable dish at night, or go to Murakami and buy more girls in the yard Here ... "he muttered to himself," This is the case in the Qingyuan, and the same in the farm. I always feel that the less the girl is, the less ... "

Xiao Suxin heard her head down, sister Xiao? !! Why did he call her like that? The less you use the girl! Meng Yue, did he know something?

When Meng Ying saw that Meng Xuan had the former capable talents, she naturally convinced him, so she also advised Xiao Suxin to take care of the housework and not have to worry too much about Qingzhou military affairs, which was their man's business. Xiao Suxin agreed, but hesitated and refused to leave. Meng Wei smiled and said with a smile: "My brother and I may not be returning today. They may have to stay in the city for two more days. If Qinger's car and horse arrive, they will bother you for the reception. About tomorrow Right. "

With this remark, Xiao Su was stunned. Why would Angelica return to Qingzhou? Meng Ying was also very strange and asked, "Did your wife run away and haven't found it yet? How could she come here?" He wasn't thinking about his wife and going crazy, right?

But Meng Yuan looked sober and normal, unlike a madman talking crazy, he glanced at Xiao Suxin and Meng Ying, and lowered his voice to tell them: "Last night I was taken by Bo Xibo La to a fantasy dream, and I still saw Qing Er there, She looks okay, but she's thin again. I apologize to her, and she will forgive me. She just said it wasn't an example. She also said that she came to me for two days. "

Meng Ying knew that Bo Yibai could lock people's minds with fantasy dreams. Bo Yibai also talked to him about traction, hair and nails, and he felt unwilling to give it. Unexpectedly, there are such strange things, the couple are separated, but they meet in a dream?

He couldn't help but sighed: "I didn't expect Bo Xibo to do a good deed. I thought he would only play tricks on people, but he also knew how to help others. Now you can rest assured. It ’s nice to have no more accidents. Now when we are living abroad, this kind of trivial matter is not covered, and we return to the Meng family in the next day. Under the eyes of your mother, you quarrel and run away. But it's not a seven-bedroom, one-bedroom thing. "

When Meng Ying first saw the elimination of He Danggui's mustard, and lingering about Liao Qinger, she wanted to make Meng Zhenghe Danggui seriously become a loving couple, and then she was attracted to Liao Qinger by He Danggui to be her daughter-in-law. There is a saying, "I can't bear the child but can't hold the wolf". When I give up a younger brother, I bring in a daughter-in-law, plus or minus, and I still make money.

Therefore, he persuaded Meng Xunlai: "Although you and the county owner are young, both husband and wife are smart people, and lovers finally become dependents. They are not together, so they are still not content and quarreling. It ’s not that you do n’t know how to be blessed. No matter how good the relationship is, two more noisy times will pass away. In the future, you will let her more. I do n’t believe she is still running away from home. ”

Meng Wei bowed her head and said, "She will ignore me, I have nothing else to do. I just hope to see her as soon as possible, to see if she is as thin as the dream, or if she didn't see it clearly ..."

Xiao Suxin listened so loudly that Meng Ying, who had been willing to help her in the past, did not help her now. Why did Danggui actually reconcile with Meng Xuan and come to Qingzhou? It's really an immortal kind of fire, and the ghost is lingering on Meng Xi ...

"My son!" Li Jian appeared silently like a ghost, with two white lips, panic, "The village aunt is dead! The one who poured tea all the way to you, died in a small river outside the village!"

Meng Yue was very surprised, and opened her eyes and asked, "How can this be? She didn't serve in my room all the time, how could she die outside Zhuang?"

"The person who read the letter said back, someone saw her carrying a bag of pearls to the village entrance to exchange money, and then chased a blue butterfly and ran away. Perhaps she fell into the water when she fluttered the butterfly." Li Jian shook his head and sighed. There are butterflies in such a cold place, and the girl is playful again. It's really awkward. I watched her very stable. I would return to the seventh son today and lift her up to be a roommate. "

Meng Yue was very sorry, and asked to take out more silver to send her, and then went to some nearby villages halfway to find out which house she came from, explained the cause of her daughter's death, and gave her family a couple more silver. Li Jian got the order and went ahead. Xiao Su saw that Meng Yue was just finished, so she was obviously not sad for the death of the farmer girl, so all her jealousy was dispersed last night, secretly, was it because she was so worried, jealous of the wrong person and killed the wrong person?

Suddenly Meng Yue asked, "Did Xiao Xiao come to see me last night? She was still outside for a while?"

Xiao Suxin was remorse, frightened by Meng Yue's question, and then smiled strongly: "I am passing by, look at you, you were scary when you got sick last night."

"Why didn't my sister come in and sit down?" Meng Yue said, "If she came last night, she could still drink her tea, but she can't do it today.

Xiao Suxin couldn't sit still, arguing that there were several important household tasks to be done, and fled. Meng Ying looked at her back and asked strangely, "What's wrong with her? It looks weird today. Is she sick? I'll go to the city to find a doctor for her later."

Meng Yue continued to talk with Meng Ying about the specific itinerary of entering the city. The two planned to dress up in Yirong. Meng Ying had a ready-made human skin mask, or the one that He Danggui made for him at the Luo family. He often wears things in the past two months and is very easy to use. He has used it as a must-have. Meng Hui is not easy to understand, but there are wounds and incense on his face, and he can put on a little makeup and wear a bucket.

The two brothers changed into the villager's coarse clothes and drove the carriage into the city. Xiao Suxin stayed very disturbed at home. After the night, Meng Yue and they hadn't seen the turn, so Li Jian came to ask for instructions, and don't put food in the main hall. After sitting there for half an hour, I wanted to see if Meng Yue had returned, and then went to explore what he meant during the day. Did he know or saw something?

One stop at the door of Meng Yue's room, and suddenly felt the cold wind was sullen, and I glanced at it. There was a dark piece over there, and half of the lights were not lit. Obviously Meng Yue had not returned yet. Xiao Suxin thought that the peasant girl who had gotten into the water also lived in this room, her bones were chilly, and she didn't want to stand here any more, and hurried away.

Walked through the corridors, and then again, and then ... What happened, and I couldn't finish walking?

Xiao Su paused in suspense, glanced at the road behind him, and found that the end of the corridor was blocked by a tall stone wall, and the promenade in front of the front was long and invisible. The lights on both sides of the corridor shook. Yingying is so suspicious. How could this be? She quickly closed her eyes and realized that it was just a dream. It must be just an insignificant nightmare. As soon as she woke up, everything would rain and clear.

Nightmare, nightmare, wake up soon! 2k novel reading network