Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 566: Rebels thrive in Longyang

[Chapter 13 Volume 13]

Chapter 572 Chapter 566

In the past few days in Qingzhou City, Meng Yue and Meng Ying's experience can not be described as dangerous, but each time they can be saved, thanks to Meng Yue's "unknown prophet"-no wonder Meng Ying guessed this, twice, three times, eight times, Meng Yuedu He can lead everyone to avoid the danger precisely on the eve of danger, and sometimes it ’s just a matter of timing, which makes people wonder, does he know in advance?

However, Meng Yue had all the information for the purpose, and Meng Ying did not see any less. Those information were not enough to tell these opportunities. Moreover, Meng Yue who is in Qingzhou for the first time is still very familiar with the road. This is also a miracle. Such doubts are buried in his heart, so that Meng Ying has a little awe and trust to this younger brother who is familiar with him. He is the most confident person. Since he seems so confident, maybe he has another countermeasure.

So they knew there were tigers in the mountains, and they stayed in Hushan. They stayed in Qingzhou City that night. In addition, neither Meng Ying nor Meng Ying lived in the secret house of the helm. Instead, they ran to the tree umbrella inn where they lived on the first day of the city and asked for two rooms. Even Yirong was spared. After meals, they went back to their rooms to rest.

These two bright targets were inserted in Qingzhou City and were detected by the rebel's eyeliner for the first time, but when they reported to their leader Zheng Fan, Zheng Fan felt that things were not that simple. The trick of a teenager. But looking at the delicious meat resting on the chopping board, if you do n’t start with this meat, Zheng Fan will not be reconciled and he will not be able to explain to his opponents. Whether Qingzhou can be successfully drawn from Daming's territory and become their independent kingdom, it depends on these few days.

After weighing the pros and cons, when the fourth night of the night, and the night was so quiet, Zheng Fan's betrayal was more than one spirit, and they made plans, and it was time to capture the Meng brothers when they were not prepared, and to take the quality with the Qingzhou prefecture. You can either ask the court to retreat and exchange food and weapons with the rebels. With these two options, they can recruit troops in the city, close the gates, and keep Qingzhou into an iron bucket, so the court can no longer afford them. Already.

Zheng Fan finally accepted the opinions of the crowd, and took a thousand bandits out of the prefecture's gate, and formed a formation, surrounded the tree umbrella inn, and killed them vigorously. First arrested Meng Ying, then Meng Yue, both tied the ropes, and things went very smoothly, the rebels who handled the matter all cheered and thought that they were done.

Meng Yue and Meng Ying, who were tied with three strands of beef tendons and ropes, were taken into a dark room, where they first met with the rebel leader Zheng Fan. There were more than a dozen deputy leaders, battalions, and small captains around him. . These people took a close look at the appearance of the two brothers Meng Yue. Among the two teenagers, Meng Yue was half head taller than Meng Ying and looked heroic, and they both had red lips and white teeth. The men who these big and old men have seen in their lives look good, and even among women, they can't pick two that can compare with them.

Many of the rebels moved Longyang's interest, and Hu made two slang words, saying that today's kiln in the city are closed and closed, which is really **** good. It is also a pity that I have given such a pair of stunners to loosen the muscles of their brother, many times stronger than women. Dare to admire the officers and soldiers when they sent troops to the court, so they deliberately picked two good looks. In case of a missed capture, they can also be improper generals.

Meng Yue was still listening. Maybe he was used to this kind of trouble caused by his appearance. He had heard more rude words than this before, or his ears were so bad that he did n’t hear or know. In short, his eyes were squinted. , A look of not waking up. However, Meng Ying suddenly blew up his lungs. He had been such a shame and humiliation for Baoding Hou Shizi. He immediately forgot that he was now a prisoner, clamoring with the unspeakable rebel. And that man immediately came over with a knife, taking advantage of this savage tone, to come up with a "speak to do it", anyway, as hostages, as long as the hands and feet are constantly broken, they can still be used to negotiate with the court.

Because Meng Ying was too tight to do the job, the brazen rebel cut off two ropes with a knife, leaving only a leather rope to tie his hands and arms firmly. Then, the rebels pushed Meng Ying to the ground, pressed his knees, pulled his pants down, and pulled down his pants. He wanted to perform in public and let everyone listen to the sound of the Meng Sangong crying.

The gangsters in the house laughed and laughed, and Zheng Fan, who had always acted cautiously, relaxed his mood. He smiled and told his subordinates to get some anesthesia to make the lips and teeth wood. Everyone benefits from lubrication.

At the same time, there was another bandit who could see his blood, and pointed his eyes at Meng Xuan, and got his idea. But the idea had just started, his lips hadn't moved yet, and he said time and time soon, his heart suddenly filled with a chill of ice, as if he had been thrown into the ice cellar from the hot summer days. The next moment, he suddenly held up a pair of big palm fans, and slap his head from the left to the right.

"Slap! Slap! Slap ..."

The thunderous slap in the face went down. The gangster who beat Mencius's mind slapped his own face, deafened his ear, flew three teeth in his mouth, and his mouth and nose bleed together, calling for help.

Everyone started to feel weird, thinking that he was drunk, then he would do such messy things. It should be noted that this guy does not eat at least a bit of loss on weekdays. A few days ago, a little lady was fancy in the street, and she wanted to pull back to the gate of Zhifu When Li received it, the little lady was in a hurry and waved him lightly. A man with a certain amount of energy, who cares about women seriously? But he couldn't do it. He tried madness all the time, pulled the violence in the unmanned alley, and cut off to ten paragraphs before he got angry.

Such a nonchalant fellow, even the brothers who work with him, think he is harsh and not close to him. Why did he fan his own mouth today? Could it have done too much conscience, and now conscience has found out?

Everyone was really a rare thing from the beginning. Just watching a haha ​​laugh. Those people who had a holiday with this unlucky ghost were gloating for a while. But after the work of a tea, when this rebel who frantically fanned his mouth, the teeth in his mouth were left untouched; when his skin was like the peach skin that had been cut in, it was lifted blue and red, Revealing the bright red flesh inside; while he was doing such a near self-harm, while opening his eyes with tears, he shouted sternly, "Boss save me, everybody save me, come and save me, ah-fast Hold my hand and tie me up, this is not my intention! "

Because his mouth was full of broken teeth and blood, he talked vaguely. Everyone just listened to the general meaning, and then looked at each other. One could not help but say, "Is he the evil of the sixth child? What is it, Wasn't this his original intention? His hands were on him, and no one pressed his hand against his face. He wouldn't be finished without stopping! "

When he said this, the strong man named Lao Liu fanned a dozen more mouths, and even deafened the other ear. Before he was deaf, he heard the words of the person next to him, and he couldn't help but scream. He asked for help: "Save me, I can't do it, it hurts, my hands can't stop at all, save me!"

None of the rebels could understand the situation in front of him. The other Liu Laosi, who had a gap with Yang Lao Liu, suddenly felt the same as when he discovered the new continent, exclaiming, "Hey, remember that day The little girl killed by Liu Liu seems to be the daughter of a goddess. Maybe it was her mother who cursed the old Liu to avenge her revenge, or it was the young lady who died too miserably, so she came back to look for the sixth! "

Zheng Fan hates listening to these gods and ghosts. They, the Siberian people, have spent many years of hard life drinking blood outside Qingzhou. Where have any ghosts come to find them, and what God has given them? There is no **** or ghost in the world. If you die, you die. If you don't want to die and live a good life, you have to fight for it.

Zheng Fan also had a loathing disregard for Lao Liuliu ’s inferiority and respect. He did n’t respect his boss very much. He just saw Yang Laoli ’s hardships just now, and he was secretly pleased for a while, but thought about it now. There are many Zhuangdings, as long as they have food, they can recruit a group of defenders and fight against the rebels of the imperial court. However, those strong men did not use weapons, and in the second place, the rebels were a lot of evil these days. When they first occupied Qingzhou, they burned and killed prostitution a few times. As a local strong man, of course they did not want them. Therefore, the more loyal rebels there are, the greater the chance of success in occupying Qingzhou. Each of them can lead hundreds of soldiers. When integrated, it is a powerful force of 10,000 people.

Thinking of this, Zheng Fan immediately put down his personal grievances and ordered the two subordinates to take the rope to tie up Yang Lao Liu, who was madly slapping himself. He also asked someone to ask Lang Zhong to show Yang Lao Liu this "evil disease". Two more lamas were called to exorcise the sutras.

Because of this farce, there was a suspension of the actions of Ming Ming, the third child who was going to be wrong with Meng Ying. At this moment, after seeing Yang Lao Liu being **** there, she stopped, and she saw Meng Ying closing her eyes on the white cashmere rug. I do n’t know if I have given my fate or I have been fainted. The sapphire and white beauty reveals a soul-stirring beauty, which is better than the brilliance of all jewels in the world. Just looking at it, you can breathe. Who is male or female. Then the youngest of Ming's color came out again, untied his long belt, took off the whole trousers, and then the two layers of trousers inside, took off his brain.

It's not the first time for the youngest man Ming Ming, who is famous for his amusement, to be amused in public, so he is not afraid of cricket at all, his lower body is naked, and a dark ** is exposed in front of everyone. At this moment, the room was dark and the lights were bright. Except for Meng Ying and Meng Xuan who closed their eyes and did not see, the rebels in the room saw his **** in no time. Pinzu said that it is no wonder that the third child prefers Longyang and is not enthusiastic about women's color. It turned out that the work was too thin and short, and it was not much fun to come with women.

The third child of Ming did not shy away from them. He dropped his clothes on the ground, and strode towards Meng Ying, who was lying on the ground. He approached step by step and threatened everyone. Whistle and so on.

"Wait a minute!" Meng Yue yelled out suddenly, but his eyes were still closed, his graceful lips opened and closed, and said gently, "strong man, don't hurry to pass."

"Don't worry, it's your turn when he's done," the youngest Ming Ming laughed. "In fact, our family prefers you more than San Gongzi, but eating good food at the back is our usual rule. Don't be anxious, even your brother will use it. "2k novel reading network