Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 587: Give birth to a child

[Chapter 13 Volume 13]

Chapter 593 Chapter 587

Soon, the truth of the matter was told by Luo Baiqiong's mouthful girl. Luo Baiqiong grinned and admitted generously: "Yes, I am joking with my three sisters, who knows my aunt is serious. I'm really sorry, actually I heard that my younger sister also wanted this ointment, so I changed it to give it to her, aunts don't blame it. "

In a simple single sentence, she described her sinister scheming as a sister of love, and others gave her a thumbs up after listening. The best lady is the best!

As a result, Lan, who had just slapped the innocent daughter, was embarrassed, and couldn't put aside his apologies to the child, so the matter was gone. Between the mother and daughter of Lan's and He Danggui, there is an invisible layer between them. It was originally a mother and daughter who confessed their relatives halfway, and now they are more reborn. If it were not for the daughter-in-law's constant continuity in blood relations, the mother and daughter might have become strangers.

A small bottle of acne and cleansing cream tested a fragile mother-daughter relationship, but the result was a complete defeat.

Now that time has changed, He Danggui has almost forgotten all about it. Now that he got such a bottle of ointment from his mother, he barely remembered the past. Oh, a bottle of fragrant and refreshing cleansing cream, a second sister who is a friendly sister.

He Danggui handed the flat-bellied porcelain bottle back to Lan's, a slight smile fainted from his face, shook his head and said, "My daughter has unobstructed meridians after many years of martial arts, and she has no acne for many years. Even Qinger is not born. We do n’t need acne. Both mothers bother. ”

Lan's hand was in his hands, and the porcelain bottle brought the temperature of his daughter, which was a kind of quiet coolness. Lan reluctantly twitched his lips and laughed: "Nothing to worry about, just because snowdrops and borneol are in the drug store across the house, so I just filled this bottle of ointment. If you do n’t need it, you can take it to the drug store to find out The shopkeeper sold it, and retrieved the silver that bought the lotus. "

However, the fact is that snow lotus, borneol and fragrant wood pulp were all ordered by Nie Chunhua to order from Yakushi Tang, and it took a few days for them to become available. To this day, Lan's is hard to say. Because her daughter's little face was as snowy as ice, she no longer needed this bottle of beautifying cream.

The two were silent for a while, and He Danggui began to bury his head in dispensing and picking up medicine. Lan's watched and could not help but advise: "Yiyi, you are a righteous woman right now, let these people do the rough work, Do n’t grind your hands. I heard that your aunt treated you well. The first thing you do when you marry to the Meng family is to serve your aunt, and the second is to serve your in-laws with heart. The rest are secondary. "

Lan is a daughter-in-law of the Luo family. Although she has been miserable for a few times, she has become accustomed to eating and drinking. She did not suffer for a few days when she was the most downcast, because her father who loved her had provided her with sufficient marriage funds. For example, this year's thirty-three, her hands are still soft and smooth like a girl. Although He Danggui is also a beautiful woman who has no muscles and sweat, a pair of small hands are white and clean, but she is inferior to her mother.

Under the orange lantern, the mother and daughter's hands and opponents face to face, one rich and soft, one slender and beautiful, but there is no similarity at all. Lan's eyes looked at his soft watery jade hands, and felt like adding more sin, and could not help tears again.

Seeing this, He Danggui sighed silently and persuaded: "The mother does not have to be like this. Since ancient times, it has always been 'wife and husband as the key link'. You haven't done anything wrong, even if you have done something wrong, it's not just your fault. The past Those daughters have long been behind, and you should look at them more. If you have been crying like this, do n’t say that the born baby was born to cry, and that is the first time Uncle Nie got rid of me. It ’s too hard for your baby to come here. "

This statement is indeed true. After Lan's following Nie Chun, the biggest heart problem was that she couldn't have children. For this reason, she was disturbed day and night, fearing to repeat He Fu's mistakes. I want to have a baby, and I am afraid that Nie Chun will have a good relationship with another woman. I want to have my only daughter. The daughter is also the age to marry, and can I bear Huan's knees for a few days?

Although Nie Chun said, "Rest assured, I have no intention of being a child, and I will not find a second woman. In the future, I will accept an apprentice and pass on his martial arts. The apprentice is more obedient than his son. Most sons only Laozi was angry. "But Lan wanted to have a son for Nie Chun, so when she lived in Yangzhou, she searched for famous doctors, and it was useless to take good prescriptions. He Danggui's Yunqi acupuncture can't help her, there is really not much that the world can help her.

But one night, Lan's dream met an old man with a white beard like a fairy, and asked her, "Ten years in life, would you like it?" Lan nodded, so the old man with a white beard waved dustily and nodded. After touching her abdomen, she smiled and stroked her beard, and then disappeared invisible.

Lan's woke up, not knowing whether it is psychological effect. She felt that her lower abdomen was very hot, her lower body was wet, and she turned her head to look at the person next to her pillow. The magnificent man with a steady nose and deep senses was the best after she had sailed a thousand Husband! So she woke him a few times, panting hurriedly, demanding: "Jun, I want a baby. Give a baby to me, hurry up!"

"Huh?" Nie Chun slept soundly, woke up and couldn't find the North, but Ying Suo, like him, loved Jiao's wife, definitely wanted a spoonful, a cylinder, enough to keep it full.

So Tianlei moved the ground fire, and the room was infinite.

Waking up during the day, Nie Chun went out to busy him, Lan Lan remembered the situation at night, his face was like a fire, and he couldn't believe that the enthusiastic woman was herself. She was so ashamed to find a place to sew, and suddenly heard a yelling outside the hospital wall: "Ancestral treasure, specializes in treating female infertility, twelve silver one pill, one pill is effective, and the money will be refunded if it does not work!"

Lan had long been ill and rushed to the land of fire and magic. After hearing that, her eyes were immediately flashed, and the girl went to get the silver quickly, and she rushed out the door herself. Although she is also a very medical person, but as a woman, she always has an irresistible shopping impulse, so she impulsively spent one hundred and two silver and bought ten unknown black paint pills in one go. The reason is without him, because the person who bought the medicine is an old man with white beard, which is similar to what she saw in her dream.

One pill a day. After eating for ten days, Lan's belly is big, especially big.

But it wasn't the birth rate. She touched it by herself, and called other doctors to feel her pulse. She couldn't figure out why. She couldn't tell what disease she was suffering from, she shook her head with a beard. Nie Chun was busy travelling around, and it was so easy to go home to take a look, and she saw a sweet wife with a big watermelon in her arms, crouching on the pillow and crying, and suddenly her head was big.

Except for the top three famous doctors in the world (He Danggui ’s own name), He Danggui, Luo Maitong and Qi Xuanyu, all the remaining famous doctors have been seduced by silver. No matter how far or near they have visited Lan's business, no one can rule it. Good for her "big belly".

Famous doctors shook their heads one after another and said that even a woman who was pregnant for ten months and had a quadruplet should not have such a big belly. If you are suffering from any incurable disease ... it's not like it, the pulse is steady and strong, and there are no symptoms ... I'm sorry for my husband's poor medical skills, shallow knowledge, and can't cure the strange disease of Madam. Please be smart. Amitabha. Infinite Life Buddha. Countless Tianzun.

Tianzun your sister!

The Nie Chun couple can't help it, but the life still has to go through as usual. Lan's big belly is not painful and itchy, except for the inconvenience of movement, it's nothing more.

Soon after, they both discovered that after each visit, Lan's belly became slightly smaller. Although the arc was not obvious, it was indeed a little smaller, and Lan himself said that his belly became lighter. So on the basis of this successful experience, in order to treat Lan's "belly stool", the two dismissed the servants and closed the door, and the house went on day and night, and Lan's belly was magically small day and night. Come down.

I do n’t know how many days, but suddenly one day, the shape of the belly has almost returned to normal, after opening the veins, he opened his eyes and exclaimed: “Sangong, I am pregnant! It ’s a happy pulse !!! Happy pulse !!! "

So Lan Lan, who begged to beg her child, so inexplicably cured her infertility for many years, and conceived a precious belly. Nie Chunxin was infinitely happy, and looked for a variety of famous doctors, and said that it was really a pulse of love, a good pulse of joy, congratulations, and congratulations on getting rich.

In this way, Lan Lan, who is pregnant, has begun to raise a baby in this large and quiet Beijing courtyard, now it is the fifth month. She has a husband, a child, and an open and comfortable home. Now she has everything. Just one forgiveness from his daughter He Danggui.

And He Danggui didn't care about who owed each other between mother and daughter, because it really wasn't clear, and she only picked up good words in the mouth, saying that Lan was very moved at first, and she was glad that she had a good one The sensible daughter gradually felt that it was not tasteful. Suddenly, she could not wait for her daughter to spit out her heart and call her a mother-in-law.

But just when she wanted to drink spirits, her well-behaved daughter only offered her a glass of warm water. Sometimes, boiling water can also be a disguised punishment, a silent protest.

"Really ... can't you forgive your mother?" Lan asked with wide sad eyes. Even if her daughter cries for a while, and blame it, let alone forgive her.

He Danggui did not understand Lan's attachment, and could not realize the shame she was carrying. She had to continue with a kind smile, and followed her gently: "Mother, please rest assured, the daughter has forgiven everyone Of course, I will not blame my own biological mother. Please be assured that your mother will give birth, and having twins is a test of physical strength. "In fact, she did not" forgive "everyone, but worshipped the medicine It almost "forgot" that everyone in the Luo family had hurt her in the previous life. Now I think of the Luo family. The whiteness is so clean and the face is a vague passerby's face. People who do n’t remember them anymore, who have the energy to remember hate.

Lan's long sigh, she didn't know herself. She also wanted something from her daughter, but just wanted to hold her daughter's hand to say something more, and wanted to make up the words that had been missed in one go. However, at this time the moon was hanging in the sky, and Liao Qinger returned from the field with full power again. Lan was afraid to let this junior see his embarrassing tears, and hurried away after saying hello.


After Lan's gone, Qing'er blinked playfully and asked with a smile: "Hey, isn't it time for me to come back? Did your mother and daughter complain each other?"

"No." He Danggui also laughed. "I just talked a few common words." He continued to pick up the herbs, his fingertips trembling slightly.

Qinger smiled again and asked, "It's been a whole day apart, do you miss Meng Yue?"

He Danggui shook his head slightly, but suddenly said, "I suddenly remembered a man, but not the seventh son."

"Huh? Who?"

"Xue Xun, Xue Xuan Shirang. I have a trivial matter here, let him do the best, who will let him be the best in the world, errands are most suitable." He Danggui looked up to the west sky. 2k novel reading network