Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 595: Princess Trusted

[Chapter 13 Volume 13]

Chapter 601 Chapter 595

Qi Xuanyu and Meng Yue are both Beijing capitalists. Before they knew He Danggui, about five or six years ago, the two had known each other. Although the spirits are not very similar, but each other knows that the other is the type that is deeply hidden, but they have a bit of sympathy, which probably belongs to the category of "the gentleman's friendship is as light as water".

Because of the age gap, Qi Xuanyu has always called Meng Xun as a "little seven son", and now Meng Xuan has grown to almost the same height as Qi Xuanyu with a long body, and a man with a wife's room. Qi Xuanyu does not change his old name He was also called "Little Seventh Prince", which obviously had some irony: How can a child dare to borrow courage from heaven and put a woman who should not appear in the world into his arms?

Of course Meng Hui heard it, so he turned his back on his lips, calling Qi Xuanyu "Xiao Qi Guoshi", and also satirized that he did not seek out his missing father for filial piety; secondly, he did not discern the sacred hearing for unfaithfulness. How dare to teach others such unfaithful?

For a long time, although Qi Xuanyu knew that Danggui was the reincarnation of the ten princesses, she regarded her and the ten princesses as two completely different people, because they were originally two people.

But half a month ago, Qi Xuanyu, with the help of a fellow Taoist friend of the East, made a peaceful retreat for the ten princesses, but unexpectedly learned that the ten princesses were not "rested", but reborn in the world, with a new identity Live and lead a completely new life. He immediately thought of what Angelica was, and took out her birthdate to set a life chart.

In the past few years, why has Angelica ranked four times. In the first round, he confirmed that she was the reincarnation of the ten princesses; in the second round, he did not want his partner Ning Wang Zhuquan to marry an uncertain factor, so he fumbled on the chart, binding He Danggui to the emperor's grandson, Zhu Yunzhang. In the third round, he discovered that He Danggui was with Meng Xun, and then started his life, only to find that his tampering had failed. Although he did n’t understand the reason, he stopped, as long as He Danggui did not disturb Zhu. The right is all right; the last four times, let him know that the ten princesses who have been committed to the resurrection have already awakened in the body of He Danggui.

In other words, without waiting for him to complete his plan step by step, the goal that would have been exhausted and not necessarily achieved was already completed. The ten princesses were resurrected. He felt that he couldn't feel the throbbing chest for several years and was alive again.

But how could he laugh out loud. He waited fifteen years for the princess, who is now the same person as He Danggui, who was just thrown to another man not long ago.

He just wanted to go back in time, back to when everything was too late. But the truth and reason told him that the situation was astonishingly similar to the death of the princess 15 years ago, and nothing was too late. The person the princess loves and marries is not him.

"You are more daring than me, and dare to ask the emperor's ten princesses." Qi Xuan Yu Leng Buding jumped out of such an unexpected word, even he could not control his own mouth.

"Thanks for the praise, I dare not be taken seriously."

Qi Xuanyu raised his eyebrows in surprise, Meng Yue said so! Obviously, he already knows "Whether Angelica is the ten princesses". So, does he know the secrets of the ten princesses?

The two coincidentally walked under the old plum tree in front of the court at the same time, and then ran into it in half a step. However, the two men who did not decrease in speed, stayed in shape at the same time with no warning, and they were both tall and handsome Standing face to face.

When he was so close, Qi Xuanyu's higher part took advantage, and Meng Yue needed to raise his head slightly to meet his sight. However, Qi Xuanyu felt unprecedented coercion, which was stronger than before when facing Mencius. This was a powerful oppression he had never experienced before. This shows that Shibei waited for three days, and Meng Yue was stronger than he had expected, and it would be even more infinite in time. It also shows that Meng Yue's serious and tough attitude now, wanting to make it compromise, letting go of He Danggui is a difficult task.

"With her, you will suffer from it sooner or later." Qi Xuanyu threatened, "You don't know her power yet. By then, the whole Meng family will be involved."

But Meng Yue smiled as he did, and was obviously not frightened by these words. Regarding the past and present life of Princess Ten, Du Huan told him before heading to the prairie in the northwest, but he said it without a word and his words were vague, not the whole story. For Meng Yue, the information was enough. Even if he didn't know anything, He Danggui kept her secret all the time, and he couldn't let go of her a little.

"Thank you, Master Qi Qi, for reminding me that I can handle it well." Meng Yue said, "This is the back house of the Meng family. It is not a place to stay for a long time. My family is not a royal palace. It is not so casual."

Qi Xuanyu sneered: "Lingtang took a lot of energy and support for several layers before contacting the trail, letting the trail enter the house to fight for peace. Little Qiongzi, you took me away, how would you explain to Lingtang?"

Mencius said politely: "Since it was the mother who invited the Taoist Master, go and listen to it elsewhere."

"Your mother is not at home, I'm idle and boring." Qi Xuanyu raised his hand and folded the last plum on the plum tree, smelling elegantly.

"I can take good care of her, and take good care of it," Meng Yue declared coldly. "No matter what purpose the Chief Minister came for, I would advise you to dismiss it, or for my wife and my family. , I had no choice but to apologize. She is Angelica, and it is just Angelica. "

After hearing this, Qi Xuanyu asked in silence: "So, let me meet her and ask if she remembers me."

"I don't remember," Meng Yue lied without blinking, "I asked her, she said it."

Qi Xuanyu turned around and left the garden. He didn't believe Meng Xun's words in his heart, but stayed for long. Right now Meng Yue lives in the Meng family. He can hardly do anything. It is easy to support Meng Yue because the other party has a military post. Qi Xuanyu walked away step by step, remembering the light words and deeds that he had when he was young, and the little girl he had long missed, and he became the wife of another when he grew up.

After confirming that Qi Xuanyu had gone far, Meng Yue returned to the room.

He walked to the big bed of woodcarvings and got into the gauze tent. At this time, He Danggui was like a newborn baby. Sleeping Beauty needs a prince who can wake her up, and now her prince can only be him.

His face was close to He Danggui, and his slender fingers moved gently along her forehead from Emei's eyebrows and pink cheeks to the attractive red lips, scratching her attractive lips.

Slowly, her thin lips covered her firmly, her thoughtful black eyes gazed at her sleeping face, and her scorching lips pecked her softly like a rose's soft lips, tempting her to bloom. She separated her lips obediently in the sleep, and he smiled and found it, provoking her unconsciously to entangle with her.

Feeling the burning flames under the belly, a pair of big palms immediately politely touched the delicate and delicate skin like cream, lovingly and mercifully, the free lips moved down ...

Under the obvious caressing of the intention, the sleeping beauty's abdomen raised a heavy lazy warm current, and flowed to her limbs and bones, making her involuntarily make a soft soft groan. But the unrestrained husband really exhausted her, and now she was in full enthusiasm. How could she still be with only half a life.

Seeing she couldn't sleep anymore, she barely opened her sleepy eyes and muttered dissatisfied: "You said it was the last time, let me go to sleep after you finish, you don't count!"

Meng Wei pitifully rubbed against a pair of dark circles on her snow-white face, reminding herself secretly that she was too young to ask too much for the right way. So she retrieved some sense, pecked her cheek gently, and said gently, "Why haven't I ever talked? It's only three days ago, and if you get tired, you have to eat and sleep. There is hot water in the soup room, and I serve How is the lady wiping herself? "

It's been three shots? That said ... it's noon now!

He Danggui widened her eyes and struggled to sit up. Bai Nen's little hand covered her body, and said in a panic, "I'm sleeping until noon ?! Xianggong, why don't you wake me up? I haven't given tea to my mother-in-law! Then Isn't everyone waiting for me? You don't wake me up! "

The accused party, Meng Yue, was ashamed, lying on the big bed with his hands on his head unscrupulously, and his slender legs overlapped at his ankles. He enjoyed this rare first sight of the beauty with a good mood. Wake up figure.

The whole body was hot with unreasonable eyes, and half a piece of clothes could not be seen everywhere, so Angelica had to wrap a bed sheet around him, and got out of the bed to find something to wear in the cabinet.

However, as soon as the toes touched the ground, Jiao's body immediately fell down, and a large pair of palms were found in the rear, and she was retrieved in a timely manner. Then a strong and firm chest suddenly pressed down, not only hit the air between her chest, but also sealed her breath with hot lips, and there was a serious murder suspect. She beat her heavy body hard, only in the result that her hands were restrained, her mouth was sealed, and she had no chance to protest.

The young man, in the end, had a strong temperament, and Meng Yue embraced Wen Xiang nephrite, and after enduring it, he refused to treat himself. Then, he made an unreliable guarantee that "this time is the last time," and he didn't bother to remove his clothes and pants, only untied the trousers to release the hot and firm, and stood up through the petite wife.

Accompanied by her sobbing and whimpering sound, her strong posture fluctuated up and down, so there was a full account of spring, rippling with the red gauze.


"Girl? Girl, wake up! Listen to me."

Meng Yue thought that she was very restrained. After only two or three times of tasting, she took her unconscious wife to the soup room and took a shower. Although she was restless in the bath for a while and a half, she had passed away. He also It is difficult to sacrifice his heart to destroy the flowers, just like the hungry big wolf guarding the fat little white rabbit. The sharp tusks lingered around the slender and delicate neck repeatedly, and he almost got out of mouth ... After bathing, The two changed their comfortable and refreshing pajamas, called another cup of purple rice soup, and poured it into the young wife's mouth.

Until the whole soup cup came to an end, the little wife in her arms was still not sober and conscious, but only swallowed unconsciously. In a coma, she frowned slightly as a protest. Only then did Meng Xun reflect on whether he was too much and whether he should converge properly in the future.

"Qinger? Are you awake? Someone is here."

The thin cocoon of the finger-finger brushed the pink cheeks and squeezed it lightly and twice, insisting to wake her up, because he was about to leave. There are several things that you have to do in person, and you may have to leave for a while. When He Danggui first entered the Meng family, there must be some unsuitability, because the Meng family is a place different from the general family of the Wang family. When he was worried about her, he couldn't help saying more.

"Who's here?" He Danggui opened his eyes and questioned vaguely.

"It's my mother, you don't go to tea today, so she came to see you personally. Dress your husband to help you, mother?"

Looking at her confused little face, Meng Yue couldn't help but want to tease her. 2k novel reading network