Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 596: Black-bellied husband subtotal

Chapter 602 Chapter 596

In fact, yesterday morning, Meng Yue made arrangements for a well-known opera class in the Beijing area to tour the southern part of the city for three days. In addition, he specifically emphasized that he left Beijing after only three days of acting, and he was not afraid to attract Mrs. Su to the past. Sure enough, Mrs. Su went to a team of four horses, four or five daughters-in-law, and dozens of maids and grandchildren went out busily.

At the wedding banquet yesterday night, Meng Yue also called Yitong to light up the kitchen, and made a few more favorite foods before the grandmother lived in the temple. Chicken with bamboo shoots and chicken with dumplings. It is expected that my grandmother has not eaten these dishes for a long time, she must have missed this taste very much. She had eaten too much at night and could not sleep well, and she could not get up early to drink grandson's tea the next day. Therefore, Meng Yue who had never shown up at the dinner party directly asked her to tell the old lady this morning, "I heard that my grandmother had accumulated food yesterday, her body was out of harmony, and she could not sleep at night, so she dared to go to her grandma tomorrow. "It's a little bit of a trick on the grandmother and mother, asking them not to disturb him for the long version of the cave night.

The old lady and wife in the family have no time to drink tea from the wife. Of course, the big sisters Shang and Ershi Lu can't organize spontaneously to watch the activities of the new wife. As long as Mrs. Su does not return to the theater for a day, they can spend a day here more generously.

However, Meng Yue didn't know that he couldn't be frightened by the sluggish sleeping man. He casually said, "Mother, she came to see you in person." He was so frightened that he ran into a panic, hit his nose on his chest, and immediately hit his nose. The small nose twitched twice, and the bright red nosebleed immediately, and the face was still cute with a confused expression that wanted to be stunned.

However, Meng Yue was not in the mood to appreciate her cuteness. She grabbed Pa Zi and wiped her nose for her. He apologized and said, "Mother didn't come. She went to the theater to see the drama. My father received our worship last night and returned to the Ministry. , So my mother will live in a villa in the south of the city for about two days. Her drama is very addictive. Sorry, I just teased you casually. I didn't expect you to be so scared. "

He Danggui finally woke up and listened to Meng Xun's words. She glanced at the thin single-layer pajamas on her body, and then looked at Meng Xun's weird hug. His old **** was sitting on the ground. On the wide-backed chair, she separated her legs and sat across his thigh. When she tried to push away, she found that a ribbon tied the waist of the two of them loosely. She simply moved the pink hips, and felt that a foreign body was caught between her legs, so she didn't have to look down to see what it was!

She was so angry that her ears were red, and she looked up to Meng Xuan's nervous handsome face with complaints, and hated: "You, the pervert in human skin, are different from yours! Are you really a descendant of Mencius Yasheng? "

"Maybe, I'm the father and mother's son." Meng Yue replied casually, "be good, don't move, raise your face." He dipped a handkerchief in a basin of warm water on the dining table, carefully for She cleared the blood on her nose.

Why does Angelica feel that this scene is somewhat familiar, and Meng Yue wiped her nose? I just ca n’t remember when it ’s old. He squinted his regretful expression, and gradually she was not so angry, calmed down and asked, "Mother has gone out? I don't have to go to serve tea?"

"Yes, you can just call her" Mother "in the future. Grandma Erji calls her that. She doesn't like the title of" mother-in-law "and says she's getting old." Meng Hui clasped her waist with one hand and pulled Open the tie to free her from the leg and introduce the situation, "She is a very easy-going elder and loves the juniors very much. I have three younger sisters, all of which are not from the mother, but the mother treats the three of her more than us. These pro-sons are better. Auntie Li, who has the highest background, can be compared with her mother and is the biological mother of her second sister. She is a mean woman, and she is not indifferent to her mouth, but she ca n’t blame her mother for years. This shows how leaky the mother is in the world. "

"Huh." After He Danggui was free, he walked down the ground, his legs were too soft, and he walked around the table for half a circle, sitting at the other end of the round table, farthest from Meng Yue. He scolded Meng Yue in his heart, put on clothes and acted as a gentleman, and undressed them.

The chair on which Beast Meng Xun sat in the air suddenly floated to the left hand side of He Danggui, announcing that the steps she had just taken were all useless.

Under the hateful gaze of He Danggui, he took a long arm and took out a small bowl of hot steaming rice from the stuffed bowl. He evenly poured two spoons of fish soup and placed it in front of He Danggui. Her face flowed softly: "The meals were only served for a little while, and they were still hot. You were hungry all day yesterday. You can't sleep on an empty stomach anymore today. Come, try this red-knife duck , I call this dish every time I eat at home. "As he said, he cleaned his hands, skillfully disassembled the duck meat, and picked the white rice resting in front of her.

He Danggui suspiciously judged for a while, is this Meng Yue now the same person as last night? The former is so elegant and the mental state is so normal; the latter is such a beast, so wild and uncontrollable, and everything that is outrageous and awful is unbelievable ... I ca n’t believe that two very different dispositions will appear on the same person.

However, a blood-red nail print on his neck, and a deep bite mark on his wrist, clearly showed that now this handsome boy who is well-groomed, seated, gentle, and harmless, advises her to eat more and maintain her body. Last night, the wolf that did not spit out bones and spit bones.

He Danggui remembered last night with a smirk and said, "There is no one in my garden at night, and no one will come to you if you shout your throat. The lady still saves some effort to serve her husband. If I don't cooperate, I will use It ’s a good idea to 'please' the lady to cooperate. ”Every time she scratched him, he pouted childishly and complained,“ Why do you always come here? You must have cut your nails next time! ” Feeling relieved, thinking that when he was scared off, he shot like a flash of electricity, sealed the acupuncture point on her arms with one finger, bullied himself, grinned, "Now don't forget to remind me to cut my nails, tonight I'll do it first. "

Recalling his outrageous behavior, and her bottomless physical strength and energy and interest, she shivered uncontrollably. A eager desire to escape from the bag, caught me by surprise.

If she lived with this beast every day, she would not live for three months! Beast, does he have another wife's room? He doesn't come to her room every night, right?

On the dining table, the large bowl of fragrant sea bass soup was ordered by Meng Yue to cook on a small fire yesterday. After careful cooking for a day and a night, it is now fresher and richer than fresh milk, which is very appetizing. He Danggui was fed a bowl of purple rice soup when he was in a coma, which warmed the viscera. In addition, his physical strength was long gone, and his overdraft was more than ten days. Now he is really hungry. So she gave up and continued to study the husband who was suspected of split personality. The trembling little hand grabbed chopsticks, held the rice bowl, and ate it with a small mouthful.

With a smile on his lips, Meng Xun's own skill has been perfected. He ate without drinking water for a few days and nights, so he stopped using only a small bowl of fish soup. Take another pair of ivory-inlaid silver chopsticks for her cloth, carefully remove each fishbone in the fish, and gently said, "I almost forgot, you said that you do n’t like fish, and it ’s troublesome to pick fishbone. Let the chef do it later. Fish, all pieces of fish are born. After being stabbed, they are made into soft fish paste. Would you say that? "

He Danggui didn't expect that Meng Yue knew her eating habits so clearly, and saw that all the dishes he had brought were not her favorite, but he basically didn't eat anything, and she gradually became unhappy. She also heard the common example of the Meng family's preference for sons and daughters, and her husband as the key link. The man who grew up in such an environment is still a little more distinguished than others, but now he comes to serve her with honor and dignity ...

Thinking of this, she was not so angry with him, and whispered: "Sangong you eat yours, I'll do it on my own, and I'm full." She always eats and eats often. They eat five meals a day, and each meal uses half a bowl of food.

However, Meng Zheng shook her head and said, "The lady doesn't care about me. She only needs to take care of her body. Eat a little fat so that she can conceive my child earlier. I heard that a fat woman has less effort during labor."

Sure enough for this! Meng Zheng, this sperm rushing into the brain! He Danggui was furious, and the idea of ​​leaving home was born.

Meng Yue went on to explain: "Qing'er, you may also know that the Meng family has been passed down for more than a thousand years and is a big family. Therefore, it is inevitable that there are many rules and regulations, and there are many family rules and family mottos that seem unfriendly Because those are the old rules passed down by the ancestors for several generations. One of them is that after the introduction of the main room, if there is no child within five years, it will be cut off; if there is something, but the daughter is born, Then give another three years of "observation period", during which you can have a son, you can get an exemption. So quickly, having a son after getting started can stabilize your position in the Meng family. "

Mencius's words are not intimidating, they are. Inside the Meng family, even the sage Mencius Mencius could not jump out of the patriarchal rules.

It is written that Mencius' wife was alone in the room, sitting with two legs stretched out. Mencius was dissatisfied as soon as she saw her like this, and turned back to his mother and said, "My wife doesn't talk about etiquette, I must rest her!"

Mother Meng asked in surprise: "Why is it Mao?"

Mencius said indignantly: "She sits with her legs stretched out, her legs stretched out! Why is it so, how could a woman have such a sitting posture? Indecent, indecent!"

Mother Meng asked, "How do you know that stink boy?"

Mencius dragged and said, "I can't quibble when she sees it with my own eyes."

Meng Meng said angrily: "Oh! This is your problem, not your wife's and children's problems. Didn't you say that?" Before entering the house, you must ask who is in the house; before entering the hall, you must first Spread it aloud to let the people inside know; when you enter the room, you must look down so as not to make people unprepared. 'Just now you went to your wife's room and there was no sound when you entered the room. You saw her sitting with her legs stretched out. This is completely rude to you, not that your daughter-in-law is not talking etiquette! "

Mencius was still unconvinced, and his mother taught him lovingly: "Women have a hard time giving birth to children, you have to respect them, you daughter-in-law, I look very well, and I have nowhere to look at the lantern. You will come again later Speak of whatever divorce and divorce, draw you for your mother's ears! "

In the end, because of Meng's mother virtue, he did not let his son divorce his wife successfully. , The latest chapter of this book is updated as soon as possible, refreshing, I hope everyone can enjoy it. 2k novel reading network