Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 753: Most loving love

He died of regret and pain, but Lu Jiangbei did not come to the end.

Duan Xiaolou asked the Wangfu steward to come to a huā car, covered his uncaring corpse with a cloth, and sadly strolled out of the Wangfu.

He Danggui watched the back of huā Che Xingyuan without any feelings of guilt or sadness, because she was telling the truth. Even if he tried his best to rescue him, forgetfulness is still a short-lived person. He will only use that short life to harm others. The next victim is not the most concerned and most concerned about forgetfulness, Duan Xiaolou.

But Duan Xiaolou didn't understand the mood of Angelica, but just pleaded again and again to let the forgetfulness last for a few more days, preferably a few months.

He Danggui lifted up two slender silver needles, and slowly broke them in front of him, and threw them to the ground, breaking his thoughts in this way. For the first time in my life, I saw such deep disappointment in the eyes of Duan Xiaolou.

"My third brother and Miss Liao were also invited by King Yan as a guest, let's go and see." Meng Yue's voice fell softly from the top of her head, at this time it was like sunshine and dew.

He Danggui leaned on his chest, grinded the scent of green tea, and asked, "Meng Yue, who is the woman you like?"

"..." sluggish.

"Why, can't I be counted among the people I like? Then how many people can I rank the most?"

Meng Yue pinched the tip of her nose funny and kindly, telling her word by word: "First, no matter what you like most, or the most ingrained, you are first. Every time I think of you, others like or The people you hate are so pale that only you are the clearest. Qinger, you are first and only. "

He Danggui listened, lying on Meng's chest, feeling very satisfied. After a while frowning again, he asked timidly, "Aren't you a person with a strong sense of justice? Even strangers who don't know like to rescue, the scope is wider than Duan Xiaolou, covering men, women and children. Remember once, I haven't been able to save Miss Qian Jia from the academy. You suspect that I deliberately don't want to save people, and I am very angry. Since I am in your heart, I am bad and selfish, and your standards of good and evil are very clear. Why do you still like me? Why don't you like a girl who is kind and blank? "

"Well, I don't know."

"I don't know?" He Danggui was a bit slick, and he held a hard chest with a pink punch. "Have you never thought about this? If you think about it from now on, will you change your mind and like others."

Meng Xuan tightened her arms, hugged her tightly, and said with a bitter smile, "Good Qinger, forgive me. I don't know yet. The brains of people are getting smarter and smarter. "

"What do you mean ?!" He Danggui waved his fist.

"Meaning, the time you left me became stupid, that ’s why you asked this stupid question. It seems that you ca n’t let yourself go too long in the future, otherwise you will be stupid enough to not even know the way home. The bad guy abducted. "

Meng Yue bowed her head, her face was crystal clear, and her eyes were reflected in the dark eyes of the pond. He chuckled on his lips and kissed a pearl on her bun, handsome, gentle, and considerate, but what really fascinated her eyes was his determination and confidence. This gave her a little peace of mind and eased from her loss.

But she still stubbornly wanted an answer. She asked: "A woman who looks the same, comes from the same name, and you like 'good she', she who often does good deeds, still like 'bad her', fine She's calculating, working on a plan, doing more bad things and doing more damage than helping others? "

"What's the problem?" Meng Yue studied her expression seriously, shaking her head gently and saying "You are not the second person you describe, Qinger, you never deliberately destroy it, unless that thing needs to be destroyed of."

"What if I am? In case, what am I going to do?" She asked, looking up.

"..." Meng Yan eyes and looked at her quietly.

After a long time, she bowed her head in disappointment when she couldn't wait for the answer. This time, even Meng Yue thought she was unreasonable.

Three cold fingertips lifted her chin and slowly raised it until her lips reached his. Meng Yue rolled around her lips and told her lowly: "Perhaps as you said, I am more fraternal and more concerned than Duan Xiaolou. But in the two generations, all my likes and admirations, only I have been to a woman named Ho Danggui, so everything about her is within my fraternity.

"Including her background, growing environment, good and bad family, friends, and the good things she has done, every distraction of her is what I love. Because it is all these things that add up, it changes. Become her now, become this woman that makes me feel sorry and pity, not willing to let go for a moment.

"If I only like one or two of her 'immaculate', and I exclude other 'incomplete', then I will be suspicious and change to another good family background, grow up in peace and joy, a clean as one Zhang Baizhi's Angelica is still not the one lying in my arms today, would I be reluctant to do that kind of exchange.

"Finally, I couldn't find the answer myself, what kind of Angelica I like, and especially what I love. In the end, I can only tell myself that all the principles go to hell, I don't need to think so much. If She is a fairy after the misery, then I am her follower; if she is a vengeful vengeful queen, then I am her guardian, because even a ruthless woman in this world will definitely want someone, no matter What you do, right or wrong, good or bad, saver, killer, do n’t ask about the conditions and stand by her, right?

"I am that person, Qinger, I will stay with you until the end of the last. Always stand by you, always believe in you, and do not question every decision you make. Even if others say a thousand 'bad' words, As long as you shake your head, I will deal with those people with you. "


Lying quietly on Meng Xuan's chest, she closed her eyes contentedly. She didn't want to say anything, and didn't want to ask more. If husband is so, what should he ask for?

I even started to think that even if I don't plan to avenge my mother now, and don't go to ask those who have half-dominated the gossip, just follow Meng Wei and turn around him every day, there is nothing bad.

The two hugged intimately in the huā garden of Yanwang Mansion until the straits of the land were so old that people came and went with curiosity and inquiry. Because they are still living in King Yan's house, there are not many people who know what Angelica is, and even fewer people recognize Meng Xun. Therefore, someone quietly notified the garden steward, and the garden steward went to the concubine's concubine. In Princess Yan's ears.

Princess Yan came over and saw that the woman in the "sad men and women in Wangfu" was not someone else, but He Danggui. She tossed the steward and gave him a hygienic eye, so that these people all went to the toilet to think about it and revise it.

He Danggui raised her eyes and looked at the beautiful lady in the opposite White House. When she saw the princess Yan, she was a little happy. She pulled Meng Yue and introduced: "Auntie Lian, it's so filial to see you after so long. Well, this It was my father-in-law Meng Xun, Meng Xun, this is Princess Yan, she treated me very well. I originally planned to visit her at the palace first. "

After hearing this, Meng Yue was slightly surprised, and when she saw He Danggui's rejoicing was from her heart, not in disguise, Meng Yue was even more surprised. In his impression, Princess Xu Wuyan and Princess Zhu Yan were all the same. Although they were nominal royal relatives with He Danggui, they were speculative and intended to make a fuss about He Danggui. This is what Meng Yue can't tolerate.

He Danggui's attitude towards King Yan was cold and polite, but he called the princess Yan in an affectionate and humble manner. How capable is this concubine Xu, and what makes Angelica treat it like this?

After a closer look, I saw that Xu Fei's dress was not gorgeous, a plain palace dress, embroidered with dark brown and dark gray branches, and a simple two-point plum huā embellishment, but naturally wearing an elegant and luxurious Taste is like an aristocrat born. It's no wonder that the concubine of Yan Wangfu must be from a famous door.

Xu Fei's eyes were flat, with laughter on her lips, and she was also looking at Meng Yue, and her expression gradually showed satisfaction. She held He Danggui's hand and smiled: "Last time in Meng's house, it was not good to see those aunts I ’m worried that you ’re not married well. Now it seems that I worry more. ”

He Danggui smiled down. "Auntie Xie Lian is caring. It is my luck to find such a jun."

Xu Fei put away a smile and made a sorrowful disappointment. "The most important thing for the concubine in the palace is that you lose money, and you miss it day and night, but you walk away smartly, and you haven't even sent back your family letter."

He Danggui felt guilty but couldn't find an excuse to justify it. He had to shift the topic and asked, "Where is my disciple Chen? I haven't seen him for a long time. I once got three darts while visiting the temple street. give him."

"Huh?" Xu Fei narrowed her eyes and asked, "Zichen has darts. What do I have?"


He Danggui sweated because she had not encountered anything suitable for Xu Fei, nor had she bought gifts. Meng Xuan poked her without a trace, motioned her to look at the huā nursery on the left, where there were big and colorful chicken crowns huā. Cockscomb huā is too stiff for the average woman, but Xu Fei, who is full of beauty and beauty, looks bright.

He Danggui walked to the huā garden, chose a huā crown of medium size, half-toed tiptoe, inserted into Xu Fei's dark-haired cymbal, and winked flatly: "Aunt Li, don't hold a face, why don't I take A gift for you, but every time I think of the dowry cage you prepared for me, there are pearl babes and satin cloths, both famous and inexplicable. When you look at that baby mountain, everything else becomes It ’s a common thing, how can I bring it to you? ”

"Isn't that a chicken crest?"

"Well, this cockroach is pretty good on the branches. Although it is not as beautiful as Aunt Lian's, it is new and new, but the three hours of the new pick are very new, and I can barely set off your disappointment. Tacky temperament. "He Danggui took his horse seriously.

Xu Fei said with a smile: "This set of skills learned from where is like a man."

At this time, a father-in-law and a concubine came over. The father-in-law asked Meng Hua to speak, and he spoke to Xu Fei, all of which were whispering voices.

After listening to the groan for a moment, Meng Yue whispered to He Danggui: "The King Yan asked me to tell the story, I'll go there once. You are here to speak with the princess, wait for me to come back, be careful ... Minute."

"I see, so do you."

Meng Yue was still a little uneasy, and she wanted to ask more. Xu Fei had already come over, watching the smiles of the two men with a bit of sorrow. He Danggui pushed Meng Huan to "go, let's talk to Lord Yan Wangyifu, don't let Lord Yifu wait for a long time." Meng Xuan took a deep look at her and left.

Xu Fei sighed softly: "It's good to be young, and Aunt Lian was too young."

He Danggui said with a smile: "Aunt Lian's words are bad, young and not young, all in one's heart. Furthermore, in terms of appearance, you don't touch the word" old "at all."

"I'm talking about my true heart." Xu Fei frowned and was fascinated. "Even if I can keep my own heart, I can't control Wang's ambition."

"Master ... Ambitious?"

"Yeah, a heart that grows bigger and bigger. Lord Wang surrounds a group of people around him, and waters and fertilizes that heart every day, letting him come up with all kinds of unreasonable thoughts. Gradually, even I ca n’t say it. Let's talk. I'm really worried about Wang Ye. "

After listening silently, He Danggui asked suddenly: "In the dowry that Auntie Lian prepared for me last time, there was no 'big change'?"

Xu Fei was puzzled: "What is a living person?"

He Danggui nodded and said, "Yes, the righteous father probably moved the mind of the Meng family from then on. He let a spy hide in the dowry box, and then carried it into the Meng family together, trying to make the spy fine Unconsciously integrated into the Meng family. But being found has caused me a lot of trouble. "

Xu Fei had no doubt what Danggui said, and eagerly asked, "Where is the spy?"

He Danggui replied truthfully: "He was still in custody and was raised in vain. My Lu Ye had tortured him once without asking any useful confessions, and he was probably a dead man."

When she tilted her head, she saw Jiang Yan leading the way, followed by Jiangbei Landing, and came over this way. It seems that Lu Jiangbei finally took the time to look at forgetfulness, but he came too late and the huā car carrying the forgetful body was gone for a long time.

When Lu Jiangbei came over, he didn't say anything to inquire, but he stared at Xu Fei's face utterly, and was extremely shocked.

"You, it's you ..." 2k novel reading network