Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

~: Lao Luo, you are on the shelves

Updated: 2013-09-22

At three o'clock today, Tao received a notice from the editor-in-chief, saying that after his identification, it can be put on the shelf, that is, the meaning of adding VIP, that is, the meaning of the future chapters to spend vertical and horizontal coins ...

The specific time is next Tuesday, the morning of September 24th, the first chapter of the V article will be issued.

Sorry to the friend who has not been charged with coins, but has been watching. This article has only written a small part of it, and a large part of it is slowly opening, but it has blocked some friends from following the footsteps. No one feels more sorry for this situation than the author himself.

On the one hand, I do n’t have the right to decide whether or not to go on the shelf. The editors are the compass and steering wheel. On the other hand, I want to let more friends see my article. Once I think of it, I have friends to see it. I feel very motivated to "pap" the keyboard. This is the most true portrayal of my mood.

I do n’t know how many of my friends who have been watching recently know how to deposit coins, and how many are willing to use coins to see it. This is the first time that Taobao has been on the vertical and horizontal shelves. However, when I thought about this article in June and July, I didn't have many friends reading it, and Taobao still wrote happily every day, so I found some common sense again.

In this way, I sat in the sky and watched the sky in the maiden's world. Every day I took what happened in this world into my eyes. I followed the steps of angelica and went all the way from Luo's house to all the way. Rivers and lakes, temples, palaces, Hou Fu, go to see more good scenery of the early Ming Dynasty.

As for subscriptions and the like, it ’s fortunate that I am not killed. Even if the subscription results are single digits or negative numbers, it will not stop Angelica ’s revenge and love-seeking journey, and it will not stop the daring determination to follow Angelica.

Of course, if everyone likes the story of Angelica sinensis, can support the subscription of the previous chapters to cheer up Taobao, and Taobao will hit the ground. If everyone doesn't like it, the torrent will be ashamed and brave, and write what everyone likes and prefers.

In the fourth volume, "Fantastic Beauty", Angelica has grown up three years later, and her heart is stronger and more able to adapt to the storms of this life. Next, she will be more able to show the long-sleeve dance of the last generation. All kinds of high-end wrists, those that made King Ning Zhu Quan jealous enough to remove her talents.

At the beginning of the fourth volume, "Fantastic Fanghua", three years later, Hongwu was thirty years in December, this year Angelica was thirteen years old, and she had become a close friend with Liao Qing'er. Turbulently, using flashbacks, pulling away the cocoons, the grievances and resentments of all the people in the past three years, and the knots that cannot be opened between them, are rendered in a thousand layers. There is no doubt that all the good looks are in the fourth volume "Amazing Beauty".

After New Year's Day, the 14-year-old Angelica and the boys will have more love exchanges. Where will the scale of love tilt, and what kind of fireworks is the love in Angelica's eyes?

In addition to the main line of revenge, are the leads of the "resurrection needle" and the "elixir of eternal life" throughout the next chapter a scam or the source of a turbulent world that has stirred up thousands of waves?

Although the gate of the mansion is deep, Angelica's life is not monotonous. While secretly running his own business, he also invited the old lady to learn the master's skills, piano, calligraphy, calligraphy, and medicine, but he accidentally put it on a noble banquet. The extraordinary beauty reveals the amazing "Golden Needle Hitting Acupoint" stunt, which has attracted the attention of the family's chief, Luo Maitong.

Will one day, the rise and fall of Luo Manmen's door be borne by Angelica?

Will one day, He Jingxian, the biological father who never met in the previous life, suddenly come to let her recognize her ancestors?

Will one day, the timeless book that everyone is competing on happen to be under the corner of her desk?

Will one day, go around, the power center most unwilling to walk in, like a vortex with suction, and enroll her again?

Will one day pass through the bustling, pass through the ordinary, and have to re-enter the bustling?

Will there be a day when the mountain rain is about to wind up the whole house, she suddenly has a whimsy and lets the old emperor Zhu Yuanzhang live for two more years?

In the next 100 chapters, there will be dramas such as Angelica and the Luo family, Sun family, stepfather and other warriors. There will be emotional dramas, farming dramas, Qinglou operas, rivers and lakes operas, court dramas, shadow play ...

The first positive description of Angelica and Sun Meiniang confrontation, all kinds of tit-for-tat, who can tell the difference between right and wrong?

Angelica met Duan Xiaolou again. She was still her, but he was not him. Did she miss it or did he fail?

After the entanglement between Angelica and Zhu Quan was salvaged again, what else can stop Zhu Quan from blowing into the palms of this windy girl? Will Angelica accept the olive branch that Meng Yue threw at her? Does she want that tanning "lifetime one-two"?

The "Last Yuan Festival Wulin Conference" brought together by heroes from all over the world is a wonderful match, a lively Lantern blind date meeting, or a life-and-death showdown between court officials and Jianghu sects?

These are all deposited in the voluptuous chest but not sprayed out. Now, a new chapter has begun. Ponto will think and code while striving to become the four good authors of a new era, the code of conscience, and return to everyone's busy reading. And care.

Bow, step down, and slip.

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