Reborn Sells Instant Noodles In America

Chapter 12: This joke isn't funny at all

"Lost memory? What aspects, or what time period?"

The doctor felt very strange when he heard it. Usually, the cause of memory loss is caused by trauma to the brain, but Lin Zidan's CT showed that there was no trauma on his head.

"Well, it seems that only what happened yesterday can't be remembered."

Lin Zidan scratched his head. He didn't know why this day was missing, and he didn't know what the disappearance of such an important memory meant.

"Can you show me your head? Because it doesn't look like your head has suffered any trauma on the CT scan. Let me see if there is any trauma that wasn't detected?"

As he said that, the doctor stretched out his hand to examine Lin Zidan's dense hair. He examined it silently for several minutes, and finally had to shake his head and give up, because in fact there was no trace of trauma.

"If you have a headache or something unusual, come back to the hospital in a week and do another brain CT. Some internal injuries may not be found at the moment, but they will show up after a while.

Then see if there are any problems. ' the doctor said softly, frowning.

"Okay doctor, if there is any discomfort or any abnormality, I will come back to check again, then when can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"Don't worry, young man, don't you Chinese have a saying that it takes 100 days to hurt your muscles and bones? Although you are not in serious trouble, you have to stay in bed for at least a week. If you feel that there is no problem at all, try to walk again.

It is not good to avoid bad healing and become habitual fractures! "Seeing that he was in a hurry to leave, the old doctor explained to him with a smile.

Seeing that the old doctor walked out of the ward steadily with the documents in his hand, Lin Zidan was still a little confused about his memory loss without scars. Then he thought of Zhang Jing's statement that he was with two foreigner teenagers yesterday.

He felt that there must be a direct connection between these two people and Li Zidan's yacht flipping into the sea, but unfortunately he just lost this part of his memory. Just like in the fairy tale novel, his memory was erased by some monster.

"Could it be that there are really gods and demons and ghosts? Otherwise, it wouldn't have happened to me by chance, right?"

Lin Zidan was brooding with various thoughts, and after a while uneasily, he fell asleep unconsciously. Until the phone next to the pillow sang and twisted again and woke him up.

"Hello?" Hazy took out the phone from under the pillow. He habitually swiped with his thumb and put it to his ear. As a result, the phone was still ringing and moving in his palm. So he swiped again with his thumb, still ringing and moving.

"Huh?" Lin Zidan was completely annoyed. He opened his hazy eyes to look at the phone. After swiping for a long time, he couldn't even unlock it. After a closer look, I'll go. This phone is not a certain fruit's system at all.

You have to press the green answer button hard. Just as he was about to press it, the phone suddenly stopped.

"Hey, I guess it's time for Zhang Jing to call again!"

Lin Zidan was thinking about how to call back to see how to call back, when the phone suddenly started to ring. This time, Lin Zidan didn't wait for the phone to vibrate, so he hurriedly connected it.

"I'm going, are you asleep? No one picks up after calling for a long time!"

Zhang Jing is an impatient person, and he is very quick to speak and do things. It is said that because of his irritable temperament, he was sent abroad by his parents for further study.

In fact, Zhang Jing committed something embarrassing in high school in China, and he couldn't stay any longer, so he was forced by his parents to be sent abroad.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I really fell asleep! Where have you been?" Lin Zidan remembered that Zhang Jing was going to see him, but he forgot to tell him which ward he was in just now.

"I just arrived at the entrance of the hospital, but I couldn't find a place to park for a long time. It's not driving back to Chinatown again. I made a wrong turn just now, and I almost got on the Brooklyn Bridge." Zhang Jing While talking, I looked around for a place to park.

"I remember there was a parking lot at the intersection of Market Street and Madison Street in Chinatown. Would you like to drive over there and have a look?"

Lin Zidan tentatively suggested based on his recent memory,

Because he wasn't sure if that place was a parking lot 10 years ago, as it turns out, New York is really like it for decades.

"Ah? How do you know? I'm walking this way, but the road is unfamiliar, so there are one-way streets everywhere."

Zhang Jing spoke loudly to the phone next to him, while nervously paying attention to the road signs. Not only are the streets of New York full of one-way streets,

There are stopsigns everywhere. Anyone who encounters this sign has to brake to stop, because if you can't get used to this action, it is easy to be caught by the NYPD and issue a ticket.

Especially Zhang Jing's driver's license is not a formal driver's license, but a student's driver's license. Before getting a formal driver's license, you must be accompanied by an old driver who is over 21 years old and has more than one year of driving experience. Got caught, very troublesome!

After Lin Zidan hung up the phone, he waited for another 20 minutes before he saw Zhang Jing walking in with a huge packing box on his face.

"You didn't come here, did you?" Lin Zidan asked in surprise, seeing that he seemed a little tired.

"I'm going, how is that possible! I've got the car quite good. I knew I'd come directly from Flushing, so I can save a long time looking for a parking place!"

Zhang Jing said, and put the packaged food on the bedside table. When he saw the two Roujiamo left by Lin Zidan, he couldn't help but dislike the authentic:

"Isn't it? You just eat this stuff? Where's your mother? Why did you throw you in the hospital all by yourself?"

As he said that, he pulled a stool from the side and sat down, with his legs up on Lin Zidan's hospital bed, looking like an uncle. UU Reading

"I went back early, she can still stay with me all night!"

Thinking of what Li Manrui said before leaving, Lin Zidan couldn't help frowning.

"Hi! Seeing that your mother is very precious to you, she is not here to accompany you in such a big event. I really can't understand their great maternal love!" Zhang Jing couldn't help sneering.

"Forget it, I can't depend on her for everything!"

Thinking that Li Manrui was about to give birth to another small life, Lin Zidan couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

It's okay to have a stranger to be his mother, and soon there will be a little brother or little sister.

"By the way, tell me what's going on? Why do you go on a yacht? Don't you like to touch your stepfather's things?" Zhang Jing asked in confusion.

"Didn't I tell you? I can't remember what happened yesterday, and I don't know what happened!" Lin Zidan said blankly.

"I'll go, what's your situation? Selective amnesia?" Zhang Jing looked incomprehensible.

"Selective amnesia? It seems so, but... what is the situation for selective amnesia?" Lin Zidan asked inexplicably.

"Who knows? And you happened in the middle of the night. The **** knows you're not staying at home. What kind of yacht are you going to go on in the middle of the night?" Zhang Jing said and shrugged incomprehensibly.

"I really can't remember!" Lin Zidan said helplessly.

"Could it be that you went out on a date with some girl last night, afraid that your mother would know, so you sneaked out in the middle of the night?" Zhang Jing couldn't help joking.

"I'll go, stop joking, you don't know me yet? This joke isn't funny at all, okay?" Lin Zi said with a blank look at Zhang Jing.
