Reborn Sells Instant Noodles In America

Chapter 3: why are you saving me

During the day, Lin Guodong and a few people who lost money with him spent a day in the small hotel arguing with the boss. Some people insisted that if they didn't get the money back, they would not go anywhere, and would live in this store to death or something.

However, for these stowaways who have no identity and can only work underworld, it is not the wisest choice to die here, and several people have left one after another in desperation.

There is no way to call the police, and there is no way to seek justice. This kind of thing seems to be commonplace in the Chinese community without identity!

In order to survive, many people can only swallow their voices, just because they have no identity, because the money they earn is illegal, the police not only can't get justice for them, but they will be imprisoned or sent back to the country!

Compromise and despair made Lin Guodong lose all his strength. He squatted at the door of the small hotel all day, neither eating nor drinking, silently weeping like a fool.

The owner of the small hotel couldn't stand it anymore, so he bought him a cup of milk tea and bread, but Lin Guodong didn't move until it was dark.

He lost his money. He saved three months' salary, plus the tip was almost ten thousand dollars, and it was gone all of a sudden! Even the broken mobile phone he was reading a novel in his hand last night was stolen.

He doesn't know how to contact his parents in China who are waiting for his life-saving money, let alone how to explain to his girlfriend who has been waiting for him for more than two years in China and has been breaking up recently.

Because Lin Guodong has saved many days of vacation this month, he originally planned to stay in New York for two more days to take a good look at this charming metropolis before going back. Now he doesn't even have to stay for an extra night!

Carrying an empty bag on his back, he dragged his two numb to no feeling legs, walking all the way from the vicinity of the City Hall building, all the way, all the way to the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge.

He stopped at a place where he could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance. In this silent night, he couldn't see what the Statue of Liberty looked like.

"Freedom?" Lin Guodong smiled wryly. He originally thought that if he paid back the money, his parents would no longer be threatened, and he could be a little more relaxed and free.

Now it seems that he not only can't save his parents, but also can't get any freedom! Think of tomorrow, think of this unseen road to black labor!

He suddenly retreated a little! Is this the so-called American dream he is chasing? I live like an ant here in the dark, and I don't even have the chance to change jobs without paying the money!

After coming here for more than two years, Lin Guodong was fed up with the pain of not having an identity. The restaurant where he started to work was arranged by a smuggler, and it was only 1,400 US dollars for a month.

Starting from washing dishes and dishes, Lin Guodong has to pay back the money, and he wants to pay back the money as soon as possible. For such a salary, he needs to pay off the 70,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to nearly 500,000 yuan!

Lin Guodong was very diligent when washing dishes in his first restaurant. When he was not washing dishes, he watched the chef fry shrimp in a frying pan next to him. The master saw that he was young and eager to learn, and he was smart, so he would occasionally give him pointers.

Lin Guodong is quite decent. When he returned to New York to send money, he brought some Chinese cigarettes to the master to smoke in Chinatown. Slowly, the master taught him seriously.

When he was busy, he would ask him to help him to fry a head dish or fry shrimp or something. In this way, Lin Guodong changed jobs after half a year!

The second restaurant, Lin Guodong, said he was a frying pan master, and his salary went up from 1,400 to 500 a week. If he had an identity, the salary would be 550.

Too bad he didn't! Every time he worked in the future, the price was suppressed because of his lack of identity, and he gradually became numb.

It's just that he was fired by the boss after only two weeks for this job, saying that he was born by hand. Isn't it hand born? He used to watch others make it, but now he makes a full set by himself, and he can't keep up with the rhythm. It's not that the frying temperature is not enough, or the shrimp is not fried enough!

The key point is that there are a few special first dishes. Although the previous master also taught them, it is a pity that there are few customers who order, so he has less opportunities to learn and even fewer opportunities to practice.

Lin Guodong was complained several times by customers. The boss not only lost money but also lost credit, so he fired him!

The third restaurant, Lin Guodong, "honestly" said that he was a novice and had only been working for two or three months. The salary could be reduced, and he hoped the boss would take him in.

The boss saw that he was very honest, and promised to give him a two-week trial. If it really didn't work, he would pay for the return journey himself.

(In the United States, when a restaurant fires people, the boss pays the car fare, and the employee pays the car fare when they resign.)

Lin Guodong agreed. This time, the boss only gave him 450 for a week, and the tip was almost 2,000. He worked here for a year.

When he changed his fourth job, Lin Guodong had already mastered all the skills of a frying pan master very skillfully, but he was in a hurry because the boss's salary was increased, according to the salary of 2,000 per month.

His $70,000 didn't know that it was going to be returned to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. He had to make more money, so then he changed two jobs. Every time he changed jobs, he talked about his work experience a little longer. This is also taught by an old master. his.

If you are a restaurant worker in the United States, you have to say you can do it if you don’t know how to do it. If you do it for two weeks, you say you have done it for three months. If you have done it for three months, you say you have done it for half a year.

After working for half a year, I have to say that I have worked for more than a year, and I have more than one year of work experience and no one dares to refute you for three years. The key is that as long as you do your job well, the boss will use you!

Just when he didn't know how to take his future path, he suddenly heard a strange laughter coming from behind him.

As soon as Lin Guodong turned his head, he saw two **** who looked like homeless people, surrounding him from left to right. He didn't know how long they watched him beside him, which made him tremble with fear.

"Hi, Bro, givemeallofyourmoney!" one of the **** began to speak out.

"I have no money! Nomoney."

Lin Guodong can't understand other English, but he knows the word money.

Because Master Hibachi talks about moremoneymorehappy every day!

"Nomoney?youarealiar, Chineseallrich." Another **** laughed.

Lin Guodong didn't know how to say that he was stolen, so he could only wave his hands and say that he had no money. He originally thought that they would walk away when they knew they had no money. Who knows the next moment,

The **** who was talking to him at the beginning actually snatched his worn-out backpack from his hand, and another person quickly came up and squeezed his neck, making him unable to move for a while.

Lin Guodong whimpered desperately from his mouth, but he didn't dare to move, for fear that he might annoy these two demented homeless people.

The person who snatched his bag turned over his bag on the ground, UU reading www.uukanshu. When com found out that he really had no money, he yelled something at another person, and that person let him go.

Lin Guodong took a deep breath. When he thought he was finally safe, the man who flipped his bag suddenly walked up to him, said something to the other person, and then reached out and grabbed Lin Guodong's legs.

Before he could react, the other one also came up and grabbed his arm. Together, the two of them threw his entire body into the air.

Lin Guodong only had time to let out a shrill cry, and his whole body fell as fast as a stone.

A few seconds later, I heard a little "pop" sound from the deep sea, like a pebble thrown by someone in the sea. It didn't make any waves in such a quiet night, and Lin Guodong's body only aroused. A little splash of water.

The sea soon returned to silence, leaving only the sound of the breeze dancing lightly with the waves. And Lin Guodong, just like his identity, did not leave any records in the United States!


I don't know how long it took, Lin Guodong opened his eyes and didn't see the so-called ghost reincarnation, but he was surprised to find that he was saved. At this moment, he was lying on a NYPD patrol boat, surrounded by a few NYPD policemen!

Lin Guodong thought that it was all over. An unidentified smuggler like him was caught by the police and either sent to a New Jersey prison for trial, or sent back to China as an illegal immigrant.

But his money has been lost, and his debts have not been repaid. How could he have the face to go back to China to meet his parents who sent him abroad with all their might! I couldn't help complaining in my heart: Why do you NYPD idiots save me? !