Reborn Sells Instant Noodles In America

Chapter 391: Free America, circuit breakers every 1 d

Because of the large-scale spread of the epidemic in the United States, US stocks have plummeted all the way. Since March 9, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has plunged by more than 2,000 points, the largest drop since intraday trading.

Following a recent series of major losses, the Dow Jones fell again on March 12, falling more than 9.5%, hitting global markets.

On March 15, the Federal Reserve suddenly expanded its move, "cutting interest rates to zero + quantitative easing", but the market did not buy it.

On March 16, the Dow Jones index fell by 2,997.1 points, becoming the largest one-day drop in history, and the second-largest drop in history at 12.93%, a drop that even exceeded the Wall Street crash in 1929.

In order to save the market, on March 17, the federal authorities decided to distribute $50 billion in relief funds to the people to alleviate the impact of the epidemic on the U.S. economy.

On March 18, the S&P 500 index fell by more than 7% during the session, triggering the circuit breaker mechanism again and suspending trading for 15 minutes.

The U.S. stock market has experienced the fifth fuse in history. The last four times occurred within 10 days of March 2020, and the first occurred in the Asian financial crisis in 1997.

Even Buffett said: "I have seen five circuit breakers in my life, and I have achieved four in 10 days. It seems that I am stronger than the stock god."

The ancient song in Lin Zidan's hands fell from $1351.61 to $1056.51 in March, Amazon fell from $1906 to $1750, and Must Die dropped from $194.03 to $139.75.

The Labor Department reported on March 19 that 281,000 Americans filed for unemployment last week, a 33 percent increase from the previous week and the largest increase since 1992.

Lin Zidan asked all the current employees of the Accounting Gang to apply for unemployment benefits, which are $600 per week.

On March 25, the number of confirmed cases in the United States reached 69,000 and the death toll exceeded 1,000, while New York City has confirmed more than 17,800 cases, including 199 deaths.

New York City's infection rate is five times higher than the rest of the country and accounts for one-third of the total number of confirmed cases in the country.

New York City passed 23,000 infections on March 27, with 365 deaths, including a Manhattan nurse and a New York City Police Department (NYPD) civilian.

Queens was the borough hardest hit by deaths, accounting for 34 percent of deaths, followed by Brooklyn and the Bronx (22 percent), Manhattan (15 percent) and Staten Island (7 percent) %).

Between March 28 and 29, the death toll in New York City tripled from the previous 24 hours; 222 people died from the virus, bringing the citywide death toll to 672 with 30,765 confirmed cases.

On March 31, the number of confirmed cases in the United States exceeded 160,000, and the death toll exceeded 3,000.

Seeing that the number of confirmed cases and deaths is getting more and more frightening, the people of New York are finally starting to get scared. The Chinese in the United States are even more restless. Those who have money and tickets can go back, but Lin Zidan did not dare to move.

Like Zhang Jing and his wife, for the sake of the children, even if they go back on a chartered flight, they are afraid that it is not safe, because some people say that because of insufficient inspections, the number of infected people in the United States is far more than the number of confirmed cases. They are really afraid of the children returning home. Infected on the way.


With the increasing number of infections and deaths, Lin Zidan's employees have also been reported to be infected one after another. In addition to helping them financially, Lin Zidan still has to let them contact the local hospital.

In order to avoid the epidemic, Lin Zidan took the children to live in the villa on Long Island that was originally prepared for Zhang Jing.

The nursing home, which had been closed, was also requisitioned by the ZF and began to receive infected patients near Long Island.

The old Johnson family has been living in seclusion in the villa, but because of the epidemic, the company that originally helped their apartment with dishes and delivered food basically stopped operating.

Lin Zidan would bring some vegetables and fruits to the old man from time to time. Fortunately, they have a cook at home. After the supply, all the people can only be isolated in the villa.

In addition to Kyle going home to avoid the epidemic, two bodyguards, Xiao An and John, respectively protected Lin Zidan and Li Manrui two villas. Because of the epidemic, everyone could only eat and live together.

Fortunately, before the supermarket closed some time ago, Lin Zidan let people store a lot of grain and vegetables in his refrigerator. And the original inventory has also been looted by the people, and there are not many other than instant noodles in the inventory.

Almost every street in Manhattan is empty except for the living quarters. There are only a few people doing essential work. 95% of restaurants in New York are closed. Even if they are open, they only do takeout and pick up.

On April 3, the CDC finally began recommending that all citizens consider wearing cloth or fabric face coverings in public places.

The reason why they did not encourage people to wear masks before was because they were afraid that the shortage of resources would cause people's psychological panic and panic buying.

In fact, all Chinese in the United States have started stockpiling food and medical supplies consciously or unintentionally since the outbreak of the domestic epidemic. Only a few families who are relatively insensitive to current affairs will act at the last minute.

In order to show their kindness and open-mindedness, some Chinese expatriates who think they are kind, even distribute the masks or food they have stored to their neighbors, but later, many people called on WeChat Moments not to do this.

It can be seen from the unwillingness of foreigners to wear masks, the thinking mode of foreigners is different from our Chinese. Some people think that they will be grateful to you if they share it with their neighbors. Of course, some people have a grateful mentality.

But most foreigners don't think so. They will blame the reason why they can't buy masks and food on these Chinese who have hoarded masks and food.

Especially when masks became hard currency during the epidemic, an ordinary mask of 5 US dollars was sold to 50 US dollars, or even 70 US dollars, and some even more expensive by black-hearted merchants.

When a Chinese woman married to an old beauty showed her husband a video of our Chinese distributing masks, she was directly asked: "Why do they have so many masks? Are they rich?"

If it is considered that hoarding makes them unable to buy masks, and they think that you are rich because of hoarding, it is a very dangerous thing.

Especially at the moment when the current Silly President, for his own political purposes, is constantly throwing the blame on China as the source of the spread of the epidemic and constantly inciting ethnic hatred,

Now there is a shortage of masks everywhere in the United States, and everyone wonders where the masks have gone. Many people say that the masks were bought by the Chinese. Now that so many Chinese people go to give free masks to the neighbors next becomes a real hammer, and it may be life-threatening every minute.

In China, neighbors watch and help each other. It is a virtue and a tradition to support each other in times of difficulty. In the West, their concept is "everyone sweeps the snow before the door, and doesn't care about the frost on the roof of others".

Coincidentally, a Chinese student, after receiving the mask sent to him from China, kindly gave the mask to the neighbor next door for free, which caused allergies on the face of the neighbor's child.

The mother of the neighbor's child is going to the court to sue him. A well-intentioned move ended up with such a result. It is no wonder that many people feel that some Chinese who have returned from the United States seem to be more selfish, but in fact they have had enough abroad. Generous and generous suffering!

Another point is that foreigners are very defensive, they will not accept your benefits for no reason, they will treat you as a liar, or have plans.

A person who hands out free food or free items to passers-by on the street will only be considered eccentric, or that there is something wrong with his brain!

After reading these news, Lin Zidan originally wanted to give some instant noodles in his inventory to passersby for free, but he was directly killed in the cradle.