Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 216: Monkey brain made of tofu


The earrings are golden, and the style is exactly the one that Ye Chui saw when Ye Chui was in Taofeng Mountain. Ye Chui returned the earring to Assistant Ren Xueting, so Ye Cui can recognize this earring. In appearance, this pair of earrings made of pure gold has a unique shape and is rare. Novels

The most important thing is that when Ye Chui realized the owner of the earring, he looked at the woman again, and felt more and more familiar with the woman's eyes. Although her face was partially covered, her body shape and mouth were too similar to Ren Xueting, And since Ye Chui came in, the woman's eyes have been looking at Ye Chui with a weird look, and there seems to be a faint smile in the corner of her mouth ...

Until now Ye Ye has been 100% able to confirm the identity of this woman!

"I didn't expect Ren Xueting among the people who came to the dark party ..." Ye Chui couldn't help thinking, he never liked this woman very much, but found that she would participate in the dark party, Ye Cui was still a little shocked. Too.

Of course, Ye Chui hid very well, and did not make anyone find his expression strange.

"Mr. Ye, please start." One of the four men urged an old voice.

The voice was hoarse deliberately, but Ye Cui suddenly froze for a moment, feeling that the voice seemed to have been heard there ...

He didn't think about the problem. He started to pick up an oil pan on the stove, poured in a proper amount of peanut oil, and heated it on the fire. At the same time, Ye Yao lifted the black cloth that had been covering the box he was carrying. .

After opening the black cloth, you can see that there is a round hole above the box, and a furry head cover is exposed from above. Seeing that size, it seems to be the top of a monkey's head.

Cooperating with the sound of struggling in the box, it almost immediately made people conclude that the top cover was the monkey's heavenly cover, and there seemed to be some monkeys' cries in the box. It seems that it has realized what is going to happen. So it feels very urgent. The sound is naturally recorded by Ye Chui already using a recording device, and then played in the box.

The four diners all showed interested expressions, and did not know how Ye Chui was going to prepare the monkey brain. They whispered and uttered some low laughter. They seemed to enjoy the monkey's eager cry.

These people unscrupulously exposed their dark side, which made Ye Chui's heart have a kind of unspeakable anger.

"The monkey brain is super delicious. But it's also not easy to cook. I don't know what you plan to do with Mr. Ye?" The somewhat old voice asked with a bit of curiosity, he seemed impatient. I even forgot to disguise my hoarse voice.

And the sound made Ye Cui confirm that he must have heard the sound somewhere. But at one and a half moments I couldn't think of it.

"It doesn't need any cooking to eat fresh monkey brains. You can serve it with a little rolling oil." Ye Chui continued. The oil pan he just burned had already started to roll. The temperature of the oil was already extremely hot. The top of the monkey's head above the box was covered with heavenly spirits, and the top of the head was lifted by gently turning it. "I lifted the monkey's head with a knife before this morning. And fixed it inside the box."

——In fact, the top of the monkey's head is just a coconut shell. The leaves are gray and hairy. At first glance, they are no different from the monkey's celestial cover, but after opening this coconut shell, it is the gray monkey brain.

Of course, this is not a real monkey brain, but Ye Chu is faked with tofu.

Tofu is a kind of magical food. It tastes sweet in itself, but after processing it seems to be made into vegetarian meat. Even under the special cuisine of Ye Chuan, it can even simulate the taste of monkey brain-of course, monkey brain I have never tasted this kind of thing. He just used the brains of several common ingredients such as chicken, duck, cow, pheasant and turtle dove to cook with tofu to let the tofu absorb the unique flavor of these brains, and then use coconut The juice removes the bean flavor of the tofu, so that the tofu loses its original taste and adds a unique fragrance.

Even if the people who participated in the dark banquet had tasted the monkey brain, they could never tell that Ye Chui, the monkey brain, was actually faked with tofu.

Who can think of Ye Chuan's intention to impersonate monkey brain with tofu?

One kind of ingredients can be found everywhere, and the other is to cherish incomparable ingredients. It is impossible for ordinary people to connect the two things.

And the tofu after cooking was carved into the shape of the brain by Ye Chuan's knife work, and it was more fake and true, which is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Underneath, the gray-white brain is brilliant, who would doubt that this is actually a sculpture of tofu?

If this picture is not known, it is obviously very cruel, but the four diners and Qian Xin all show a look of excitement-this makes Ye Chui even more angry, these people's brains look It's all bad ...

He sighed secretly in his heart, hoping that Xing Sen's side could come as soon as possible and wipe out everyone here.

However, in order to stabilize the situation here, Ye Chuan's hands can't stop. The oil pan on the side stove is already hot. Ye Chui picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful of rolling oil, and sprinkled it directly on the tofu monkey he made. Above the brain, there was a "sizzle" sound, and there was a sharp scream of the monkey--

This scream was recorded by Ye Chui.

Remember when the little monkey was just found by Ye Chui, the child Wang Shiyu wanted to bathe it. Did the little monkey scream?

The sound broadcast at this time is actually the scream recorded at that time.

However, this scream gradually decreased, and soon I could not hear it. It sounds like the little monkey has gradually died. Well, Ye Ye actually quietly turned off the Bluetooth switch that controls the sound in his pocket ...

Holding the box in his hand, he put the box in front of the four diners: "This dish is finished in this way, please taste this monkey brain."

"Monkey brain" only has a very small piece, but this kind of okay course doesn't need to be drastically tasted. Four diners scooped up a spoonful of "monkey brain" with a small spoon, and then sent it to the mouth, they soon There was a burst of exclamation--

"The taste of the monkey brain turned out to be like this, and it really is comparable to all the wonderful tastes I have tasted before!"

"I have eaten monkey brain once before, but the taste is not as delicious as this time!"

"The master Ye's cooking is really good. It turns out that the monkey brain needs to be eaten raw. I am a good person."

"The last time I ate the monkey brain has been steamed several times. It has long lost its original taste, and it is still the authentic method of Master Ye!"


These people obviously praise Ye Chui's cooking skills. However, Ye Chui doesn't have the slightest joy, only full ... disgusting.

He didn't feel sick because of what these people were eating, but he felt sick and disgusted with the compassion that these people had lost. Monkeys are different from ordinary poultry. They have the closest intelligence to humans and are very smart. How can these people eat such ingredients without psychological pressure?

"Monkey Brain" was soon eaten clean and the dark banquet ended. It took only ten minutes.

However, although there are only a dozen minutes, it is a great risk for those attending the dark banquet. However, there are still people who are not tired, which can be said to be the temptation of food. For this ultimate food, many people do not hesitate to violate their conscience and take a huge risk to participate in the dark banquet. This is something that is difficult for ordinary people to imagine. . It happened really. Ye Chu also witnessed it.

Leave Ye Cui a little regretfully, until the end of the banquet. Xing Sen didn't have time to rush here, and wiped out the gang!


"This group of people is too cautious. I followed it for a long time and finally lost it. The locator you put on your body has a distance limit. There is no way to get to the place where the banquet is held in a timely manner." Mori found Ye Chu.

Ye Chui had just gotten off Qian Xin's car at this time. When he was sent to the city, he was blindfolded just like when he went to the banquet.

"Nothing, anyway, I didn't encounter any danger." Ye Chui shook his head, still holding the box in his hand.

Xing Sen looked at the box in Ye Chui's hand. He didn't know that Ye Chui used tofu to imitate the monkey brain. He frowned slightly: "In other words, Ye Chui, won't you really kill the little monkey?"

"If I really did that kind of thing, they would definitely hate me for Xiao Yu." Ye Chongchong Sen rolled his eyes, opened the box, and exposed the electric toys, audio equipment and other things inside. Controlled by the Bluetooth switch in Ye Chui's pocket, "The monkey brain I made for them is actually made with tofu."

Xing Mori: "... they have no doubt?"

Ye Chuai shook his head: "No, and the food is delicious."


Xing Sen seemed to have nothing to say, but counted his thumbs to Ye Chui, and then he sighed again: "It's a pity, let them run ... Ye Chu, can you recognize who the four of them are? "

"They wear masks. Two of them are completely unknown to me. There is a man with an old voice. I feel a little familiar, but I can't think of anyone. As for the other person ..." Ye Cuisheng said, "I can confirm her completely. Identity. "

Xin Sen's face was happy: "Who is she?"

"Big star Ren Xueting!" Ye Cui said coldly.

"Ren Xueting?" Xing Sen couldn't help but stunned. Obviously he also knew the star. "Unexpectedly, she is such a big star who participates in this dark banquet ... It was unexpected, but I heard that she was busy recently It seems that there is a great possibility for filming here in the city ... This is easy to handle. I am looking at the arrest warrant and arresting her back to see if I can ask other colleagues from her mouth! "

Speaking of this, Xing Sen was going to be busy, but Ye Chui's cell phone suddenly rang.

He thought it was Han Yuyan they worried about the phone call they made, but Ye Cui was surprised that this was a strange number, but after connecting, it was Ren Xueting's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Ye Chui, I am in Ruowen Hotel, can you come here to meet me?" Ren Xueting said to Ye Cui with a bit of charm.

Yepui: "... Okay."

The phone call soon ended, Ye Chui saw that Xing Sen was about to call the phone to look for an arrest warrant, so he hurriedly stopped Xing Sen: "You don't have to be so troublesome ... If you heard Ren Xueting admit that she participated in the dark party, Then you can arrest her directly? "

"That's right, but how can it be so easy?" Xing Sen curiously said, "Who was calling you just now?"

"Ren Xueting." Ye Chui smiled, "This woman seems to have the intention to contact Han Lao through me. Tonight she saw me as the chef of the dark party. I think she wanted to take this Threatening me to collude with her ... this is a great opportunity! "


Ruowen Hotel is located in a luxurious suite on the top floor.

When Ye Chui knocked on the door and entered, he saw Ren Xueting was lying on the sofa in a hot nightgown, looking graceful and luxurious, and even more charming with nothingness, holding a tall wine glass in his hand. Seeing Ye Chui come in, she waved at Ye Chui: "Mr. Ye, can you have a drink with me?"

Ye Chui didn't like the woman at all. Now he hates the woman so much. He nodded quietly and walked to the side of the sofa to sit down, and took the goblet passed by Ren Xueting. Did not drink.

"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect to see you there tonight." Ren Xueting didn't seem to be prepared to say anything, and just started the topic. "Oh, a well-known chef participated in the dark banquet. People have revealed that I think Mr. Ye will ruin your great future? "

Yepui's expression slightly changed: "Miss Ren, as a popular star, let people know that you participate in the dark banquet, I am afraid there will be no good fruit to eat?"

Hearing Ye Cui's words, Ren Xueting smiled charmingly, and UU looked at, his eyes seemed to look pitifully at Ye Chui: "Mr. Ye, you really are a teenager ... you think I am Will the participants of the dark banquet have no defensive measures? How could the organizers of the dark banquet put the identity of our diners at risk of leakage? As for you, Mr. Ye, I hope you can watch a video first. "

With that said, Ren Xueting took out his mobile phone from the side and called up a video-that is the whole process of Ye Chui making monkey brain in the hall!

The original scene of Ye Chuan participating in the dark banquet has been filmed in secret.

"This video is from Qian Xin." After the video finished, Ren Xueting looked at Ye Chui with a smile. "You go to report me to participate in the dark banquet, there is no evidence who will believe you? I just need to cry At a press conference, my fans will be angry because of them, but they all believe me like fools ... and if this video is circulated, how do you defend yourself? "(To be continued) . (LX.))

PS: I know that many people do not like to watch these plots, but in order to maintain the integrity of the novel, it must be written like this ~~~ The way tofu makes monkey brain is learned from the movie Man Han Quan Xi ~~~ Seeking monthly tickets for recommendation tickets ~ ~~