Reborn: Super God of War

Chapter 101: Kill avatar

The whistle sounded abruptly, but the jawbone collision of the undead was left, which seemed funny and terrifying.

"Hello, a stranger from afar." Kahn looked at Lin Jie and waved his hand. "I know your purpose, but I still hope that you will also respect the undead."

Lin Jie stepped out of the forest and said respectfully, "The undead also divides good and evil. I once talked with the master of the Lich Arathor, and he taught me this."

Kahn's eyes flashed a meaningful look.

—— "Immortal Kahn's affection for you increased by 100."

"Young soldier, what is your purpose here?" Kahn asked, "recruit me for cannon fodder for the light war?"

Lin Jie nodded, "Yes."

"Hahaha, I like your frankness." Kahn suddenly floated, he didn't have legs, empty below the waist, he laughed, "Tarrys' stubborn old woman is not as cute as you, this is me Reply, take it to Talis. "

—— "You get Kahn's letter and go back to the commander."

Lin Jie got the letter, ripped back the city roll, and returned to the city of light, but did not give it to Taris. Because this letter is the most important thing!

Lin Jie came around the temple, this is where the Holy Light is most intense.

—— "Do you want to open Kahn's letter?"


Zhe Linjie tore open the envelope, and a dark mist leaked out of the letter.

"Young man, you shouldn't be so impetuous ..." Kahn's apparition appeared, and many guarding priests were frightened, and the light of the holy light and the sacred fire fell, breaking up the apparition.

The contents of the text are gradually revealed.

'Beautiful Talis, I believe you remember me. There is a riot in the Devil's Cut, and you need a lot of manpower, but these characters who are not heroic can't compete with darkness. This soldier has my approval, and I hope you can give him the task.

This is the place where the four soldier heroes wandered recently: ... ’

— "You checked Kahn's letter and mumbled to himself, 'Warrior heroes? They are a help against the demon cut! You must find them.'. You collected the letters for yourself, and decided to find four by your own strength. Heroes. "

—— "You accept the task [Four Sword Saints]"

The task is here!

I did n’t give this letter to Tyris because after giving her the letter, Lin Jie was only able to take the task of [Finding Three Sword Saints].

Although the difficulty is also very high and the rewards are generous, after all, it is not important to find the Four Sword Masters.

The reason ... As we all know, the stronger the female paladin's power is, the thicker her virgin. The membrane will be thicker, and the first boyfriend of the commander made Talis is our great wind sword master! After the poor swordsman gave all his strength to the Devil Seal Seal, some parts of his ability dropped sharply, causing the two to part ways.

As a result, Teresa has a strange attitude towards Yufeng Swordmaster, and players naturally cannot take over this task.

The task of searching for the four sword saints is not a command release, it is a task triggered by the player, and the reward will be more generous.

Ding Ding ~

"Floating, do you want to do the task of the battle for light?" You Lan asked in a message. "I found an unexplored map. I don't know how to choose."

Lin Jie thought about it, and sent the information that he had sorted out last night, and said, "Let Qiu Yuan, don't remember, Bai Boshui, they will do the task according to the prompts on the information. If you can get a set before the copy group opens, right It's good to get the first copy. "

"The first copy of the copy?" You Lan was a little excited.

恩 "Well, the copy group spans a lot, and we still need to cooperate at that time." Lin Jie laughed. "Things like the wasteland map are all suspended and the task will be focused. The copy will be open for at least half a month, so hurry up!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jie returned to the sky grocery store, and the second-class grocery store that had been completely renovated was much more upscale. When he entered the store, the crowded people almost squeezed him out.

Chan Qier sent a message with a bitter smile, "Where is Bella sitting on the stage, what's my business?"

"Cough, gender advantage." Lin Jie said embarrassingly, watching from the outside.

Bella saw Lin Jie from afar and smiled charmingly. Now she doesn't rely on leaks to attract players, and her excellent sales ability has also made Qi ears become the boss behind the scenes.

"Boss, you will need to recruit some pharmacists after a while," Qi Er said. "The expansion pack is imminent, and the demand for pharmacy will increase greatly."

"You are fully responsible, I'll be a shopkeeper, ha ha ha." Lin Jie laughed, he only needs to point the shop in the general direction, and the rest is left to Qi Er to deal with.

After Lin Jie went up to the second floor and refined the previously purchased materials into a primary violent potion, he opened the letter, studied the direction of the mission, and finally locked the target in Prague!

Here are two old friends of Lin Jie—Mighty Sword Master Mogata, and priest hero Yatasha!


林 Forest of thorns.

The inevitable path between Prague and Ramos is covered with thorns. Even if you wear heavy armor, you will be injured at 30 points per second, which is almost a natural roadblock for NPCs.

Hundreds of NPCs are injured every day due to leg injuries. In addition, the devil's incision broke out, and the thorns also infected the power of the devil. The cut villagers turned into walking dead.

"Creak ... creak ..."

The prickly thorns pricked into the rotten feet of the undead, and the prickly **** from the insteps were shocking.

Lame Undead: Level 16 Undead, health 1900

寻找 To find the Light Swordmaster, first you have to find Nosy Yasha. As for how she came out, Lin Jie was very experienced.


Charged his hand, Lin Jie, equipped with inherited boots, ignored the thorny terrain, easily walked among the thorny bushes, and slashed the blade on the head of the undead.

Before the attack, Lin Jie had poured the primary violent potion into his mouth, and his muscles were faint and dry.

Total Annihilation! -402! -218! -412! (Critical strike)

The blood strip of the dying soul was almost half empty at once!

The slashed blade and the dead leaf sword chased after the victory, stabbing into the rotten heart of the undead, and the dead leaf sword had not yet been drawn out. Lin Jie was surprised to find that the broken blade had returned to attack cooling.

This is the power of Wolf Sword! Increases the movement speed by 15% in combat, and it is extremely efficient in fighting monsters. It is even more unexpected in PK.

The blood swelled, and the blood was cut out. Nearly a thousand points of damage directly chopped the thorny undead into pieces.

The experience value has increased by about 0.01%. The experience value of Thorns is still very rich. Picking up the undead hand bones, Lin Jie continued to kill.

The howl of the dead thorns echoed in his ears, and Lin Jie's killing grew more and more provoking.

At this time, two townspeople came over and tried to go to the opposite side. The footsteps lifted, and the thorns like poisonous snakes were ready to cut away the villagers' hearts.


There was a black gas in the villagers' bodies, and they started to mutate!

Zhe Linjie's eyes are fast, his hunting charge, weak clicks, and he kills while he has no mutation!


With a loud noise, the judgment of the light is coming! Lin Jie's head fainted.

"It's you again!" Yattasha yelled angrily, and her fingertips couldn't help trembling. "You demon! Is my trial against you enough to awaken your conscience?"

牧 Rev. Bright, hero Yatasha, appeared!

She Linjie slaughtered the undead, and she could barely accept it. Now, killing her directly in front of her face, how can the soft-hearted little Rory bear it?

According to her character, at this moment it is normal to directly lock Lin Jie in his heart cage for a few hours, but Yatasha just cursed in anger and did not perform any magic.

According to the timeline, Yatasha is now fighting the bright sword sacred Mogata, who is slayering and demonizing everywhere! Both of them are extreme figures admiring the light! Yatasha was too kind, so kind that she thought the undead were also bright; Mogata was too resolute and carried out endless slaughter of darkness.

Now, they are facing each other! How much power can Yatasha's clone have? She is just a little priest. Even if she is a bright hero in the future, she does not have much power now.

Reverend Yatasha: Priest 20, health 12000

When Lin Jie's eyes turned, a bold thought rose in her heart.

Hunting Charge!

He turned into a dark shadow, Lin Jie hit Yatasha with a thunderbolt, the flame front opened, the sword gas was attached to it, and Yatasha's clone was cut down!


"You demon!" Yattasha was furious, a wave of her staff, and a torrent of light like a torrent of light flew Lin Jie out!


Lin Jie's blood strips fell to the extreme! But Yatasha did not kill him. Although she thinks you are a demon, don't forget that this woman is a priest who is so good-hearted that she does not even kill undead!

Lin Jie got an inch into the foot, turned on the death rage, blood power, the attack broke through 500 points in an instant!


With a mighty power, I broke into the heart of Yatasha!

-1015! (Critical strike)

Atasha's pupils shrank ~ ~ was about to shoot, but saw Lin Jie's almost empty blood strips, angrily put down his moves, just looking forward to the trial of the Holy Light to quickly cool down, trying to control him.

As soon as she raised her hand, he threw the cure onto her head.


This little Loli in Bian state! Lin Jie howled.

Lin Jie has no fear. The dead leaf sword follows the sword, bringing a touch of blood, and the blood essence flew out, condensing in Lin Jie's body.

住 "Stop, human!" Yattasha shouted, and kept healing himself.

Lin Jie's muscles are full of thrill. Even if the strokes are easy to break, the power of blood essence keeps on the muscles, and the attack value breaks crazy! 600 points! 700 points! 1000 points!

Lin Jie attacked frantically, anxious to hold every bone of Yatasha's body in her hand, and then pierce the heart that can increase the number of combos!

This terrible and crazy offensive lasted for half an hour!

Not far away, a mage was looking around for the mission goal, and looked at the soldier in the thorn bush with surprise.

"Continue to add blood? Death!"

Lin Jie snarled, and the broken blade was filled with blood.

Blood Souls Continue to Slash! -6500! -6500!

After half an hour of stacking, combined with the blood-strengthened attack, Lin Jie finally made a move for Yatasha!