Reborn: Super God of War

Chapter 182: Zheng Guangming


At the entrance of the cave, a crimson lizard was angered and turned around, and stretched his tongue like a whip as hard as he could to Lin Jie. At this time, Lin Jie, who trot all the way, had stretched a long distance, watching the tip of his tongue coming straight, and the hateful backhand gave it a sword, and ran harder towards the inside of the cave. Quickly broke away from the hatred of the red lizard.

The refreshing time of the Crystal Cave is quite weird. The crimson lizard at the door is a monster similar to ‘Hint’. When the lizards began to devour the magma, the cave was filled with boiling magma that was dying. When the lizards began to rest, the magma inside the cave dried up.

Started wild sprint, hunting charge and runaway, Lin Jie rushed towards the inside. If the magma erupted during the sprint, it would have died injustice.

He scanned the smooth cave all the way, Lin Jie keenly found several inconspicuous cracks. After being advanced, the broken blade turned into a cutting tool again. A sword pierced the crack and stirred it fiercely. The rock wall fell off piece by piece, and the cold air completely opposite to the heat was wrapped around the tip of the nose.



The magma's turbulence sounded in his ears, Lin Jie hurried into it, picking up the rock wall scattered on the ground to seal the opening. Under the influence of the cold air, the scattered stone walls were quickly stitched, and the traces disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The crystal cave is so hidden that it is naturally difficult for normal people to find. The guy who explored here in the previous life is still a madman, Odi Emperor, no need. This guy with a head in his head who just wants to level up and explore. After discovering the hidden map of the crystal cave, the first thing is to turn all the monsters again. .

The second thing is to publish this map to the forum with a depressed face. The reason is that the monster experience value is too low to be suitable for leveling.

Sure enough, only 2 creatures are refreshed in the Crystal Cave. The average level of crystal crab and crystal scorpion is about 30, but the experience value is equivalent to the level of 28 monsters. But these monsters burst gems! Half an hour after the announcement, the boundless volcano filled the team that came to fight the treasure, and also fed the red lizard contentedly.

The craziness of the madman Aufa Emperor climbed to the top! Countless girls cried and shouted but please see ... it's a good person! Such a hidden map that is hard to find but invaluable. So it was announced. Of course, there are many guys who are jealous, envious and hate secretly call it: stupid!


The sound of the magma flowing in his ears roared, and Lin Jie shuddered, but fortunately, his brother moved fast. Here in the past lives here is the famous mass grave post.

Look at you. Like a world of ice crystals, gem cones with ice cones can be seen everywhere. Unfortunately, these gems cannot be mined, otherwise they will make a fortune.

Take out the thunder sword and broken blade, Lin Jie took out a torch from his backpack, and threw it to the ground. Many pieces of gemstones bounced and clicked, revealing the body hidden under the gemstone pieces.

[Crystal Crab]: Level 29, Health 17000

[Crystal Scorpion]: Level 30, Health 18000

Three crystal scorpions surrounded the torch. The gigantic pliers smashed the torch with a click and crushed it, and then satisfied to plan to rest.


In the face of level 30 creatures, Lin Jie was not afraid. The Thunder Sword and the broken blade pierced into the scorpion's head together, and only heard a clear click. The hard shell of the crystal on the top of the scorpion shattered, and a stink blood shot out.

-514! -485!

With a slash of a broken blade, the skill of sweeping thousands of troops to take advantage of weak hits and threw them towards the scorpion.

-1021! -1095! -955! -1251! -523!

四个 Four consecutive crit! The life of the crystal scorpion suddenly dropped by a little more than half. The other two unresponsive monsters finally reacted, and clamped Lin Jie's ankle at once. Lin Jie suddenly sank in his footsteps, like a lead injection, a series of damage values ​​jumped out.

-141! -126! ...

The attributes of level 30 creatures are quite powerful! The crystal scorpion's attack can completely imprison the target. And cause continuous damage, it is quite difficult. Lin Jie yelled, the thunder on the body surface was wanton, and the thunder came and opened! Thousands of thunder were attached to the top of the broken blade and the thunder sword, and one sword waved, as if thundered. Paralyze the crystal scorpion while taking 600+ damage!

The damage value above Lin Jie's head suddenly disappeared. Enemies who are paralyzed cannot attack.

The thunder sword and the broken blade waved in succession, and the first crystal scorpion was paralyzed to death. Then one blood was slashed, killing the remaining two crystal scorpions.

Experience moves with a small step visible to the naked eye. After all, it is a high-level monster, and the experience value is quite good. There was only a crisp sound, and a small, delicate gem fell to the ground.

[Flying Feather Jewel]: Can be set in shoes. Increase movement speed by 2%


Lin Jie kept the gems in his backpack, and continued to take out the torches and throw them on the ground. This time, a few crystal crabs were attracted. The attack method of the crystal crabs was not the same as that of the crystal scorpion, but the defense ability was strengthened several times. All back injuries are immune! This attribute is a fight with Lin Jie's Smander Steel Cloak, which has not been available for two months.

There are two magic soldiers with thunder sword and broken blade in hand, Lin Jie's output just broke through the sky! On the value of life, in addition to the metamorphosis called the rest of the battle, even the level of airless shield battle is inferior to him. On the output, a handful of Asian legendary fragments, in addition to the guardian knight, shield battle and Xiong De (beast specialization into a bear), are all goods that swept across thousands of troops to kill!

"Unfortunately, the face is still too dark, otherwise the steel cloak would have been handed over." Lin Jie shook his head helplessly. The attribute of black face cannot be changed with rebirth. Looking at the 12 repeated cloak fragments in the backpack, Lin Jay was crying.

I cleaned the crystal cave all the way. In view of the slightly higher level of monsters, Lin Jie was still very stable in waves of killing monsters. The experience value steadily increased, but there was still a long way to go before level 21. The higher the level, the higher the difficulty of upgrading. The experience value of 20 to 21 is enough to increase from 15 to 20.

When Lin Jie'an steadily blamed the stranger, the phone lighted up, it was Zheng Ziliang's call application.

"Fart fast." Lin Jie's attitude towards this brother is quite casual.

"Xiaojie?" Lin Jie was shocked by the thick voice, almost did not hold the weapon in his hand, chopped down the crystal scorpion in front of him, and dropped the fifth flying feather gem into the backpack. Lin Jie sank. Dingqi went to a safe place and said respectfully, "Uncle Zheng?"

Yes, the caller is not Zheng Ziliang, but his father. Zheng Ziliang's dad is a business genius in Jiangcheng. Although he has a lot of grievances about the son who gave birth to such a flood of lovers and was idle and bored on the street to do good deeds, he is still very kind.

He should initiate a call to Lin Jie directly through the helmet's external amplifier.

"It's me." Uncle Zheng's voice was quite majestic, giving a sense of superiority, but a touch of approachability that was deliberately added in his tone made his voice a little weird. "Ziliang said that you have developed well in the game."

Lin Jie shouted, "Average, average ..."

It is really good for young people. But facing this giant crocodile, Lin Jie is still quite modest.

"Sell me the naming rights of the game auction house, you can open the price at will." Uncle Zheng said bluntly, "It is also an investment in the game."

Lin Jie frowned, "Are you going to inject capital?"

"You can say that, but I don't need any shares." Uncle Zheng said casually, "20 million naming rights, how?"

Tong Linjie understood that Uncle Zheng didn't want any naming rights and capital injection ... He was simply giving Zheng Ziliang a sum of money for his development. But the central auction house still has some shares in its own hands, so it came to itself.

"Thank you for your kindness." Lin Jie solemnly said, "Uncle Zheng, the price you gave, I'm afraid we can't afford our naming rights."

"Oh? Hahaha ..." A loud laugh came from the other end of the phone. "Xiaojie, I'm for your good. Now there are many merchants in this naming right, and some of them use dark means. You put the crown The name was sold to me, at least no one dared to touch you, didn't you? "

Lin Jie laughed, "Thank you Uncle. But this is a matter for our young people. In addition, I take the liberty to repeat once again that the money you give is indeed less ..."

"That being the case, I won't say much. But Xiaojie, I still have to say to you." Uncle Zheng said a lot of seriousness ~ ~, "Be a man, you must know how to advance and retreat. Do remember ! "

Lin Jie solemnly said, "Yes."

边 Next to the pager, the middle-aged man with a luxurious appearance hung up the call. This person is Zheng Ziliang's father, Zheng Guangming! He fiddled with the ring in his hand and chuckled, "It's interesting."

"Boss, according to my calculations, the price of that auction house is the most ..."

"No need to say more, the price will change at any time. By the way, what about the little bunny?"

"Master, he ... said that the cleaner in the corridor was pregnant and was not suitable for cleaning, and was mopping the floor with a mop ..." The secretary pushed the black-rimmed glasses and said awkwardly.

Zheng Guangming almost spit out the tea in his mouth and waved his hand, "Mopping the floor? This is really ... call him over!"

"Yes!" The secretary was about to go out, and Zheng Guangming added, "The pregnant cleaner, let her go home on vacation with pay, lest my sympathetic baby son come to me again for trouble."

Secretary Jiong smiled bitterly, "Boss, is the company's welfare system going to change again?"

Zheng Guangming waved his hand and said, "Change, when the employee is pregnant or sick, take paid leave, plus ..."


I watched the secretary walk out the door, Zheng Guangming shook his head helplessly, "This stupid boy has changed my company into a welfare institution."

He looked out the window, the beautiful Jiangcheng was at his feet. The machine beside Zheng Guangming is not Zheng Ziliang's game equipment. At the bottom of the device, a twisted pattern is carved, like a broken sword! RP

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