Reborn: Super God of War

Chapter 192: Night Guard

Lin Jie looked at Gillian in excitement, and looked at the golden-haired character all over her hair, and then smiled with satisfaction and walked towards her destination.

"It seems that the character's grade is indeed gold. From her performance, the mission clue does point to the Dana Forest. I didn't expect this girl to be so powerful, hey, the little prince with a close bodyguard ... If the task is triggered, it is a big profit. "Lin Jie thought, the hidden task of the silver character card of the previous life is enough for the player to rack their brains, let alone a gold character?

For this, Lin Jie has enough patience.

Because the monsters in Dana Forest are mainly of natural attributes, it is difficult for Lin Jie, whose magic defense is relatively weak, to find a suitable leveling ground. Fortunately, he knew a position to refresh the night guard. The night guards are night elves who have been forced to rebel into the elven capital for various reasons. These night guards came together after being deported and still guard the land.

Amazingly, after Gillian killed all the butterfly demons in one stroke, the forest also seemed to have lost the interest in teasing Lin Jie, and was unimpeded along the way.

Playing the mysterious skills in the battle, Lin Jie recalled the memories of previous lives. Similar to 'battle mysteries', there are actually many items like 'law mysteries'. Such items did attract a lot of players ’attention when they first appeared, even when they first appeared in auction houses. Prices are rising. However, the triggering conditions of such items are really too strange and have a so-called 'probability'.

In other words, you do not have to trigger 100% when you have reached the trigger condition. If you haven't encountered that magical chance, then this secret technique will be completely useless!

This is a daddy? No, it's more than that! Even worse, before you touch the chance ... there will be no system prompt!

The reason for such a long list of pit fathers has caused many players in previous lives to obtain secret skills, but few players have obtained skills from them. After that, a lesson was learned from the failure of countless players: try to trigger the task for 2 days, if it is unsuccessful, give up immediately.

—— “You entered the night guard camp.”

A dark purple crystal gradually appeared in front of me, and dozens of tents were seen forming a humble camp. In the center of the camp is a bright purple crystal. This is the power of the night elves: Heart of the Forest. It can provide endless combat power and regeneration ability to the night elves.

The night elf captain with lilac skin is keenly aware of the strangeness in the air. A pair of eyes covered by racial provisions glance at Lin Jie's direction. The dagger inserted in the waist can't wait to automatically apply the scent of venom. . His eyes flickered. The body disappeared.

"Not good." Lin Jie stepped back a few steps.

[Dark Night Guard]: Level 34, Health 22000

[Sentinel of the Night]: Level 34, Health 20,000

There are two types of puppet guards. One is a night guard wearing leather armor who is good at melee combat with a dagger. The attack speed is average and the attack power is about 250-400. The dagger is equipped with a disabling poison. Each attack causes an additional 10 points of damage to the target and reduces it. 2% attack power, if you fight with it, the attack power will be eroded to the extreme. The Night Sentinel is a long-range attack type that uses throwing javelins to attack. Pure natural magic damage, quite restrained against less-than-magic professions such as soldiers.

Squinting as the night guard disappeared into view, Lin Jie immediately held the Thunder Sword and the broken blade in his hands, one after the other. Night guards have only one skill: ambush. Deals 300% damage to the target and has a chance to cause critical strikes, plus its terrible base damage. As long as you are hit by an ambush, you will die or die!

"嗖 ——"

There was a sound of breaking wind in his ears, and Lin Jie broke his blade, parrying it!

Night guard's graceful body was revealed, and a vigorous shot from the top of the dagger hit Lin Jie's chest, causing 300+ damage.

成功 Successful! Lin Jie was pleased and used the strength of the violent battle to push away the guard directly. There was a furious roar from the hilt, and the dragon roared!


The guard's defense value is very good!

While the guard was leaning back, sweeping Qianjun's eyes relentlessly toward the guard!

-958! -956! -412! -966!

With the addition of gems to the severing blade, the critical strike rate has been significantly increased. Not only that, the crit that comes with the violent battle, the crit provided by the Blood Puppet. Finally, plus the critical strike rate of the Rage Elixir, Lin Jie's highest critical strike rate can reach 27%! This is a pretty terrible crit rate. Even if it is a star assassination thief, the crit rate may not reach this number.

However, the rogue's skills have an additional critical strike rate, so it is much easier to get a critical strike than a violent battle.

Dark night guard's health dropped by a small amount. The fishy green crippled poison jumped at the dagger and struck Lin Jie! The dagger was very tricky to bypass the defensive offensive of the broken blade, and stroked along the thunder sword on Lin Jie's arm.


Deserves to be a level 34 creature, the attack power is really not covered! Lin Jie silently infused a bottle of antidote, and continued to fight with it. The strongest guard is just a thief creature. Under Lin Jie's powerful attack, he quickly dries up his life, and is famous for his disabling poison. The one who was restrained by the antidote, sobbed, was thundered with a thunder sword and split his chest.

—— "You killed the night guard and gained reputation in the Elven City 2."

This group of rebels have been killed in order to defend the elven capital, and those who killed them can still receive reputation rewards, which is a sad joke.

Jie Linjie glanced at the experience bar, an increase of 0.05%, um, kill two thousand can upgrade! This efficiency is quite good.

The mysterious combat technique did not respond, and Lin Jie was not impatient. He placed it in the most prominent position of the backpack and waited for the trigger of the task.

After the death of the night guard, a [Ode to the Poem] popped up. Collecting 50 pieces of the Ode to the bard who sings in the elven capital tavern can trigger the [Sadly Guard] task and reward one upon completion. Very good gold-level blade fist is one of the tasks that the druid must do. But Lin Jie's interest was not great, he threw the carol poems at hand, and then aimed at the night sentry in the distance.

The night sentry is riding a cheetah, and the javelin can be transformed at any time in his hand!

Hunting Charge!

Lin Jie turned into a shadow and rushed towards a sentry! The iron boots of the soldiers stepped on the ground with traces of crickets, and the long sword held up was like a tiger dying for food!

The night sentinel transformed into a javelin and crossed a beautiful arc in the air, which hit Lin Jie's chest!

Charge interrupted!

This is where the sentry is intractable, with a knockback effect.

Unfortunately, the hunting charge is to strengthen the skills, the moment the skills are interrupted, Lin Jie's speed soared! At the same time, Lin Jie, who started the wild sprint, turned into a dark shadow that could not be captured, and rushed to the side of the sentry in a blink of an eye, and swept across the army to the front of the sentry!

-1214! -612! -1235! -524!

The Sentinel's defense value is not a little worse than the guard! After being approached, there was almost no ability to resist ~ ~ Three, five, and two were directly hacked to death by Lin Jie's number swords, dropping 10 copper coins and a [chanting poem] and then going to see their elves Ancestors.

Lin Jie glanced at the camp, and there were at least 500 monsters. If all of them were killed, I believe that I could get very good experience and coins. There are not many Elf players who can level here at this stage, right? As for Gillian, who pretended to be a transparent person, Lin Jie was completely ignored. The task trigger difficulty and secret skills of gold-level characters are not much different. Anyway, the task locations are in the same place, and slowly kill!

Lin Jie's mentality is very good, this is a concept with buying a lottery: if you do n’t win, you deserve your love. If you win, you win thanks to your own wisdom, such as the torch of God of wealth.

林 While Lin Jie worked hard to blame, there was a big thing in the city of light: Baili Xuanyuan who was detained in prison because he failed to win the city ... was robbed! When the entire city of light was guarding the large-scale capture of the flying chickens, the teleportation array leading to the elven capital flashed, and a gloomy middle-aged man walked out slowly, his eyes narrowed. Amid the dense forest, he murmured, "It's a beautiful and rich forest ... hehe hehe."


更新 I'm sorry to postpone the update two days ago. I updated it today before going to the hanging needle. The doctor said that it would not be necessary to suspend the needle in two days, but he had to pay attention to his body in the future. Brothers, take this as a warning. RP

Fastest update, no popup reading please.