Reborn: Super God of War

Chapter 363: Fighting machine


Ps: In the past few days, I had planned to explode every day, but I got a cold again, and the code was always lacking in spirit at night. Depending on the situation in the next two days, try to explode as much as possible. In addition, thank you for your generous rewards from the hard-working pants classmates, brothers, recommend the tickets to the power point, let the masters know that you are still silently supporting me.

Lin Jie walked into a spiral and slowly disappeared.

The flame python looked at the door and swallowed the flame, but whispered to himself, "A soldier, there is no way to hide his body, but it is difficult to guess that the human means in the other world are the most fickle. I will first He tempted. "

The flame python yelled upwards, a huge fire, a blood red flame, soaring into the sky, the momentum is huge, just like the fire hell, anyone would think that this flame python has begun to prepare for soul transfer Otherwise, how could there be such a big momentum?

For a long while, the flame python trembled and seemed to suffer internal injuries. The scales were torn apart, blood was flowing, and the breath was sluggish. As the most lethal weakness of the three pythons, it protruded like a pug's tongue. Hang to the ground.

The tongue of the three-headed python will lose its ability to cast once it is attacked! And the most powerful of the three-headed boa constrictor lies in the terrible magic of overwhelming! With its tongue sticking out, if there is a player next to it, I am afraid no one can hold back the impulse and control himself not to rush forward and stab a knife.

亚 This sub-legend is actually so cunning to such an extent! In order to test the presence of the enemy, the weakness was exposed, and the flaws were intentionally exposed.

After a long time, he calmed down.

Bloody blood holes, exploded scales, instantly recover. It's all disguised!

"It seems that he really left. I blame this human in this strange world." Then the flame python took a deep breath and looked greedily at the **** king's body, whispering. "As long as the soul is transferred into the body of the Bloody King, I will completely get rid of this disgusting body shared by the three souls. At that time, join the main hall of the Dark Temple. You can also mix in a good position and enhance your ability. Fearful, much better! "

"O great devil under the abyss, I sacrifice to you, bow to you, ask for your power. Transfer my soul into a new body, soul transfer!"


The moment the moaning ended, in the magic circle. Countless heavenly treasures, rare materials, equipment medicaments, rare items, slowly blurred, and gathered in the air into a demon-like light figure. This is the magic of sacrifice! As soon as the demon reached out, he pulled the soul of the flame boa!

Soul Dragon, circle the sky!

灵魂 This soul dragon is the flame python! He couldn't wait to rush towards the body of the Bloody King!

"Hunting Charge. Wild Charge!"

在 At this moment, in the spiral, a black shadow burst out! Like a wolf. The afterimage bursts, rushed to the side of the magic array, grabbed the items in the position, and got into the backpack.

This person is Lin Jie! The flame python is sinister and cunning, how could he not know? Even those few treasure spots were fake, hiding a large number of monsters, or the bodies that were about to explode.

Even if the performance of the flame python is more realistic, it is against the person who has played with Lin Jie for 7 years. It's just a farce. Just a joke!

The soul transfer ritual requires sacrifice using many materials. Summon the existence of demi-gods like soul demon and extract the soul. Transfer into a new body. However, after the transfer, the new body is extremely difficult to control and merge. At this time, the dark holy water needs to be washed to make the body and soul become one.

The dark and holy water source is in the body of the three-headed boa constrictor! In that thick heart! After the flame python is transferred, it will break the heart of the original body, obtain holy water, and then kill and swallow the original body.

This is the poisonous mind of the flame python. Not only did he get rid of the dilemma of the original body of the three magpies, but also killed the original two pythons by the way, monopolizing the power of the original body. So he deliberately sealed the other two pythons in advance.

"Ah, humans in other worlds, you haven't actually left? Impossible! Human greed cannot be masked. You just couldn't withstand the temptation to kill me. Confusion." The flame python yelled, yelling, "Servants, come out, come out! Kill this human, guard the ritual!"


In an instant, countless skeleton knights, skeleton soldiers, and skeleton mages rushed out!

[Skull Fighter] (Elite)

Level 45

Health 38000

Attack 643-837

Defense 350

Additional: Intermediate Warrior Mastery

[Skull Caster] (Elite)

Level 45

Health 32000

Magic Attack

Defense 180

Additional: Intermediate Mage Mastery

When the hall was full of skulls, countless players were standing at the door, waiting for the three pythons to appear. Suddenly the land cracked, and the skull of a white tentacle grabbed the ground, leaving the broken body of the undead. Drag out!

艹 "I 艹, a lot of 45 elites."

"Hurry up, kill these monsters first. The mob is the prelude, kill!"

虽然 Although these skeletons are all good grades, but their attributes are not strong, many players can't help but have a slight disdain, even ‘no wonder they ’re leveling fast, it turned out to be such a high-level garbage monster’.

At the moment of the insight into the attributes of the team, the Cantonese sword team immediately held the group and retreated while playing, without daring to take it lightly. The strength of these skeletons is very terrible, which is reflected in the phrase "Intermediate Professional Mastery"! These elites are all monsters after professional advancement, which means that they are all fully equipped high-end warrior mages, and their strength must not be underestimated!

"The renju bursts!"

A skeleton mage is under siege by a small studio from the city of Neptune. It is just a swipe of the staff, and two consecutive Pyroblasts are rotating and impacting, directly killing mt, spreading countless flames, and even doing small jobs. The other members of the room's life value burned for half, and then the sea of ​​fire followed, killing all!

"So high damage, withdraw!"

"It's over, it's over, our team led 3 mothers!"

"Our captain is greedy. I have led 4 of them, and I am in danger of escape, ah!"

玩家 When players realize that these skeletons are powerful. It's too late. All teams that blame more than 2 were killed instantly. The team shrank by a tenth in an instant!

"Gaichen, fire armor, save them." Zheng Ziliang's eyes burned, the mechanical gargoyle looked like a petrified bat, spread his wings, and blocked countless attacks. The sharp claws grabbed a slow-moving skeleton, flew high, and fell down.


If Lin Jie is present. The difference between the mechanical gargoyle must be found: its right hand ... the right claw is exceptionally strong, twice as thick as the left hand. This is Zheng Ziliang's tailor-made otaku claw for the mechanical gargoyle. It even uses liquid Mithril as a raw material. It has a high power judgment and an additional skill. Deals 70% damage to the target during the process.

嗖 嗖 嗖 ——The aftermath of the robot gargoyle flew, and each skeleton was thrown up in the sky and fell, and many teams led to two. After three monsters were captured by a mechanical gargoyle, the pressure was greatly reduced. To survive.

"Brothers present, all come together! The priest, the paladin learned the [Holy Light Shackles], locked the shield-resistant skeletons, and they will help indefinitely, without jamming them all our attacks in vain. Others set fire Kill the Fire Skull first. "The long-prepared residual knife immediately took control. Rao is so, the battle is still difficult, and there are too many skulls. There are thousands of them!


Here, the number of skulls that Lin Jie encountered in the temple. Exactly the same.

The difference is that at this time Lin Jie is facing thousands of skeleton elites alone! The three-headed boa deserves to be the deputy chief. Hundred-footed worms are dead and not stiff. Souls have been drawn out and they can summon so many elites!

"Crown of Dragons! Become a Dragon Angel!"

At this moment, Lin Jie can only fight! If it is usual, with his character, he must find a way to wipe out these monsters in a single net and rob the experience equipment, but now it is about the main line task, and he can only do this.

击 Kill these monsters in a dragon making state! No experience, no equipment, but Lin Jie can only recognize it!

"Dragon Breath! Summon the baby dragon, explode, blew!" Lin Jie's changing dragon chant, singing loudly, countless baby dragons were summoned out, and the daredevil team rushed into the crowd and exploded! At the same time, a bite of dragon breath was added here, like a horrible fire and frantic throughput. These skulls had a 2000+ damage value, and the bones were almost burned.

One skeleton fell, two skeletons fell ... A few moments later, these skeletons turned into ashes like a fire in a timber warehouse. The system was so good that no ashes were left.


I watched the skeleton killed by Lin Jie ~ ~ Flame python finally couldn't bear it. With a loud roar, the power of the whole body was turned, and he went to the body of the Blood You King! The power of the soul has almost become a substance, and it will be transferred!

"Hum, do you think I will give you a chance! Give me a blow!"

Lin Jie spit out a few icy words. At the moment when the flame python was about to penetrate, the surface of the Bloody King's body was bulging, like a balloon filled with air, the skin was pulled thinner and tighter, banged, and exploded!

This is the explosive that Lin Jie let Zheng Ziliang bury! The controller is in your own hands.

Before going to the Rotten Water Temple, Lin Jie asked Zheng Ziliang to bury explosives in the skin of Bloody King's body to make a perfect Trojan horse! The Bloody King is a killing machine of the Scarlet Temple. How tenacious? Even if the explosive explodes, it will only destroy the epidermis. The internal organs, muscles, and even blood vessels did not hurt in any way, and Tharis hidden inside, a thousand paladins, was safe and sound.

"Humans in other worlds, hello sinister! Hello sinister!" The flame python's soul was blown up, crouching together, fluttering towards the bodies of three pythons, wanting to enter the original body.

Unfortunately, the moment the flame python was about to reach the body, he discovered a terrible thing:

Lin Jie, standing on the skull belonging to the flame python, with a broken sword and a sword, pierced his head, blood splattered! The raging sword gas raged the eyes, tongue, nose, and scales of the flame boa constrictor, and finally it was a sword that directly cut off the head of the original flame boa constrictor! (To be continued) R580

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