Reborn: Super God of War

Chapter 402: Clean up


"Queen of Shadows, accept sanctions." Lin Jie shouted without thinking. Now that the first hero mode has been successfully passed, it seems that the plan to clear the entire hero mode of the Holy Light Ancestral Hall is also possible.

Kill all heroes for the first time and reward a little extra skill points.

Ding Ding ~

—— "Your courage has been rewarded by the Queen of Shadows. Your total stats are temporarily increased by 10."

"Very good, then step over these fighters and stand in front of me alive." The shadow queen's voice was still so horrible, listening to the sound of the ghost movie. With the disappearance of the figure, a wave of purple and black humanoid mobs refreshed, a total of thirty.

There are a total of 13 monsters in Her Majesty the Shadow Queen, each adding 10 monsters. In other words, there will be a total of 150 monsters in the last wave.

[Shadow Shield Walker] (Elite)

Level 40

Health 120,000

Attack 748-829

Defense 1200

"A total of thirty big shield mobs, Cangfeng, look at you." Lin Jie lifted his chin, and the two shield battles immediately started the charge, attracting all the mobs' hatred. These mobs have very poor attack power. They tickled the last two powerful MTs. A wave of output hit them, and the two MTs did not lose their blood.

However, the shield's defense is as high as 1200, which greatly limits the output. Such a powerful defense makes the camel, red dust, star kill and other offensive powers of physical professions not depressed.

Wu Cangfeng's mysterious staff waved, and the cursing power around it turned into a rune that looked like a demon's face, spread out, fell into the mob pile, and instantly turned into a black mist. "The magic witch curse, the heart is corrupted!"

Soul Corruption. It can make the enemy target create a weak point forcibly. The attacking weak point can ignore the defense value of 10% to 30% and easily generate crit and weak point damage. It disguise improves the output of teammates.

"Armor Corroded!"

"Corrupted will!"

"Cursed Thinking!"

Wu Cangfeng wielded several curses. Suddenly, the mob's head was covered with a dark cloud, and his body gradually bowed down. With a sluggish appearance, all attributes fell by as much as 15%. And the defense value is directly reduced by 400 points! The strongest of the big shield mobs is defense. Now being weakened by the blue wind, it is almost like a tortoise that has peeled its shell and is a mermaid.

Lin Jie's normal attack damage was instantly increased from 400+ to 900+, which is the power of the curse warlock. This profession is an indispensable profession in the later team, and even rarer than the priest.

I have curse. The pressure of the crowd was instantly reduced, howling to crush a wave of mobs. The second wave of mobs is a thief walker, which comes with stealth, but the domestic small fat cows directly swept the fire and rain to sweep the monsters out, and everyone swarmed up and continued to kill.

"Cut, I thought the monsters on this map would be strong, but that's just the case." Zheng Ziliang laughed, and the robot gargoyle kept spraying with explosive attacks. It hurts well.

Lin Jie solemnly said, "Don't care, the monster will become stronger and stronger over time. When you will listen to my command, the running space of the shadow corridor is very small.

Everyone converged and nodded, carefully killing the mobs.

侍 The Queen's Guard, no matter how many appear at the same time, will always be a single profession, and its attributes are relatively modest. Its only strength is its quantity. After reaching 100. Everyone's pressure has obviously increased. The staff in the hands of the healers waved again and again. There is no way to stop, the number of monsters is too dense. Killing difficulty has been increased by several grades.

最大 When the monster refreshes to the eleventh wave, the biggest test comes!

[Shadow Healer] (Elite)

Level 40

Health 100,000

Magic Attack 674-837

Defense 350

"One hundred and thirty, all are priest mobs." Lin Jie swallowed, the most difficult level came! These priest mobs only have two abilities: Holy Strike, Quick Heal. The former output is not high, hitting mt or himself only has a maximum of 100 damage. But fast healing is disgusting. These priests will brush each other's blood, all kinds of blood, once you can't kill in seconds, after two seconds they will stand in front of you lively, consume all your mana, and use Holy punishment consumes you to death.

Everyone tried to smash it with group attack magic for a while. It had no effect except that the mobs brushed hundreds of treatments with each other.

In this case, either use the Holy Light Corrosion Elixir, or leave the copy temporarily until all members advance, and then advance. But by that time, I am afraid that other guilds will come later.

"It's impossible to kill."

"So disgusting mobs, we don't have enough output."

"Would you like to make a temporary substitution and find a bunch of fire methods to come in and kill?"

Everyone is thinking about countermeasures. One of the most constructive suggestions is to temporarily replace people. Find a team of fire to directly use the group attack magic to seconds the monster. But if you really do this, not only will you not get the attribute point reward when you first kill the shadow queen, but the skill point reward in the all-hero mode will also disappear.

In hero mode, you can increase manpower when the team is not full, but you are not allowed to change personnel.

"Boss, I have a way, but the consumption is a bit expensive ..." Cang Feng whispered, sending a skill picture book.

[Rain of Condemnation]: You sacrifice a complete dark gold-level equipment, which will cause 20 units to be ‘forbidden’ and unable to receive treatment within 20 seconds.

As Lin Jie's eyes lighted up, she still had this good thing! The rain of condemnation cannot be learned through normal channels. Only the treasure chest can be opened. The luck of Cangfeng is very good. However, the cost of this skill is too great. A complete piece of dark gold equipment is less than hundreds of gold, and good properties can even sell thousands of gold!

Moreover, with the increase of the target level, what needs to be sacrificed in the future is complete sub-legendary equipment, even legendary equipment. At that time, this skill was completely obsolete.

However, Lin Jie can still get a piece of dark gold equipment! Sky grocery stores have been around for so long. There is a lot of dark gold equipment in the property garbage, and Lin Jie immediately took out a level 15 dark gold helmet and gave it to Cangfeng.

"Okay, then I'll start." Cangfeng Xuanxuan looked somber. Slowly chanting, the dark gold helmet in his hand melted into a dark liquid. With a rancid smell, the dense rain of condemnation fell from the sky like a sharp sword spear. Twenty priest monsters emit black smoke on their bodies, which are subject to incontinence.

Tong Linjie immediately saw Long unarmed and patted him, and yelled, "Exhaust the 20 mobs in front of him, and turn to fire immediately after hitting the remaining blood."


Everyone looked for a moment, and the flames and frost of the sky smashed down. The priest has only 100,000 blood. The blood bar went empty instantly, and he was about to kill, but turned to Lin Jie's order and aimed at other monsters.

The mob's healing mechanism is ‘healing the more injured units’. The 20 mobs were banned from treatment at this time, and the other mobs added blood to them was useless, all in vain. The crowd focused their output on other mobs, using the gap. Hit your health to a level slightly higher than those 20 mobs and continue to turn fire.

Under the frenzied attack of the residual knife team members, soon. More than a hundred of them all fell to 10%.

"Seconds!" Lin Jie shouted, scoring the wind and sword, Yan Feng, shot again and again, as if the gunman swept the array, Jian Feng fell into the strange pile, bringing up thousands of damage values, and his teammates were very timely. Cooperate with all the burst skills. A wave of crazy attacks, killing all the mobs!

—— "You killed Shadow Priest Walker. You gain 12145 experience points (experience gem bonus)."

—— "You killed ..."

—— "You level up to level 42 and you get 5 free attribute points. 2 fixed attribute points."

Jinguang came, Lin Jie was promoted to level 42. The experience value of the main line copy monster is very rich, dozens of hundreds of kills, as long as the team is not destroyed, it is not difficult to upgrade.

在 At this moment, the twelfth wave of mobs arrived! It is actually a thief with a single life, 80,000 lives, attacks up to 1200, and shot together, even mt will be spiked mobs. If it is an ordinary team, I am afraid that it has been spiked by a sudden thief at this time!


With Lin Jie screaming for a while, a huge black hybrid resembled a giant buckle bowl, landed, and protected everyone.




Hmm ... countless words floated up, enough for seconds to be attacked by the dark hole. Everyone seemed to believe in Chun brother, and all kinds of powerful skills were left unattended. They poured out. In just a few seconds, the crispy thief mobs with only 80,000 lives were cleaned up! The experience bar of the crowd rose again, and the items that burst out were not very pleasantly surprised.

At this time, the last wave, and the largest number of mobs appeared! A total of 150, without exception, all are mages!

"Xiao Jiezi, 150 Masters, how to fight?" Zheng Ziliang shivered and asked.

"By luck."


Lin Jie's words made everyone tremble.

Yes, luck! The last wave of mage monsters, a total of 150, collectively attacked this terrible attack, no one could withstand it. However, the elemental magic mastered by these mages is random. As long as the thunder mage is refreshed, Lin Jie will have a confident and easy past!

If it does n’t refresh, it ’s okay, they retreat to the hall collectively and leave the shadow corridor, and these mage mobs will refresh again. This is a little trick found out by previous people, through this copy.

"Zi ... Zi ..."

Current chaos ~ ~ The whole ground seems to be full of electric snakes. This is 150 thunder mage!

"Thunder comes!" Lin Jie overjoyed, and with a loud roar, Thor came and was immune to all thunder attacks! He seemed to be attached to the Thunder Armor, rushed into the strange pile, stabbed left and right, and it was like a tiger entering the flock, unstoppable.

"Blazing Fire!"

"Ice Path!"


"Explosive Arrow!"

Countless group attack magic, turning the shadow corridor into elemental hell, smashing wildly. How high is Lin Jie's output? To stabilize the monster's hatred is to do everything possible. When the thunder comes, it is immune to all magic of thunder attributes! No MT can match him.

Lame enough 150 mobs, monsters that made countless teams exhaust their brains, and now they are cleaned up like this. Pass it out, it is estimated that people will break their glasses. (To be continued)