Reborn: Super God of War

Chapter 406: Pharmaceutical agent

Sky grocery store.

如同 Just like the Brotherhood is a mecca for mercenaries, the sky grocery store is a mecca for professional players. Everyone knows that as long as you join the grocery store, you can not only get a lot of income, but also learn superb skills! The strongest pharmacist, the drug maniac, the medicine king; the strongest forgeman, Aojiao Wutong, is here too! And recently, it was born a character that gradually emerged-Huo Lei.

When Lin Jie recruited Fire Thunder, he was just a junior engineer. Now it has advanced to the intermediate level, and can manufacture silver muskets in batches. Its attributes are 10 higher than ordinary muskets and with hate deepening special effects. Many soldiers will come to the grocery store to buy a musket for leveling. Gradually, the fame of the fire thunder also sounded.


"Boss is good."

I watched Lin Jie enter the second floor of the pharmacist's exclusive, many pharmacist apprentices, junior pharmacists hurriedly stood up to say hello. Lin Jie waved his hand, motioned them to continue their work, found an unmanned pharmacy, and got in.

Ding Ding ~

"Lin Jie, the map you said is 'Winer Town'? I've arrived. The people here are so pitiful. I saw a lot of children digging flowers and peeling the bark from the ground ..." He said cautiously. , Tone is full of pity.

离开 After leaving the Holy Light Ancestral Hall, Lin Jie instructed the members of the Remnant Blades to go to the refreshed town near the incision of the demon to brush up the task and collect the items needed to destroy the third. Bu Yi then teamed with Lin Jie and headed to the town of Winer.

Lin Jie said, "Winner Town ’s favoritism for strangers is 0. If you give them some food and fresh water, the favorability will gradually increase. It takes about 4 hours to get Winner Elementary. The town's serial missions. I will first refine a batch of potions, and then I will meet you. "

Wu Buyi nodded cleverly, "Okay, you slowly refine, I quickly give them food ..."

Put down the intercom, Lin Jie smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile. Girls are more likely to substitute real-life emotions into the game, quite different from themselves. If Lin Jie strolls to the town of Winer and sees this horrible scene, the first reaction is ‘mission, gold, experience’! This is the difference between boys and girls.

"Bella, I have a batch of materials bursting out from Frost Shadow Dragon. You arrange a group of reliable intermediate armorers, blacksmiths, blacksmiths, and enchanters to come and let them do proficiency." Lin Jie arranged, stupid There are hundreds of materials given by the fox! Among them, there is a rib of Frost Shadow Dragon, which looks like the Great Wall and is huge. These are advanced materials. Before the life skills reach the advanced level, the refining failure rate is almost 100!

Use advanced materials to give proficiency to these intermediate life professional players. I am afraid that only Lin Jie can do such a bad job.

Everything has to be seen in the long run, in case one of them has left the dog. Excrement, breaking through the bottleneck, and being promoted to senior, is there another hen who lays a golden egg? Although this metaphor is too commercial, but it is true, as long as you have the ability, you can make money in the era!

Arranged the matter, Lin Jie exhaled heavily and took out the three materials.

Soul Star Spirit Grass is a translucent, soul-like shamrock dotted with star-like light. This is a medium-level medicinal material. It only grows at a level above 50, and it is very rare. Only thieves can sneak in and steal it out.

Violet algae is a lavender vine that must be soaked in water, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties. The juice is sticky and tastes like honey. In the previous life, Lin Jie broke into the violet algae designated by the Dark Knights, and was surrounded by people. All the violets were stung in a rage before he discovered the taste. That's good, now I can't help but drool when I think of it.

Finally, it is a maple leaf-shaped medicinal material that is as bright as gold, crystal-like, and gold crystal leaves. Intermediate enchanters add gem grinding powder when planting medicinal materials, and there is a chance of making it. The value is very high. The price of one plant is about 10 silver coins.

Calculate the cost of fusion medicine, decomposition medicine, reagent bottle, etc. It costs about 1 gold to make a bottle of intermediate stealth potion, which is expensive.

"It's been a long time since I started to remedy pharmaceuticals, so let me meditate." Lin Jie took a deep breath, refining 1 gold coin at a time. In case of a dozen consecutive failures, the loss would be great.

There is also a knack for refining medicine. The knack is mostly due to players' exploration and summary.

For example, violet grass, the best way to make it is to squeeze out the juice. If the whole violacea is thrown in, the vines on the surface will be like garbage, which will affect the refining medicine and greatly reduce the success rate. Before refining the soul, it is better to feed a little blood into it, and it is volatile medicine ... These skills, Lin Jie remember quite clearly. Carefully exert the maximum ability of the medicinal materials, add the decomposition medicine, fuse the medicine, and start refining.

Hold his hand, very smooth. Do not be anxious when refining medicine, keep your heart steady, and your hands steady, and the power of refining will naturally be high.

A bottle is extremely inconspicuous, as if a flowing water medicine appears slowly.

Ding Ding ~

—— "You have refined the [Intermediate Stealth Elixir], and your perfect pharmacology skillfully increased 2 points."

[Intermediate Stealth Elixir]: You enter the stealth state, the movement speed is reduced by 35, you get an additional 10 hidden bonuses, which lasts up to 1 minute. The medicine cools down for 5 minutes.

The stealth of ordinary thieves, the movement speed is 100, get an additional 40 hidden bonuses, the duration is up to 5 minutes, almost infinite stealth, compared with the effect of this potion is much better.

But Lin Jie is a soldier! This is where this potion is powerful, not limited to occupational use.

I found the feeling, Lin Jie stepped up the refining process, and a bottle of intermediate invisible potion was born. Although he did it very seriously, his success rate remained only around 60.

After 3 hours, all the materials were spent, and 20 bottles of intermediate stealth potions were also in my hand!

Intermediate stealth potions are no better than blood bottle magic bottles, they need to be carefully manufactured, and it is difficult to mass produce them.

Put 20 bottles of medicine into the backpack, Lin Jie teleported to the town of Wener to meet with the memory. The small town of Wener is indeed a poor town that has been attacked. All the healthy young villagers have been taken away, leaving the elderly and children to survive and survive, eating grass, bark and animal carcasses.

Ding Ding ~

—— “You have entered the town of Winer, and your knowledge +5.”

— "You discovered this run-down town during your travels, and keenly discovered that there are almost no young people in the town. You noticed that you decided to investigate the situation here. Before that, you seem to have the approval of the townspeople. The disaster prevented them from trusting anyone. "

—— "You accept the task [Disaster in Winer Town]"

Task content: Inquire about the past of the town of Winer.

mission rewards:? ? ?

The reward for this task, shown as a question mark, is to have a clue about the third! The system marked it with a question mark to make it clear that it reminds the player ‘there ’s a clue’. As long as you are careful, it ’s not difficult to find the abnormality of this town.

完成 To complete the task, you must first brush the favor of the townspeople. The method is simple, just give them food and water and keep wandering in the town. During this time, you must not leave the town of Wener, otherwise the townspeople will think you are wondering, just to inquire about the situation.

Fortunately, Lin Jie was well prepared ...

"Are you here?" Bu Yi was squatting not far away, beckoning Lin Jie, and hurriedly put the bread in his hand into the mouth of the little guy lying on the ground and dying, this little guy was skinny, After a series of vomiting and **** mouth corners, apparently some dead animal body was eaten. Without a look of anxiety, he fed him drinking water, and Dai Mei frowned slightly. "So pitiful ..."

Zhe Linjie said positively, "The task is urgent. Put him down, continue to feed other townspeople, and ask about the situation in the village."

"Okay ..." I remember rubbing the little guy's hair and got up.

I don't remember coming to Wenrre town for 3 hours and it takes another hour to gain trust. However, girls will have extra bonus for doing this kind of “get goodwill” task, so it's almost the same.

What surprised them was that the thin little guy in front of him suddenly made a noise.

"Sister, do you want to find out about the town? I can tell you ..." The little boy sat up panting and said, "A few years ago, maybe ten years ago. Come in the town A missionary preached all day ... "

The general content of the story is that the missionary from the village was actually a demon. The brave adults and young people used wisdom. UU read the book at and killed it at night. Then they found that their internal strength had increased greatly, and they began to eagerly. Wanting to increase strength, he left the village collectively and embarked on a routine of slaughtering demons.

Next, the routine was introduced into the devil's incision, and it was even corrupted. Fallen Holy Light was brainwashed to live by justice and protect the Holy Light Ancestral Hall.

"I heard that Miden, the strongest elder brother in the village, when he left, once went to the hillside behind the town, and then went to the mayor's house. You may be able to ask the mayor." Sitting on the floor breathlessly, without extra strength.

The content of the mission has also changed: find the mayor and ask the secrets of the year.

"Go, let's go to the back hillside." Lin Jie walked directly towards the back hillside with memory. This task is a serial task. After finding the mayor, he will only say part of the content. You must continue to find the next one and entrust you with a task, or kill monsters, or purchase supplies, etc ... until the end, do One day, one night task, the final content will also point here: the back of the hillside.

Therefore, it is important to listen carefully to the conversation.

In the previous life, Lin Jie was also turned around by the town of Winer, only to find out that in fact, the task location had been pointed out from the beginning. This time, he will never commit it again.

After the hillside, there are numerous corpses, bones, and mass graves. The dead body was unwilling to enter Hell, and climbed to the surface again, becoming a wandering undead.

[Foraging Undead]: Level 45 undead with 30,000 health

Hundreds of dead spirits wandered aimlessly, and the top of the hillside behind them was a bulge and seemed to bury something. R1152

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